The Ethernet cables, Switches and Network related sound thread. Share your listening experience only.
Feb 7, 2020 at 6:19 AM Post #91 of 2,214
[1] It never happens that you wake up someday and start hearing things different in real life if you have normal hearing like for exe the water running from the water tap at home right,
[1a] so as soon as you put on headphones or listening to speakers that could happen you think?
[1b] As you think the data exeting the data is identical that shouldent happen right.
[2] I never said though the reason i think ethernet cables makes a difference is with the data sent but i do think the reason is with the cables ability to not pick up rf/emi or electrical noise that can enter the systems curcuits.

1. You're joking right? It pretty much always happens that you "start hearing things different in real life"! OK, maybe not you but pretty much everyone else. Let's use your example of a water tap: Many people would have experienced a regularly dripping tap that becomes more obvious and annoying as they become more aware of it. What do you think is happening here? You think it's some sort of magical tap that knows when people become aware of the drips and gradually changes the sound to be more obvious and more annoying? OR, do you think that the sound of the drips doesn't actually change at all, what changes is the person's perception of it?
1a. Same with headphones and speakers. We can listen to a music recording, then immediately listen to it again (same recording, same system, same everything), focus our attention on a different instrument and hear different details. You think maybe the system knows what instruments you're focusing/concentrating on and changes it's audio output to provide more detail for those instruments, or, do you think the audio output is same and it's just our perception of it that changes?
1b. No, that absolutely can and does happen. Our perception of what we're listening to changes all the time and can deliberately be changed. In fact, that's the whole point of listening skills/training in the first place (and which has been required of all musicians for centuries and of all music/sound engineers)! Are you now going to argue AGAIN that because it's an old fact, it's now no longer true, even though it continues to be proven true every day in every music school and every sound/music engineering course on the planet?

2. Instead of just making-up, thinking or repeating marketing BS that's the reason, why don't you actually find out? It's easy to perform a null test between an original digital music file and one that's been transmitted through an ethernet network and a null test will reveal ALL/ANY differences; noise and any/all forms of interference and distortion!
[1] Leave this thread then if your not interested in this hobby or open for the possibility for ethernet cables making a difference.
[2] It makes no sense in you posting here anymore, you shared your views fine, but
[2a] i will have mine experiences and my views on things no matter what you say,
[2b] your not that pursvasive to me though nice try though.
[2c] Just more anoying.
[3] Theres a rude boring sucker born every minute!

1. Let me get this straight. According to you, unless I'm willing to accept marketing BS over the actual proven facts, then I should leave this thread and can't be a member of the audiophile world? No wonder the world of professional sound/music engineers think the audiophile world is full of crackpots!

2. But it does make sense that you can post falsehoods/lies? It's a falsehood because I have NOT shared my views, I've just stated the facts, asked you questions (to which you never respond) and have not even mentioned my views on ethernet cables!
2a. Of course you are entitled to your views/conclusions of what you experience but if you're going to publicly post those views as fact, when they contradict the actual/real facts, then I'm just as entitled to state the real/proven facts.
2b. Why would I care? The actual facts do not depend on whether or not they're "persuasive to you", they depend on what's actually proven and demonstrated!
2c. The audiophile world has been and is being ruined by marketing BS and those ignorant and/or gullible enough to propagate it. That's more than "just more annoying", it's a disgrace!

3. And thanks for demonstrating that fact! I admit though, I personally find that someone stating actual facts (which I already know) is more boring than someone deluded by marketing BS and stating nonsense that's so ridiculous it's funny. :)

[1] Well he started to be rude and think he know it all attitude.
[2] And he have said his piece. Well i guess he has to reply to my last reply with same answers roughly.
[3] I would prefered if this topic was about peoples audio experience with ethernet cables yes and actual listening.

1. Right back at ya!

2. So, you completely ignore all the actual evidence and questions posted, "reply with the same answers roughly" and then state that I "reply with the same answers roughly". If that makes me a rude, boring, annoying sucker, then it makes you one too, plus a hypocrite!

