The Chord Hugo TT is announced.
Aug 7, 2015 at 1:09 PM Post #181 of 282
Fruit is something else entirely. Got us kicked out of paradise once already, remember? 

funnily enough God owes me a favour as I helped his boy out when he wanted to dosh out some bread & fish at a event, I served thousands in minutes so I really don't see a problem with bit of forbidden fruit...
Aug 8, 2015 at 3:29 AM Post #182 of 282
The what HiFi review basically says it is Hugo with added authority. I'm totally on board for that, together with the musicality and transparency of the Hugo. Funny how suddenly something you had little interest in buying becomes the thing you most want to buy ain't it
Aug 8, 2015 at 4:06 AM Post #183 of 282
funnily enough God owes me a favour as I helped his boy out when he wanted to dosh out some bread & fish at a event, I served thousands in minutes so I really don't see a problem with bit of forbidden fruit...

Ah I just noticed you are the Chord sponsor.
The TT was warmly recommended to me by Paul and Wendy from HiFi Lounge this week, they recoemmended any Chord dac over all the rest and they have quite some nice gear there.
I have two Dacs but would like a dedicated one for my headphone amps.
I'm still doubting if I shouldn't wait for the Dave to bite the bullet. A bit pricier though...
If I could ask you for a recommendation on how to connect the dac (or multiple dacs) via usb to a computer?
I worked out a whole scheme that seems rather expensive though.
What I thought was: a nice quality USB cable from the computer to a USB hub dedicated for dacs only, hub powered by iFi wall wart.
From there iFi single cable to iFi USB (with iFi wall wart) to iFi double cable (power and signal separated) + iPurifier to the dac.
Quite something isn't it? Overkill?
Or how do you recommend connecting a TT or Dave to a computer? And what if you have multiple dacs coming from the same computer and don't have enough USB ports so you need a hub?
Aug 8, 2015 at 5:17 AM Post #184 of 282
Guys and gals, please see the Impressions thread for photos and my developing views of the TT
I have two Dacs but would like a dedicated one for my headphone amps.

Without knowing your home setup, have you discounted a standalone external amp?
I'm still doubting if I shouldn't wait for the Dave to bite the bullet. A bit pricier though...

The DAVE should be a slightly different proposition if the marketing release is anything to go by, as it is stated to be connectable with future unannounced Chord products. This seems to hint at perhaps a modular approach or a way to marry different Chord products with the DAVE
Aug 8, 2015 at 5:36 AM Post #185 of 282
Without knowing your home setup, have you discounted a standalone external amp?

My home setup is a Marantz NA-11S1 (dac with xlr and rca output) connected to a Marantz PM-11S3 (integrated amp) balanced. So I have the RCA output left, now it's usually connected to the Zana Deux.
I also have a Marantz HD-Dac 1 (dac/headamp with only rca output) that I use standalone but might connect a EC Black Widow to it.
So what I am actually looking for is a Dac that would provide for the GS-X via XLR and probably attach the Zana to it as well. Still have another future supplementary amp in mind that would be balanced as well. 
Or else I would have to use the "loop outs" of my amps. Never been too fond of chaining up amps, what's your idea on that?
Any tips on usb connections from computer to dac you could give me?
Aug 8, 2015 at 5:58 AM Post #186 of 282
I cannot comment on those products as have no experience. My opinion on these kind of things is not to buy something just because the Internet or marketing say i need it. To part with my hard earned cash there has to be a reason. In that regard i have no complaint with the stock outputs on the iMac. Maybe ignorance is bliss, who knows. My current testing of the TT is with all inputs and which will be discussed in the eventual review in the Impressions thread
Aug 8, 2015 at 8:50 AM Post #187 of 282
Aug 8, 2015 at 10:05 AM Post #188 of 282
Ah I just noticed you are the Chord sponsor.
The TT was warmly recommended to me by Paul and Wendy from HiFi Lounge this week, they recoemmended any Chord dac over all the rest and they have quite some nice gear there.

it's Chord who are the Sponsors, I'm just the bag-man for the team...
regular_smile .gif

I've heard good things about HiFi-Lounge I'm sure Paul & Wendy will look after you...

  If I could ask you for a recommendation on how to connect the dac (or multiple dacs) via usb to a computer?
I worked out a whole scheme that seems rather expensive though.
What I thought was: a nice quality USB cable from the computer to a USB hub dedicated for dacs only, hub powered by iFi wall wart.
From there iFi single cable to iFi USB (with iFi wall wart) to iFi double cable (power and signal separated) + iPurifier to the dac.
Quite something isn't it? Overkill?
Or how do you recommend connecting a TT or Dave to a computer? And what if you have multiple dacs coming from the same computer and don't have enough USB ports so you need a hub?

