The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Dec 20, 2012 at 1:59 PM Post #3,916 of 21,763
I can't believe I used "positive role models" and "anime" in the same breath. Anyway. In older anime, Sailor Moon (shut up! it's fun!), Inuyasha, Ranma 1/2 and Lum/Urutsei Yatsura come to mind, all for different reasons. Most of them are pretty silly (Inuyasha not so much) and the latter two are kind of unabashed about the fact that boys are boys and girls are girls and some things naturally happen, so to speak, but they're safe for family viewing and were mostly originally made for preteens and teens.

As for anything that's come out in the past mumblety years, you got me. No clue.
Dec 20, 2012 at 2:11 PM Post #3,919 of 21,763
From memory those eke mentioned should be great. If you can find the toonami versions of Tenchi, those will also be good.

Tenchi (in all iterations) was basically a love triangle, with a little action thrown in here and there.
Man I miss my childhood.
If I had any control ovr the human life cycle, I'd make it go like this:
baby > child > adolescent > adult > old age > child > death
That way, we'd be more appreciative of what we have in our youth, plus we'd have saved up enough money to eat pizza ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Talk about dying content.
Dec 20, 2012 at 2:52 PM Post #3,922 of 21,763
Tenchi (in all iterations) was basically a love triangle, with a little action thrown in here and there.
Man I miss my childhood.
If I had any control ovr the human life cycle, I'd make it go like this:
baby > child > adolescent > adult > old age > child > death
That way, we'd be more appreciative of what we have in our youth, plus we'd have saved up enough money to eat pizza ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Talk about dying content.

Tell me about it. The OVA's of Muyo had a lot more action in them. Universe was the same, and Tokyo was exactly how you described.
And you know what? I loved em. I do agree about missing my childhood too. It was so much easier (and cheaper) to get excited back then :/
Yep, those rainbow's are really secret code for People Against Goodness And Normalcy. Hahaha...

OMG I lol'd.
Dec 20, 2012 at 3:35 PM Post #3,923 of 21,763
Thanks everyone for your input and recommendations.  You will make her very happy as I think her parents have her on 'anime hold' until they get a sanitized list.
@ardgedee:  you nailed it.  Her condition is similar to Aspergers but not exactly.  While it shares some symptoms it also has others that don't fit the mold.  Doctors are apparently considering a new category/label for her condition.
Dec 20, 2012 at 4:27 PM Post #3,924 of 21,763
Another new headphone....
Aëdle VK-1 Valkyrie 
MSRP: 325 USD ("Classic") and 360 USD ("Carbon")​

That's gorgeous! I'd consider a preoder hehe.
Thanks everyone for your input and recommendations.  You will make her very happy as I think her parents have her on 'anime hold' until they get a sanitized list.
@ardgedee:  you nailed it.  Her condition is similar to Aspergers but not exactly.  While it shares some symptoms it also has others that don't fit the mold.  Doctors are apparently considering a new category/label for her condition.

I can't really contribute much more than what everyone else has suggested, especially since I watched Evangelion when I was younger and I think that pretty much completely changed my life lol. It doesn't help that a lot of animal series start off quite chirpy and then get very dark quickly.
I would definitely warn against Full Metal Alchemist for someone too young, though I was watching the movie in Hong Kong and noticed a few kids in the audience absolutely thrilled by the violence. 
I guess it can't hurt to watch anything that was dubbed in English and accordingly sanitised for a kids TV network, even if a lot of purists might loathe that idea.
Dec 20, 2012 at 5:27 PM Post #3,927 of 21,763
So all of a sudden I'm getting really hyped about the IE800 for some reason. I found an importer I like selling it, but their price is a little high. Asking if they might consider coming down a wee bit. Not expecting it.

The accessoryjack price doesn't seem so bad?
Dec 20, 2012 at 5:57 PM Post #3,928 of 21,763
Does anyone know of any creative commons music (for commercial use)? I'm thinking of actually doing this whole youtube video review thingy; it would be nice if my headphone collection at least paid for a bit of itself. 
Edit: Nvm, found this via the creative commons organisation heh:
Dec 20, 2012 at 6:25 PM Post #3,930 of 21,763
I don't like AccessoryJack. Plus it says "coming soon" which could be who-knows-how-long (especially when it comes to, well, AccessoryJack...).

Oh wait, now I remember the runaround you had with them!

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