3. I would prefer if this topic was about the actual performance of ethernet cables, if they make any audible difference and therefore if it's "worth-to-buy-more-expensive-ones". If we're just going to go with listening experiences stated as fact though: I once listened to a Mahler Symphony on HPs and experienced the orchestra floating above my head. So there we have it, orchestras can defy the laws of gravity, fact! However that was through a USB cable (and I was a bit stoned at the time), maybe orchestras can't defy the law of gravity if they know you're going to listen to them through an audiophile ethernet cable, who knows? Actually, Isaac Newton knows but hey, that was nearly 350 years ago, long before the development of USB cables that disprove the laws of gravity (at least for symphony orchestras)! :)

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Feb 7, 2020 at 8:51 AM Post #93 of 2,214
"Death by strangulation of yet another thread around the corner, I tell ya! "
Aaand flatline. Sabotage completed :muscle:

Spoiling a good bit of fantasy, delusion and marketing BS that some poor soul has toiled over, with a few proven, obvious facts. I should be ashamed of myself! On the other hand, this thread is titled "ethernet-cables-worth-to-buy-more-expensive-ones" rather than "fantasy, delusion and marketing BS ethernet cables"!

Personally, I'm all for the "strangulation" and "sabotage" of snake oil but apparently you're the opposite. The whole audiophile world therefore thanks you!

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Feb 7, 2020 at 10:41 AM Post #94 of 2,214
Incomplete in my opinion. The whole point of a thread is to discuss something with comprehension of the described need and commitment to its global direction, aka on-topic.
As per evidence at some point soon all types of disregard in especially these 'great cable debates'. The reason as I see it is some are completely sidestepping said commitment from being uncontrollably triggered by interesting subject matter, which makes knowing when (not) to speak very very very hard. For people who are genuinely interested in sharing lets say their cable comparisons this speaking when it's not adding is a huge, I mean huge disturbing source of noise.

Unnecessary foul play. Eventhough off-topic please share what exactly convinced you OP cannot handle disagreement.

He could but really could not. In my view OP is host who can keep calling the shots for he behaves respectfully and does plenty reasonable all-round.

I guess a thank you is in order for summarizing what p1sses me off the most: taking and making it YOUR kind of debate!
Where did you pick up OP's intent is about finding the why? In such case I shall unsubscribe from the thread right away. @bluenight enlighten us please.

You are fundamentally wrong on moderation responsibilities on this and most internet boards. The site moderators have the right to control the conversation if necessary, not the OP.

Unless you believe that some form of nontechnical “magic” would cause Ethernet cables to sound different, then its critical to establish why they might sound different if claims are made that they DO sound different. So far, no actual evidence has been presented that two properly constructed Ethernet cables present audible differences. Wondering what you have to say about the link I provided where well designed testing indicates zero difference.
Feb 8, 2020 at 3:29 AM Post #95 of 2,214
1. You're joking right? It pretty much always happens that you "start hearing things different in real life"! OK, maybe not you but pretty much everyone else. Let's use your example of a water tap: Many people would have experienced a regularly dripping tap that becomes more obvious and annoying as they become more aware of it. What do you think is happening here? You think it's some sort of magical tap that knows when people become aware of the drips and gradually changes the sound to be more obvious and more annoying? OR, do you think that the sound of the drips doesn't actually change at all, what changes is the person's perception of it?

#Then you dont wake up and hear things differently, different would not to be hearing it more intense and annoying after a while then. #

1a. Same with headphones and speakers. We can listen to a music recording, then immediately listen to it again (same recording, same system, same everything), focus our attention on a different instrument and hear different details. You think maybe the system knows what instruments you're focusing/concentrating on and changes it's audio output to provide more detail for those instruments, or, do you think the audio output is same and it's just our perception of it that changes?

#If you could think that people are smart enough and have a playlist with reference songs that you have listened to hundreds of times for evaluating changes in system when new components are inserted, songs you know very well and you can focus on that one instrument and hear the one instrument different. Also if you heard one instrument different you knew from memory how it sounded before. One exempel i heard with one analogue rca cable i tried in my system was the pounding of drums dynamism was gone in one song with that new cable which made me put the song in the playlist for evaluating dynamism. I dident keep that cable for that reason also i heard it in every other track that was lacking. My current rca cable dont have that problem. Im confident in my hearing and have an transparent system where i have heard every change so far when trying new hifi components.#

#So you think as soon you put on some HP and listen to your well known system with new ethernet cables there is going to be an Magical ilusion show?#

1. Let me get this straight. According to you, unless I'm willing to accept marketing BS over the actual proven facts, then I should leave this thread and can't be a member of the audiophile world? No wonder the world of professional sound/music engineers think the audiophile world is full of crackpots!

