The Apple diyMod: My Take on the Famous iMod [56k killer] Featuring 3G, 4G, 5G and nano 1G!
Apr 19, 2008 at 10:30 PM Post #1,096 of 3,220
poss silly question, but does the quality of the wire used to connect the DAC to the line out pins make any difference (re 2nd gen ipod mini if that matters).

Ive used standard hookup cable but have some nice shiny silver in cotton which sounds great in the line out DOC so just wondering if worth opening the mini again.....
Apr 19, 2008 at 11:21 PM Post #1,097 of 3,220

Originally Posted by joneeboi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If you're going to go with completely external caps, why not go for some different caps? If size isn't a factor, I don't think you need to stick with BGs. With the iPod 4G, the NX Hi-Q is almost the automatic choice for an internal mod because it balances SQ and size. In your case, the sky (and/or your wallet) is the limit.

Hi joneeboi,
yes, you're right. But I'm studying several ways to do the mod. The ultimate is BG caps inside the 5G ipod with internal jack. I need the BG caps to see if it is possible. Hard drive must be replaced by a CF. Be patient...

Apr 20, 2008 at 12:29 AM Post #1,098 of 3,220

Originally Posted by vikingboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
poss silly question, but does the quality of the wire used to connect the DAC to the line out pins make any difference (re 2nd gen ipod mini if that matters).

Ive used standard hookup cable but have some nice shiny silver in cotton which sounds great in the line out DOC so just wondering if worth opening the mini again.....

It's really up to you whether or not you want to use it. I could tell you that it makes a difference and someone could tell you otherwise. You could actually hear it or you could might be imagining it. That's all a polite way of saying that it makes so little difference that "hearing" cables and other rubbish like hearing silver solder, hearing dielectrics, hearing connector plugs is only in your head. Its only worth is to show off how much money you spent on such and such component because you apply only the highest standards to your rig and cannot suffer such measly, common parts as the peasants. Like Enzo Ferrari said, "Aerodynamics is for those who cannot build engines." Verily, to a point, a car's shape has some effect on its overall performance, but there is a point of diminishing returns where resources are better spent on other things. The not-so hidden message is that your money is more wisely invested on such components as amplifiers and headphones, power supplies and groceries, the investments whose effects are easily detectable.

Now, seeing that you already have the wire in your possession, you could very well swap it in. I just won't guarantee it'll make a difference, let alone an improvement. I don't mean to ramble, but I felt that at least a little context ought to be laid. I didn't believe that swapping between 22uF and 47uF caps could make such a big difference, but I could easily show you the change had I the appropriate ABX switching apparatus. If someone can show me the difference that cables make, sign me up for the newsletter (provided the cables don't cost an arm and a leg). I am open to the idea, but remain evermore skeptical. Alas, I fear the flaming arrows may come, so I will desist.


Originally Posted by gueri_fr /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hi joneeboi,
yes, you're right. But I'm studying several ways to do the mod. The ultimate is BG caps inside the 5G ipod with internal jack. I need the BG caps to see if it is possible. Hard drive must be replaced by a CF. Be patient...


Even if the CF card doesn't give you more room and such, one possibility is to swap in a bigger back panel, ie. if you have a 30GB iPod, get a 60/80GB back panel. I know the CF card adapter for my 4G allows for way more space, but I haven't gotten around to buying the card yet (and probably won't for some time). Although it's not entirely compatible with your iPod, check out my size comparison in a dead 4G.
Apr 20, 2008 at 4:58 PM Post #1,099 of 3,220

Originally Posted by joneeboi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Even if the CF card doesn't give you more room and such, one possibility is to swap in a bigger back panel, ie. if you have a 30GB iPod, get a 60/80GB back panel. I know the CF card adapter for my 4G allows for way more space, but I haven't gotten around to buying the card yet (and probably won't for some time). Although it's not entirely compatible with your iPod, check out my size comparison in a dead 4G.


I know but ipod 30gb with a 60/80gb back panel is not a challenge
. I think (I hope) there is just enough room but the CF adapter need to be cut. I don't have all the items yet for the mod but I think it is not an impossible mission. To be continued...
Apr 22, 2008 at 1:50 PM Post #1,100 of 3,220
I've just modded my Video gen5.
However, there is a problem with it

After modding, I let it run out of battery to test and charged it via USB. It showed the charging icon for a while and suddenly blacked out
I've tried pressing buttons but it still can't turn on again.

Has anyone here experience that problem?
Apr 22, 2008 at 6:26 PM Post #1,101 of 3,220
Did you make sure the click wheel was connected? Did you try resetting it? Click Menu+Select for a couple seconds and it should restart. It's common to have ribbon cables not be properly reinserted after opening up the iPod, so double check those connections. Also, did you happen to nick anything else while you were rummaging around in there? Some people have actually seared their ribbon cables from modding, so that could be your problem. A couple times, I also forgot to flip down those little black tabs that keep the ribbons in there. Another thing you could try is plugging the iPod into the wall with a FireWire wall adapter, like when you restore your iPod and they require you plug it into something other than USB power.

