Tempting new Virtual Dynamics power cord-- $50!
Jul 23, 2002 at 4:10 AM Post #361 of 698
I'm back,

Well, I've got to say that this easily the most excited I can ever remember being after purchasing an audio component. The sound of the Nite power is just the way I like to hear it. Exciting, detailed and dramatic.

I have now listened to everything from Sting to Miles Davis to Nine Inch Nails and follwed that with classical violinist Maxim Vengerov performing the Sibelius Violin Concerto on DVD. For those of you who don't know him you are in for a shock because at about 27 years of age there are many people who feel that he may already be the greatest violinist who ever lived. I am sure he is an he'd be my candidate for the greatest living musician. If you are at all interested in him email me and Ill help turn you on.

Anyhow, my system has never sounded anywhere near this good. My daughter was sitting next to me on the couch as I was listeng to "Sketches Of Spain" by Miles Davis and I noticed she had a funny look on her face and I asked her if everything was OK and she said she was fine she was just in deep concentration listening to the music because it sounded so beautiful. That should actually be the difinitive review because she hates Miles Davis and anything remotely jazzy.

When I ordered the Nite stuff I was so happy with the Reference, Audition and Power Two cables I had I was only hoping for some mild improvements to what I already recognized as probably the state of the art in power cables. Well Rick blew that hope out of the water by fixing things I didn't even know were broken. The Nite stuff is alive with music. Incredibly alive! I am so happy with this cable that I have not even plugged in my Nite interconnects. And, I am so sold on the power cable even at this point I will not be waiting for 30 days to go by before paying for them I will be sending Virtual Dynamics their money tomorrow and beg Rick to let me trade in my Refence and Audition on more Nite stuff.

To Dark Angel and John,

You both should reconsider Rick's offer to let you audition these things becasue you really need to experience this. Don't wait until these things are twice the price. You might even save money in the long run because this is the end of neurotic upgrade-itis for me. My system sounds great and only a few hours ago I thought it sounded good but needed work (upgrade-itis).


You, on the other, hand were right in feeling like you would have to have them if you tried them because there would be no way you would be able to return them after the audition. No way. A special "thanks" goes to you for getting us all started down this road with VD. Fortunately, I don't think I'm traveling down that road anymore, I think I've finally arrived.
Jul 23, 2002 at 4:39 AM Post #362 of 698
Oh boy.

Unfortunately, Brian, that was a great review. And I'm sure that, with your breadth of experience with the lower-rung VD stuff, you're not just waxing poetic. Damn you! I knew this would happen.

Couple of questions:

1) Are they inflexible? How do they compare in this regard to the Reference AC cords?

2) Do you have any means to post pictures of these babies in your system?

3) Did you opt for to have VD burn 'em in for you before shipment?

Wow, they really sound like they are beautiful. And you make a very good point; once you own the best, you feel little incentive to upgrade, no matter what components you acquire. I already feel the same way about my Kimber Select interconnect and speaker cable. The Nite interconnects don't appeal to me nearly as much, because I'm confident that I already own some of the best stuff out there. Of course, I haven't seen what you think of 'em yet.

Alright, then, here's the bottom line (for me, at least). I wonder if Brett and Rick would allow me to trade in my Reference AC cords for credit towards the Nite stuff. It won't take a Nostradamus or Miss Cleo to foresee that a call to the boys at Virtual Dynamics is probably in my very near future. Apparently, my Good Samaritan goal is to single-handedly raise North America out of its economic slump by personally taking on all its debt.
Jul 23, 2002 at 5:44 AM Post #363 of 698

I always love reading your comments. you're very funny.

To answer your questions:

1. Yes they are more inflexible. They have an outer braided metal (stainless steel I presume) covering. They are really beautul though. They really look like the expensive stuff.

2. I have one of those all purpose digital recorder cameras but I have no clue how to use it to post pictures on the computer. I may buy a digital camera that is already setup for that purpose but I have spent a lot of money lately so I kind of put the brakes on that. I recently came into a pretty good peice of money by way of back due money at work but I have already spent most of it on audio and stuff for my wife's home (I only own the cars, motorcycle, stereo the garage and the farm equipment and she owns the house, at least that's the way she looks at it).

