The Audio-gd Compass (Was: Designing an alternative to the Zero DAC/amp)
Feb 6, 2009 at 2:46 PM Post #1,501 of 7,725

Originally Posted by K3cT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Your statement is moot because Tianyun does not deal directly with us and we have no idea about how they deal with broken Zeroes over there in mainland China. So, the only measure of customer service we can expect is the vendor itself. You keep saying that wsz304 is a "vague" vendor where in fact, many of Head-Fiers here bought their perfectly functioning units from him. This is just ridiculous IMO.

My statement isn't moot, in fact you proved my statement without a doubt. There is ZERO customer support for the Zero. You can get customer service for the crappy service you receive from a eBay vendor, but not for your Zero. He can't do anything but send you a new one since he sold you a brick which is the definition of a horrific customer service to begin with. Your eBay vendor is not an authorized repair center or has any clue about the product. If he did, he wouldn't sell you a brick, or maybe another, maybe he just doesn't care. Another point to crappy customer service. So yeah, what you just typed DEFINITIVELY without a shadow of a doubt proves Zero has no customer support. Support from a vague eBay vendor for his crummy service and purchase transaction is not the same as customer support for the Zero. Yes and the number of people he has sold bricks to makes his identity well known. Whatever, do you even think before posting?

If haloxt and yourself read my post I did in fact put thought into. It states why I mentioned the Novo, its clearly stated for anyone with reading comprehension to understand. There was no reason for haloxt to reply the way he did, as it was not an antogonistic post, nor was it a comparison of the Compass to Novo, nor was I saying either one was superior to the other, but was just an enthusiastic agreement with previous poster. Yeah that is deserving of ripping into my post with an insult. If he didn't like how it was phrased, he could have easily posted or sent a p.m asking me to rephrase it, not insulting me or making accusations.

If you read the ScottieB thread and learn some reading comprehension that he also understood why I made those posts. He was basing his decision on incorrect and wrong assumptions. In the end we ended up P.Ming each other a few times and it civil and understanding. He didn't have a problem with it, nor did I, but you did. Tells a little about you, K3cT doesn't it. You have no interest in whether I am providing useful information, providing an alternative or option for him to consider, I mean, so sorry I would do so when he asked for suggestions.

And of course you nitpick on my one line about the Zero with no customer service, which you have now verified yourself, my amusement is now at an all time high for the week on that one, on a post where I helped juswyq get an idea of what the current impression of the Zero, modded Zero to the Compass was, and sentiment of others who own both. As it is a 100 page thread, and quite long to read through. I thought I did him a service since I have read every page and know where these postings are. But no, I'm a shill, my judgment is clouded and total dick for trying to be helpful. If anything you are the odd one for supporting and saying how wonderful a eBay vendor is for selling faulty, useless, bricked Zeros to this customers. If juswyq has a problem with my reply, I would gladly listen to him, and understand why he had such a problem.


But honestly if you got problems with how I phrase stuff, don't send a false unfounded accusation my way, imply I'm a shill or for that matter just send an FYI p.m. If you seen other posts of mine, what do you expect?

I am sincerely apologetic for the other posters who had to see my replies to K3cT accusations and implications. Please ignore them as they were directed solely at him and no one else, or just read em if for whatever reason you enjoy these walls of text. csroc you think 80% of the problem is me, ok. I don't understand that as my walls of text only appear after someone rips into my posting unprovoked. I don't see where in my advice, contributions, suggestions are deserving of being insulted, false accusations or implications of being a shill. But whatever, for a while I was having a great time going back and forth with Sandchak and Drosera there.
Feb 6, 2009 at 2:57 PM Post #1,502 of 7,725

Tells a little about you doesn't it.




EDIT 1: I refuse to argue further with you if you cannot see that this: Quote:

Originally Posted by mbd2884
Also have to consider, is it worth it to risk destroying a second Zero which has no warranty, or customer service for that matter?

is a blanket statement which comes back to my original post.

