The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Dec 20, 2012 at 6:30 PM Post #3,931 of 21,763
I have an anime question for the diary.  I have seen some ( actually very few) anime's in my time (Ghost in The Shell comes to mind) but not enough to be a good judge of them.  I have a niece that is borderline autistic.  She's 21 years old but has the maturity of someone much younger.  I'd say 12-14 yo or thereabouts.  She very much likes anime but her parents have asked me for advice on what to allow her to see.  Now, I know that anime runs the gamut from very appropriate for small children to way out there in terms of mature themes.  Could I get some advice (yes/no, why) on a few shows that she's interested in?  Would you be ok with your niece watching the following:
The Bakugan series
Beyblade Metal Fusion
Black Butler
Black Cat
the Darker than Black series
Deltora Quest
the Digimon series
Fairy Tail
Full metal Alchemist
Moble Fighter G Gundam
Naruto Shippuden
One Piece
the Pokemon series
Spice and Wolf
Yu-gi-oh 5Ds
Yu-gi-oh GX
Zoids New Century Zero
I would ask in the anime thread but I have never set foot in there.  I've been following lurking in this thread almost since its original beginnings and feel that I know you all and would feel more comfortable with your advice.  Thank you very much from me and from my niece.

Gundam has a really dark theme....... however I watched it when I was at that age and I loved it. 
Dec 20, 2012 at 7:22 PM Post #3,932 of 21,763

Dec 20, 2012 at 9:51 PM Post #3,933 of 21,763
Why the heck wasn't I aware of this!??!?!?!
I LOOOOVE Tex Murphy... I remember when I was like 13 or 14 or so years young that I updated my PC (with my parents money of course) just to play Under a Killing Moon! Such an awesome funny adventure...
I'm going to go to GOG now and buy Under a Killing Moon to experience the game again... maybe I'll get pumped and buy every release... I have a huge backlog of games but this one... I NEED to play it again!!!
Dec 20, 2012 at 10:20 PM Post #3,934 of 21,763
Well, my impressions are done and mailed off to Heir Audio. The audiologist seemed to know what I was talking about when I explained I wanted them for a CIEM and was confident the impressions would work. He even said if there was any problems to come back and he would redo them for free. The funny thing is, I showed him the Heir Audio site and while my impressions were solidifying he killed time surfing around the Heir site. After the impressions were removed he started asking me tons of questions involving which CIEM sounded like what and the type of finishes they provided. He think asked me if mobile amping would help the sound out which rather shocked me he knew about mobile amps. I think he was impressed with what he saw on the Heir Audio site because as I was leaving his office he went right back to surfing the Heir gallery section. Any who before he packaged them up I gave them a real close inspection and there wasn't any bubbles or shiny areas which means I think the impressions were good. He also seemed to be taking special care making sure the Tragus was properly covered in goop and he gave a couple of light pushes to make sure the goop got the proper indentations. I sent them off this afternoon with fingers crossed and a prayer. Man do I hope those impressions work out. I really don't want to be playing refit monopoly over the next couple of months.
Dec 20, 2012 at 10:27 PM Post #3,935 of 21,763
This is exciting to hear, DF! In my experience, the audiologist did good impressions but it still took Sensaphonics a second attempt and they nailed it!!! The round-trippers from LA>Chicago>LA>Chicago>LA was fast!
Dec 20, 2012 at 10:53 PM Post #3,936 of 21,763
This is exciting to hear, DF! In my experience, the audiologist did good impressions but it still took Sensaphonics a second attempt and they nailed it!!! The round-trippers from LA>Chicago>LA>Chicago>LA was fast!

Well I'll have to wait and see. As I said before I live in a small city which in the big scheme of things is nothing more then the sticks compared to other major cities. Fingers crossed it all works out and I wind up being a happy camper. I was so impatient to get my impressions to Heir I paid extra for shipping to get them to the USA office within 4 business days. They usually check the impressions before sending them to China so I should know something by the end of next week. I included a note inside the box with my email address name and order number and instructed them to email me immediately if there was a problem.
Now that the impressions are on their way and my 4A will soon be manufactured the only missing piece of the puzzle is what mobile DAC should I buy. My Leckerton I really like so as far as amps are concerned that piece of the puzzle is solved. For DAP's, if I want to change it up and not be stuck with a brick the odd day I have the Studio V which fills that hole in nicely. I so need to decide if the CLAS is what I want or if maybe the VentureCraft DD Socket 1 is the better answer. Oh by the way, hey argeedee, if I decide on the CLAS db and maybe down the road grab the RX MKIII would you be willing to let me commission you for a balanced cable for the 4A? That move is a ways down the road but I'm trying to get everything lined up so once I'm ready to go that route I'm not running around at the last minute trying to find someone.
Dec 20, 2012 at 11:35 PM Post #3,937 of 21,763
 I failed to notice your impressions were on a World Tour. And now I better understand the concern of getting as much as right as possible. 
Dec 20, 2012 at 11:40 PM Post #3,938 of 21,763
 I failed to notice your impressions were on a World Tour. And now I better understand the concern of getting as much as right as possible. 

My gear seems to be better traveled then me, which is pretty sad.
Dec 21, 2012 at 12:05 AM Post #3,939 of 21,763
 I failed to notice your impressions were on a World Tour. And now I better understand the concern of getting as much as right as possible. 

My gear seems to be better traveled then me, which is pretty sad.

