The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Apr 11, 2013 at 12:12 PM Post #9,916 of 21,763
The reason certainly being that this part is often the ears in Murakami novels. A half Japanese friend told me his Japanese side was very receptive to such fetichism.
The not particularly subtle display of her ears, and how they're larger than the usual ears on anime characters, for some reason makes me think of the women in Murakami's novels who inevitably have some singular flawless bit of anatomy over which the nameless protagonist will obsess.
Apr 11, 2013 at 12:26 PM Post #9,917 of 21,763
I just met up with a bunch of lovely folk and we are thinking of starting a university headphone / audio society. Exciting! :3

I was at the earlier meet.
Must have been a good time.
Apr 11, 2013 at 2:05 PM Post #9,918 of 21,763
I'm reading an interesting article on the effects and prevalence of corporate astroturfing. Then I read certain threads here, with so many new members praising mediocre high-end cans (like the D7100s), and realize that we're probably being directly affected by this, right now. I mean, I always suspected, but now it's almost painfully obvious.
Apr 11, 2013 at 2:25 PM Post #9,919 of 21,763
I'm reading an interesting article on the effects and prevalence of corporate astroturfing. Then I read certain threads here, with so many new members praising mediocre high-end cans (like the D7100s), and realize that we're probably being directly affected by this, right now. I mean, I always suspected, but now it's almost painfully obvious.

So what I understand by Wikipedia's definition is that Astroturfing is like false advertising?
I haven't heard the D7100 yet and based on what I read, I will not appreciate it but I have tried the D600.
The D600 IMO is overpriced for the sound quality it gives and honestly, Denon could've done a much better job on it. Sure it sounds nice on some songs (badly mastered, heavily EQed mainstream pop songs) but it has such a dull sound quality that my modded T50RPs are more interesting to listen to.
They are comfortable that's for sure.
Apr 11, 2013 at 3:14 PM Post #9,920 of 21,763
So what I understand by Wikipedia's definition is that Astroturfing is like false advertising?
I haven't heard the D7100 yet and based on what I read, I will not appreciate it but I have tried the D600.
The D600 IMO is overpriced for the sound quality it gives and honestly, Denon could've done a much better job on it. Sure it sounds nice on some songs (badly mastered, heavily EQed mainstream pop songs) but it has such a dull sound quality that my modded T50RPs are more interesting to listen to.
They are comfortable that's for sure.

I seriously haven't heard a single good thing about the new Denons. I don't know if it is some trend, or the last generation was so good that companies don't know how to follow up, but this gen is GREAT for IEMs, but really poor for over ears. The HD700, the entire Tesla line, the Denon series, the K550 and no new flagship, it all just makes me realize that "mid-fi" nowadays is so high tier that we're going to be chopping off limbs and harvesting organs to afford the next big thing.
The K712 has me interested (maybe that tiny bass boost will settle down the soundstage), but I honestly just picked up another pair of T50RP's while waiting for my customs order to get finished. They are great to idly work on, though I wish someone sold HM5 pads in the States so I didn't have to wait forever (if you have them, sell them to me 
). I'm also planning to attempt painting them, and hopefully it will come out on the same level as the small business modders. 
Personally, that's one reason (among many) I went to the portable realm: there seems to be TONS of growth as of late in that field, while over ears aren't necessarily capped, just sort of stagnant at the moment. If they want to impress me, they have to throw out mid-fi gear that actually surpasses their old hi-end gear without twice the amount of tradeoffs.
Looking back on this post, I realize I put way too many things in parenthesis. Colliding thoughts much?
Apr 11, 2013 at 3:19 PM Post #9,921 of 21,763
I seriously haven't heard a single good thing about the new Denons. I don't know if it is some trend, or the last generation was so good that companies don't know how to follow up, but this gen is GREAT for IEMs, but really poor for over ears. The HD700, the entire Tesla line, the Denon series, the K550 and no new flagship, it all just makes me realize that "mid-fi" nowadays is so high tier that we're going to be chopping off limbs and harvesting organs to afford the next big thing.

