Tempting new Virtual Dynamics power cord-- $50!
Jul 16, 2002 at 11:44 AM Post #346 of 698

Originally posted by pigmode
I have a Mother PC flying in before the end of the week.

I think you know how they sound from the Varial ICs. Very tight detailed controlled bass, and great treble extension, this is a fast sounding cord. The VDs are somehow better at 3D presentation but Mother still very good here. When I used all Mother cords my system was lean with a bit too much treble emphasis, seems too analytical. Depending on my ICs used I like to sometimes use a Mother cord with my VD References to further tighten bass and extend treble.

Keep us posted on Varials, and performance vs Apassionata, AZ Matrix
Jul 16, 2002 at 5:41 PM Post #347 of 698
"Mark won't like me anymore

Oh, I think get over it!

Jul 17, 2002 at 3:19 AM Post #349 of 698
Yes!!!! What better way to get yourself back into my good graces, as I know that's oh so important to you!

I may forgive you for selling your VD ICs but bkelly will be beside himself when he comes back!

The only way to make up for it is to buy (or at *least* try) the Nite Series. Surely Rick will give you the free 30-day trial! bkelly has been very hard on me for not going ahead and getting the Nite Series
, and he has written me several e-mails detailing how they are vastly different from the other VD cables.

Go for it! You know you want to... I would if I could but just can't right now. I know I will regret this later when I have to pay full price! Cheers.

Jul 18, 2002 at 10:22 PM Post #350 of 698
Did those Nites arrive, what do they look like in person?

I received my money for VD Sig ICs sale today, and I will return another Zu Mother AC cord tomorrow for refund so I do have the money for another call to Canada.............would have to be either Signature or Nite AC cord

Also got another set of Mapleshade Heavy Foot brass cones to replace the Sure Foot cones already under my preamp. I couldn't believe the improvement I heard under CDP when I did this, and again I got a definite improvement. The difference is SF cones are
1.5" and HF cones are 2" but they are more than 2x the mass and you can actually hear the difference.

For $65 set of three this is an essential tweak, I am very impressed with the results!
Jul 18, 2002 at 11:53 PM Post #351 of 698
It's going to be several days before BK is back and several more before he can report results.

In that time, you can have easily received the free trial versions of the Nite Series cables from VD... Go for it DarkAngel!

Jul 19, 2002 at 3:33 AM Post #352 of 698
To Dark and Mark,
Hell, I am back but the Nite stuff is not here. VD sent me the tracking notice and it went out last Saturday but so far nothing on my end.

Dark Angel,

I thought you liked the Signature inteconnects? What happened? I hope you do get the Nite Power but I am kind of interested in the Nite Interconnects because they are made of silver. That should be significatly different at least sonically. Anyhow, you have nothing to loose in trying out the Nite Power. Rick is so proud of them that he will bend over backwards to get you to audition them. It was his runaway enthusiasm for them that led me over the edge to begin with.

Anyhow, good to be back and good to hear from you guys.

Jul 19, 2002 at 4:15 AM Post #353 of 698
See-- I told you BK would be upset....

As I have e-mailed you separately. I can't wait to hear the results from your Nite Series.... Please let us all know how the Nite Series turns out for you..... Cheers.

Jul 19, 2002 at 12:06 PM Post #354 of 698

Originally posted by bkelly
I thought you liked the Signature inteconnects? What happened? I hope you do get the Nite Power but I am kind of interested in the Nite Interconnects because they are made of silver. That should be significatly different at least sonically. Anyhow, you have nothing to loose in trying out the Nite Power. Rick is so proud of them that he will bend over backwards to get you to audition them. It was his runaway enthusiasm for them that led me over the edge to begin with.

I guess just to be very general I think the VD AC cords are breakthrough products and are clearly better than any other cord I have heard at their price, capable of making dramatic improvements in system sound. I would definitely get an Audition or higher cord since I think the 3 cable designs are easier to use and provide a big increase in sound from P2, P3 etc.

