The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Jun 19, 2013 at 12:30 PM Post #14,776 of 21,763
But after finding myself with this new freedom (SO FREE), I am bored stiff. If before I can always manage to squeeze time for leisure; and, let’s be honest, it usually results in procrastination of more important stuff; now, I just don’t have the drive to do anything. It’s so weird, I think. This also happened back when I just finished my school years 6 years ago (that long already?).

This was me last summer, wherein all I did was watch Gundam, and much of the past several months.  The difference this time around, though, is that I will push myself to do things, but they're asinine things.  Like, I've been writing lately, but it's all scripts for fetishy things I've been commissioning from comic artists and animators because I can and it's really gratifying, but not one of a few genuine projects I've been meaning to finish for years now.
IDK, I think I'm just counting on age/circumstance to eventually knock some sense into me, but that's probably not the best plan >_> .
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:27 PM Post #14,778 of 21,763
You should post you self reflections more, jgray. I enjoyed reading that.

I think it's rather normal for individuals to crave structure in their lives. I'm the same way. Just a suggestion: try some independent study maybe? Just because you don't have class doesn't mean you have to stop learning. Set goals like reading a certain amount each day or writing a certain amount. If you need some kind of authority figure, then treat the author of the book or material you're reading as your interim teacher.

On the subject of audio gear...

Liquid Glass + Abyss AB-1266 = pure win.

I just got my Liquid Lightning 2 in too, but tbh I haven't listened to it much yet since the above setup is getting all of my head time.

Why thank you. That's an interesting suggestion, and there's a lot that I want to do. The only thing is, is that I don't think I'm really passionate enough to do it. Like, I can see the pattern on myself countless times already: last summer it was modding Nami-chan (the T50RP), and recently is building Gundam model kits. Get up, press "want" button, get it done. I feel that I'm a bit spontaneous on my decisions, though, and that worries me occasionally. So far it hasn't landed me in hot water, but that worry is still hanging there, like Damocle's sword (not really).

Writing could be a thing; there's a clutch of anime that I'm watching and want to watch and I can blog it. Maybe I can start with weeklies of what I watched, and advertise like a shameless whore around newer forums.

Learning to code can be another thing, but I don't know what language to start with. C++? Java? I feel that that could be interesting as I like to plan stuff in a logical manner and will be utterly happy to see it work, and I feel that coding shouldn't be that far off principally.

And it's astounding how structured I am feeling posting, now that I am it a Skype chat group with almost all of the Anime thread members and just spew whatever nonsense my brain can summon from the eldritch. A sort of puke bucket, so to speak, so that I can stay sober for this thread. :evil:

And you're right, I should write more like this, here.

Its going to be quite long
Today I just had my worst day, My school bus came half an hour late so I had to stand out and freeze half to death. Then when I go home, wanting to listen to my XBA 3's I realize I lost them. I came to the conclusion that I threw my XBA 3's in the bin accidently. 

Wasn't too long after all, but I feel better now ^^

Ohhh man. I always have that worry that I might throw away something I cherish out. I feel your pain.

This was me last summer, wherein all I did was watch Gundam, and much of the past several months.  The difference this time around, though, is that I will push myself to do things, but they're asinine things.  Like, I've been writing lately, but it's all scripts for fetishy things I've been commissioning from comic artists and animators because I can and it's really gratifying, but not one of a few genuine projects I've been meaning to finish for years now.

IDK, I think I'm just counting on age/circumstance to eventually knock some sense into me, but that's probably not the best plan >_> .

Speaking of fetishy things, the one other thing that I am invested in on the dead anime forum I brought up once back then, was a role-playing thread subforum. It usually doesn't have the best storyline made, and I guess it's pretty ****, but the best thing is that I had fun, but at the same time, felt like I am wasting my time on this, instead of spending time on what I really wanted to do (which I forgot what it was, and it's probably not something that I really wanted to do). I'm on the same boat as you, I feel, and I wish for the both of us that we got our bearings in time.
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:29 PM Post #14,779 of 21,763
Check out your window. It might be head-fiers protesting your moderating.
Hey! Long time no see!

Hey Ard.. How's it going with everything my friend? 
Nice to see you are well enough to chat on nonsensical topics with us :) What you are going through is tough. I know it from very close people and from a (very small) depression I had this year. Not much more I can say without sounding cliche...

