Tempting new Virtual Dynamics power cord-- $50!
Jul 24, 2002 at 6:17 PM Post #391 of 698

Why is this man smiling?

Because he has just been informed that VD is sending him a complimentary Nite Series power cord, that's why!

Yes, winging its way to me from Canada as I type is my very own top-of-the-line VD power cord, just for sharing my experiences with you monkeys!

Thanks Brett and Rick! I can't wait!

Jul 24, 2002 at 6:34 PM Post #392 of 698

What was the purpose of this last post, Dude?

Do you just enjoy inflickting pain?

We lowly "monkeys" have to live with the fact that you just got $800 - $1500 worth of "free" updrade to your system for...for...for what? For making all of the rest of us suffer and drool?



Hope you enjoy 'em - and sell 'em to me at a substantial profit - say $50 bucks???!!! Huh? Whatdaya say? OK, $75...
Jul 24, 2002 at 6:58 PM Post #393 of 698
Alright, I've been thinking about this long and hard. Kelly gave me much to think about. But then again, so did DA, Pigmode and Brian.

The long and short of it is, I'm pretty happy with my system. Of course, there are always changes I'd like to make (separates instead of integrated, better source, etc). But, making any of these desired changes will cost me more than I can currently spend. The Nite cords are not cheap, but certainly much cheaper than spending the thousands to upgrade my amp and cabling (new interconnect required for preamp) or trade in my Cary at (maybe) half-price towards a mucho-expensive player. From what I'm led to believe, the Nite cords provide improvements that are more than just refinements. And, the kicker is that I'm allowed to return them if I don't realize the benefits from performance vs. cost persepctive (at least with my gear).

Here's what I'm going to do, then. Because I'm weak (sorry, Kelly), I'm going to call Brett and Rick to see what's what. But, there's no way I'll be able to resist their pushy, strong-armed car salesman tactics. Lines like "try 'em out for a month, free of charge. If you don't like 'em, send 'em back no questions asked. If you do like 'em, we'll work out a deal". I'll crumble in the face of such Gestapo mind-torture.

I'll let everyone know how it turns out.
Jul 24, 2002 at 7:14 PM Post #394 of 698

You are a "freaking" riot. Your humor kills me.


Congratulations. It's nice to see Rick and Brett reward you for getting all of us started in this. I don't know how much interest you have generated because of this thread but if you look at the numbers of hits on this thread it must be considerable.

It's also nice to see that you, Dark Angel and now John are going to be joining me in the Nite Series Sanitarium with me. Who is next? Pigmode possibly? How about Kelly?

This has been about as long a running and intense a thread as I could ever imagine. That along with all the excitement my Nite Power is pushing out of my stereo system has made me dizzy.

Jul 24, 2002 at 7:33 PM Post #395 of 698
See Blogg's thread about poor folks and priorities. My priorities are seriously out of whack. Even with that said, I'm still out of money. I mean bigtime out. People have offered me stuff for a good price that I owe them money on. More people have offered me stuff for a good price that I had to turn down. It's bad. I don't even look at Audiogon now.

Of course, if I could get's Mark's price, I'd take one.

Then again, Mark may have sold an organ and is just too embarassed to admit it.

Have them send you the Nite ICs too, John, we wanna hear how they compare to your Kimber Selects -- and after all, the shipping is combined and you can send back what you don't keep, right?
Jul 24, 2002 at 8:01 PM Post #396 of 698
Just got my invoice for VD Nite in an e-mail, ship date is estimated
7/31, lets check Nite AC cord owner list:

BK - 2 Nites (I think he kinda likes these)
DA - 1 Nite
Mark - 1 Nite
JA - 2 Nites (resistance melted away fast)

I was afraid you would say the Varials beat out your Appassionatas, I have too many cables to try now to take advantage of July special at ZU.........what about the Zu Mothers,
do you like them and what AC cords do you have now (or have recently tried)
Jul 24, 2002 at 8:11 PM Post #397 of 698
Well, the deal's done. I have sold my soul! I just hope that Audio Hell is not a Britney Spears 8-track playing over a York all-plastic mini-system.

Yep, I caved in record time (even for me). Brett answered the phone with a "Hello, John. Welcome back." I didn't even have to say anything.

