The AKG K550 Impressions and Discussion Thread!
Dec 8, 2012 at 6:07 AM Post #181 of 2,849
^ lol @ pic.
Yeah, I agree they are fundamentally flawed in the clamp design, but they sound so damn good, for their price bracket...I have learned to completely ignore the loose seal (I did a cheap mod to fix that mostly, anyway)

I agree. They really sound good! What cheap mod did you do? :D
Dec 8, 2012 at 10:38 AM Post #182 of 2,849
I agree. They really sound good! What cheap mod did you do? :D

I just used rubber bands around the top of the pads to "pucker" them up which helps a lot, I find, to get a proper seal. It's super easy, and best of all, completely reversible...
pics in this thread:
Dec 9, 2012 at 8:21 AM Post #183 of 2,849
I think AKG might have intended to give these cans a very weak clamping force. In exchange we get one of the most comfortable fitting headphones to date. There is no specific pressure point, not too much weight on the cups nor on the headband. This can be seen from different perspectives.
Dec 9, 2012 at 4:47 PM Post #184 of 2,849
The only headphone I have owned that is as comfortable as the K550 is the MDR-1R. The 1R also hugs your head and feel like it could be to loose but it is more secure than the K550. Sound wise the K550 is better in my opinion though.

I have a pair of K167 coming in as I am curious about the difference in sound and comfort. Unless I like them equally or find they are good for different applications, I will then decide which one I will keep.
Dec 9, 2012 at 6:32 PM Post #185 of 2,849
I had no problem with the K550 comfort until I had owned them for a few months. Then the padding wore down, creating a pressure point on the top of my head and they were painful to wear. They really needed to use thicker padding on the headband.
I think it's interesting that you comment on the MDR-1R, because I replaced my K550 with Sony's MDR-7520 (Z1000 design) and have found them to be more comfortable than the K550, because they use thicker, softer padding on the headband.
The ear cups are a lot smaller on them, even though they also have 50mm drivers. I'm not sure whether I prefer that. On one hand, it means the headphones are smaller and lighter - the magnesium construction also helps with that. On the other, it means that the pressure has to be somewhat higher, because there's a smaller area of contact, and they warm up a bit quicker when you have them on for long periods of time. The K550 were a bit better to wear with glasses as well - I was able to put my glasses on/off with the K550 on, with the 7520 I need to remove the headphones first.
If AKG had addressed the thin padding on the headband, and the lack of a removable cable with the K551, I would probably have just bought a pair of them, rather than looking around elsewhere.
I do prefer the sound of my MDR-7520 to the K550 though, but it's a much more expensive headphone. Between those two prices though, there weren't any other sealed headphones that I really liked the sound of, that I had the opportunity to try.
Just like the K550, I wish that Sony had used real leather for the padding, rather than artificial. It didn't have the problem of the K550 where they offgassed for about two weeks when I first got them, but I still think real leather is a lot more comfortable to wear for longer periods of time, and tends to have better longevity. I've seen a lot of artificial leather start to peel or crack after 5 or so years of use.
Dec 11, 2012 at 11:31 PM Post #186 of 2,849
I've got the K550 from Curly21029 for a few days. It's an amazing headphone. I can't get why people say it's uncomfortable. It fits better than K501 and K701. It's clear, transparent and has a lot of punch. I A/B'ed with my K501 and I prefer the K550. It's more detailed, has more bass and attack. The upright bass sounds amazing on the K550. Mid is much thicker, sweeter than K501. The soundstage is a bit narrower than K501. The treble is very shimmering and sparkle. It's very neutral and fast, perfect for jazz and rock music.
Dec 12, 2012 at 5:10 AM Post #187 of 2,849
I've got the K550 from Curly21029 for a few days. It's an amazing headphone. I can't get why people say it's uncomfortable. It fits better than K501 and K701. It's clear, transparent and has a lot of punch. I A/B'ed with my K501 and I prefer the K550. It's more detailed, has more bass and attack. The upright bass sounds amazing on the K550. Mid is much thicker, sweeter than K501. The soundstage is a bit narrower than K50. The treble is very shimmering and sparkle. It's very neutral and fast, perfect for jazz and rock music.

I'm glad that you're enjoying it!  And yes, after cycling through a myriad of "mid-fi" competitors I'd agree that their comfort is excellent. (post tweaking) 

Dec 12, 2012 at 5:26 AM Post #188 of 2,849
I have had the lyr for about a week and have been using it exclusively with my hd650.

Well my wife wanted to sleep so i switched to the k550 for the first time since its closed.

Wow. The lyr really makes these shine. I loved them before now i am truly in love with them all over again. I still prefer my 650 overall but these are a really really nice change of pace and an amazing sounding combo imo.
Dec 12, 2012 at 5:36 AM Post #189 of 2,849
K550 owner aswell:) . They match most musig genres I would say, maybe lacking abit punch to be good in some rock and trance. But I guess this goes for must headphones that are close to neutral sounding.

The only umcomfortable thing about em is the leather pads you will get get sweaty after a while if its warm in the room your in. <3 Still love them but recently I have listened more and more on some DT 880 premium instead, they are open so they are better. But as a closed can this is really good imo.

As a fact I use this mostly while im not at home and sitting. Annoying to move around with since the clamp force is so little.
Dec 12, 2012 at 7:50 PM Post #190 of 2,849
Leonarfd as you have both the k550 and the dt880 how similar is the bass quantity on these and which do you think is the more detailed headphone? I am trying to decide between these two. I am looking for detail and neutrality for 80% pop and light rock, and 20% classical music listening.
Dec 12, 2012 at 10:02 PM Post #191 of 2,849
I can't speak for Leonarfd but definitely the K550 is much more detailed and neutral. DT880 has more bass and sub-bass but it's too boomy for my taste. I found that the K550 has better bass control and attack. K550 is the better all-rounder IMO.
Dec 13, 2012 at 12:52 AM Post #192 of 2,849
I also prefer the K550 (especially with my Lyr) over the DT880. It is the treble on the 880 that I find too sharp and sibilant compared to the K550 which has sparkle but not too much.

Edit: BTW with the lyr I am using an impedance adapter otherwise you hear EMI like crazy... just a tip.
Dec 13, 2012 at 11:54 AM Post #194 of 2,849
Still prefer the DT 800. but yeh they got more sub bass. Would not call it wooly if driven right
Dec 13, 2012 at 12:49 PM Post #195 of 2,849
Seriously K550 owners if you are wanting to get a little more midbass, sub bass and bass punch out of your phones try using an impedance adapter. I am using the one that came with one of my iems for airplane use (i believe it is 75ohm). There are adapters on ebay. I was listening last night with my Lyr again and that really brings the bass closer to the level of my HD650. Using that rig last night I got more out of my K550 than I have with any other setup. The separation and layering of instruments was phenomenal. The nearly open sound of the K550 got even bigger. Vocals and guitars shined with a realism and just the perfect sparkle and detail.

I was just PMing a buddy that these phones have just suddenly moved to a SOLID number two on my favorites. By far my favorite closed cans at this point ever.

K550+impedance adapter+lyr = :beyersmile:

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