I can't really comment on rival DAC's (it's not Cricket as the Aussies would say ('60 all out' snigger)... one thing I've learnt about HiFi over the years is that 'less = more', the less things you have in the chain the better.
You may want to look at your PC first and chose the best music download/program for your needs (J-River, PowerAmp, Foobar etc.), these are all better than using WMP as you can set them up how you want, all have the advantage over WMP of offering a bit-perfect source into the Hugo/Hugo-TT, this imo will negate the use of multiple DAC's in your proposed system chain.
If you're intending to use the Hugo-TT or DAVE in your home-system all you really need is a power-amp(s) (mono-blocks, power-amp or bi-amp) & speakers... both the Hugo-TT & DAVE can serve as a high-end Pre-Amp/DAC (so can the diminutive Hugo but sometimes size really does matter if you want more)... I really would recommend that you seek the advice of Paul & Wendy and if possible arrange to take some of your gear to their showroom so you can demo products when it's time for you to invest... always remember 'your ears are not my ears', it's what you like is what matters most, hope that helps in some way.
Aug 12, 2015 at 11:52 PM Post #189 of 282
Dear Rob or OK-Guy, a person I know just bought Hugo TT and has some questions as below. Would really appreciate your kind comments.
1. What is the difference between DAC mode and pre-amp mode?
I don't own TT but do own Hugo. If TT works in the same way as Hugo, there should be only one difference which is the volume position at the wake-up and in the DAC mode, the output is pre-set to 3v. Is my understanding correct?
2. He says that TT has some distortion at high-volume when he is using TT with an amplifier.
I know that Hugo's THD slightly increases at high-volume... but actually I have never heard noticeable distortion. Is there any possible reason that he senses distortion at high-volume with TT?
3. I also have some questions on Hugo and TT
 - Is there any differences between Hugo and TT in terms of the program written in the FPGA?
 - How does Hugo's digital volume work with the amplifier section? The amplifier section works as fixed-output power-amp and digital volume always processes the input volume to the power-amp? Does the digital volume always do scaling down? or it does do both scale down and up?
Thank you.
Aug 13, 2015 at 1:16 PM Post #191 of 282
  Dear Rob or OK-Guy, a person I know just bought Hugo TT and has some questions as below. Would really appreciate your kind comments, Thank you.

Reply from Matt at Chord, hth...
1. What is the difference between DAC mode and pre-amp mode?
DAC mode is fixed output volume to go into a preamp, pre amp mode is when you use the volume control to set the output level. Pre amp mode can be used to connect directly to a power amp or when you are listening with headphones. The actual DAC does not change with either mode it is only the preset volume position that changes.
I don't own TT but do own Hugo. If TT works in the same way as Hugo, there should be only one difference which is the volume position at the wake-up and in the DAC mode, the output is pre-set to 3v. Is my understanding correct?
Yes Hugo and Hugo-TT work in exactly the same way except TT remembers the fixed output level mode when it is switched off and back on.
2. He says that TT has some distortion at high-volume when he is using TT with an amplifier - I know that Hugo's THD slightly increases at high-volume... but actually I have never heard noticeable distortion. Is there any possible reason that he senses distortion at high-volume with TT?
It's not likely to be distortion from HugoTT but much more likely to be the input on the amplifier starting to overload as the volume is increased or perhaps the amplifier is starting to clip. The voltage output from Hugo and HugoTT will get quite high, as the volume is increased and some amplifiers will start to struggle and cause distortion when the voltage goes above a certain level.
3. I also have some questions on Hugo and TT  - Is there any differences between Hugo and TT in terms of the program written in the FPGA?
Yes they use different FPGA programs and different circuit boards. (HugoTT has the galvanic isolation circuitry as one difference)
 3.1 How does Hugo's digital volume work with the amplifier section? The amplifier section works as fixed-output power-amp and digital volume always processes the input volume to the power-amp? Does the digital volume always do scaling down? or it does do both scale down and up?
Rob is better placed to reply to this question. However there isn't a separate amplifier. The amplifier is part of the DAC so you shouldn't necessarily think of them as two separate things.
Aug 21, 2015 at 5:34 PM Post #192 of 282
I managed to do a quick comparison between the original Hugo and the TT. As mentioned, the sound stage is clearly wider on the TT. The sound on the TT feels more 3D like than the Hugo. On the Hugo, due to the narrower sound stage, the music appears to be more intimate. In terms of definition and clarity, I am of the opinion the TT is also better than the Hugo. There is more depth to the sound. This makes the bass and treble much more realistic and enjoyable to listen. On the original Hugo, I sometimes feel that the bass is a bit "bloated" and "loose". I don't feel that way with the TT. However, both the TT and Hugo do share a similar sound signature, IMO.

Other than the sound quality, I like the TT making use of the more standard USB A to B cable and the input switch display. It operates basically the same as the smaller Hugo. So if you are familiar with the original Hugo, you should have no difficulty operating the TT.[SIZE=12.7272720336914px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12.7272720336914px]All in all, the TT is a clear im[/SIZE]provement over the original Hugo. Please understand that I am not trashing the original Hugo. It is still a fine sounding device and one of the better ones out there currently. It is just that the Hugo TT is one level above it.

bass is bloated or loose on Hugo? what? ... Clearly your headphones or speakers are at the fault. When I drove my ea microones with it, the bass was detailed. Far far away from loose or bloated lol..
Aug 22, 2015 at 12:21 PM Post #194 of 282
Even tighter bass is always welcome, although I'm far from having complaints about the Hugo's.

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