THE HYPE.............................. Appreciation Thread.
Mar 14, 2014 at 12:34 AM Post #1,471 of 2,209
And Yet..Falls to the awesomeness of some 10 dollar Sony castoff?

^ Lame gif is lame!!!
... you don't want none of this. : P
Perhaps it's also important to call into question the performance of other so called TOTL phones as well, as both SGS and Gnarl would place the MH1 above other phones that are labeled as "top tier" by this very community. I already stated my agreement with them, I feel phones like the MH1 and CN40 possess traits and a level of refinement that elevate them out of the budget ghetto and into that select circle. Were they not hampered by odd duck ergonomics, chintzy build quality and had quadruple digit price tags I don't know that anyone would call their performance into question really, but hey, dat hype and all. I just don't really get why the K3003 is singled out and vilified even after all this time when its performance does not in any way lag behind any of the current crop of so called top tier phones is all

^ LMAO cuz AKG gets all the flak no matter WHAT they make these days. From their $1K K812 Pros to their portable "DJ" lines they are taking Ls with every move. LoLs
Maybe cuz they don't have a detachable cable for being a $1K and over IEM??? j/k : P
Every "hero" has to have a villian. K3 I suspect got the honours due to availability.
MH1, no where near the clarity I'm afraid. It gets better if you knock the rear end out of it completely, but once again, is it a bargain if you have to put hours of labour and hundreds of dollars (recabling etc.) into it?
I would like to know what source's were used in testing it. I mean I can hook up anything to an old ipod shuffle and it will do a marvelous job of hiding the differences between phones.
There's hype and there's tripe.:)

^ Tripe is mighty tasty meng, dunno what your beef is......
..... now THATS good eats!!!

Just to clarify, I'm only doing this because someone decided to compare the MH1 and k3003. I legitimately didn't know the k3003 existed before this time. And I'd like to go back to those lovely days.Thank you nick. 
Yeah...that price drop annoyed me as well, and it was probably 2-3 months after I bought mine but still...50 bucks less. Common son. The fostex TE-05's peaked my interest as well and they are pretty well priced. However I have a thing....where......I really don't like owning many pairs of headphones at once, quite anti-headfi of me I know. I don't see the appeal in amassing a large collection, but maybe one day I will.

^ Will for sure pick up the TE-05s if i see them at $100, but not as tempted to pick them up for $150 tbh, cuz i WAS PROMISED THEY WOULD BE $100 DAMN IT!!! LoL
Anywho same here cuz already have the DN1Ks so don't really feel an itch to "upgrade" of late as well, and don't see the purpose of having so many $100 plus iem laying around just collecting dust. haha Plus i got a set of these damn $30 TEACs that originally cost over $350 MSRP to keep me busy. LMAO 

They are not as good as the Sony XBA-3s but is pretty close i'll have to say and those old XBA-3s can be had for like $50 these days so.....
It's AMAZING to be in this hobby for it's crazy variety and bang for the buck these dyas, but yet bad at the same tyme cuz it can be so tempting and overwhelming to get all the latest/greatest.
Mar 14, 2014 at 1:04 AM Post #1,472 of 2,209
It's no hard feelings. Gnarl is a friend, and it was my (as well as music_4321's) wish that he'd express his genuine feelings on his findings without fear of reprisal. I can see how, by his metric, Gnarl would come to prefer the MH1 to the K3K. I've got absolutely no issue with that for its a well reasoned argument founded upon testing and experience under ideal conditions (e.g. Not in a distracting shop with music you're not familiar with for all of 15 or 20 minutes for instance).

And yes, Muppetface expressed the same sentiment to me that it was all the usual suspects sh!ttin on the K812 (aka all those who made a pariah out of the K3K), and in her estimation, the K812 is one of the best dynamic phones on the market. Honestly, just real talk for a moment, diminishing returns bein what they are (and a very real thing), if you asked SGS, Muppet, James444, TomScy, or any other well seasoned member, they'd tell you that the K3K still sits at the same table as any of the other TOTL phones out there.