Okay, in all seriousness, Brett was extremely cool and knowledgeable, and he answered all my questions and provided the advice I was looking for (in a totally objective manner, providing both sides to every issue under discussion). Basically, he provided the information and pros and cons to that information, and I made the decision to go or not go with the Nite, accordingly.

So, the good stuff - I asked Brett if I could buy two Nite AC cords. He's going to let me compare them to my References, and if I like them and want to keep them, he will let me return two of my References for credit towards the Nite cords.

Pretty awesome customer service, yes? I would imagine that if anyone here who already has VD stuff were to ask nicely, this exchange program could probably be arranged for them as well, depending on what you were intending to upgrade to, of course. You'd have to ask, though, as I don't want to speak for Brett and Rick.

Lastly, don't think that Brett and Rick don't follow this thread; they do. And they wanted to pass along that they will mark down for grammar and spelling. And you do want a star at the top of your paper, right?
Jul 24, 2002 at 8:21 PM Post #398 of 698

Lastly, don't think that Brett and Rick don't follow this thread; they do.

Dear Santa Brett and Santa Rick,

I have ben...been a very gud...good boy this year.

all I want is a new bike
and a tv (easy to spell)
and 3 VD Nite PC's
and 1 VD Nite digital
and 1 VD Nite IC

all cryo'ed please...except maybe the tv
Jul 24, 2002 at 8:40 PM Post #399 of 698
LOL, yeah, I've been as good as shorton!

I just wish I didn't have to upgrade my source and interconnects, first. I'm also somewhat skeptical as to how much improvement I would get, seeing as I've already got a balanced power unit.
Jul 25, 2002 at 12:28 AM Post #400 of 698
Hmm... Although there's no way I could ever afford them, I may have to call up VD and see if I can get a "loaner" unit of something good- just to convince myself that power cords really *do* make a difference...

They do seem like nice types, though. Especially since they sent Markl a freebie
Jul 25, 2002 at 2:42 AM Post #401 of 698
Hello all

Brent turned me on to this site and I have read the posts over the past couple of days. I know that this is a head phone site, but I don't have any headphones, so I hope I am allowed to post. I too began my quest to upgrade over the past year. Initially a pre/pro, then a dvd-a player, then a 2 and 3 channel amps,then I added speakers, and then cables. First some interconnects some analysis plus copper, then stealth cws and scr. Then speaker cables, some stealth premier copper. Then I had a dreaded buzz come from my speakers. What was this, ground hum? I then decided I needed a power conditioner. While this was on order, I thought why not try a hospital grade power cord which I had easy access to. Hmmmm, there is a difference here. Maybe there is something to all this hype. I did some research, which power cord to get? I decided to try the Stealth M21 cord which I found at a great price on Audiogon and the Virtual Dynamics power 2. The power 2 arrived first. Wow, this is huge. I plugged it in and was completely blown away. What detail, soundstage, and musicality. A greater improvement than when I upgraded speakers. If this power cord could do this much, just wait until the top of the line stealth. I also noticed that my amps did run significantly cooler to the touch. It arrived and I was disappointed. Nowhere near the sound quality. Both of these cords were broken in before listening. I was now a believer in power cords. I was also amazed at the sound from the vd cords. If their basic power cord is this good, what about their other lines. Which line to chose? Where was the point of diminishing returns? Probably their middle of the line. At this point I had ordered a reference cable package which was made and ready to ship, then I thought how much better can the nite series be? Well, after several discussions with Rick and e-mails with Brian and several other people who have tried the audition, reference, signature, and nite; I have decided to take the ultimate plunge - a nite series package of pc, ic and speaker cables. I will update you when I receive them and hook them up. I can't wait.

Jul 25, 2002 at 3:56 AM Post #402 of 698
Welcome to head-fi, Carl. You'd have to confirm with Jude, who runs this site, but I'm pretty sure there is no cover charge (i.e. you do not have to own headphones) to hang out and contribute. But, if you do continue to hang out here, don't be surprised if you don't get curious and then start buying at least something headphone-related.

Wow, that's some first post! Nite AC, IC and speaker cables in one fell swoop? Good God, man - you certainly don't waste any time. Please let us all know what you think.

BTW, I received an e-mail from VD stating that my Nites are anticipated to ship on Aug. 7.

