The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Mar 24, 2013 at 6:39 AM Post #8,854 of 21,763
Eke made the new one.
Also... 1Plus2s are in the hizzy.

Awesome ! Hope you love them. So far all Ocharaku lovers get along pretty well with the 1plus2.
Also, I am a very lucky guy. A really dear friend from Japan who is not on the forums is coming to Shanghai tomorrow and lending me : the TOGO 334, the Kaede and the IE800...FOR A WHOLE MONTH. I am getting condused with all this good stuff, what will I listen many cross comparisons to do !
Mar 24, 2013 at 6:47 AM Post #8,855 of 21,763
The more I listen to my Crossfades the less muddy they sound 
 I think that they actually sound quite decent, they are very forgiving and not fatiguing at all ^^ The vocals are quite nice as well. Needs a lot of power to shine though 

Mar 24, 2013 at 7:52 AM Post #8,856 of 21,763
The 1Plus2s are much closer to full-on customs than, say, the FitEar or Heir universals. Fit is a little iffy for me at first due to their size, especially with the massive cable weighing down a bit, essentially pulling it out of my ear. I managed to get a better fit by using smaller sized tips and shoving them into my ears / pulling on my ears a bit. A bit forceful, but I'm not uncomfortable. Like customs the fit improves gradually as one's ears conform a bit to the shell and a seal develops.
So yeah, how 'bout that cable. This thing is massive. I heard Gavin was into exotic wire ... that's no joke. This is definitely a cable for people who love cables lol. Feels very robust. Very nice. Kinda awkward due to its size and heft, but it's not quite as microphonic as the FitEar cable which is a very good thing.
Using these with the UHA-6S. Seems like a very good match. Right away the sound bowls me over. Very "big" and "epic" sound. Probably the closest to the HD800 I've heard an IEM come in terms of its spatial presentation. The signature is likewise going for a very high-end type of appeal with a strong emphasis on details and larger-than-life sound in places. Treble has sparkle and air with definite brightness to add to the overall sense of detail. Maybe a little hot from time to time, but overall it's not problematic for me so far. Treble isn't glaring which is good. Midrange is very clean sounding and open. Bass is undoubtedly the star of the show in tonal balance: absolutely megalithic. It slams with a tremendous force, but overall the 1Plus2 retains enough control to keep it from getting out of hand. Subbass in particular is just... wow. I don't think I've encountered another IEM that can dish out as much high quality subbass as these.
Gavin comes from high-end speaker rigs that easily cost five figures. He's the sort of audiophile who has room treatments. I've often commented that IEMs are in many ways closer to speakers than headphones (see jgray's blog for some of my analysis). I think Gavin's work on the 1Plus2 just reinforces this notion for me. In particular the bass response is closer to speakers than most fullsized headphones IMO.
If I had to compare these to fullsized headphones... I'd say they're sort of like the TakeT H2+ of the IEM world.
Mar 24, 2013 at 8:00 AM Post #8,857 of 21,763
Nice impressions Muppet. I take you are enjoying them so far then? :). I agree the sound stage is massive on them yet not to the point where things feel too distant or too close. A very different presentation from any other IEM I've heard. Bass is just sick and how deep it goes yet how controlled it is at the same time :). Some of the negative comments I've heard in regards to the bass still has me baffled. I wonder if its due to fit/tips?
Mar 24, 2013 at 8:49 AM Post #8,859 of 21,763
I've got the Liquid Lightning 2 up and running.
~> If the Liquid Lightning was a species of wild amplifier critters, the LL1 would be the smaller more colorful looking male while the LL2 would be the larger more uniform female. She'd be the one doing all the hunting, methinks.

Would this larger, more uniform female also be of the kind enjoying the male for lunch after mating?
Mar 24, 2013 at 9:07 AM Post #8,860 of 21,763
Nice impressions Muppet. I take you are enjoying them so far then? :). I agree the sound stage is massive on them yet not to the point where things feel too distant or too close. A very different presentation from any other IEM I've heard. Bass is just sick and how deep it goes yet how controlled it is at the same time :). Some of the negative comments I've heard in regards to the bass still has me baffled. I wonder if its due to fit/tips?

Yeah, they're definitely a fun listen.
Bass is probably a fit thing. I can see how some people might have problems if they can't get the insertion depth and/or angle right.
I'm finding that these really don't sound at their best unless you can get a good fit. Makes a pretty big difference for me.
Wow, that's kind of a glowing impression of the 1plus2. Time to go back and read tomscy's post again. Also thanks for the blog plug.

This is the discussion btw:

My impressions are mostly in line with Tom's so far.
The biggest negative point for me at the moment is the fit and comfort. For some reason my right ear is giving me more trouble... just can't seem to get quite as good an insertion as on the left side. Also comfort-wise they're not exactly spectacular; they've got the bulk of a CIEM yet don't conform fully due to their universal nature, so you very much feel their full presence shoved into your ears. They stick out quite a bit, and the large cable has a tendency to un-loop from behind my ears.
Sonically they're very impressive to me. They have a technical proficiency and are also very fun to listen to in my opinion. Tom said they can put a big goofy smile on your face. I agree. As with the vast majority of gear with this type of signature however, I find fatigue sets in after prolonged listening. Doesn't surprise me; I'd say the same for the Flat4, HD800, and TakeT. Goes with the territory when you're larger than life. Also extremely bassy tracks can be a little much without EQ. I found the same with the IE800, though the 1Plus2 has better lower-end control more in keeping with the Flat4 and TakeT.
Would this larger, more uniform female also be of the kind enjoying the male for lunch after mating?