You're going to have to give us a little more information for us to be helpful. If you can't find anything, come back with pictures and your test results. Good luck.
Apr 22, 2008 at 6:38 PM Post #1,102 of 3,220

Originally Posted by joneeboi /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Did you make sure the click wheel was connected? Did you try resetting it? Click Menu+Select for a couple seconds and it should restart. It's common to have ribbon cables not be properly reinserted after opening up the iPod, so double check those connections. Also, did you happen to nick anything else while you were rummaging around in there? Some people have actually seared their ribbon cables from modding, so that could be your problem. A couple times, I also forgot to flip down those little black tabs that keep the ribbons in there. Another thing you could try is plugging the iPod into the wall with a FireWire wall adapter, like when you restore your iPod and they require you plug it into something other than USB power.

You're going to have to give us a little more information for us to be helpful. If you can't find anything, come back with pictures and your test results. Good luck.

Yep, the clickwheel does work after I modded it. No problem with it.
I've tried it with some film caps docks I've made and it works normally.
After it ran out of battery, I connected to my laptop, it made my lap stuck and I had to restart. I also reset the iPod by pressing Menu+Select.

After that I recharged via USB and it showed the battery charging icon. About 30 min later, it blacked out
Still can't find out what happened.
Maybe I'll try it with a wall adapter
Apr 25, 2008 at 6:01 AM Post #1,103 of 3,220
if you all remember, last months i had a change to test DIYmod nano vs. Gmod video with the same LOD to mini (ALO supercotton), and several days ago, my pal, tested his DIYmod video head to head to original RWA iMod video with each interconnect...Ron using DIY lod to mini (with BGcaps inside) and iMod (RWA) using ALO Vcap dock + ALO supercotton interconnect to one same decent headamp (DIY)...the result ? the DIYmod are more bright than RWA iMod, the SQ are about the, it just a different character, base on different material/part that we used to bypass from DAC to line out...and not to forget, they using different caps and cables too...

too bad mine are not ready to tested as well that day, well i guess that's why RWA are stand for...guarantee that no such thing like happen to me right now, more quality control, durability, and so on... lol
Apr 26, 2008 at 2:39 PM Post #1,104 of 3,220

Originally Posted by iQEM
several days ago, my pal, tested his DIYmod video head to head to original RWA iMod video with each interconnect...

Just to make it clear...

I compare my DIYmod iPod 5.5G 30GB with iMod 80GB. All use the same equipments (DIY iPod LOD, LISA III headamp, SR125). Both use exactly the same song, mine is 320kbps AAC, but not sure what format on the iMod (could be lossless AAC).

And the sound? DIYmod is brighter compared to iMod. Sound quality is about the same. And one more thing... my DIYmod is a bit louder than iMod (different file format, maybe?).

As for the Line-Out Dock connector, my DIY LOD with BG NX Hi-Q 22uF caps made different sound compared to ALO V-Cap Dock. V-Cap sounded better, more refined, etc...
Apr 28, 2008 at 10:42 AM Post #1,105 of 3,220
aha, thx to make it more clear to us here Ron...

*it's feel funny, we ought to say in our language but post about it here on oh well...time to fix my lod (atlast, buying an proper lod from Qables) to mini...
May 1, 2008 at 6:33 PM Post #1,106 of 3,220
This thread is falling back to page two!!! wow! I feel that this most definitely needs to be a sticky. There is a massive amount of information here!!
May 11, 2008 at 4:29 PM Post #1,108 of 3,220
Ah man. I really dont want to read all 111 pages of this thread. I really want to look into this though.

So its definatly proved that the DIY 5th gen iPod video sounds better than an iPod Classic?

To mod the 5th gen video, there are only 4 steps listed. Is that all it takes? Any videos come out yet of someone modding the 5th generation? That would be great if there way. Would be a great addition to this thread.
May 15, 2008 at 5:37 PM Post #1,109 of 3,220
Most of the information is packed onto the first post, so you would probably be better off looking there than through everything else. As for the SQ comparison between the diyMod 5G and the 6G, I can't think of when anyone compared them. They may be out there, but nothing comes to mind immediately. I could obtain a classic and compare them, but I have other things I need to finance before I could seriously consider doing so. In general, switching anything up in your rig requires some sort of risk and uncertainty, so even if there were an overwhelming number of diyMod rave reviews, you still couldn't guarantee that you'd like it. If you don't believe me, count the number of iMod reviews and then find the number of threads with titles to the effect of, "Should I get an iMod?" Just listen and see for yourself. The diyMod is simply a lower cost and higher risk method of seeing if the iMod is a worthwhile risk.

The video idea is a good one, and something I haven't considered. The main reason is that I don't have a camcorder on me, but I do have a friend from which I could borrow one. Regardless, if you're capable of performing the mod, you already know that you are. If you have any doubt, you probably shouldn't be doing the mod. Crazier things have happened, but you should probably stick to the numbers on this one, especially with such an expensive toy as an iPod. Your best shot is to solicite any of the nicer modders in this thread and see if they're willing to do it. I don't know that it follows head-fi rules, but I don't see any other way of doing it besides doing it yourself. We are in a DIY forum, after all.

Good luck, whatever route you take.
May 18, 2008 at 11:39 AM Post #1,110 of 3,220
Does anyone know where I can get a couple of these Black gate 22uf 6.3v NX HiQ caps from Australia? or alternatively does anyone have 2 spares that they want to sell?

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