I believe you mentioned living comfortably in The Sticks. Despite having a smaller population, does the region support/have a fair amount of live musical acts? I find that even though my listening room lacks several thousand $$$ in gear, getting out to listen to live music - and putting up with bad acoustics at times - really made a difference when I enjoyed listening to recorded music on whatever system I had at home. Sort of like the senses being energized.
Dec 21, 2012 at 12:48 AM Post #3,940 of 21,763
I believe you mentioned living comfortably in The Sticks. Despite having a smaller population, does the region support/have a fair amount of live musical acts? I find that even though my listening room lacks several thousand $$$ in gear, getting out to listen to live music - and putting up with bad acoustics at times - really made a difference when I enjoyed listening to recorded music on whatever system I had at home. Sort of like the senses being energized.

Well that's where Winnipeg sort of lucks out compared to other equal sized cities. Because my city is only 4 hours away from Minnesota and because Winnipeg built a new arena a few short years ago we do get the big music tours through here. As far as smaller venues we also do pretty good with smaller tour acts due to the fact we have various small to mid sized venues available for performers. This city also has a very high immigrant population, which I'm part of, and because of it people here are exposed to a lot of different types of world music. The big thing as far as world music is concerned would be Folklorama which is a 2 week festival where different ethnic groups have a chance to tell their history, let other people try their native cuisine and expose them to various forms of their native music.
Of coarse there is a lot of room for improvement. There isn't a lot of jazz in this city or at least no real dedicated jazz or blues clubs which really stinks as far as I'm concerned. We do have a yearly jazz festival but it's not the same thing as having a thriving jazz scene with dedicated jazz and blues clubs. The rock and metal scene is active here but it's small and doesn't get noticed much and most bands have to rely on word of mouth to get their name known. The few that do eventually get noticed don't hang around here for very long and usually move down south to the USA or to where all the Canadian record labels are headquartered which is either Toronto or Vancouver. Once they've moved out of province forget about being able to see them unless they just happen to tour back through their home town of Winnipeg again. The music scene is a mixed bag but it does seem to be more developed then say other cities that are of equal size such as Kitchener, Saint John or Fredericton. The few times I visited those cities the music scene in my opinion was rather dead. The cities of Saint John and Fredericton did have a rather active eastern Canadiana like edge to their music scene with a lot of Irish and Scottish musical influences which isn't surprising considering those cities are in the province of New Brunswick. They both also seemed to have a thriving population of fiddlers with a very supportive fan base to add some variety to the scene but besides that there really wasn't anything else that caught my eye when I visited there as far as the music scene was concerned. As far as Kitchener was concerned, if you ever go through there take lots and lots of CD's to listen to. Trust me you're better off that way.
Dec 21, 2012 at 3:26 AM Post #3,942 of 21,763
Silent One, I like the color you use. It's still fairly readable, yet it provides a little "spice" to this place. Refreshing.

Oh boy am I tired. I don't have the energy to deal with the apocalypse today. It'll have to wait until after the chistmas when I will be a bit more rested.
Also, this week has felt like a friday the whole week. Now that it's actually friday, it feels like a calm day. No stress today. As a matter of fact, I won't do any hard work today either; I need to write some sort of summary of my work here today, mainly to my self to document all of my work, so I know what to do after the holiday. Also, it's a good idea to do it in case someone wonders what I actually have been doing here for the past couple of months. I'm a bit bad on the documenting part, so I think I'll be devoting most of my day for that, except for that one meeting I have today.
Other than that, I'm going home early today and I've playing (a lot) with the thought of buying the K550 actually. The polarizing impressions are intriguing, and it is one of the best looking headphones I've ever seen.

Wow, and I forgot to add that there is a thread about a certain headphone I'd like to buy, but there is one head-fier taking over the whole thread with overly positive comments about it (of course, also defending it rather hard whenever critics show up). Normally I wouldn't let that ruin anything for me, but I really get that bitter taste from reading that thread and I'm not so sure I want to invest in those headphones anymore.
Am I becoming "shallow"? Is it normal to be put off by an overly enthusiastic defender?
I'll let things slide though. It's a very new headphone, so I'll wait a bit until the new-toy-syndrome settles for everyone.
Dec 21, 2012 at 4:16 AM Post #3,944 of 21,763
Silent One, I like the color you use. It's still fairly readable, yet it provides a little "spice" to this place. Refreshing.

Thanks, if I can remember to select it. I never really paid attention to the option before yesterday. But two things suddenly made me aware: I write a lot by hand with a Japanese fountain pen - letters, notes, cards ect. And use a beautiful Japanese ink - Pilot Iroshizuku Murasaki Shikibu (Lady Murasaki - World's first novelist allegedly). it's a violet-purple. 
Anyway, I wanted to merge the ink I'm accustomed to seeing late-nite with something easy on my eyes, since I often stay up ALL night long ('til sunrise). I finally scrutinized the options at top and found Purple in the mix. 


Dec 21, 2012 at 5:33 AM Post #3,945 of 21,763
Any who before he packaged them up I gave them a real close inspection and there wasn't any bubbles or shiny areas which means I think the impressions were good. He also seemed to be taking special care making sure the Tragus was properly covered in goop and he gave a couple of light pushes to make sure the goop got the proper indentations. I sent them off this afternoon with fingers crossed and a prayer. Man do I hope those impressions work out. I really don't want to be playing refit monopoly over the next couple of months.

Congratulations on the first step to your first customs! (What, you think these will be your last?)
You should've emailed photos to Heir first. They will make an initial screening from the pics and tell you if you need a redo.

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