The album that changed ...
Feb 2, 2004 at 7:35 PM Post #61 of 131
Interesting thread.

First and foremost for me is NIN's Downward Spiral. I first heard "Closer" on MTV when I was about ten ... and then I bought the CD when I was eleven or so. Didn't listen to it until I was age twelve. Seventh grade, middle school: absolute wretched hell. Like many other teenagers, I imagine, Trent spoke directly to me. Yeah, it sounds ridiculously cheesy, but I don't know how I'd have made it through were it not for this album (and a couple others). Totally opened my eyes (and ears) to the possibility of non-conventional sound sources in music. Also loved the artwork.

Fast forward a couple years (age thirteen or fourteen I think): Imminent Starvation's Nord opened my eyes (and ears) to the possibilities of distortion and noise within music. Opened up whole new avenues and genres for me to devour. Of course, I don't really like the album anymore.

Autechre's Chiastic Slide: I remember first hearing this when I was eleven or twelve and not getting it at all. I didn't like it. It didn't make any sense. Two or three years later, I listened to it again -- and I can remember this quite clearly -- it almost felt like something shifted within my head ... and it clicked. Like one of those Magic Eye puzzles that make you cross your eyes to see what's really inside, I heard the hidden pictures and beauty conveyed in this strange, mechanical music. This album also started my shift towards instrumental music. It showed me the absolute beauty and complexity and magnificence that can be conveyed with sound, as opposed to lyrics. It's gotten to the point where I am now -- where lyrics are totally meaningless to me. Unfortunately, this means I can't appreciate a lot of bands I might otherwise, but it also allows me to appreciate an enormous range of instrumental music.

- Chris
Feb 3, 2004 at 2:45 AM Post #62 of 131
Pearl Jam- Ten

I think I was 14yrs old...

I was sitting at my dinner table and my older brother came in and gave me the cassete. He told me to listen to a song called "Jeremy." I went outside, jumped on my old bmx.

I was going 90 mph. Trully amazing...
Feb 3, 2004 at 3:00 AM Post #63 of 131
The first album I bought which was the first one that I wanted to buy and turned me in to a true music fan instead of just a tourist was Joy Divisions Closer.

Ironically what got me in the store was was "love will tear us apart" but they didn't have it but the guy in the store played it and I was hooked. Who knew pain could be so beautiful. I ilterally wore it out on my cheapo turntable in about 6 weeks

The only other times that come close to that was hearing jazz for the first time with Sketches of Spain by Miles Davis. And Astral Weeks by Van Morrison coutesy of my first serious girlfreind
Feb 3, 2004 at 9:15 AM Post #64 of 131
First album to get me into music: Boston, 'Boston'

First album to change my world: Megadeth, 'Rust In Peace'

Album that changed the way I looked at everything: The Cure, 'Faith'

Album that's pretty much ruled my life til now: Skinny Puppy, 'Last Rights'

Music that moves me today: Tarmvred, 'Viva 6581'
Feb 3, 2004 at 3:26 PM Post #67 of 131

Originally posted by gaijin
Funkadelic - One?@Nation Under a Groove

ooohhh... that's a good one.

if i could have a theme song that would play every time i walked into a room, it'd be "mommy, what's a funkadelic?"
Feb 3, 2004 at 8:33 PM Post #68 of 131
Mozart - The Flute Quartets
Feb 4, 2004 at 1:55 PM Post #70 of 131

Originally posted by Fenwik
Rites of Spring - End on End

For me, it compleatly changed what music could mean.

I woke up this morning, with a piece of past caught in my throat..

and then I choked!!
Feb 5, 2004 at 8:14 AM Post #72 of 131
Disregarding everything the Beatles recorded -

in no particular order:

Jimi Hendrix - Electric Ladyland
Steven Stills - Manassas
Van Morrison - Hard Nose the Highway

Slightly lesser movements go to:
The Who - By the Numbers &
Led Zepplin - Led Zepplin

slippin away

Feb 5, 2004 at 9:30 AM Post #73 of 131
I don't Know album was 'couse was so long ago (at least 18 years ago) but I'm 100% it was JAZZzzzzz

and second Mariah Carey - Music Box (Dreamlover) - 'couse that was the first thing that I sow on MTV (ya, ya
- Romania - 1993) - that makes me listen more and more music so now I have lots of it (only mp3 - over 200 CD, + audio, VCD, DVD ....)
Feb 5, 2004 at 2:49 PM Post #74 of 131
aged 14: queen - greatest hits
it formed into some kind of rock opera in my head, similar to the who's tommy.

aged 18: hüsker dü - candy apple gray
i grew independent then...

aged 22: the waterboys - this is the sea
as wide and as deep...

aged 31: the waterboys again - a rock in the weary land
brought me back to music, reading, writing...
Feb 5, 2004 at 3:23 PM Post #75 of 131
Iron Maiden's "The Number Of The Beast" - For me I would say this album represents my first real musical independance from my brothers musical tastes. Not a dramatic shift but significant in that neither of my brothers listened to this "newer" metal.

The Lords Of The New Church "The Method To Our Madness" - In grade 10 I was sitting in a hallway by myself studying when one of the Islands few punks of the time came by and let me listen to "S.F. & T" which turned me on to the whole punk/hardcore scene. Even though I haven't listened to The Lords in ages this moment represents the most significant musical experience/shift in my life. It was like I discovered a whole other world. It was not only a shift in music but attitude.

Skinny Puppy "Bites" - This older girl I had a huge crush on in grade 12 played "Assimilate" for me. This opened up the whole world of Industrial to me. Electronic music without guitars that was darker and heavier than any of the hardcore or metal I had listened to previously, it was a real change in perception. "Bites/Remission" is still a favorite to this day.

Queensryche "The Warning" and Tool "Ænima" while not necessarily life altering in the same sense as the previous three hold a special significance for me. Both have a way of taking me to a different place and altering me subtley in a way that is to hard to explain. I listened to both almost non-stop for years after I first heard them and still listen to both on a regular basis today.

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