The diary entries of a little girl in her 30s! ~ Part 2
Dec 18, 2012 at 11:12 PM Post #3,872 of 21,763
How many people here are CIEM users? I want to get some ideas on what people think of CIEMs in general as far as what genres benefit most from the added isolation, and from specific CIEMs' sound signatures. Thoughts?

Looks like you're not far away from taking the plunge into the CIEM realm. I bought the Heir 4A during the 40% off black Friday sale and I'm due to get my ear impressions done in a couple of days. I settled on the 4A due to sorenslim and project86 raving about them as well as the positive feedback I heard from ardgedee. If these work out I can see myself looking into other options such as the UERM the Miracle and the 8A. I'm also waiting on ardgedee's latest Hidition CIEM review hoping his findings might convince me to for go all the others and find a CIEM I would be content with and not worry about upgradeitous. Who knows, maybe the 4A will blow me away and I'll finally be content as far as mobile is concerned and I can begin to concentrate more on gear for home use. Ardgedee, you've had your 4A's for awhile now. Do you find yourself getting bored with their sound yet or are they still your go to CIEM even though you have the Hidition?
By the way guys speaking of mobile here's a kicker. With all the mobile amps I own and all the DAP's I have ever owned I'm now finding myself gravitating more and more towards my Studio V 3rd Anniversary DAP. The silly things OS is so hopelessly flawed I can't help but sometimes think some 14 year old script kitty coded it together in his spare time for extra video game money. The crappy OS aside I can't help but love how transparent it sounds and how everything I plug into it just sounds great on it. My M-100, fantastic, DT1350, never sounded better, EX600, check in the positive column, W4, bass and mids shine on it like nothing else can make it shine, K2 sp, sounds killer. Rather weird how this little metal primitive looking DAP can sound better then other gear designed by more established names in the hobby. If someone out there could figure out a way to update the buggy UI and issue a firmware update so that the OS ran smoothly this DAP would get a 5 star from me
Dec 19, 2012 at 1:19 AM Post #3,873 of 21,763
Evangelion Home Shopping Network is comedy gold. Never before have such cheerful things been wrought from such depressing material.
Also a real thing: A two story Evangelion retail store.
Evangelion Hello Kitty Undies.
Before today, these were just four random words.
Today, they are a real thing.
And you can have your very own.

Surely all Gendo really needed to be happy was a close shave.

I have to thank you for these links, this stuff is brilliant. Like the mouse-pad...and toilet covers...

Dec 19, 2012 at 1:45 AM Post #3,874 of 21,763
How many people here are CIEM users? I want to get some ideas on what people think of CIEMs in general as far as what genres benefit most from the added isolation, and from specific CIEMs' sound signatures. Thoughts?

I've got two CIEMs. I like them both. Any genre is better for the extra isolation, imo. The only drawback is they're not the greatest in situations where you need to keep pulling them out. Insertion and removal gets faster with practice, but it's a nuisance.
Dec 19, 2012 at 2:04 AM Post #3,875 of 21,763

I have to thank you for these links, this stuff is brilliant. Like the mouse-pad...and toilet covers...

"Feed me, Seymore!"
Dec 19, 2012 at 3:45 AM Post #3,876 of 21,763
I think the absence of ire may be because ire towards a consumer product is irrational and Mupps is pretty rational lol.

I'm sorry that the earpods aren't comfortable on the side though. :frowning2: At least they are real cheap. 

Ahh good point.

Well, it's still okay though. I can stand lying on my side with it for 10 minutes or so, and that's fairly enough so far.

How 'bout a Beats Audio Helmet?

Can't beat beats for protecting your head from beats.

Yo dawg, i hrrd yu liek beats, so we put beats in your beats helmet so you can beat while beaten.

I swear it sounds funny when i thought of it.
Dec 19, 2012 at 6:57 AM Post #3,877 of 21,763
Dec 19, 2012 at 9:17 AM Post #3,878 of 21,763
Any... of them? It's hard to say. There's some custom IEM available with almost any variety of sound signature you want.
A better place to start would be with the IEMs you've already tried that come closest to what you're looking for. And then check the reviews from average_joe and project86 -- each of them have a greater variety of customs than anybody I know.

Do you have any issues using universals, CCS?  Do you need that extra isolation? 
^ Those should be your first two questions if you're considering a pair and only you can answer them.  Personally, although my FI-BA-SS and TG 334's probably image better than my ES5's (CIEM), the customs' soundstage often feels more coherent since the position of the drivers relative to my ear canal never changes.  That's the only SQ benefit I seem to get from the CIEM form factor and it's useful with any genre.  I have a lot of difficulty with tips, though; others may not and their universals may stay in place more easily.

It's not so much that I'm looking for suggestions for a CIEM. My avatar is a picture of the customs I already have. My question was just one in general. I know that I personally prefer to use them with genres that display great dynamic range because it can be very difficult, even in my home, to hear certain quiet details using open-back, full-size headphones. I was just asking to get other peoples' opinions on what their own CIEMs do best.
Dec 19, 2012 at 9:42 AM Post #3,879 of 21,763
Pretty much anything, to be honest.

Customs don't have an inherent signature in the sense of music they do better or worse -- that depends on their design and implementation.

I've got two pairs of customs and they're awfully un-alike. The extra isolation helps hear details at moderate volumes, sure, but nothing i can't also get out of the hifiman HE-6 at similar or lower volume, in a quiet room and with a good system behind it.

The Hidition NT 6 Pro makes the superseparation of some audio (like Sly & the Family Stone's album Dance To The Music) more noticeable and distracting than the Heir 4.a, but I attribute that mostly to its elevated and extended treble. In my home system I don't notice this as much, but that had more to do with the crossfeed box in the signal chain. I'd tell you how that album sounds on the he-6 without the crossfeed but I haven't tried that yet.