3. Yeah, I ordered them already burned in. They still need to burn in with your equipment but the sound great right out of the box.

I don't know how they compare with the Nite stuff but the Kimber Select is supposed to be some great stuff. At this point I am inclined to keep my system all VD because both Rick and Brett claim that is the way to Nirvana and to their credit they have always told me the truth, and, no matter how much it sounded like a sales pitch they have always been right.

They made big claims for the Nite Power but in my mind I just couldn't imagine that much difference. Once again their claims were not just an over-hyped sales pitch but the absolute truth. They really are as good as they said they were.

As far as listening goes I can say with all honesty I am not looking to have the latest most exclusive stuff out there. For one, I can't even afford that but more importantly I've heard some great sounding stuff for a lot less than the the prices the top of the line stuff goes for. There's also a lot to be said for getting your systems components to work in harmony. That helps in a big way.

Being a musician I think helps me because I know for sure what the different instruments sound like and with a studio background I know a lot about how they are recorded so when I listen to a particular peice of equipment my method of telling how accurate it is is often based on how well it delineates the actual recording process. Those things are meant to be hidden or disguised but I am aware of them and I look for them. But it doesn't take the latest gear out there to get that close to the music. Only ten years ago Audio Research (I think that's their name) built tube amps that would scare you to death at how beautiful they sounded and how detailed they were. They even made a tube pre-amp that people argued was too detailed. And, you know that that stuff is still out there and probably reasonable.

My point is once I am staisfied then I am done looking.

It's for sure that I do not hear any better than anyone else it's just that I sometimes know better what I am listening to. I also have been around the reocrding business so much and for so long that I know the differences in how each of my ears hears. No two are alike and for critical listening (not musical listening) it helps to know how each ear hears. If you don't know now you could concentrate on finding this out with your own ears by using test records or something like that and you would quickly get it.

I apologize for getting long-winded. It's hard to stop sometimes and I just love this stuff and a lot of the people I've met who are involed in it.

Talk soon.

Jul 23, 2002 at 1:18 PM Post #365 of 698
To Eric343 and Pigmode,

The Nite Power lists for for $1,500.00 but Rick is so enthused about the Nite Series he will make anyone from this website an incredible deal just to try them.

Of course, I listened my system until 2:00 AM and I am still in shock at the difference. It sounds like I bought all new amplification. I am amazed at the difference a single power cable made. I should mention again that I was able to ugrade the pre-amp from Audition to Reference and the power amp from Power Two to Audition at the same time because I had the Nite series in the CDP where the Reference originally was. I don't know what difference that made to the final result but I am sure that what I am hearing is what is being produced by the Nite cable because I never heard these kind of differences with the other cables.

Dark Angel was absolutely correct in saying that the earlier cables mainly improved the soundstage characteristics. Add to that how much cleaner things get and the increased level of detail with the earlier series and you have pretty much covered the magic that is the Audition, Reference and Power series. I have never tried the Signature so I don't know what they are like but I do know that they are more related technically to the other cables than they are to the Nite series.

The Nite Series is another animal altogether! They once asked asked guitarist Jeff Beck why he switched from using Gibson guitars to using Fender's and he said that the Gibson's were like fine musical instruments while the Fender's were more like weapons. More lethal! That is the way the Nite Power is. The Nite stuff is so exciting it could be lethal. Might cause heart attacks.
Jul 23, 2002 at 2:45 PM Post #366 of 698
Won't do more posts at this thread, but:

bkelly, have you talked to any colleague at recording studios about your brand new $1500 power cord? If so, which was their response?

To finish, just one advice. For a more in-depth burn-in, just make sure to attach a couple of toasters along with your equipment to the cord. Ah! Also, recite some mantras so that the burn-in really settles in. I'm sure you will appreciate the improvement.