#Who are you calling crackpot? Crackpot!
"I once listened to a Mahler Symphony on HPs and experienced the orchestra floating above my head. So there we have it, orchestras can defy the laws of gravity, fact! However that was through a USB cable (and I was a bit stoned at the time), maybe orchestras can't defy the law of gravity if they know you're going to listen to them through an audiophile ethernet cable, who knows? "#

#The professionals are very good at making poor recordings quite often also so i hope you dont go and think your better then anyone else calling yourself a professional at certain times now. Maybe recording industry need stricter rules to follow that show them how to make better recordings and dont act on there own or what they do#


2c. The audiophile world has been and is being ruined by marketing BS and those ignorant and/or gullible enough to propagate it. That's more than "just more annoying", it's a disgrace!

# I think its also strange that you dont trust people and judge them beforehand as frauds.#

3. And thanks for demonstrating that fact! I admit though, I personally find that someone stating actual facts (which I already know) is more boring than someone deluded by marketing BS and stating nonsense that's so ridiculous it's funny. :)

#Dont worry about me i can think for myself. im happy for the niagara1000 that improved the sound alot in my system after reading some free internet reviews you would call marketing BS so im glad i listened to them. Also one can try to always buy gear with 14 day return policy at least and always trust your ear if you like the product in the end #

2 So, you completely ignore all the actual evidence and questions posted, "reply with the same answers roughly" and then state that I "reply with the same answers roughly". If that makes me a rude, boring, annoying sucker, then it makes you one too, plus a hypocrite!

# I find many of your views far-fetched #
Feb 8, 2020 at 6:34 AM Post #96 of 2,214
You are fundamentally wrong on moderation responsibilities on this and most internet boards. The site moderators have the right to control the conversation if necessary, not the OP.

This isn't about moderation responsibilties but about participating with comprehension of the described need (of OP) and commitment to its global direction, aka on-topic.

Unless you believe that some form of nontechnical “magic” would cause Ethernet cables to sound different, then its critical to establish why they might sound different if claims are made that they DO sound different. So far, no actual evidence has been presented that two properly constructed Ethernet cables present audible differences.

Listen.. because it's somehow critical to you to establish the why doesn't mean it is or should be to others. Reason why I said you're taking and making it YOUR kind of debate.

Wondering what you have to say about the link I provided..

Intriguing. I wasn't aware of such case against the highly regarded Chord or any other audio business for that matter. Assuming the description of what happened is accurate Chord's argumentation and testing methods are not so convincing to say the least :\ Purely from advertising standpoint I agree with ASA's points the same I'd agree with most points against other companies. On the other hand Chord's defence relies on ''the subjective nature'' which while rather weak, per definition can't be argued with. My take.
Feb 8, 2020 at 10:10 PM Post #97 of 2,214
This isn't about moderation responsibilties but about participating with comprehension of the described need (of OP) and commitment to its global direction, aka on-topic.

Listen.. because it's somehow critical to you to establish the why doesn't mean it is or should be to others. Reason why I said you're taking and making it YOUR kind of debate.


Blame OP then. Some people answered and OP didn't like that answer. Not our problem OP phrased it poorly - just call it an Ethernet cable appreciation thread instead or something if you want the kind of responses you're fishing for.
Feb 9, 2020 at 9:58 AM Post #98 of 2,214
This thread is becoming a duplicate of " Why do USB cables make a difference" :dt880smile:
But in the sprit of the OP we all must realise disposable income and passion, for example I know of someone that re mortgaged his property to fund the new purchase of some expensive speakers, I would not, so we all differ.
So I thought I would try some ethernet cables in my system this weekend.
I did not do blind tests or for that matter double bind tests, I also do not do micro details and switch back and forth A - B to find them, it's different of not, life is too short for all of that IMHO.

