The BEST looking and sounding headphones
May 5, 2012 at 11:07 PM Post #16 of 73
Ya I listen to a lot of everything. I grew up listening to a lot of hiphop and my DJ1s are one of my go to cans for hip hop.. The sound is marvelous.. Hows about some clean detail highs and mids with your bass. Thats what them Ultrasone cans represent. Your gonna love the bass on them too. I own many a bassy cans and none have the complete package that are on the DJ1s/ HFi-580.
I thought I would put up my $.02 before someone else says M50 or a Pro700MK2.. Hip hop is just awesome on the DJ1s. Oh one last thing. There is a clamp at first but it ain't nothing some books can't solve. Just throw them headphones over some books that represent the width of your head. Leave em over night an they will stretch out and will fit perfectly. Happy listening.
May 5, 2012 at 11:26 PM Post #19 of 73
No to the p5, dreadfully colored and not all that sleek. The vmoda actually would be a better option in terms of sq.
Don't listen to the bias, audiophiles can listen to hip hop & rnb as well.
Ultrasones are good and well-balanced but they aren't as exciting nor do they possess "superior" low-end as people make them out to be.
Personally I would go for an audio technica esw9/esw10- having compared it a/b to the pro 750 and pro 900 respectively.

Ps: Another thing, it's a misconception that you need a bassy can with a bumped up low-end for music already recorded with ample amounts of emphasis in that area. I wouldn't do it.
Too fatiguing in the long run. Just think, do you want to listen to earth-shattering subs in your car for over 4 hours on a road trip?
May 5, 2012 at 11:33 PM Post #20 of 73
@SONIC BOOM, If I go for the pro 900's im already pushing my budget, and would then need an amp as i currently don;t have one...
I do love the look of the ESW9, but there wires seem a but thin... not only that, but I thought wood housings were primarily for more acoustic sounds than being able to produce any amount of bass...
May 5, 2012 at 11:59 PM Post #21 of 73
@SONIC BOOM, If I go for the pro 900's im already pushing my budget, and would then need an amp as i currently don;t have one...

I do love the look of the ESW9, but there wires seem a but thin... not only that, but I thought wood housings were primarily for more acoustic sounds than being able to produce any amount of bass...

You'll be surprised. More bass extension than the m50s. Better reverb, impact, and detail.
Some of the best reproduction of the lower frequencies have been woodied cans. L3000, d7000, etc.
May 6, 2012 at 12:45 AM Post #24 of 73
yep, if your just powering them with a ipod then the dj1s would be better, the pro 900s sound good without a amp but its almost a wast if you wont be using one because just out of a iphone they still sound good but you can hear that there is more there that you are just not getting.
May 6, 2012 at 1:16 AM Post #25 of 73
sorry roma101, but i'm saying away from V-Moda....

Can I ask why you're keen on staying away from the V-Moda M80's? I listen to alot of hip hop and rap myself and I find my V-80's sound great with these genres.
May 6, 2012 at 1:34 AM Post #28 of 73
im not rly sure why I dslike the V-80's, but for some reason I just don't like them...
Also, the reason im looking for new headphones is because my Phiaton Ms400's broke and coming from that I don't see the V-80's as much of an upgrade...
I heard the V-80's a long time a go and I thought they sounded like crap, then again I could've been wrong and accidently listened to the Crossfade LP....
I'm just looking for a solid upgrade from my Phiatons...
I actually even tried the Pioneer HDJ-2000's, but their isolation didn't cut it for me...
so I guess I'mm looking for some HDJ-2000's with better isolation....
I was going towards the Beyer DT1350's, but again, an amp was needed and my budget was already stretched...
I'm basically really lost at this point....

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