In general anything with stereo separation is going to seem more pronounced on headphones than on speakers, and on closed headphones and IEMs more than open-backed phones. It doesn't directly translate to certain styles of music favoring certain headphones, though -- it's the music's production style at issue.
Dec 19, 2012 at 10:38 PM Post #3,881 of 21,763

Got a new bonsai tree this morning :)
I want to put up different album sleeves back there or maybe one of my wide posters of Frank Lloyd Wright buildings, but I'm not sure which/what yet.

Man oh man that is such a gorgeous setup. I so envy you. The Eddie current Balancing Act is a no that a Wadia DAC and a Lehhman amp? Whats your source by the way? An since I'm being nosy why is there a banana hanger holding your power cord?
Dec 19, 2012 at 10:52 PM Post #3,882 of 21,763
Whoops! I didn't see that post DF made while I was typing this one.
Man oh man that is such a gorgeous setup. I so envy you. The Eddie current Balancing Act is a no that a Wadia DAC and a Lehhman amp? Whats your source by the way? An since I'm being nosy why is there a banana hanger holding your power cord?

It's a W4S DAC-2 and a Lehmann amp, yes.  The source is my PC via USB, but I'm looking into really good USB->SPDIF converters as I posted below.  The banana hanger's for my headphone cables so I don't have to go fishing around for them.  I typically have a few in that area, but this time it was just the TH900's (whose cable is pictured there).
Man, this thread sure has been dead all day...
I was combing through the source section of FS for a good USB->SPDIF converter and nearly PM'd for that Invicta because I'm bored and going crazy waiting for FedEx, who I'm now convinced are pulling a prank on me.  I really shouldn't be spending that much right now, though, so I won't... right?
I was recommended this to fix some wonkiness my DAC-2 has via USB, but J Keny isn't taking orders this month.  Fortunately there was one up in FS earlier, but unfortunately someone else PM'd first.  Oh well, I guess I can wait.
Before I realized I was still waiting on packages (Xmas gifts for people) this morning I was really enjoying Burson Conductor -> Paradox.  I'm fairly certain at this point that the Conductor's an excellent all-in-one that mostly stays true to the signature of your headphones, just with a bit of added body, which I can't say I find objectionable.  If the HA160D's take on "warmth" was... iuno, pouring syrup all over your head, this is more like dimming the lights a bit with one of those cool light switches that let you do that.  I have yet to hear anything it doesn't work well with and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to someone looking in its price range ($1,850 - so $925 DAC and $925 amp).  Also, despite being 2/3rds as powerful as a Schiit Lyr it's way less scary with dynamic headphones (and sounds a lot better too).

I had a dream last night which kind of took place in my ideal home: There were listening stations next to every couch and chair and people I'm assuming I knew seemed to come and go, listening to stuff at their leisure.  And I had marble floors, which I've always wanted  Of course, being a dream, there were some oddities, mainly that everyone seemed to play their CD's from a Fantastic Planet-esque branchy bio masses; the ends of said "branches" would grab CDs presented to them and then transport their data into my coffee table through their veins at which point I assumed the table psychically transmitted that data to the user's rig.
The Wii U had a Twitter app and my cat was capable of using it with the gamepad's touchscreen.  He sent me really simplistic tweets like "thank you for kind" and "I want outside," which didn't surprise me as I assumed all mammals were at least that intelligent, BUT he also started using the gamepad to draw pictures for me, fascinating me to no end.  The only 2 of those aforementioned pictures I remember were of the sky.  He seemed very interested in the varying degrees of white and blue present and I assumed he thought the sky was some single 2-dimensional object.  I'm pretty sure the last picture I saw looked like this:

And I was really proud of him for being able to do that because he's a cat, but also captivated by what his perspective of the world must've been.  I was going to show it to a friend, but then I woke up.
Dec 20, 2012 at 12:29 AM Post #3,884 of 21,763
Your dream posts are always the best.
I've been trying to type something up about installation art and tea. Maybe I'll get around to it this morning.

Sounds like it'll be a good read! 
I can't wait for Christmas. I took a leap of faith this year on one of the gifts for my girlfriend this year: a lime green Lamy Safari fountain pen. She is an organizational fanatic (now if it only rubbed off on me 
) and constantly writes, whether it be notes, a schedule, or her own personal thoughts. I'm hoping it'll get her on the FP kick, especially since she writes very nicely. I need to improve my handwriting before I bother, I suppose 0.o
Dec 20, 2012 at 12:32 AM Post #3,885 of 21,763
I had a dream last night which kind of took place in my ideal home: There were listening stations next to every couch and chair and people I'm assuming I knew seemed to come and go, listening to stuff at their leisure.  And I had marble floors, which I've always wanted  Of course, being a dream, there were some oddities, mainly that everyone seemed to play their CD's from a Fantastic Planet-esque branchy bio masses; the ends of said "branches" would grab CDs presented to them and then transport their data into my coffee table through their veins at which point I assumed the table psychically transmitted that data to the user's rig.
The Wii U had a Twitter app and my cat was capable of using it with the gamepad's touchscreen.  He sent me really simplistic tweets like "thank you for kind" and "I want outside," which didn't surprise me as I assumed all mammals were at least that intelligent, BUT he also started using the gamepad to draw pictures for me, fascinating me to no end.  The only 2 of those aforementioned pictures I remember were of the sky.  He seemed very interested in the varying degrees of white and blue present and I assumed he thought the sky was some single 2-dimensional object.  I'm pretty sure the last picture I saw looked like this:

And I was really proud of him for being able to do that because he's a cat, but also captivated by what his perspective of the world must've been.  I was going to show it to a friend, but then I woke up.

That is too cute.

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