Everyone initially harped on the K3K for the same reason they did the SE846 when it was announced: it heralded this seachange in pricing. Now that this pricing has more or less become the norm in the market I find it plain disingenuous to continually perpetuate this bizarre notion that the K3K is overpriced relative to its performance. Compared to what exactly? The SR 009? The Apple EarPod? If it were overpriced, then it's only fair that I call out every other 1K set out there as guilty of the same.
Mar 14, 2014 at 1:18 AM Post #1,473 of 2,209
It's no hard feelings. Gnarl is a friend, and it was my (as well as music_4321's) wish that he'd express his genuine feelings on his findings without fear of reprisal. I can see how, by his metric, Gnarl would come to prefer the MH1 to the K3K. I've got absolutely no issue with that for its a well reasoned argument founded upon testing and experience under ideal conditions (e.g. Not in a distracting shop with music you're not familiar with for all of 15 or 20 minutes for instance).

And yes, Muppetface expressed the same sentiment to me that it was all the usual suspects sh!ttin on the K812 (aka all those who made a pariah out of the K3K), and in her estimation, the K812 is one of the best dynamic phones on the market. Honestly, just real talk for a moment, diminishing returns bein what they are (and a very real thing), if you asked SGS, Muppet, James444, TomScy, or any other well seasoned member, they'd tell you that the K3K still sits at the same table as any of the other TOTL phones out there.

Everyone initially harped on the K3K for the same reason they did the SE846 when it was announced: it heralded this seachange in pricing. Now that this pricing has more or less become the norm in the market I find it plain disingenuous to continually perpetuate this bizarre notion that the K3K is overpriced relative to its performance. Compared to what exactly? The SR 009? The Apple EarPod? If it were overpriced, then it's only fair that I call out every other 1K set out there as guilty of the same.

Nailed it. Just saying. 
And, mmmmm beef stomach/intestine. and other various farm animals. 
Mar 14, 2014 at 4:14 PM Post #1,474 of 2,209
It's no hard feelings. Gnarl is a friend, and it was my (as well as music_4321's) wish that he'd express his genuine feelings on his findings without fear of reprisal. I can see how, by his metric, Gnarl would come to prefer the MH1 to the K3K. I've got absolutely no issue with that for its a well reasoned argument founded upon testing and experience under ideal conditions (e.g. Not in a distracting shop with music you're not familiar with for all of 15 or 20 minutes for instance).

At least the MH1C has replaceable cables... well at least I hope they do now that I yanked those irritating pieces of linguini right out of their drivers lol  

Yeah...that price drop annoyed me as well, and it was probably 2-3 months after I bought mine but still...50 bucks less. Common son. The fostex TE-05's peaked my interest as well and they are pretty well priced. However I have a thing....where......I really don't like owning many pairs of headphones at once, quite anti-headfi of me I know. I don't see the appeal in amassing a large collection, but maybe one day I will.

Do yourself a favour and keep it that way. Save yourself from the hoarders psychosis! 
Mar 15, 2014 at 1:46 PM Post #1,475 of 2,209
NOW THIS is some major hype man.

post #3795 of 3857
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Would it be worth it to shell out money for the mikros if one already owns the Vmoda M80?

^ LoL
Lets just say the Logans @ $65 makes the Vmoda M80s $40 clearance price @ Radioshack seem overpriced. 



Mar 15, 2014 at 6:35 PM Post #1,476 of 2,209
  NOW THIS is some major hype man.

^ Ooops busted!!!

Lets just say i auditioned those M80s in radioshack and had my JVC S500s with me, while the V-Moda is a better sounding can, it performs at about the same level/ slightly better than the S500s.
While the Logans on the other hand blows the S500s outta' the water for the same price i got them for which is around $60 so.... you do the math.
Oh btw.................
.... i would still buy the those M80s for $40 though if i had the chance but nothing more, cuz they are built like a tank and sounds pretty fun. They don't really sound THAT bassy to me and is pretty comfy as well. :)
Mar 15, 2014 at 8:00 PM Post #1,477 of 2,209
^ Ooops busted!!!