Also, if you can buy them for $3000, they will surely make even a bigger diference!

Jul 23, 2002 at 3:13 PM Post #367 of 698
Why are you trolling this thread, ricky? You know damn well that such comments are not wanted here. What is compelling you to slam a fellow member who has just invested a substantial amount of money and is more than happy with his purchase? Why are you trying to belittle his experience with the Nite PC?
Jul 23, 2002 at 3:29 PM Post #368 of 698
Ignore him, since he has nothing worthwhile to contribute. Every other thread he's posted in has come crashing to a halt, simply because people insisted on responding to him. This thread has too much time and information invested in it to let it be brought down.

Just ignore him, and carry on w/ the discussion.

bkelly, sorry, I don't remember if you said or not. Are you using any power conditioning as well?
Jul 23, 2002 at 3:37 PM Post #369 of 698

I don't know if you are serious but I haven't talked with anyone but the Head-Fi folks for the last 1/2 day. (night actually). But, to answer your question, no one here in the Nashville studios would be surprised. Most studios don't chase the absolute latest wiring technology and truthfully most wire specialty companies don't seem to encourage that business anyway but, otherwise, any reasonable studio uses some form of high tech wiring. They buy it in bulk and have a house tech put it together. I don't know what is currently in vogue since that is not my primary business anymore but G & L was all the rage for wiring together components only a few years ago. It's a Nashville based company so I am sure they still have a strong presence in the pro studios

I should say that for the most part I don't do much studio work anymore. I am only interested in playing mainstream jazz personally and that is really all I want to do so I don't encourage anyone to hire me for studio work. Also, there are much better people to hire than me for that kind of work. You have to keep real current to do that stuff and I couldn't care less about what is currently happening in pop music, Christian music or country. In fact, I don't even much like country music and have never recorded a whole lot of it except when I was young and just getting started.

I'm not sure if the toaster comment is supposed to be funny or insulting. Either way it doesn't change anything I have said about the Nite stuff. I expect my closest friends will think I've stepped over the edge but as soon as they hear the Nite stuff there will be no question as to my sanity, on this issue at least. You don't have to be an audiophile to hear the differences these things make. They are just screaming Class A quality. They are so good that I think that they are going to cause people to re-evaluate their preferences and prejudices about what is really real and really important in audio reproduction.

Read over my reviews of the other VD cables. I was never anywhere near as excited about the other stuff as I am of the Nite. I thought I was heading in the right direction before and had spent my money wisely but with the Nite series cable I feel like I'm not just heading in the right direction, I am already there.

To everyone concerned I realize that so far most of my comments are subjective but I think that's important and shows better than anything else how strongly I feel about these cables. Before I installed the Nite Power I was kind of ashamed of my stereo. I had spent six or seven thousand dollars (list prices) and had only come close. When my friends asked me if they could come over and listen to my system I used to put them off telling them to wait a few months before coming over because I was still working on getting everything right.

As soon as I put the Nite Power in I was so proud of the way my system sounded that I wouldn't care if Mark Levinson came by. Of coure, I would have a cardiologist give him a check-up first just to make sure he survived the experience.

I hope this is helpful to everyone.

To John and Dark Angel and possibly Mark,

You guys need to order the Nite Power because, by myself, no one is going to believe me.

Talk soon.
Jul 23, 2002 at 4:09 PM Post #370 of 698
This is definitely my last post at this thread, all I want to say that I find this "bkelly" person a little bit suspicious, mostly because of his permanent insistance on VD cables, including how you "must" try the Nite power cord. He seems to know Rick and Brett at VD very well...

Just my 2 cents to the other people at this forum. Just think a little bit about this.
Jul 23, 2002 at 4:17 PM Post #371 of 698
To Pigmode and Dhwilikin,

Man I am having a ton of trouble getting stuff to post. I have rewritten so much stuff in the past 1/2 a day I just can't believe it. Maybe in my excitement I am hitting the wrong key somewhee.

