The album that changed ...
Feb 5, 2004 at 10:23 PM Post #76 of 131
It's so cool to see someone mention Hard Nose The Highway. That's one of my favorite Van Morrison albums.
Wild Children is great and Van does the best cover of anyone of It's Not Easy Being Green
Feb 6, 2004 at 12:02 PM Post #78 of 131
Oh ya

QUEEN - live on Wembley - oh what a concert

oh ya oh ya oh ya I need to see that again
aaaa about right now

H@LL@ & hear you soon!
Mar 21, 2005 at 5:51 AM Post #80 of 131
In 8th grade math class i was looking through my friends CD case and i saw "...And Justice For All" i popped it into my player and couldnt stop listening to it the whole class and i asked my friend if i could keep it for the day. He said sure and i rarely stopped listening to it for the rest of the day. I remember listening to "One" over and over again thinking "my god this is why some people love music". the drum kicks in the begining were so perfectly placed and the guitar was stunningly crisp, and the creciendo half way into the song still gives me chills (especially the double bass drum kicks). But what i really remember is the lyrics, i had always assumed that this huge heavy metal band that is known as metallica couldnt possibly have deep or poetic lyrics. oh man i was wrong, i had never heard anything that i could listen to over and over again for months until i heard my first taste of metallica and truely great music. I now know that And Justice for All wasnt metallica's best album but it and "One" will always hold a strong place in my library of songs. From there it was a whirlwind of new bands, artists, and genres that i started discovering. Im still discovering bands i love and hope it will never stop, but right now im still a young'n and have much to learn about musical styles and talents.

Thanks for this short trip down memory lane, it brings back some great times.
Mar 21, 2005 at 6:28 AM Post #81 of 131
It's an interesting thing looking back at what's changed my tastes musically, and what's shaped my life. Up until almost 8th grade i really didn't listen to music other than the pop music played on Power 106 in LA. One night i just got sick of it and switched stations to what was Pirate Radio 100.3 and then KNAC on 105.5. Nothing really stood out to me until a friend got me into Motley Crue. Then it sorta came in a deluge, all of a sudden I was being lent Guns And Roses Appetite For Destruction as well as Metallica's Ride the lightning and Master of Puppets. I was instantly hooked.
The next album that changed my world that i can distinctly remember was Anthrax's Attack of the Killer B's. I remember hearing Startin' Up A Posse and just laughing, but then hearing their cover with public Enemy of Bring the Noize really opened me up to thrash. Funny thing is, it all lead me down this path to a place in my life where i was almost prepared for punk. I remember hearing this song on the radio and had no idea who did it. A year later i hear it again and find out it was by this group called the Ramones. (Consequently it was I Wanna Be Sedated) The next day i was over at the music store buying a copy of Everything and More Vol.2 as well as Loco Live. Loco Live sealed the deal for me. Punk was my new best friend, and my world's changed forever.

Mar 21, 2005 at 9:01 AM Post #82 of 131
That would be Bruce Springsteen - Born to Run.

But it was actually going to see him on the 'Born to Run' tour at Notre Dame in '76 when I was in 8th grade. I got to tag along with a friend my same ago whose brother was a freshman at ND, and seemed like an "adult" to me.

The Boss was amazing. He wouldn't stop playing, and ended up coming out for three seperate, long encores. The South Bend police were trying to make everyone leave after the first and second encores because we were breaking the 12:00 curfew, but nobody would budge. The show didn't end until 12:40, more than 4 and 1/2 hours after it had started. There was no warm up act, just Bruce and the E-Street Band pouring their hearts out, running all over the place, jumping off speakers, wailing on guitars to "Prove It All Night..." which is exactly what they did. The place was buzzing.

This was the first concert experience I ever had, and I can't say that I've ever had a better one (now with well over 100 hundred under my belt, and ever so jealous of those who living in metro areas with greater access to live performances). It was amazing to see Bruce and feel the passion for music seeping from his pores. There was no turning back after that. Four years later, by the time I was out of high school, kids would come from distant towns to check out my record collection which had grown to 400-500 or so. In those days, I was working odd jobs for $3 per hour delivering console TV's and microwave ovens (new technology back them) and every spare $1 went toward my albulm collection. But eventually, I gave them all away to various people who I knew would appreciate them, mostly to my brother who still has most of them and is into vinyl to this day.

I actually dropped out of the music scene for the most part during my undergraduate and early grad school days, opting for serious study instead. Success doesn't come easily is the way I had it figured. Then I started over with CD's once "I got the fever" (another Bruce reference) again.

Music is an important part of life for me. You've got to sing and dance along the way, or what's the point?
Mar 21, 2005 at 9:04 AM Post #83 of 131
Ah yes, I heard Ozzy's Ozzmosis single "Perry Mason" on the radio, and I really digged it. I went out and bought Ozzmosis, and the rest is history. My life will never be the same because of that album, and I am eternally grateful.
Mar 21, 2005 at 10:32 AM Post #84 of 131
Songs for Drella - Lou Reed/ John Cale
Let's Dance - David Bowie
The hours - Philip Glass
Canto Ostinato - Simeon ten Holt.
Magic and Loss - Lou Reed
Life on a String - Laurie Anderson
Mar 22, 2005 at 2:24 PM Post #85 of 131

Originally Posted by Iron_Dreamer

I would also mention Dream Theater - Images and Words, which I bought after reading favorable opnions on some random metal site, and it really opened my ears to the possiblites of more complex music, as well as the sheer beauty that music makes possible.

I just wanted to reply about this album and found your comment on that one. That fits my feeling about it perfectly.
Mar 22, 2005 at 2:44 PM Post #86 of 131
Are You Expeirenced Jimi Hendrix
Benefit Jethro Tull (a very underated Classic IMO)
Live At Leeds The Who
Led Zepplin I
Pearl Janus Joplin
Workingmans Dead The Greatful Dead
Bitches Brew Miles Davis
Mar 22, 2005 at 3:10 PM Post #87 of 131
a song, opeth - face of melinda, introduced me to underground stuff.


Originally Posted by terrymx
all music i listen to change me... for the worse

What, did i actaully wrote that, i must be really depressed and ****. this is so gay.
Mar 22, 2005 at 3:34 PM Post #88 of 131
I left Mobile Alabama in 1985 to go to college in Montreal Quebec. I had this friend -- a Sophomore nicknamed 'Scooter' who wanted to be a Mod (in 1985), owned a Vespa, and was just getting-over a serious 'The Who' fixation. I said I liked jazz -- Dixieland, Glenn Miller, Dave Brubeck -- and he said I needed to get me some Thelonious Monk. Scooter had shiny Italian shoes.

I was going through the racks of used lps in a basement headshop off Dorchester St, and I found T.M. Straight No Chaser.

A week later I got Thelonious Monk Plays Duke Elington from another record store off St. Denis. It's still one of my top five albums.

That was the start of my 'adult' exploration of music. Hostie-taberwhitte!
Mar 23, 2005 at 12:45 PM Post #90 of 131

Originally Posted by disturbed
Strange how it plays with your darkest thoughts, grabs them when you can't and suddenly it all makes sense.

Hey, that's it really.


Yes ladies and gentlemen tell us which album: Changed your life forever?

I'm unable to name an album, but I will name an artist over all. Tom Waits.

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