The ____ headphone bashing thread
Aug 17, 2005 at 6:32 AM Post #46 of 155

Originally Posted by hozo
Heh, that was the exact CD I was thinking when I mentioned MS2s' bass. Yea, I'm definately exaggerating (kind of in a "get it out of your system" way). It's just a personal preference. I shun bass in general. I think the MS-* are unbeatable for pop and rock (and recently heard them w/ techno/electronic, perfect match).

Alessandro bass sure has punch. With cello solos however, I miss the distinct wood character or reverb (?) it's probably different ears. One thing that surprised me at a recent meet is that everyone had very different preferences. What I thought were boomy bass, others loved it. My perfect treble and mids were shrill and grating to another.

The tight bass I mentioned wasn't from that CD. IIRC, there is no track there at all that shows bass punches.
I was talking about the cello on that particular CD.

Anyway, I just listened to it again, nothing's wrong with it.
If you mean reverb as in "airy", it did sound airy, spacious, like a fresh breeze.

My CD catalogue # is: SRCR 1954 (sony records), it's Japanese version one (and made in Japan). Do we have the same catalogue #? I'm not sure, but is it possible that different manufacture of the same CD may have different sound quality? Because I really don't think there is something that bad when I listen to that CD using MS2...

Or maybe it's the source/interconnect/system synergy as well...

Or our ears...
Aug 17, 2005 at 8:06 AM Post #47 of 155

Originally Posted by hozo
With all the headphone appreciation threads, I feel there's too much love. Let's hear your hatred for forum-favorites but were too oppressed to speak out!

I’ll start.
HD580s, 600s. Good for vocals but how can people possibly recommend them for classical music? They lose so much treble with strings it’s not even worth listening. Different cable, bare drivers w/o foam? Not enough difference for my ears.

MS-1, 2. Awesome for rock, but horrible for cello or bass guitar solos. The bass is akin to a Bose system, boomy and unnatural.

All these imho of course.
Bring on the hatred!

edit: spelling

Lol, the bass for the MS-1/MS-2 is much tighter than HD580 in almost any system.

And the stock AKG1000 doesn't even have bass...gotta get them closer to your ears.

Aug 17, 2005 at 8:09 AM Post #48 of 155

Originally Posted by redshifter

plugged into an amp eric had at a meet, smooth, somewhat furry sound and the headstage was like listening to mono.

Aug 17, 2005 at 8:12 AM Post #49 of 155

Originally Posted by redshifter
akg k501
heard at a meet using an sr71 and a high end source: shrill.

at another meet the beyer dt880: piercing treble, icy unpleasant sound. similar the dt931.

some stax in-ear things at a meet. am radio time.

plugged into an amp eric had at a meet, smooth, somewhat furry sound and the headstage was like listening to mono.

various cheap and unmentionable cans over the years...

Yeah, the Orpheus sucks.

Who would have guessed?

Aug 17, 2005 at 8:12 PM Post #50 of 155

Originally Posted by crazyfrenchman27
Yeah, the Orpheus sucks.

Who would have guessed?


i've never heard the orpheus.
Aug 17, 2005 at 8:38 PM Post #51 of 155
Another vote for the K240S here, and we may as well throw in the 271S too - dont like either, they just sound odd.

The CD3000 is another - if they didnt have a plasticky midrange and had some bass to speak of, I probably would have loved these. I really wanted to love them too.

The HD650 - This just does not work at all for my music and preference - too slow, too dull and thick sounding.
Aug 17, 2005 at 9:17 PM Post #52 of 155
I personally have to wonder, is there any well-known headphone which has not yet been bashed on this thread?

Perhaps we should make a list of them and then post it as a sticky: "Headphones Safe to Purchase Without Fear of Disappointment"
Aug 17, 2005 at 10:13 PM Post #53 of 155
I hate the MS2. Sounded incredibly detailed and fast when I first put it on, but failed to impress thereafter. Fatiguing, too.

I hate the 0404 for the same reason, except that it never impressed me, not even vs. my SBLive.

I hate the K340, because AKG hasn't made another headphone based on a similar design. (outside of the K4, I suppose)

I hate the Ultrasones. All of 'em. The HFI-700s hurt my ears, the headband cracks after a month (and costs $35 to replace), and after the initial clamping force goes away, the subsonic bass (which is what I liked about them) is gone.

I hate the K240 Studio for being so close to what I wanted, while being cheaper than the K271. I hate the DT531 for the same reason.

I hate the Gilmore V1 for being discontinued, the Lite for not having a pre-out or 2nd input, the GS-1 for being too expensive.

I hate the K1000 for being so damned hard to drive.
Aug 17, 2005 at 10:20 PM Post #54 of 155

Originally Posted by Andrea
All available headphones are crap.

Actually I prefer to believe that all unavailable headphones are crap!

Only most of the available ones are crap.
Aug 17, 2005 at 10:41 PM Post #55 of 155

Perhaps we should make a list of them and then post it as a sticky: "Headphones Safe to Purchase Without Fear of Disappointment"

The list starts here:

(Don't see me editing this post any time soon, then)

Aug 17, 2005 at 10:59 PM Post #56 of 155

Originally Posted by redshifter
i've never heard the orpheus.

Well the HE-90 is the headphone part of the orpheus and even with my one experience listening to it from a Stax 007t amp, it was gorgeous. Certainly not mono, the soundstage is brilliant. Midrange is certainly furry (fuzzy? bring it on).
Aug 17, 2005 at 11:03 PM Post #57 of 155

Originally Posted by lan
long live speakers!

pff...long live electrostatics!
Aug 17, 2005 at 11:19 PM Post #58 of 155

Originally Posted by NightWoundsTime
Well the HE-90 is the headphone part of the orpheus and even with my one experience listening to it from a Stax 007t amp, it was gorgeous. Certainly not mono, the soundstage is brilliant. Midrange is certainly furry (fuzzy? bring it on).

then it had to be the amp used (don't recall). the headstage was like a blurry-edged blob in the middle of my head. the sony v6 had a wider headstage. and yes i know the he90 is the headphone part of the orpheus. the he90 + some other amp ≠orpheus.
Aug 18, 2005 at 2:15 AM Post #59 of 155

Originally Posted by warpdriver
Shure E3C...."No highs, no lows, must be Bose...eerr....Shure"

I have a love/hate relationship with Grado's....sometimes I'm groovin', sometimes I find them intolerable, and I look at their build quality and shake my head with disgust.

hahaha highs no highs shurely no highs... grado quality sucks. Made in China puts Grado to shame. My SR60 is probably made of recycled plastic. It sounds decent, but gets more praise than it deserves.
Aug 18, 2005 at 2:34 AM Post #60 of 155
okay honestly, grados hurt my ears. Soundwise. I think after so many multi-hour sessions, my ears couldn't handle it anymore. Other phones don't cause this pain. And I'm not talking about the SQ, I like grado house.

A couple people have mentioned having a similiar "sensitivity" to grado sound.

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