There have been some great mid-fi releases as well, I thought the K550 was very good for it's £150 price, the Sony MA900, ATs A900X and AD900X are all very good recently released mid range headphones.
Apr 11, 2013 at 3:21 PM Post #9,922 of 21,763
So what I understand by Wikipedia's definition is that Astroturfing is like false advertising?
I haven't heard the D7100 yet and based on what I read, I will not appreciate it but I have tried the D600.
The D600 IMO is overpriced for the sound quality it gives and honestly, Denon could've done a much better job on it. Sure it sounds nice on some songs (badly mastered, heavily EQed mainstream pop songs) but it has such a dull sound quality that my modded T50RPs are more interesting to listen to.
They are comfortable that's for sure.

The D600s have a more neutral tone and I find them to be a better headphone. When you factor in price ($1100 vs $400), it's a no-brainer. I have no problem with giving a D600 recommendation over something like Beats, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the D7100s are good for. :blink:
Apr 11, 2013 at 3:24 PM Post #9,923 of 21,763
The D600s have a more neutral tone and I find them to be a better headphone. When you factor in price ($1100 vs $400), it's a no-brainer. I have no problem with giving a D600 recommendation over something like Beats, but I can't for the life of me figure out what the D7100s are good for.

Alternative to middling level booze as a corporate gift?
Apr 11, 2013 at 6:58 PM Post #9,925 of 21,763
I've always preferred good cigars. Mmm...
Apr 11, 2013 at 7:10 PM Post #9,926 of 21,763
I was at the earlier meet.
Must have been a good time.

It was great, had a chat, tried to appoint an initial executive and also tried to think of a name.
Can any of you think of a good name for a university audiophile society? 
We actually wanted to avoid the use of the word 'audiophile' as it strikes us as having a bit of an elitist tone, but we can't think of a word that more broadly encompasses the proposed society's interests.
The other options we came up with were things like: Hi-Fi Society (HiFiSoc) / Hi-Fi Club etc
The name has to be descriptive so that new uni students can pick the club out of a list of organisations...
Nah - the Headphone Universal Corporate Gift is always Bose.

Beats Executive!!!
Actually they look pretty snazzy when I was looking at a pair at the Apple store. Unfortunately I couldn't give it a listen.
Also, posted up my RE-400 video. I really like these!

Apr 11, 2013 at 8:08 PM Post #9,928 of 21,763
Great video, a_rec. Could you compare it to something else, like maybe the EX1000?
Also, what media player is that?

The RE-400 has more subdued highs and the soundstage isn't as spacious and wide as the EX1000, but on the flip-side the tuning works for more modern recordings. I would give you a more direct comparison but I'm packing to drive to Canberra for the weekend! (BEER FESTIVAL HOO)
Everyone asks me about that media player! I need to figure out some way to tell people what it is in the videos because I get the question all the time. It's just the iTunes screensaver which is part of Mac OSX.
Apr 11, 2013 at 8:42 PM Post #9,929 of 21,763
The RE-400 has more subdued highs and the soundstage isn't as spacious and wide as the EX1000, but on the flip-side the tuning works for more modern recordings. I would give you a more direct comparison but I'm packing to drive to Canberra for the weekend! (BEER FESTIVAL HOO)
Everyone asks me about that media player! I need to figure out some way to tell people what it is in the videos because I get the question all the time. It's just the iTunes screensaver which is part of Mac OSX.

Have fun!
Apr 11, 2013 at 9:04 PM Post #9,930 of 21,763
The RE-400 has more subdued highs and the soundstage isn't as spacious and wide as the EX1000, but on the flip-side the tuning works for more modern recordings. I would give you a more direct comparison but I'm packing to drive to Canberra for the weekend! (BEER FESTIVAL HOO)
Everyone asks me about that media player! I need to figure out some way to tell people what it is in the videos because I get the question all the time. It's just the iTunes screensaver which is part of Mac OSX.

Maybe you can add extra info in the video description where you label your source, music player, etc so people can just refer to that.

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