
  1. joneeboi

    The Apple diyMod: My Take on the Famous iMod [56k killer] Featuring 3G, 4G, 5G and nano 1G!

    As many of you are aware of the iMod, I won't bore you with the details. Some of you may be aware that there are DIY "iMods" scattered throughout the world, and RedWineAudio is not the only to provide the world with the sonic beauty of the Wolfson Micro WM8975 CODEC. The details I will bore you...
  2. cheapfi

    Bedroom Speakers- inexpensive and small recommendations

    I have recently embraced a love of background music in my bedroom.  I use it with a romantic playlist when I am enjoying time with my wife.  However the only speakers I had that I could move into the bedroom were my Fostex PM0.4N monitors.  They work and sound fantastic except for the fact that...
  3. Danieldanik

    Looking for MP3 player for sport & home use (~140$)

    Hey guys i'm looking for mp3 player up to 140$ (can also be used or refurbished) Uses: running and home use Size: smaller then ipod touch, bigger then sansa clip Features: touch screen, good looking, marketplace is a bonus! Thanks. (Also give me mp3 players for up to 300$ so I could find...
  4. shch13

    Would you consider buying outright a low to midrange Android as your new DAP?

    I recently unearthed an old Acer Android phone sitting in my house that runs on Gingerbread 2.3.5 and it came with a 4GB SD Card but little internal memory. I immediately thought of either rooting it and put voodoo sound or in general try it as a new DAP. Hardware-wise it's pretty old a single...
  5. ExpatinJapan

    Flacplayer app - updated.

    I have been using this app for a long time to play FLAC on my ipod touch 4G, iphone 4 and touch 5G. It often updates with various fixes which keeps it current and relevant. I have bought many audio os apps but always seem to return to flacplayer app. I also just participated in the recent...
  6. AiAiAiNewbie

    Cowon Z2 + Fiio E11 ?

    Hi Head-Fi Community, I have a question for you fellow audiophiles... I actually have a iPod Touch 4gen, AiAiAi TMA-1 Studio, and Sony XB500. Ive also ordered a Fiio E11 Portable AMP. I'm not really happy with my iPod's SQ and I am looking towards a new MP3 player .... Ive looked at the...
  7. A

    Will you upgrade your iPod Touch 4G to 5G?

    I like the new iPod Touch, if it had 128 GB, I would have no doubts, what about you?
  8. ijchan223

    I touch l9 issue ?

    every time i move my ipod around it seems to pause the music is it normal for the ipod to pause when you bump the connector around or is there a short on my fiio l9 cable?   ( using a e17 as a amp)
  9. SlyCarrot



    Streaming Audio-Fi

    Been trying to use the search button on this topic. Just so random! At work I have Wi-Fi. So I get to listen to music 8 hours a day. Got bored of my ipod Classic. So purchased a 4 gen 8GB ipod touch to stream Pandora One. Yes I have been a longtime Headfi-er. Know that there are so much better...
  11. Audio-Phile

    Interesting article on iPod Touch output specs

    Just found this, very interesting.  Turns out Apple gear isn't half bad at least for portable stuff.   Makes me slightly better about using my iPhone with TF10s haha.
  12. superfan

    Multimedia PMP with the best sound quality?

    Recently I've been looking at upgrades for my 2nd Gen ipod touch. Partially because it's a few years old and partially because I've filled it up with music and need more storage space. I'm not exactly an audiophile, because I mainly use 320/512 kbps rips from cds for my songs, but I still need...
  13. Xinn3r

    Fiio L9 or iPod Touch Problem?

    Hi, I just bought a Fiio L9 LO for my iTouch, and when the L9 is plugged in, I can only hear the left side working. Naturally, I contacted the seller and he said he can arrange for a new one.   But he also said to check first whether it was the L9, or is it my iTouch LO that's the...
  14. mechamits

    BBE SonicMax Pro iTunes app

    If you're into clean, flat audio sources, stop reading I bought the aforementioned app and wow, it makes a huge difference particularly in terms of soundstage and vocal/instrument separation, granted the true audiophiles will hate any distortion the app causes, but if you have an app-capable...
  15. woodfiend

    Source advice

       Hi there!   New guy here.   Long time audio and video participant but new to quality headphone listening.   I have had numerous regular and gaming headphones over the years but I am just starting my foray into better quality head-fi gear.  I made the timid step and bought sennheiser 429's for...
  16. FlatNine

    A DAP Philosophy Perspective

    Here's a philosophical thought regarding DAP's and EQ. I just ordered a Cowon C2. (I don't really need another DAP, but hey, Head-Fi is a hobby, not a necessity!) I wanted the killer battery life, gapless playback, and FLAC support.   Regardless - here's what I'm thinking. We see posts here...
  17. FilipinoAko

    iMod (Red Audio), iPod touch 5.5 Gen and Grado sr80i

    Hello guys, I just recently joined the forums and this is my first post but I have been a reader of the posts and threads. In fact, Head-Fi is the one that helped me decide to buy the Grado sr80i.  Anyway, enough of that.    I read about iMod from Red Audio and iPod. I am thinking of...
  18. Jason36

    AMP/DAC Advice for iDevices

    Good morning,   Im wondering if anyone could probably provide me some advice with regards to options I have available for Portable Amp/DAC combos for iDevices.   Current equipment includes - iPhone5 - iPad4 - iPod Touch (either 4th or 5th Gen) used with DreamEarz UAD-8X CIEM and also in the...
  19. Nyanman

    FIIO E07K vs FIIO E11

    Any difference between the two amps sound quality wise? have Sennheiser HD439 and JVC Fxt-90 running from an ipod touch 4 with FIIO L9 LOD,and laptop :D
  20. Apple iPod Touch 32 GB (Fourth Generation)

    Apple iPod Touch 32 GB (Fourth Generation)

    Apple's newest version of their iPod Touch line. New features include two cameras (one front-facing and another on the back), a microphone and a slightly thinner body. Released in September 2010. 32 GB model.