Oh, nonsensical chatting is exactly what I need to take a swift escape from everything else around. It'll do me good! Yeah, it can be tough, but it can also be a good thing to know why things sometimes take a little different turn. Oh well.. enough about that. :)
I'm very sorry to here this. At least you have a diagnosis to go on. You know you're not alone on this my friend. If you need anyone to talk to we can talk via PM.

I know my friend, I know. :)
How's your IT studying coming along?
Yeah, I've been enjoying the shift in focus. When I talk about gear I want it to be a more holistic sort of thing rather than just outlining characteristics. I know folks find the latter beneficial, but for me it just sucks all the joy out of it.
I know you've been busy with life and personal matters, but I hope you found some time here and there to enjoy some music (or any form of art, really) yourself!
We certainly missed your presence here. You are one of the regulars, after all.
Thanks for the update. I enjoy reading changing perceptions of albums over time, especially something as dense and in need of unpacking as BoC's stuff.
The samples are definitely unnerving, though for me BoC's stuff doesn't really connote environmental restriction. I tend to hear their sound as very open for whatever reason, oddly "natural" as a whole given all of the artificial qualities on an individual level. For me there's this undercurrent of nature throughout the body of their work (and Harvest is no exception in that respect), and any indoor environments in my mind's eye are usually abandoned as you say, but also overrun and exposed to the surrounding environment. I think the album artwork for Harvest is spot on in that respect: a cityscape set against the backdrop of a dawn sky, a feeling of things past. I can visualize sitting in a broken down car looking over the scene, the radio mostly picking up static but every once in a while spitting out one of those garbled broadcasts.

I have.
But it's mostly been the same old music as always. I noticed in one of your posts that you like 80's electro pop and such, and I'm sure you've heard of these guys (especially since the movie Drive), but anyway, here you go:
They usually release free mixes and quite often they have guest musicians doing mixes as well. 
As for the more holistic approach to gear, I can see where you're coming from. When you do post about your gear, you call it impressions rather than "reviews" and it's usually quite interesting to read. 
CdC, I won't pretend to know the feeling of getting a diagnosis like that, but I sincerely believe that I know you can make it work to your benefit. Stay strong!
Something different coming out from my today.

I thought of something on how I like my everyday life (while I took my shower): I like when I have a structured routine built around a schedule from a higher administration power, e.g. schedule of classes, etc. I like it when I can expect this and that to happen at such and such time, so that I can work around them with what I really wanted to do, such as rest, read novels, listen to music, etc.

But after finding myself with this new freedom (SO FREE), I am bored stiff. If before I can always manage to squeeze time for leisure; and, let’s be honest, it usually results in procrastination of more important stuff; now, I just don’t have the drive to do anything. It’s so weird, I think. This also happened back when I just finished my school years 6 years ago (that long already?).

No solution came to mind.
Today is groceries shopping day (more like I-have-to-go-out-today-to-not-starve day). 808 PV in pocket, with the appropriate app to play my FLAC files, my FXT90 in my ears, hit play and out I go. As I was crossing a main road and about to turn towards the bus stop, I remembered a recent xkcd comic that is rather sobering in this current busy lifestyle most adopted:

The one thing that popped up at that moment is, and I paraphrase: long walks are often neglected. With that quip in mind, I turned the opposite direction from the bus stop, and decided to walk to the supermarket. It’s not that far away actually; at the pace that I took, which is a leisurely pace relatively to what I usually am on; just mere 15 minutes. And what relaxing and blissful 15 minutes that is. Just walking, listening to more of my Japanese songs, only on random and no specific album, to the supermarket. And such a bonus too that today is a sunny yet windy day to go for a walk.

Sure, 15 minutes might not seem like such a long walk after all; and honestly, I want more directionlessness; but relatively, this is a needed change of pace on my end, I feel.

Maybe I need more of these walks, just to dispel the monotony of sitting at my desk doing **** all, staring at the screen, trawling the internet for another minute of fleeting, forgettable stimulation. Even if I put on some music, my mind would be in such a meh state that I usually won’t register what I am listening to and whoosh it goes in my head like a passing, odourless fart in an empty lecture hall.

Thanks buddy, yeah I will. :)
I think the feeling you're referring to in the second part of your post is something that usually goes away by itself. Am I correct in assuming that you've ended/quit school now? Usually, when you get a job or a new study, life becomes dictated by routines again. 
Yeah, I mean, they might look great and might even sound good, but comfort is something I always look for! Don't say words like "insta-buy" to me man!!! LOL How is everything else though, it seems you are enjoying them with a variety of genres so it seems to do well overall. Do you think it compares similarly to any other full-sized can you've had? I should just stop looking at them... ....

