Tempting new Virtual Dynamics power cord-- $50!
Jul 26, 2002 at 3:04 AM Post #407 of 698

Originally posted by acidtripwow
Well, I've decided to pick up a VD Nite digital coax cable. I'll see how it compares to my Acoustic Zen MC2. I should have it next week.

That should be very interesting... I've been looking for a new digital cable and was seriously considering a Nite (though I do not know if they offer BNCs)... The knock on VD cables in general (not the pc's) has been their "thin" sound, including the Nite digital... Please keep us informed.
Jul 26, 2002 at 3:37 AM Post #408 of 698

I have added my equipment to my profile. It all is a recent upgrade.

I have a question about the forum. What does DBT-Free forum mean?

I plan to open a whole new can of worms after I receive the nite series. Anyone interested?

Anxiously awaiting my nite series.

Jul 26, 2002 at 11:44 AM Post #409 of 698

Originally posted by elybry
I have added my equipment to my profile. It all is a recent upgrade.
I have a question about the forum. What does DBT-Free forum mean?
I plan to open a whole new can of worms after I receive the nite series. Anyone interested?
Anxiously awaiting my nite series.

DBT - double blind testing
means no discussions of blind testing cable challenges here.

What do you mean about can of worms?
Jul 26, 2002 at 12:59 PM Post #410 of 698
For all those into HT - video component cables.
Jul 26, 2002 at 1:25 PM Post #411 of 698

I can't imagine anyone claiming that the VD cables have a "thin" sound. Dark Angel and I have both made the observation that on the earlier cables the top end was slightly soft but, as far as I know, no one else has even commented on that.

As far as the Nite Series goes, in my sytem this stuff increases the dynamic impact so much that the Nite Series should be thought of as the audio equivalent of a Raging Bull. Still, even with that, it's neither harsh or aggressive. Dynamics is one thing you can't k make up, if it is not on the recording to begin with you can't create it. So, in my opinion, what the Nite Series is doing is just letting you hear how the recording actually sounds. So, I don't know whoever said that originally but in my opinion "thin" is out of the question as far as CD cables go.

Let's see what others have to say about that.


You got my atention with that "can of worms" comment. Is something up?

What exactly is double-blind testing?

As far as my comments on the Nite IC's goes they will have to wait another day or two because yesterday I got some new CD's and a DVD about the history of the classical violin and, as you can imagine, I spent the whole evening (at least the late part) checking them out so I have not been able to listen to my system with music I was am familiar with.

Talk soon.
Jul 26, 2002 at 2:41 PM Post #412 of 698
Just for the record:

I returned my Excalibur Ribbons.

Next on my IC audition list:
AZ Silver Reference
Analysis Plus silver oval
Fortunately the AZ Silver Ref have never been cheaper used at Audiogon thanks to recent model upgrade.
Jul 26, 2002 at 11:15 PM Post #413 of 698
I've been playing around with my Ultimate Outlet yesterday and today. Based on Brett and Rick's recommendations that their AC cords be plugged straight into the wall outlet rather than into any sort of power conditioner, I've been experimenting with running my CD player and amp straight into the wall, sans UO. I've gone back and forth a couple of times to be sure of what I'm hearing (I must have looked like Crocodile Hunter manhandling snakes, as I twisted, bent and contorted the Reference cords to make them work for the various arrangements - CRIKEY!) Here are my findings:

First, the good stuff: when I took the UO out of the circuit, I discerned an immediate increase in dynamics. In fact, it almost sounded like music was louder at the same volume setting. Also, soundstaging was improved - more spacious and enveloping in the macro sense, and there was improved image specificity in the micro sense. The soundstage expanded and also allowed me to better pick out the placement of instruments within the soundstage. Music also just seemed to be more cohesive, and I found myself being able to relax more. It wasn't as much "work" to listen, while at the same time, I was able to hear more of the music. It's like I was able to hear more of the performance, less of the "sound", if that makes any sense.

Now the bad stuff: with the UO out of the circuit, music seemed more veiled, less clear. I really do think there is something to PS Audio's claims regarding the 40db reduction in noise and grunge. There was more brightness, more clarity with the UO in the path. When I took it out, the treble seemed to drop a db or two. This was actually not bad on poor-sounding recordings. Still not sure whether this is good or bad on well-recorded material. However, I noticed that whenever I put the UO back into the circuit, the musical picture became more disjointed again; the new-found clarity kind of took away from the music, and things didn't flow as well. I seem to enjoy the music more with the UO out of the circuit, even if things are a little duller than I had gotten used to before. I'm going to keep playing with it. Brett and I were talking about this yesterday and I was going to call him and let him know all this, but then I thought I'd post here, so everyone could labor through this (and also to keep the Schultz brothers from filing for a restraining order to keep me from calling constantly).

BTW, I got a shipment confirmation from VD. No details were provided as to the contents, but as I've only got an order placed for the Nite AC cords, what else could it be? This is considerably ahead of schedule. Pretty awesome. Perhaps Rick has hired neighborhood kids to help with production?
Jul 27, 2002 at 12:59 AM Post #415 of 698
I think you know what I did with my UO..............

In my system the UO softened the treble, like a rounding of the spires, or rose colored glasses. Robbed me of slight amount of treble sparkle and dynamic attack, soundstage was slightly smaller also..........needless to say it was sold.

I think you really have to try different things in your own system,
hard to make universal statement because of all the variables.
Jul 27, 2002 at 1:06 AM Post #416 of 698

How about leaving the VA out of the system for long enought that our components get happy together without it.
Jul 27, 2002 at 9:54 PM Post #417 of 698

There has been so little activity at this site in the last couple of days that I can only imagine that Mark, DarkAngel, John and now Carl are all out waiting by their mail boxes for thier Nite cables to come in.

Talk soon.

Jul 27, 2002 at 10:46 PM Post #418 of 698
I just bought a 1 meter used pair of Analysis Plus Silver Oval ICs at Audiogon (I think).............had a little trouble understanding sellers English when I spoke to him on the phone

Waiting for him to e-mail me his address so I can send payment
Monday. This could work very well with my Silver Oval speaker cables.
Jul 28, 2002 at 6:26 AM Post #419 of 698
What a thread!

I'm just in the process of putting together my first serious system (I've got 3 pr of good headphones but have been running them out of my computer soundcard), including speakers, good CD player and pre/amp. The lot should cost a bit over $5000.

I was slightly interested in upgraded power cords, so a friend offered to sell me his 2 unused Audiodyne cords for $50 apiece. When I saw him again, he said that he had reconsidered, and wanted $100 each. I told him I would think about it... and came home to do some research on what I could get for $100 a cord.

Heh! he did me a big favour by raising the price! To make a long story short, I've now read this entire thread and will be calling VD on Monday. The Audiodynes will stay with him.

My only question at this point is whether to start off with the VD Power 3 and try how I like it, or get something better right away. With my system I will only need 2 power cords to start.
Jul 28, 2002 at 6:51 AM Post #420 of 698

If you are purchasing the entire system all at once (as I did recently), my suggestions would be to set aside a very modest portion for cables. This way, you will maximize the quality of your components, and as you become intimately familiar with their sound characteristics, the upgrading of cables will be the final refinement.

If you go for the gold at the start, you will not have a clear understanding of what you have, except that based on the faith of others' impressions. With cables, system synergy is especially important. No one else has your ears, tastes, or listening environment.

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