Kelly, I just couldn't do the Nite IC's. I'm very happy with my Kimber Select, and what happens if I like the Nite better? This kind of theorizing can make your head explode. If I liked 'em, I'd have to buy 'em, see? To do that, I'd have to sell my roommates into white slavery. And I hear that's illegal.
Jul 25, 2002 at 6:00 AM Post #403 of 698

You just missed me writing a scathing review of the Nite IC's. Here's what happened. When I came home tonight I installed the interconnects in my system and sat back to enjoy my latest visit to hi-fi Nirvana but it quickly became apparent that, with the Nite IC's in the system, my system sucked and sucked bad, too. It was dark and hazy and the mids sounded out of phase. I was shocked at the drop in performance and really began to panic. I knew I was going to have to review these things on this site and my extreme disappointment was going to look pretty nutty. And, truthfully I felt a little ill for Rick and Brett who would be hurt personally and professionally by my harsh review.

At first I thought of calling Mark but I decided to call Rick instead and just to be fair ask him if there was any possibility that the cables were broken or somehow defective. Fortunatley, for this story, Rick could not come to the phone and I told whoever answered to have him call me as soon as possible and that my call was important.

Well after getting off the phone I didn't even return to the living room to listen to my system I just stayed in the family room and played my guitar while I waited for Rick to call me back. After a wait of about forty-five minutes I went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee and while I was in there I noticed that my sytem didn't seem to sound quite as bad as before. So, I walked into the living room and checked it out. Damn, it sounded pretyy good so I decided to change a couple of CD's and check it out further and, sure enough, it sounded just like before only a little better, especially in the bottom end. Bass was really tight now.

I thougt about this for awhile and came to the conclusion that the IC's must not have been burned in like the power cable.

Rick finally called and when I asked him about whether or not they had been burned in he said they definitely had been but what he said was happening was that the when cables are burned in it is at very high voltages and when you first get them they are basically "highly "charged" and that this affects the sound for about forty-five minutes. Makes it "hazy" sounding was his description. He also said that the cables are directional and after checking mine it turned out that all of them were in backwards (opposite from the way they were burned in). So, I turned them around and came here to let you guys know what is going on. So far, so good, but at this point it is too early for me to say much about the IC's. In the short period I heard them in my system I think it's safe to say that they are definitley in the same family as the Nite Power. Whether or not the improvement is as dramatic as the installation of the Nite Power I can't say yet for certain.

I hope that helps.


You are definitely welcomed here. I didn't have any headpones either when I joined this site. What attracted me here and has kept me here is the quality of the people involed. They're all fanatics about hi-fi and very helpful and freindly.

The lastest is that I now have three sets of headphones and a really nice headphone amp and I'm looking for more.

Talk soon.

Jul 25, 2002 at 12:09 PM Post #404 of 698
Complete Nite package, that has to cost some coin! Don't worry about the headphone issue, I spend 80% of my time listening to stereo, only use headphones early morning or late night because of neighbors. I am using VD References on front end gear and VD P2s on a pair of Musical Fidelity amps, I have been using various AC cords for last 3-4 years and really think VD cords are fabulous.

When you get a chance please complete your profile and list equipment, this is very helpful point of reference when discussing cables etc.

Looks like Head-Fi is causing Nite backlog, I should get my Nite AC cord ahead of you

Thats OK you have some VD References to hold you over.

I think also the process of shipping cables requires a day or so for the cable to settle in even though it had been cooked previously. I noticed on my VD Sig ICs there was no directional marking and I had to put small label on them to mark direction, this is something VD should really address on future ICs with graphic label change. Also you need this when you change equipment or ICs so you keep track of direction.
Jul 25, 2002 at 1:55 PM Post #405 of 698
Dark Angel,

All I know is that the Nite Power was swinging from the first moment I hooked it up but the Nite IC's really damped down my system. I don't know how much the newness had to do with that or how much was the result of burning it in at VD or possobly the fact that they were installed backwards but the result was ugly for about an hour.

It is good that Carl has joined because he wll be the first to have his whole system done out in the Nite Series cables. I'm hoping to do that but it will take me awhile.

The reason I haven't ordered that Mapleshades Brass Hats is because I can't get them to fit in my current sytems rack (under the TV).

Man, I didn't know you had two Musical Fidelity amps. I envy that because I love their equipment.

Anyhow, as usual, it's good to hear from you.

Got to go.


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