SOtM 7.jpg

SOtM cat 7

SOtM cat6.jpg

SOtM Cat 6 Deluxe
Supra Cat 8.jpg

Supra Cat 8

Antipodes £10,000. retail with CX EX combo

If anyone has interest please ask and I will post later
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Feb 9, 2020 at 10:01 AM Post #99 of 2,214
[1] Then you dont wake up and hear things differently, [1a] different would not to be hearing it more intense and annoying after a while then.
[2] If you could think that people are smart enough and have a playlist with reference songs that you have listened to hundreds of times for evaluating changes in system when new components are inserted, songs you know very well and you can focus on that one instrument and hear the one instrument different.
[3] Im confident in my hearing and
[3a] have an transparent system
[3b] where i have heard every change so far when trying new hifi components.
[4] So you think as soon you put on some HP and listen to your well known system with new ethernet cables there is going to be an Magical ilusion show?

1. Yes I do, as I explained, and so does every human being, although they may not be consciously aware of it.
1a. Huh, of course it is! If you hear something become more intense and annoying then BY DEFINITION, what you're hearing is "different". If you weren't hearing a difference then OBVIOUSLY you would be the hearing the same intensity and level of annoying, not more! Not surprisingly, you avoided actually answering the question (What do you think is causing that difference, a magic tap or perception?) and instead tried to define "different" as meaning the opposite. How does that make sense even to you?

2. Again, that's not the question I asked! If you play a music recording and then immediately play it again on the exact same system WITHOUT ANY CHANGES but you concentrate/focus on a specific/different instrument do you hear any difference? Without any exceptions I've ever encountered or heard of, all normally functioning humans do hear a difference or can very easily learn to if they've never tried concentrating/focusing on specific aspects/instruments of a music recording. So, AGAIN, what do you think is causing that difference, a magic system that knows what you're focusing on and changes it's output or, that your perception changes?

3. So, are you saying: A. That your hearing is never fooled, you didn't hear "faa" when you watched the video I posted, you can't perceive music or watch/enjoy a film and you're not susceptible to any of the aural illusions/biases to which all other humans are susceptible? Or B. That you are in fact a human being, you are susceptible to the aural illusions/biases of other human beings but you choose to completely ignore these demonstrated/proven facts and trust your perception of hearing anyway?
3a. Possible but unlikely.
3b. Sure with some components but not every component because some components either don't make any "change" or make changes well below audibility.

4. There's nothing "magical" about it, it's all proven/demonstrated facts! Again, I presume you watched the video I posted and you that you heard "faa" at times? You think maybe the video was made by a wizard using magic or by BBC engineers/film makers using standard film/TV equipment? But if you're asking me if I think there is going to be an "illusion show" then my answer is: Duh, of course there is, how is this not self-evident? Regardless of a new ethernet cable or anything else, "as soon as you put on some HP and listen to" ANY audio recording (or use speakers), you WILL BE subject to an "illusion show". I can't believe I've got to explain this to someone professing knowledge in the subject, even to the point of publicly arguing about it but (sigh): With a 2-channel stereo system (headphones or speakers) we have just two sound sources, a left and a right speaker, however, much/most of what we hear appears to come from some position between the two speakers/headphones, often exactly central. So, do you think: A. There's an invisible speaker/headphone in this centre position or B. It's some "magical illusion show" or C. That stereo is actually a scientifically researched and calculated illusion patented by Alan Blumlein in 1932 that only works because it fools human perception?
[5] Who are you calling crackpot? Crackpot!
[6] The professionals are very good at making poor recordings quite often also so i hope you dont go and think your better then anyone else calling yourself a professional at certain times now. Maybe recording industry need stricter rules to follow that show them how to make better recordings and dont act on there own or what they do
[7] I think its also strange that you dont trust people and judge them beforehand as frauds.
[8] Dont worry about me i can think for myself.
[9] I find many of your views far-fetched.
5. Do you know what the word "crackpot" means? You've stated more than once that you trust your hearing, effectively that it is not being fooled and even mocked the idea that you are experiencing an illusion. You have therefore eliminated options "B" and "C" in the previous question, which leaves ONLY option "A" (there's an invisible speaker/headphone in this centre position) - If that's not "crackpot", then nothing is! I'm sure many flat-earthers think those of us who believe the earth is round are crackpots. However, they're the ones who are either ignorant of the proven/demonstrated facts or just choose not to accept them and so they're the ones who're crackpots!

6. Ah of course. You honestly think that the highly competitive professional positions of music recording, mixing and mastering engineers are based on who can make the worst recordings, that student engineers spend years studying how to make recordings poorer and that the recording industry picks the ones who're best at making poor recordings? Talk about "crackpot"! Oh, and engineers never "act on their own", they either "act on" instruction from the musicians and/or music producer or require approval for their actions from the producer, musicians or label. Clearly you have no experience and are ignorant of the "rules" of the recording industry and engineering roles, that shouldn't stop you from arguing with someone who does though, providing of course you want to be a CRACKPOT!