I would love that set!
Can you provide any links or something? And more importantly, is the quality good and subtitles Ok? Or are they from some of those "bootleg" companies that take shortcuts and just compiles all the movies they can into 1 package? Oh, and I already own Flashpoint
. I have bought a lot of movies from the Dragon Dynasty house. They have put PROPER transfers and special features to most of their catalogue. If you are not familiar with them:

And... who doesn't love Kung Fu/chop-socky films?!?! :wink:
Scott Adkins NEEDS to be in more movies!!!
Welcome Back Fighting Rooster!! 

Now I Love you jgray!!!
MF, here you go, you should probably put this on the First Post of this thread! :wink:
Thought I was the only one...

LOL gelocks, thanks. :)
A Silent Note made audible... and visible.
Wishing you a brighter tomorrow, Coq de Combat.


Thanks you guys!
Good to see you euthymic, Coq!

I have to admit, I had to google that word! Yeah, it feels good now. 

Hey, this sounds great!  I mean, we all carry the baggage that we carry, whether we know it or not right?  So better to know about it, and be equipped to handle it.  In the meantime, you've got us to kick around. 
  BTW, good to see you back my friend, good to see you back. 

Thanks!  Actually I have no complaints. 
  I fully volunteered for it, and I enjoy doing something for the community, so it's all good.
Aside from spammers, there's really only one person that would have beef with me, there's an ocean between him and I... so I'm spared [most of] the insanity.
There will always be days like that, or days that are the complete opposite, but rarely something in between it seems.
Well, I'll be gathering final impressions in about 5 days, so let's see if they are still magical then.  In the meantime, I need to figure out how to audition a TH900 to satisfy this crazy curiosity I've got (and for comparo purposes).

Exactly, I agree. It's better to know it than not know it.
I'm sure you're a good moderator. At the very least, I expect you to be lenient with us diary regulars. 

Jun 19, 2013 at 1:36 PM Post #14,780 of 21,763
Learning to code can be another thing, but I don't know what language to start with. C++? Java? I feel that that could be interesting as I like to plan stuff in a logical manner and will be utterly happy to see it work, and I feel that coding shouldn't be that far off principally.

C++ can be quite a hassle for beginners with headers and pointers and such, so I'd suggest you to try java before C++. However, python and javascript are pretty good opening languages to object oriented thinking. Also, C# is a really good language imo.
To be honest though, it doesn't really matter what language you choose - the syntax of each language is the easy part. The hard part is everything else: how to think, how to code and how to code according to patterns and "best practices", how to have everything put together. The reason I'd still suggest you to not think about C++ is because it's a pretty complex way of doing things (imo) and this complexity could get in the way of the most important part: object oriented thinking/principles.
If you really want to learn to code, I'd suggest a book about object oriented principles to begin with. After that you can start looking at different languages to see which one fits you the best.
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:45 PM Post #14,781 of 21,763
Cannot help you on the DVD set is total way to buy anything else in China. They truly do not sell real dvds. If I find another one I could send it to you...quality and subs are good.

LOL! I figured :wink:
Yeah, let me know if you do find another one though, I'm interested!
This is my current movie collection at the moment:
You'll see I have a couple of Martial Arts movies there from Jet Li, Jackie, Sammo, Yuen Biao, Donnie, etc. etc. :wink:
Well, I'll be gathering final impressions in about 5 days, so let's see if they are still magical then.  In the meantime, I need to figure out how to audition a TH900 to satisfy this crazy curiosity I've got (and for comparo purposes).

In the meantime, I wont look at more pics of this headphone! :p
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:48 PM Post #14,782 of 21,763
Thanks buddy, yeah I will. :)

I think the feeling you're referring to in the second part of your post is something that usually goes away by itself. Am I correct in assuming that you've ended/quit school now? Usually, when you get a job or a new study, life becomes dictated by routines again. 