I certainly hope not. I'd like to either hang on to or sell the LL1.
Mar 24, 2013 at 9:13 AM Post #8,861 of 21,763
Yeah, they're definitely a fun listen.
Bass is probably a fit thing. I can see how some people might have problems if they can't get the insertion depth and/or angle right.
I'm finding that these really don't sound at their best unless you can get a good fit. Makes a pretty big difference for me.
My impressions are mostly in line with Tom's so far.
The biggest negative point for me at the moment is the fit and comfort. For some reason my right ear is giving me more trouble... just can't seem to get quite as good an insertion as on the left side. Also comfort-wise they're not exactly spectacular; they've got the bulk of a CIEM yet don't conform fully due to their universal nature, so you very much feel their full presence shoved into your ears. They stick out quite a bit, and the large cable has a tendency to un-loop from behind my ears.
Sonically they're very impressive to me. They have a technical proficiency and are also very fun to listen to in my opinion. Tom said they can put a big goofy smile on your face. I agree. As with the vast majority of gear with this type of signature however, I find fatigue sets in after prolonged listening. Doesn't surprise me; I'd say the same for the Flat4, HD800, and TakeT. Goes with the territory when you're larger than life. Also extremely bassy tracks can be a little much without EQ. I found the same with the IE800, though the 1Plus2 has better lower-end control more in keeping with the Flat4 and TakeT.
I certainly hope not. I'd like to either hang on to or sell the LL1.

You're not alone on that. I tend to feel the right IEM is a bit off in comparison to the left in terms of fit. Not sure why that is. I haven't really talked to Gavin about it wondering if its just my imagination. Then again I've had this same feeling with other IEMs so not sure if it's just my right ear or not :frowning2:... For example sometimes I wonder if the left is slightly louder than the right. Or the sound staging feels a tad off. But at other times that is not the case. So I don't know lol... I mean the extreme separation these babies possess could very well be playing a roll in that :p.
Mar 24, 2013 at 9:22 AM Post #8,862 of 21,763
Sounds like you and goodvibes figured the 1+2 out very quickly. It took me a week. At first I had a lot of sibilance but by the end of a week, there was very little. I'm guessing I must have figured out the sweet spot for my ears over that time without realizing I was doing something different.

The soundstaging and space is what sold me on the 1+2. By the end if that week, I noticed I was listening to them more and more but really couldn't put my finger on why they were growing on me so; then It dawned on me it was the most awesome sense of space I've heard in an iem. It's the largest and grandest by far. Love the bass too. It's blended just right. Space, details and fun is the 1+2 for me.
Mar 24, 2013 at 9:27 AM Post #8,863 of 21,763
Muppet how do you feel the Sui and Kaedes sound stages compare to the 1Plus2? I feel the 1Plus2 is more upfront than the Sui while the Sui is more spacious in its presentation (also more distant). Thus I tend to listen to the Sui at higher volumes, even though I feel the Sui is also brighter. I absolutely love both of them though. In terms of imaging I feel the 1Plus2 images from the front (like a concert hall) while the Sui is more so surrounding you. Almost stadium like...
@Shane. It took me a day to really grasp them. I never really had issues with sibilance though. But they sounded awfully dull and lifeless to me the first 20 hours of usage. I surely felt it was a downgrade from the first model and was bitching about it lol. After 20 hours they really started opening up and I could see why they are indeed amazing IEMs.
Mar 24, 2013 at 9:49 AM Post #8,864 of 21,763
I should have the 1plus2s hopefully this Wednesday evening. GG and me are meeting up for a head-fi meet and he'll be passing them off to me. After reading so much about them I've become rather curious about them.
Mar 24, 2013 at 11:39 AM Post #8,865 of 21,763
Glad to see that the thread has returned to the state where I had to go through some twenty-odd pages to just reply to a select number of posts that I wanted to get to in two days...
  Yeah, already sent an e-mail to Dimitri about it. You know me well enough to know it's already pre-ordered LOL.

Yep! FAD has become quite the metallurgic mastermind.
  Yeah I also hate going to Doctors. Just never liked being around them, especially just nearly avoiding surgery when I was very young (was a miracle the day of surgery)....

You, boy, take that back right now! (or else I'm never speaking to you again, hmpf)

Gawd go see a doctor! And get better!  Sheesh. You'll feel even more sheepish when you go to the doctor and he/she says "You've let this go on for 3 weeks?!"

Yes. Please. (x2)
  Meh, they stole that idea from the EX1000.

Wise and wizened words!

  No wait, seriously, you know that she isn't really a she right?

This reminds me of kiteki.

kiteki's a she? 

I think kiteki succeeded.
  I like how the best of violins can by all of the flagships and summit gear a thousand times over lol

The closest I ever got to one was when I spoke to Midori a few years ago and she was clutching her Guarneri del Gesu... beautiful piece of work...
  I should have the 1plus2s hopefully this Wednesday evening. GG and me are meeting up for a head-fi meet and he'll be passing them off to me. After reading so much about them I've become rather curious about them.

Girls Generation make you feel the heat?

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