7. Not anywhere near as strange as you, continuing to make-up falsehoods/lies! It's a falsehood/lie because I do NOT "judge them beforehand as frauds". Also, if someone makes claims which clearly contradict the actual facts (without any reliable evidence) are you saying that you would trust them? Now that IS STRANGE! An example: If someone claims they've experienced seeing a flying pig we have 3 options: A. To assume they're ignorant of the basic principles of gravity and flight and have misinterpreted what they've experienced or B. To assume they are a fraud or C. We should trust them and accept that pigs really can fly! My personal default position is to assume "A", not as you've FALSELY stated "B"! However if it's a manufacturer making the claim, then my default position IS to assume "B", because it's almost inconceivable that they're ignorant of the basic principles of the equipment they're manufacturing. Your default position is apparently to trust them and accept that pigs really can fly. I don't need to personally listen to different ethernet cables to know there can't be an audible difference, just as I don't need to personally watch the life cycle of pigs to know that pigs can't fly!

8. No one can think (rationally) for themselves if they don't know or won't accept the proven/demonstrated facts!

9. Just as flat-earthers would find my view that the earth is round to be "far-fetched". Of course they're wrong, it's NOT "my view" that the earth is round, it's a proven/demonstrated fact. They're actually the ones with the "far-fetched" (or more accurately; ridiculous/lunatic) view and are therefore crackpots but of course they're never going to realise that unless they learn and/or accept the actual facts, which they won't because they're too invested in their view/belief, a crackpot catch 22!

[1] Listen.. because it's somehow critical to you to establish the why doesn't mean it is or should be to others. Reason why I said you're taking and making it YOUR
2. Intriguing. I wasn't aware of such case against the highly regarded Chord or any other audio business for that matter.
[2a] Assuming the description of what happened is accurate Chord's argumentation and testing methods are not so convincing to say the least :\
[2b] ... Chord's defence relies on ''the subjective nature'' which while rather weak, per definition can't be argued with. My take.

1. The "why" isn't necessarily critical but the "if" is: IF there actually is any difference/improvement. The "why" is important to some people and almost unavoidably so when it unequivocally answers the "IF" (which is the case here). So the question is; why are YOU "taking and making it YOUR", why do you want to suppress the "why"?

2. Why would you be aware? As you say, audiophiles hold Chord in high regard and obviously, neither Chord fanboys nor Chord themselves are going to publicise a case they lost, so who is going to publicise it? You would have thought that Chord's competitors would, but they can't, because they're in the same boat! So that leaves pretty much no one to publicise it. There's several cases of respected audiophile cable companies being caught red-handed and successfully called out on false claims but hardly any audiophiles ever get to hear about it.
2a. And there's the big red flag! There are "testing methods" that are highly reliable, cheap and relatively easy to perform (even for consumers, let alone for a manufacturer) that identify ALL differences and the results of which are rationally indisputable (ie. Completely "convincing"). So why didn't Chord present the results of such "testing methods" in their defence? In fact, why didn't they avoid the case in the first place and provide those results as part of their advertising? Why is it that no audiophile ethernet cable manufacturers ever publishes the results of such tests? It's because the tests prove there is no difference, as demonstrated in the test posted previously and by anyone who's done the test/tests themselves!
2b. Chord's defence relies on ''the subjective nature'' which is NOT "rather weak", it's completely inapplicable because they claimed actual differences, instead of imaginary/subjective differences based on biasing perception. So "per definition" not only can it "be argued with" but it SHOULD/MUST be argued with because at best it's misleading and at worst it's a cynical lie for the sole purpose of scamming consumers out of their money. My take!

Feb 9, 2020 at 2:34 PM Post #100 of 2,214
This thread is becoming a duplicate of " Why do USB cables make a difference" :dt880smile:
But in the sprit of the OP we all must realise disposable income and passion, for example I know of someone that re mortgaged his property to fund the new purchase of some expensive speakers, I would not, so we all differ.
So I thought I would try some ethernet cables in my system this weekend.
I did not do blind tests or for that matter double bind tests, I also do not do micro details and switch back and forth A - B to find them, it's different of not, life is too short for all of that IMHO.