Yeah, I finished my uni just last Monday. Now all that's left is the paperworks to officially end my time here in Moscow.
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:50 PM Post #14,783 of 21,763
BTW, bought a couple of discs these past few weeks and a few of them have already arrived (others appeared auto-magically through Amazon's Auto-Rip on the Cloud Player...):
Filter - The Sun Comes Out Tonight
Justin Timberlake - The 20/20 Experience
Further Seems Forever - Penny Black
Man of Steel Soundtrack
Jamiroquai - High Times Singles
Jimmy Eat World - Damage
Senses Fail - Renacer
Talib Kweli - Prisioner of Consious
Tegan and Sara - Heartthrob
The National - Trouble will Find me
But the one that hasn't arrived and I'm expecting anxiously:
LOVE the Salsa these guys have been playing for a few years now!
If you like tropical music, or salsa, I FULLY RECOMMEND THEM!!!!
Jun 19, 2013 at 1:51 PM Post #14,784 of 21,763
Yeah, I finished my uni just last Monday. Now all that's left is the paperworks to officially end my time here in Moscow.

Aaaaahhh now I get your "Freedom" thingie! :wink:
Jun 19, 2013 at 2:25 PM Post #14,786 of 21,763

^ the address they give in every ep is like half a block from where my mom used to work.  I swear to god I'm going to send them my **** in a ziplock bag before this show ends... Maybe I'll get back a little Onion swag? 
Jun 19, 2013 at 2:40 PM Post #14,787 of 21,763
C++ can be quite a hassle for beginners with headers and pointers and such, so I'd suggest you to try java before C++. However, python and javascript are pretty good opening languages to object oriented thinking. Also, C# is a really good language imo.
To be honest though, it doesn't really matter what language you choose - the syntax of each language is the easy part. The hard part is everything else: how to think, how to code and how to code according to patterns and "best practices", how to have everything put together. The reason I'd still suggest you to not think about C++ is because it's a pretty complex way of doing things (imo) and this complexity could get in the way of the most important part: object oriented thinking/principles.
If you really want to learn to code, I'd suggest a book about object oriented principles to begin with. After that you can start looking at different languages to see which one fits you the best.

This. Almost every language is simply remembering what words do what, what punctuations do what, etc.
The hard part is getting the logic down behind it, and being able to not only trace the functions of a program, but be able to make them in the most efficient method. It's weird, I can work with electrical schematics fairly easily, but the only time I'm able to code worth a crap is when I'm under the influence of things I'd rather not mention. Safe to say, I don't code anymore 

Good to see you back btw Coq! On a positive note, you know what your diagnosis is, so that should be somewhat of a breath of relief. Also the fact you have all of us here to support you (I think if we ever did a diary meet, it would be the most intense party one could think of.)
Jun 19, 2013 at 2:50 PM Post #14,788 of 21,763
Having said all that, I AM HAVING SO MUCH FUN WITH THESE YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.  For the past hour, I've been geeking out to pop from my youth (Bananarama, Human League, Cyndi Lauper, Eighth Wonder, etc.).  Heck, I even got all nostalgic with the slow jams thinking about puppy love (The Jets, The Deele, Breathe, Chicago, etc).  Then I went for some Baxter Robinson... His song Feel The Night is the song from The Karate Kid where Daniel and Ali are on their first date at Golf 'N Stuff.  Right now, I'm being silly as hell lip synching Hold On by Wilson Philips.

I'm supposed to start a 120-hour burn-in cycle right now.  But I kinda don't wanna take them off.

I'm betting they're more like the TH600s then. The 900s, overall, have a little better driver control, lower extension, and lower distortion, but it isn't a night and day difference. They're still great cans, far better than almost anything else in their range.
Jun 19, 2013 at 3:59 PM Post #14,789 of 21,763
C++ can be quite a hassle for beginners with headers and pointers and such, so I'd suggest you to try java before C++. However, python and javascript are pretty good opening languages to object oriented thinking. Also, C# is a really good language imo.

To be honest though, it doesn't really matter what language you choose - the syntax of each language is the easy part. The hard part is everything else: how to think, how to code and how to code according to patterns and "best practices", how to have everything put together. The reason I'd still suggest you to not think about C++ is because it's a pretty complex way of doing things (imo) and this complexity could get in the way of the most important part: object oriented thinking/principles.

If you really want to learn to code, I'd suggest a book about object oriented principles to begin with. After that you can start looking at different languages to see which one fits you the best.

Whoops, missed this the first time around. Thanks for the suggestions. I'd be sure to check out some books about that.

(I think if we ever did a diary meet, it would be the most intense party one could think of.)

Intense party of tea-drinking! Wait...

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