EDIT 2: It's really amusing to see you launch such a dramatic tirade against me when I merely suggested that you should stop making sweeping statements like that and stop sounding like audio-gd's personal marketer or something (I avoided the use of S word here because it seems that you're to sensitive to that). You might not have the intention but often your wording suggested otherwise.
Feb 6, 2009 at 4:15 PM Post #1,505 of 7,725

Originally Posted by csroc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I've refrained from saying much but mbd you're 80% of the problem when these stupid arguments start. Stop being so snarky.

Agreed. I've been close to reporting his posts a number of times. It's a pretty nasty scar on an otherwise nice thread. I can't take many more "walls" of illogical overreaction.
Feb 6, 2009 at 4:17 PM Post #1,506 of 7,725

Originally Posted by senn_liu /img/forum/go_quote.gif
here's an idea: how about those of us active in this thread chip in some money to get gifts for certain individuals' upcoming 12th birthday?

Feb 6, 2009 at 4:21 PM Post #1,507 of 7,725

Originally Posted by DayoftheGreek /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Agreed. I've been close to reporting his posts a number of times. It's a pretty nasty scar on an otherwise nice thread. I can't take many more "walls" of illogical overreaction.

Same here. Talk about annoying.
Feb 6, 2009 at 4:35 PM Post #1,508 of 7,725
Well, I think its a little unfair to say mbd can be called a shill, or that he has been 80% of the problem when such arguments start.

First of all mbd is mostly correct, when he says that ZERO does have QC and warranty issues, yes its true that there are exceptions like WSZ0304 who are kind enough to replace defective parts or machine all together, but at least in my case, I ended paying more for a working ZERO than I was supposed to, plus the delay it caused, yes it is good service but then it comes with hassles, in the end instead of feeling happy, I do feel relieved..

I Personally feel its very difficult to evaluate a piece of audio gear objectively, its always subjective to many factors, personal taste and preferences, the mood you are in when you are evaluating the gear - I personally have realized a particular song enjoyable most of the time, but sometimes I don't like it. Also it is proven scientifically that perception of sound changes with race/region and age.. maybe thats the reason why all of don't prefer the same music, same hardware or same headphones..

I feel the best part of forums is that we can share our views freely, not all of us are experts or audiophiles, not all are born with golden ears, but if you are then very good for you, because most of us are basically enthusiasts..

Finally, if everyone has to think about whether he will be called a shill or some kind of jerk before he wants to share anything - then I guess it takes the life out of the forum, this is peoples forum and not something like a experts and critics exclusive club, and I really feel one should refrain from passing judgments on others..

PS.. I thought for 30 mins before finally posting this, I know the majority of people are now going go after what I said.. but I really dont care, its been happening from day one in this thread at least.. I think I should stand by a fellow member who hasn't said anything by which people might call him a shill..
Feb 6, 2009 at 4:56 PM Post #1,510 of 7,725
Ok, a few more words then:

I concur with Sandchak, don't start blaming mbd2884 for all, or even 80% of this. Some people might consider not overreacting (or not reacting at all). Restraint is a virtue. But time and again there seems to start a pattern of two parties simply 'feeding each other'. And time and again I'm justing waiting in vain for one of the parties to have the wisdom not to respond.

I wouldn't be so worried about this if this wasn't a 'special thread', in a way. Many people, among whom Kingwa, are following this thread, waiting to hear our opinions. Our behaviour here reflects strongly on our authority as reviewers. Please keep that in mind.
Feb 6, 2009 at 5:28 PM Post #1,515 of 7,725

Originally Posted by K3cT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
My apologies everyone for another derailment.

It's just that I highly value objectivity and I just cannot stay still when I see it being trampled upon.

Nggak apa, K3cT. But maybe objectivity is too much too ask from people who just bought a new piece of equipment. And some of us are so happy with it that we want to tell the whole world about it.

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