The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Dec 20, 2012 at 12:33 AM Post #3,886 of 21,763

Got a new bonsai tree this morning :)
I want to put up different album sleeves back there or maybe one of my wide posters of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, but I'm not sure which/what yet.

Very nice looking bonsai, and this is coming from someone who barely eats vegetables, let alone looks at them.
If you put up more album covers, aren't you afraid that it will turn out too crowded with the bonsai there as well? I think the simplest designs usually turns out the best, so look out for that if you do decide to put up more. I'd much rather actually take off that pic (album sleeve?) that is there already and let the bonsai have some breathing room.
Dec 20, 2012 at 12:40 AM Post #3,888 of 21,763

Got a new bonsai tree this morning :)
I want to put up different album sleeves back there or maybe one of my wide posters of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, but I'm not sure which/what yet.

Congrats on a beautiful ensemble...really diggin' that tree!
Dec 20, 2012 at 1:26 AM Post #3,889 of 21,763
@Coq: Yeah, I get what you mean.  I kind of miss-phrased that and meant I might just switch the album cover for another.  I do feel like something needs to be there, though, from the angle I typically see it at.
Sorry to post so quick, but I was looking when Coq posted it. Where do you source a nice bonsai like that?

Amazon.  Stuff like that isn't really hard to find.  Besides that I usually just get house plants from Home Depot or Dominicks.  I did, however, have to go to a more specialized site for my palm tree.  I don't know if that place is particularly great compared to other palm tree sites that are probably out there, but the 7' tree I ordered came in good condition, if that's ever, like, something you'd want.  There were a few broken leaves, but it wasn't infested with anything, unlike most of the bushes I've gotten from those other places (seriously, inspect plants you buy from retail stores).
Dec 20, 2012 at 1:41 AM Post #3,890 of 21,763
@Coq: Yeah, I get what you mean.  I kind of miss-phrased that and meant I might just switch the album cover for another.  I do feel like something needs to be there, though, from the angle I typically see it at.

Ah right, then I understand. It would be nice to see a better picture of it all, to see how nice that bonsai fits in there. Is it a moneytree? I'm ridiculously in love with them, especially when they are nicely shaped. I can't take care of any kinds of plants as they all seem to die on me. I either water too little or too much, and I never seem to get it right. I've thought about setting up some sort of schedule so that I don't drown them or dry them out. Seems a bit overkill, but maybe needed.
Dec 20, 2012 at 1:53 AM Post #3,891 of 21,763
So, anyone going to one of those stupid "end of the world" parties?
Personally speaking, if it really were the end of the world, I'd rather be alone in a cabin as far north as possible with my Sony Walkman and FI-BA-SS, Boredoms' "Super AE" on repeat, a pack of cigarettes, some raunchy magazines, and several vials of morphine. Eventually just... go to sleep, looking up at the starry sky as it's gradually extinguished....
*Ahem* I'm having a smoke right now, first time since the end of spring. It's 'round 1 AM here, cold and windy. I'm up trying to get work done on these lecture revisions, but I just don't feel like it. I'd rather just think about stuff and drag on this cigarette.
Some nice oolong teas from Taiwan arrived the other day. I think I'll make some after I take a shower this morning. Clear my head with hot beverages.
Dec 20, 2012 at 2:05 AM Post #3,892 of 21,763
@Coq: nah, the leaves look similar at a distance, though.  I just got something I was fairly certain could do well indoors since I had to learn the hard way that conifers (the last couple of cheap bonsai I bought) simply need rain water and direct sunlight (My Christmas tree seems to be slowly dying atm ;_:wink:.  If you want plants that are really easy to care for, get some peace lilies; they grow in very low light, start to droop when they need water and encourage you to treat them like **** because it makes them flower faster.  Really, I only ever water mine when they look like they're about to die and they perk back up in an hour or two like nothing ever happened.
@MF: I'm staying inside on Friday in case anyone else around here actually thinks the world's ending.  It probably sounds stupid, but I'm genuinely afraid of someone losing it and a random whitey in the hood makes a good target.
Dec 20, 2012 at 2:07 AM Post #3,893 of 21,763
@MF: I'm staying inside on Friday in case anyone else around here actually thinks the world's ending.  It probably sounds stupid, but I'm genuinely afraid of someone losing it and a random whitey in the hood makes a good target.

That doesn't sound stupid at all. Some people are crazy, and if they've psyched themselves up, then yeah you have every reason to be careful.
Dec 20, 2012 at 2:40 AM Post #3,894 of 21,763
Pretty much!  I just wish more of my friends felt that way.

In other news!  I'm pretty sure these are all over the place at this point, but we lack the tools to see most of it.  I forget the details, but a study finished a few months ago concluded that Earth-sized planets are at least as common as the gas giants we've mostly been finding, if not more so.
And, while we may only be a little blue dot, our galaxy's huge (it has huge guts!).

The disproportionate amount of dark matter we seem to have has always intrigued the hell out of me as do pretty much any of our galaxy's peculiarities, like the fact that it may be square shaped and that it apparently has freakishly large gas clouds coming from the ends of its central black hole.  All of this info's come out in the past 2-3 years due to it being the only galaxy we can't really look at as a whole.
Dec 20, 2012 at 2:53 AM Post #3,895 of 21,763
So, anyone going to one of those stupid "end of the world" parties?
Personally speaking, if it really were the end of the world, I'd rather be alone in a cabin as far north as possible with my Sony Walkman and FI-BA-SS, Boredoms' "Super AE" on repeat, a pack of cigarettes, some raunchy magazines, and several vials of morphine. Eventually just... go to sleep, looking up at the starry sky as it's gradually extinguished....
*Ahem* I'm having a smoke right now, first time since the end of spring. It's 'round 1 AM here, cold and windy. I'm up trying to get work done on these lecture revisions, but I just don't feel like it. I'd rather just think about stuff and drag on this cigarette.
Some nice oolong teas from Taiwan arrived the other day. I think I'll make some after I take a shower this morning. Clear my head with hot beverages.

I got invited to one, I said "I can get drunk and forget the night WITHOUT the apocalypse anyways" :p
I've been smoking on those Djarum clove cigs lately. I still need to order the vanilla ones, if you want a pack I'll fwd them your way. Sadly my favorite pure tobacco cigs are American Spirit Black Packs. They have such a deep, spicy taste to them, they are a weakness. Since they are like $8 a pack and I feel this is one hobby that costs enough, I sparingly buy them :p
What oolongs did you get btw?
Dec 20, 2012 at 3:40 AM Post #3,896 of 21,763
Randomly, I'm so impressed by the Momentums (and by association Sennheiser) that I am now lusting after the IE800's. Oh dear.
Dec 20, 2012 at 5:19 AM Post #3,898 of 21,763
Ain't gonna lie, as soon as I find the IE800 for sale domestically (or an import site I like), I'll be getting one.

Lol, why would you lie Mupps? I'd actually be disappointed if you didn't get it hehe.
In unrelated news, I did an in-person exchange of the UE6000 today. Really nice guy; things like that always give me the warm and fuzzies about the community.

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