SOtM 7.jpg
SOtM cat 7

SOtM cat6.jpg
SOtM Cat 6 Deluxe
Supra Cat 8.jpg
Supra Cat 8

Antipodes £10,000. retail with CX EX combo

If anyone has interest please ask and I will post later
Interesting. Please share your listening experience.
Feb 10, 2020 at 7:55 AM Post #102 of 2,214
[1] But in the sprit of the OP we all must realise disposable income and passion, for example I know of someone that re mortgaged his property to fund the new purchase of some expensive speakers, I would not, so we all differ.
I did not do blind tests or for that matter double bind tests, I also do not do micro details and switch back and forth A - B to find them,
[2] it's different of not,
[3] life is too short for all of that IMHO.

1. Now you know of 2 someone's who've done that! Although in my case it was for an entire system, not only speakers but the re-mortgage only covered about half the cost.

2. Also "agreed 100%"! However, because I'm a human being and can therefore experience things differently, even the exact same thing, then I want to know if there really is a difference or not. If I've got $10,000 to spend, then I want to spend it on something that will actually make a (real) difference but apparently that's just me.

3. That assertion is exactly backwards! You don't need to do "all of that". It's going to take all of 10 minutes to actually measure for any difference, it's ONLY IF measurements indicate a difference that might be audible would you have to do "all of that" but in this case they don't. How long does your method take, longer than 10 minutes?

So, I spent some time learning the basic principles of digital audio and the ethernet protocol, and then spent around 20 mins or so measuring the differences between several different ethernet cables, so I know for certain that I have the best ethernet cable that money can buy (and can exist). You on the other hand spent however long you did on your test and you never really know. At some stage you'll come across advertising, reviews or testimonials about some (supposedly) even better ethernet cable and you'll go through it all over again, ad infinitum. A common complaint/concern of audiophiles about audiophile products. Life really is WAY "too short for all that IMHO"!!!

Feb 10, 2020 at 1:15 PM Post #103 of 2,214
I tried the different network cables with the Antipodes CX EX combo between the two units and again between the network either a wireless access point (hopefully to reduce network noise) and straight into the network.

Earlier some months ago on a Melco N1Za I did experience network noise connected straight into the network and had a better experience with the wireless access point, I confirmed this with also with trying the Melco off network (controlled by the front panel only). I also experienced noise when only one end of the ethernet cable was connected to the Melco I guess this acted like an aerial.

With the Antipodes CX EX combo I could not decide which cable made any difference when connected to either the wireless access point or direct to the network either streaming from Qobuz or from the library stored in the CX, note there is a difference between the Qobuz and the library in SQ but the cables made no difference on one or the other, I hope that makes sense. I suspect the two Antipodes units have some filtration for network noise.

I did notice a difference between the cables when connected between the CX and EX.

SOtM cat 7 New out the box
Booming base, sucked the life out the midrange, sibilance. Good separation of instruments mass of detail. Thin, all bass and treble.

SOtM cat 6 with different cables. new out the box
Fine tuning to your tastes they made the difference easy relaxed to detailed chose you flavour.

Chord Sarum T Demo cable
Base booming but not as much as the SOtM, good midrange, good detail, good vocals, but still adds to sibilance, lacks the toe tapping musically great if you like detail.

This cable is the free one in the box with the CX EX combo. Tight base, good midrange, nice treble, not too much detail and a balanced all rounder.
All I can say is, musically this fitted my personal taste, although the detail was not quite as good as the Chord.

Supra EDIT Cat 8
Too smooth, all the sounds sounded fused together by compassion to the other cables but for the price no complaints.

I listened to the cables over this weekend and on the Sunday morning the other half came into the HiFi room and wanted to participate. Not knowing what cable was in play, came to the same conclusion this was over a cup of tea. Then walked off saying listen to the music not the cables !

Edit forgot to say YMMV
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Feb 11, 2020 at 2:27 AM Post #104 of 2,214
I stumbled across which may give some more insight on the ethernet cable packed with the Antipodes CX EX combo.
copied from the following link. There is more in part 3.