Lets just say i auditioned those M80s in radioshack and had my JVC S500s with me, while the V-Moda is a better sounding can, it performs at about the same level/ slightly better than the S500s.
While the Logans on the other hand blows the S500s outta' the water for the same price i got them for which is around $60 so.... you do the math.
Oh btw.................
.... i would still buy the those M80s for $40 though if i had the chance but nothing more, cuz they are built like a tank and sounds pretty fun. They don't really sound THAT bassy to me and is pretty comfy as well. :)

No No, it was just too good to pass up :p. Ive never been in that thread before hahaaha until today. 
Mar 15, 2014 at 8:10 PM Post #1,478 of 2,209
No No, it was just too good to pass up :p. Ive never been in that thread before hahaaha until today. 


Wait if i remember correctly weren't you the one that posted you almost fell for the Logans hype and almost got a set???

Mar 15, 2014 at 8:11 PM Post #1,479 of 2,209

Wait if i remember correctly weren't you the one that posted you almost fell for the Logans hype and almost got a set???


That was sadly only based on the hype in the DEALS THREAD, thats how bad it was. I went to the last page of the logjams thread, and someone had quoted what you said, so I clicked to find where you actually said it, which was like 6 pages back and copied it lol. 
Mar 15, 2014 at 8:16 PM Post #1,480 of 2,209
That was sadly only based on the hype in the DEALS THREAD, thats how bad it was. I went to the last page of the logjams thread, and someone had quoted what you said, so I clicked to find where you actually said it, which was like 6 pages back and copied it lol. 

..... man is dat PONO getting A LOT of buzz of late. Nut_nick be doing his thang. LMAO
Mar 15, 2014 at 11:12 PM Post #1,482 of 2,209
..... man is dat PONO getting A LOT of buzz of late. Nut_nick be doing his thang. LMAO

HAH. You know you're going to buy one just cause it's new and shiny.
Maybe I just have a problem buying stuff from burned out hippies
NOT the most trustworthy of folk.
I mean I love Young as a musician but seriously

Would you buy a used car from this dude?
Mar 15, 2014 at 11:26 PM Post #1,483 of 2,209
HAH. You know you're going to buy one just cause it's new and shiny.
Maybe I just have a problem buying stuff from burned out hippies
NOT the most trustworthy of folk.
I mean I love Young as a musician but seriously

Would you buy a used car from this dude?

^ LMAO the funny thing is i didn't even know who he was before i had read up on the PONO.

Thought he was some "young" dood that was in the limelight of late or some 'ish. haha
His name sounded familiar but had no idea he so "respected" in da' industry.
Mar 15, 2014 at 11:30 PM Post #1,484 of 2,209
^ LMAO the funny thing is i didn't even know who he was before i had read up on the PONO.

Thought he was some "young" dood that was in the limelight of late or some 'ish. haha
His name sounded familiar but had no idea he so "respected" in da' industry.

Well. For the young ones out there (pun) you really should youtube a few of his interviews to get a feel for who he really is.
Mar 15, 2014 at 11:48 PM Post #1,485 of 2,209
Well. For the young ones out there (pun) you really should youtube a few of his interviews to get a feel for who he really is.

^ From one of the the PONO interview vids he seems like a good guy but i have no idea about his legacy. His intentions seems to be pure and the buzz he has generated is beneficial for the audio community overall me thinks, even though what he is trying to do is a bit passe/ not as relevant today due to many other smaller companies already filling up that niche.
His campaign will mainstream the "audiophile" hobby fo' sho if successful, and maybe even big names like apple will FINALLY take note and will start to offer better devices instead of their stagnant ipods all these years???
But i do hear the new milking $ound though........................ kinda gimmicky just like beats and their stupid claims/ slogan despite there is truth to it.
Think these 3 vids are relevant to the discussion at hand, but can you REALLY hear the difference though???
Plus it all boils down to how well the recording was mastered in the 1st place, and nothing can fix that sadly no matter how high the quality/ res is.




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