The Astell & Kern AK120
Jun 3, 2014 at 5:45 AM Post #5,971 of 7,071
My personal experience of listening balanced (RX-MKIIIb) is better separation and a wider soundstage. These are not single changes for me either. That said, I am aware the balanced amp stage is better than the single ended one, which must also make a difference.
Jun 4, 2014 at 11:40 AM Post #5,972 of 7,071
I should say that for critical listening in a controlled environment the AK120 II has an ease of presentation and power that the older player lacks. The AK240 takes it up another notch for people willing to fill their limited space up with huge DSD files. 
But at the rate they're coming out with players I really can't allow myself to buy each one as it comes out. But if they keep making them this much better I'll probably be in next round.

I bet you will take the fall very soon!
Jun 4, 2014 at 11:41 AM Post #5,973 of 7,071
My personal experience of listening balanced (RX-MKIIIb) is better separation and a wider soundstage. These are not single changes for me either. That said, I am aware the balanced amp stage is better than the single ended one, which must also make a difference.

The balanced out saves some's investment into amping
Jun 4, 2014 at 12:02 PM Post #5,974 of 7,071
Jun 4, 2014 at 12:16 PM Post #5,975 of 7,071
Jun 17, 2014 at 6:44 PM Post #5,976 of 7,071
Not sure if it has been posted here before, but I found a great leather case for the AK120 locally for only $10. The only problem is that the manufacturer may have stopped producing it recently (thought it may still be sitting neglected on retailers' shelves). It's the Tamrac Topanga Case 3 for ultra-compact cameras (model #3453)





Jun 21, 2014 at 11:08 PM Post #5,977 of 7,071
I was surprised to see no one ever talked about replacing the cable on the Shure SE846.  I started using SE535 playing wave files on my Samsung phone.  It was nice.  Then I went pass a store selling replacement cables.  I tried out one and was amazed by the difference it made.  Two months ago I went to a store to try out the Shure 846.  The guy let me tried it with AK120.  I ended up bringing the AK120 and SE846 home.  My silver plated replacement cable on the SE846 made me put away the original cables forever.  Later I went on the internet to buy some MMCX connectors, RG178 cables and hooked up with Neutrik angled phone plug.   Any mention on the improvement by me is very subjective.  The silver plated RG178 cable, which is meant for radio frequency transmission up to 6 GHz, brings out the capabilities of the SE846.  For people who can do the cable themselves, this is adding serious value to your setup with minimal investment. FYI, MMCX connector is just a few dollars apiece, RG178 is about $2/ft, and Neutrik phone plug is around $8-15.  Working on the cable is not exactly easy, but the result is very rewarding.  The only disadvantage is the RG178 cable is a little harder than the silver plated cable and the original cable.  For the quality of sound improvement it brings, I can happily live with it.
Jun 25, 2014 at 11:53 PM Post #5,978 of 7,071
Yeah, the stock cable is so rigid IMO. The memory wire never remember my preference.
Jul 8, 2014 at 5:22 AM Post #5,982 of 7,071
Hey guys,
Where can I find AK120's battery (original) ? And AK100's ?
Jul 8, 2014 at 2:53 PM Post #5,983 of 7,071
Just a heads up that for once advanced mp3 players in the uk do have a good offer on these for today only.  Just (!) £799.99 so saving £300 or so.  Plus there's probably a good chance of 10% off of that as well according to the pop up.  For a moment I was half tempted but then thought nah.
Jul 9, 2014 at 9:33 AM Post #5,984 of 7,071
  Just a heads up that for once advanced mp3 players in the uk do have a good offer on these for today only.  Just (!) £799.99 so saving £300 or so.  Plus there's probably a good chance of 10% off of that as well according to the pop up.  For a moment I was half tempted but then thought nah.
Jul 9, 2014 at 10:27 AM Post #5,985 of 7,071

All things considering, very good deal for UK folks

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