Anyhow, "thanks" for the support. I feel a little uncomfortable with this anyway since I am returning to the hobby after a five year layoff and I am not as current on what is available regarding audio gear. Never-the-less I do feel confident that the Nite stuff is the best there is. It's hard to imagine anything better than this. It's so much of an improvement that there is no sense in me endlessly describing the top-end improvements in detail or how the bottom end sounds on my system as opposed to some other because, in truth, everything is better. It's more alive. Much more alive. It's a wore out cliche' but it just sounds like the real thing.

As far as conditioning goes I have about six Triplite Isobars around the house. Two or three of them were modified several years ago but I can't say for positive if the one I am using is one of those or it's stock. It would be difficult to run my system without the multiple inputs because I have two powered subwoofers built into the B&W speakers I use and with the Home theater style setup I have I have a lot of things to plug in. If any of the Head-Fi folks really insist on it I might try to plug it straight into the wall socket (nothing special there, either).

Again, thanks for the support.

Once again, I will state that I like stereo reproduction way more dynamic than some audiohiles so anything I say should be considered with that character in mind.

Jul 23, 2002 at 4:42 PM Post #372 of 698
Personally i'm suspicious of bkelly myself....just think about it...he lives in Music City (Nashville)...this can only mean he's....ELVIS!!!

But really Ricky, you said you would stop posting in this thread before but we are getting sequels...

Like any review we all express our impressions, opinions, observation, on the equipment we have and i've been following this thread with great interest and am considering the Night PCs as well as a result of bkelly's and others reviews...and Ricky i also have taken note of your opinions as well though i'm not swayed by them...
Jul 23, 2002 at 4:51 PM Post #373 of 698

Well, this is going to be my last comment to you since we don't really seem to be comunicating or accomplishing much.

First off, I am in no way associated with Virtual Dynamics and they in no way pay me or treat me any different than anyone who has been involved in this thread from the begining. I'm not even sure if they would recognize my full name without an address book. However, I get very involved in this personally because I think the technology is so interesting. I mean, how does a power cable make so much of a difference? That's an intereting subject to me. So, when I talk with Rick or Brett I do tend to keep them on the phone as long as possible answering my questions.

I also like them very much personally and feel they are making serious advances in this field and merit support. If you ever talk to Rick you will see that he is on a mission about this stuff and I have called him late at night, at the office, to leave a message about my order or something and he is still there, breathing heavy, and working the night away.

I do encourage everyone to try the cables "risk free" (if you hate them, return them) so you will know for yourself whether or not I am lying or maybe it's just possible that you may like something different than I do. It's really that simple and there really is nothing more to it than that.

I'm done.
Jul 23, 2002 at 5:13 PM Post #374 of 698
Try to ignore "Ricky". He's a useless troll (one of the only if not THE only one on this site) with nothing to contribute to this thread. We all know his un-informed views on cables by now. He also promised to go away due to popular demand, but he seems to be hanging around despite getting our hopes up.

Have you even read this whole thread? If you had, you'd know that bkelly was influenced by ME (am I "suspicious" too) to try the VD cables in the first place. He had never even heard of them before we became involved in a transaction via audiogon. bkelly is indeed a "real" person. You, however, are a troll.

Moderator-- I will NOT allow Ricky to further crap on this thread. Can he be selectively banned from individual threads or must he be banned outright? Much as I dislike him, I am against an outright ban--- I just don't want him in my thread.

Jul 23, 2002 at 5:21 PM Post #375 of 698
OK, now that house-keeping is done

I want everyone to know that I got a very excited voice-mail from bkelly late last night. Suffice to say, he was very very enthused about the Nite Series cable, and was so happy-- he couldn't wait to tell me in person! I wasn't around to take the call, but I could tell he was almost speachless about these cables!

He's had a chance to hear a lot of the VD cables at different price points in the line, so I take him at his word that the Nite Series is really in a different class.

As soon as I get some things sorted out money-wise, I for one will be in touch with VD about the Nite Series.

Thanks for posting your impressions, Brian, and I'm glad they worked out so well for you!


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