The FitEar CIEM Impressions Thread
Dec 13, 2016 at 7:06 PM Post #4,921 of 6,748
  my 333 has just arrived recently
333 has the really wonderfull female voice and nice instrument represent on it. I was sitting in the starbucks all night listening my 333 and ak120 titan today

Nice, how long did it take for you to wait before you received your 333?
Dec 14, 2016 at 4:33 AM Post #4,923 of 6,748
About 6 weeks, fitear won't take too much time unless they have national weekend ,and 333 is really fit my ears
the works are great and sound is good
hope you can get your 333 soon!

I hope mine doesn't take longer. I'm impressed already with the demo unit. Solid build from the monitor, connector and cable. Of course the sound is what made me get it. 
Dec 28, 2016 at 7:32 AM Post #4,924 of 6,748
Hi, the cable for my 333 is spoilt, was thinking of changing cables, but would still prefer to change to fitear cables. I kind of like the sound with the original cable, but open to try others as well. Anyone have recommendations?
Jan 4, 2017 at 8:58 AM Post #4,925 of 6,748
I would swap out the stock cable. You will find it capable of a lot more. Toxic cables copper Black Widow and silver based Gold poison (which is gold plates silver) did it for me. :)

Yes, you are right. It is underrated and under-exposed compared to the 435, 334 and 335. But nonetheless stellar for vocals. :)

Quoting you from quite awhile back... when you said capable of a lot more, what were you refering to? Im also planning to buy a cable, so was curious about your opinions on the cables you've tried with the 333.
Jan 13, 2017 at 6:13 PM Post #4,926 of 6,748
Quoting you from quite awhile back... when you said capable of a lot more, what were you refering to? Im also planning to buy a cable, so was curious about your opinions on the cables you've tried with the 333.

Ah... that was some time ago. I believe that in those days, everyone was raving about how quick it was and how it was great for EDM etc. Whereas I tended to use it for vocals. And with a good copper cable like the toxic cables BW or a good silver based cable like toxic cables crystal piccolino, the vocals were rich and nuanced. Today, Frank has developed his range of silver cables to include the SW22 and the Hydra. If your Budget permits, you should try those too. If not, the BW is serious bang for the buck. :) Apologies for the late reply but I have been traversing my region of the world for work.
Jan 13, 2017 at 10:53 PM Post #4,927 of 6,748
Ah... that was some time ago. I believe that in those days, everyone was raving about how quick it was and how it was great for EDM etc. Whereas I tended to use it for vocals. And with a good copper cable like the toxic cables BW or a good silver based cable like toxic cables crystal piccolino, the vocals were rich and nuanced. Today, Frank has developed his range of silver cables to include the SW22 and the Hydra. If your Budget permits, you should try those too. If not, the BW is serious bang for the buck. :) Apologies for the late reply but I have been traversing my region of the world for work.

No worries about the late reply, thanks for replying :) spoilt for choice! But for now, I think I'll be trying out the silver poison :p
Jan 14, 2017 at 9:47 AM Post #4,928 of 6,748
Guys, I don't know if this is true but there is a rumor going on.
I would like to know if there have been variations regarding the acoustic dampers used in the mh334 and mh335 models over the years, that might have went through without notice altering the sound slightly.
I am aware about the SR upgrade models for both the mh334 and mh335
Afaik the original mh334 model have an orange, brown, grey dampers
but I remember seeing some having red dampers instead of the orange and maybe white instead of grey.
Same story with the mh335, afaik it may have a red and brown, but I remember seeing a white instead of the brown.
I am very curious to know if there have been variations over the years
I would very appreciate if any owner could tell what damper colors they see in their ciem and tell the model including saying if it's an SR and when they have been purchased.
Feb 8, 2017 at 8:05 PM Post #4,930 of 6,748
Does anyone know if it's possible to get a BeatsX W1 earphones, slice away the drivers part of the cable, terminate it with a FitEars connector and actually use it with my 334SR (or any fitear CIEMs)?

So that we have a W1-powered fitears? Lol

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