"Not just any Ethernet cable

I know, this is controversial, but please bear with me. The EX and CX come complete with a nice Ethernet cable in the box. Normally an afterthought but in this case, Mark has selected precisely this cable for its audio qualities and after comparing it to a bunch of other Ethernet cables, I fully agree with his decision.

Compared to standard cables, regardless of their Category, the cable that came with the CX made for a very noticeable increase in impact and tautness! Mark had already informed me that these cables were something special but also warned me that they would need a considerable amount of running in. Now I must admit to being a little skeptical about the latter myself. I can understand that noise on a cable can affect the performance of a component downstream but an Ethernet cable that needs running in? When I asked Mark about his thoughts on what causes one Ethernet cable to sound warm and relaxed and another to sound tight and dynamic.

Mark Jenkins:"

It appears that Mr Jenkins has knowledge of making cables

Sorry about all the maketing make your own judgements, again YMMV
Feb 11, 2020 at 6:50 AM Post #105 of 2,214
[1] It appears that Mr Jenkins has knowledge of making cables
[2] Sorry about all the maketing make your own judgements, again YMMV

1. And of course, appearances can never be deceiving? Even if he has knowledge of making cables, it's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS he doesn't understand (or is deliberately lying about) what is actually occurring! This is what Mark Jenkins actually stated:

"(A) It is true that transporting bits data from one storage medium in one place to another storage medium in another place is easy. What is stored at the destination is only the data, no noise or jitter.
(B) But inducing knowledge, unsupported by experimentation, to claim that it must also be trivial to transmit data to a system that has to process that data in near real time, is simply bad science.
(C) You need to conduct a relevant experiment.
(C1) For example, you can send the digital data as a sine wave, and prove even this can result in bit-perfect transmission of the data.
(C2) Then listen to a DAC processing a sine wave versus a saw-tooth wave versus a square wave, in any kind of blind test method you like, and any audiophile will agree that they sound different.

A. Both these statements are indeed entirely true!

B. It would of course be "simply bad science" to induce knowledge unsupported by experimentation but what's that got to do with it? Does he think that no one ever performed experiments with ethernet before it was even released, that no experiments were carried out when the international ethernet standards were proposed or ratified and that no one has performed any experiments since? If that's not bad enough, in an ethernet network/system the "destination" is a buffer (storage media) and he's correctly stated that it's "easy" to transport those bits (with NO noise or jitter) but in this sentence he's now effectively stating/implying that in fact it isn't easy/trivial! So, which is it, is it trivial or isn't it? Experimentation and it's applied use by hundreds of millions/billions of people prove beyond any doubt that it's trivial!

Furthermore, an ethernet network is NOT processing the data in real time, it's not processing the data at all, it's just reconstructing the data and even with just a 100 Mbit ethernet network it's reconstructing that data about 70 times faster than real time (in the case of stereo 16bit 44.1kHz digital audio)! The (downstream) system that does have to process the data in real time is the DAC chip but: A. The DAC chip is getting the data it's processing from the ethernet receiving buffer (storage medium) which Mr. Jenkins has already correctly stated "is only the data, no noise or jitter". and B. Processing 2 channels (stereo) of digital audio data in real time is about as trivial as it gets in computational terms. An audibly perfect DAC chip costs about 50 cents to make. If you want to see real time digital audio processing that's not trivial, go to a film dubbing threatre, where over 1,000 simultaneous channels of digital audio processing is sometimes required and, it's far more complex processing than occurs in a DAC!

C. You do indeed, so WHY then present an example which is NOT a relevant experiment?
C1. You CAN'T send the digital data as a sine wave, the ethernet protocol requires an "eye pattern" wave and therefore there is no ethernet transmitter that sends the digital data as a sine wave. Even if there were, I very much doubt you'd get a bit perfect transmission/reception of the data, most likely you wouldn't get any data at all but there's no way to experiment/test this. Therefore his statement is false, you CANNOT "prove even this can result..." and Secondly, according to HIS OWN previous statement, it's "simply bad science"!
C2. As there is no DAC that can process digital data as a sine wave or saw-tooth wave (only an eye pattern) then of course anyone in any sort of test would hear a difference. You would either hear complete audio nonsense or the DAC wouldn't output anything at all!

2. Why would "Your Milage Might Vary"? Sure, you might need a bit of basic knowledge to realise ALL of the above A - C2 points but some of it should be BLATANTLY OBVIOUS to anyone capable of rational thought!


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