The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Feb 14, 2013 at 4:39 AM Post #5,972 of 21,763
You should also try some of the new alpha pads on the mad dogs. 


I'd love to. Pads can make a huge difference in SQ in my experience.
IIRC, LFF has switched pads a few times too. Last I heard he was using some from Fischer Audio.
Feb 14, 2013 at 4:49 AM Post #5,974 of 21,763
Pick your poison. 

Though, it sounds like there should be additional rules to your question. Like, you can only weigh 3 balls on each side at a time, or you have to do it in a specific amount of times or else the time bomb explodes, you're in a movie and that oddball bearing is the key to unlock riches beyond your wildest dreams so you get an adrenaline dump that immobilizes one hand and so on.

I just had a feeling that you'd be the one to take it down right away.  You are this thread's equivalent of the Anime Thread's Tilpo. 

Damn you that took me an hour...

It took me longer than that the first time I got it posed to me 20 years ago.  I've long since forgotten the solution, but I remembered it being somewhat tough.
I still haven't solve the ball bearings problem warrenpchi posted.

Sorry, didn't mean for it to be such a pain. 

My review sample of the RHA MA350, and the recent talk of IEMs made me feel flippity-floppity with IEMs purchase again. Suggestions for a few IEMs around the MDR7550 price max.

IDk why I keep doing this and never am going to buy any. :\ I guess my disinterest in audio is a thinly-veiled lie I made to myself.

LOL, sure you will.  This is more than a hobby, it's a way of life.  Not quite as expensive as a 7550, but how about a Dunu DN-19 Tai Chi?  I imagine that the tunable aspect would keep you entertained for quite some time.
Feb 14, 2013 at 4:55 AM Post #5,975 of 21,763
Feb 14, 2013 at 6:05 AM Post #5,976 of 21,763
Curse my mind, can't even solve that problem LOL. Some of my thinking method was hindering the solution until someone pointed out, I reckon. Thanks mimo.

@warren, the Tai chi does looks kind of interesting, but so does the FXZ100/200. The latter is more or less very cumbersome (?) to get it, at least for me.

Or I just save up for the Flat-4 :p
Feb 14, 2013 at 6:39 AM Post #5,977 of 21,763
You could always go for an MA150 while you save up for that Flat-4.  But, if you're curious about the Tai Chi, you should know that ygpm.

Feb 14, 2013 at 6:49 AM Post #5,979 of 21,763
I would assume PriceJapan has the KAEDE, since they carry the SUI too. @warren, read the pm :wink:

One way to reduce the bass presence of the MA350 is to wear it over-ear and make a controlled imperfect seal. That way there's enough seal for all the sound to still sound teh same, but at the same time less bass presence. Yes I am repeating myself a lot. Thanks, Department of Redundancy Department.
Feb 14, 2013 at 6:54 AM Post #5,980 of 21,763
are you srs? omg that is sexy
Edit: though if I think about it, it'd be a bit too flashy to wear outside 

Even though it can be worn, I doubt it's meant to be. It's a presentation piece, for example, something you as a businessman give to a prospective client to wish them a propitious New Year. The client then keeps it in a souvenir closet along with all the cut-crystal bottles of cognac and gold watches.
Feb 14, 2013 at 7:01 AM Post #5,981 of 21,763
My stupid CLAS LOD is cutting out again. I removed Raven from the chain and just plugged Eva into my Classic using my Fiio LOD just to make sure my Classic wasn't to blame. With the Fiio connector I have no problem whatsoever. When I have Raven in the mix and sitting on a table everything is fine. When I put the rig in my pocket and start walking around I get my audio cutting out and I have to pull the LOD out and reinsert it to reestablish the iPod CLAS handshake. I so hope that ALO LOD solves this dumb problem. You'd think a company that advertises a mobile DAC would do a better job manufacturing a proper LOD that could take the punishment of someone walking with it in their parka pocket without the connector loosening up. Seems like the more I walk around with it the looser the CLAS LOD becomes.

I haven't been following this closely but you should definitely ask ALO for replacements.

But that aside, I flinched on reading how you use it. It's difficult to make interconnects that compact that will endure that kind of usage for long. If you have to use them that way, make sure there is never any external pressure on the interconnects. Not even light bouncing.
Feb 14, 2013 at 7:01 AM Post #5,982 of 21,763
Has anyone here compared the Kaede to top tier iems or ciems. Is there another way to get them than 950 bucks on musica acoustics ? I should ask on the dedicated thread but it seems nobody knows much...

I've compared the SUI to other IEMs in this thread and elsewhere, and the KAEDE is [to my ear's at least] really close to the SUI in sound.
Is there something in particular you want to know?
Feb 14, 2013 at 8:17 AM Post #5,983 of 21,763
I was going to edit my last post, but I think this deserves an own post:

The purple line is supposedly from LCD-2 and the red is from the Mad Dogs with new pads. It looks pretty impressive.

A 15K peak, as seen in the LCD-2, is often perceived as "bright" or "detailed".  Though if it passes above the level of 1K (the arbitrary flat point), it will often be perceived as "sibilant" or "no bass" (which is not actually lack of bass, it's too much treble).
So though those graphs look similar, the shape of the graph up near the 10-15K range should give them a very different sound, with the LCD-2 being generally perceived as more detailed.
(Tyll is the master of looking at graphs and guessing what they'll sound like, BTW.  He has a lot of hours of practice.)

Just a couple of notes: 6-10k is the treble region and peaks in that region can result in a sound that emphasises sibilance. Anything above 10k on measurements should be ignored as nobody is capable of making accurate measurements that high. 

Feb 14, 2013 at 8:50 AM Post #5,984 of 21,763
Installed the Alpha Pads on the Mad Dogs yesterday and the change in sound is easily apparent, especially in the mids, they seem more forward, a bit brighter. Sound stage is a BIT expanded, sound overall I find more "airy" than with the Dog Pads. Have not tested "bassy" tracks yet, but listening to Rush right now, I don't feel anything has lost any bite...
Now to keep on listening to the Yamaha Pro 500s... they look weird on my head, the pads are tiny (compared to the Mad Dogs and Ultrasone Signature Pro), and now I know why Beats is taking them to court! LOL. But I have to say, the little time I have spent with them, the sound is quite good. Need to listen more...
Feb 14, 2013 at 9:59 AM Post #5,985 of 21,763
I haven't been following this closely but you should definitely ask ALO for replacements.

But that aside, I flinched on reading how you use it. It's difficult to make interconnects that compact that will endure that kind of usage for long. If you have to use them that way, make sure there is never any external pressure on the interconnects. Not even light bouncing.

I bought the CLAS from TTVJ and yeah I'm going to send Todd a PM describing the problem and see what he says. I'm not throwing the rig around though I simply stick it in my outside parka pocket and go on my 30 minute morning walk to work with it. Like I said before I've been doing that for a year using my Fiio LOD and that hasn't failed me. When I first got the CLAS and saw the supplied interconnect I was scared the bottom mini USB would be problematic because it juts out so much but that end of the interconnect seems to be quite good. From what I can tell the side clamping teeth on the LOD end look smaller then on my Fiio LOD. I'm guessing that may be the problem. I just checked the tracking on the fancy interconnects I ordered and it's showing it was delivered to my PO box. I'll keep you posted, if it doesn't work out I guess I might as well forget about a mobile rig and be satisfied using Raven as my entry level home rig. I'd be rather disappointed if I had to do that though. I do most of my listening on the go due to extremely long days. I'm off for breakfast.

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