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Jun 17, 2016 at 11:12 AM Post #271 of 787
  Glad I found this thread, and that DSD popped up.
I've gotten DSD to work somewhat through my Hugo and configured it with ASIO4ALL and the DOP thing.  I can play DSD with the PCM setting at 352,000.  When, however, I try to play in DSD mode, the FB status bar shows DSD645000 or so, followed by the 2.8...MHz indicating it's DSD.  But, I can't hear the full track as FB seems to run through the track at least 4X speed.  The track plays normally right up until the song ends on the timer.  Can anyone help?  From what I've heard from my portable, I like the sound of the format.  I will not get into a spitting contest about the worth of DSD or not.  I choose to use it and enjoy it.

So in my experience with DSD and FooBar is that it completely depends on the specific driver implementation and the specific SACD plugin you use. My Oppo HA-2 works just fine with the very newest SACD plugin implementation, but my HiFiMeDIY 9018 async DAC only worked with one specific version of the SACD plugin. When using the latest driver I'd have problems where it would play too fast, or not play at all.
Try and look on the DAC manufacturer's page to see if they have information on how to get it working!

Out of curiosity, which version worked with your mediy 9018?  I'm using Foo-input-sacd.097.
Jun 26, 2016 at 8:04 AM Post #275 of 787
guys i have a problem:
i downloaded a 32bit 384kHz Wavpack file and i try to convert it to flac. the sample rate stays the same (thankfully) but whenever I convert the bit depth keeps changing to 24-bit.
Jun 26, 2016 at 2:14 PM Post #276 of 787
guys i have a problem:

i downloaded a 32bit 384kHz Wavpack file and i try to convert it to flac. the sample rate stays the same (thankfully) but whenever I convert the bit depth keeps changing to 24-bit.

Does your DAC support 32bit? Do you have 32bit enabled in Windows control panel?

I may have read that wrong. Is it going to 24bit during the converting process, or during playback after converting?
Jun 26, 2016 at 3:15 PM Post #277 of 787
through the converting process. (i use foobar on my mac using wine but only for converting files).
i want to convert a 32-bit 384kHz wavpack into a flac one, but instead it gives out a 24-bit 384kHz Flac file, not a 32-bit one. I put the output bit depth on flac conversion settings on both "auto" and "32-bit" but both give out a 24-bit file.
Jun 26, 2016 at 6:38 PM Post #278 of 787
  through the converting process. (i use foobar on my mac using wine but only for converting files).
i want to convert a 32-bit 384kHz wavpack into a flac one, but instead it gives out a 24-bit 384kHz Flac file, not a 32-bit one. I put the output bit depth on flac conversion settings on both "auto" and "32-bit" but both give out a 24-bit file.

Just a thought, but have you tried AIFF or WAV?  Just a straight uncompressed file?  IDK if there would be a difference, but it could be an exercise in trouble shooting.
Curious; where is that file available?  I didn't know 32-bit files were that common.
Jun 26, 2016 at 9:01 PM Post #280 of 787
Nice thread with lots of info on foobar, I like it.
Jun 27, 2016 at 5:38 PM Post #281 of 787
  i converted to flac both straight from wavpack and after converting to wav. but either way ended up 24 bit

I use DBPowerAmp which is now available for Mac.  You could get a 21-day trial and see if that works.  Problem is, the bit depth of a 32-bit file can't be heard on most systems, if I understand correctly.  A 24-bit file goes down to about -120db.  And most DACs can get, at most 20 bits of useful content from a 24-bit file.
I'm not talking down the desire and your choice of files you use.  I happen-by choice-to like DSD, and got some good help on this forum without all that "YOU DON'T NEED DSD," stuff.
I wish I could help more.  But, I'd give the DBPA a try.
Jun 27, 2016 at 9:54 PM Post #282 of 787
  i converted to flac both straight from wavpack and after converting to wav. but either way ended up 24 bit

I have tried this and my results are the same: selection of 32-bit output results with a 24-bit file. 
Also, the converted file loses a lot of quality. I expected I wouldn't be able to detect any difference, but the converted file is veiled and much less dynamic, as if it had max 12-bit resolution.
Looks to me like it's a f2k bug. 
Jun 30, 2016 at 4:55 AM Post #283 of 787
through the converting process. (i use foobar on my mac using wine but only for converting files).

i want to convert a 32-bit 384kHz wavpack into a flac one, but instead it gives out a 24-bit 384kHz Flac file, not a 32-bit one. I put the output bit depth on flac conversion settings on both "auto" and "32-bit" but both give out a 24-bit file.
FLAC doesn't support 32bit.

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