The VD Sig IC I feel is good but not a knock out vs the competition like the VD AC cords are. For me I can get similar priced ICs from competitors that are as good or better in my system. I am missing a slight amount of treble extension and dynamic energy that I get with a good silver IC, to me the VD Sig sounds a bit relaxed or laid back, slightly warm sounding. I wish
VD had an affordable silver IC.

Now of course in another system this may be perfect match, so it all depends on what system it is used in.

I am seriously thinking of using money from VD Sig sale to get used AZ Silver Reference ICs at Audiogon. First I will listen to Mapleshade Excalibur Ribbbons, author of recent review was previously using AZ Silver Ref and claimed these much cheaper cables beat them out............we will see.
Jul 19, 2002 at 1:58 PM Post #355 of 698
Dark Angel,

I just have to say that I really appreciate your observations. You really go the extra distance in delineating the differences between products.

As much as I'm begining to like Rick and Brett personally I do have the same concerns as you about the products I have tried so far. I realize I don't have the experience you have with current products but I am a professional musician so, hopefully, I am not deaf and hopefully I know what things are supposed to sound like.

With that in mind it's my opinion that the soundstaging of the VD products is Class A all the way and, as you say, they are clearly "breakthrough" products (I defer to your greater experience on this) but I also would like a little more excitement on the top end. As I've said before this is a preference of mine and may not affect others as much so if you are reading this and haven't tried the VD cables yet don't rule them out. I assure you you have not heard anything like these before.

I've said it before but I'll say it again and that is that the VD stuff provides more detail than anything I've heard or tried so far but, at the same time, to my ears the presentation is just slightly too soft or sophisticated sounding to make me feel 100% satisfied. I need more drama. More excitement.

This brings me to a point. To my ears many products which have a reputation for great soundstaging have a similar effect and that is that in order to make it sound big everything is spread out tall, wide and deep but often at the expense of any forwardness. I am sure that there are many audiophiles who like this effect but I am not one of them and I do not believe that this is the way music sounds in the real world. This effect to me is sort of like 2 and 1/2 dimensions rather than 3D. I do not just want to look at the picture I want to jump in and look around a bit. Be there with it -- not just observing.

This is why I ordered the Nite Series. I am hoping to get the whole picture.

Now, if they would just show up.

Jul 22, 2002 at 2:25 PM Post #356 of 698
What is the ETA now for those Nite cables? Suspense is growing.

Give us update on those ZU Varial ICs and Mother AC cord, how do they sound vs SA Appassionata and AZ Matrix?

Will get his Mapleshade Excalibur ribbon ICs tuesday, will post some photos, these are radical design.
Jul 22, 2002 at 4:53 PM Post #358 of 698

Originally posted by pigmode
I will post at the end of the week, as it is taking longer than I figured to reach 100 hours. I may post at 80 hr. since the Varials have undergone much change very early on.

Don't wait too long as our 25% harmonic discord discount expires 7/31

If these Mapleshade ribbon ICs sound as good as reviewer claims,
then I guess it won't matter.
Jul 23, 2002 at 2:15 AM Post #359 of 698
To Mark, Dark Angel, John Acton and the Rest,

I just wrote you guys a lengthy and detailed first impression of the Nite Power but my computer locked when I tried to send it. Now I will have to make it short and to the point.

I was afraid that when I got the Nite stuff I might like it so much that you guys would think I was lying when I wrote in to rave about them but I'm hoping that you won't anyway because there is no way to say it but to say that the Nite Power is absolutely incredible in my system. It is also quite a bit different than the earlier stuff. The differences are also so obvious you don't even have to be listening to hear them. I can stand in the next room and hear the improvements plainly.

First off the soundstage is even bigger (especially in height) and overall the presentation is much, much more exciting and more dramatic. Drums and percussion sound like the players mean business. They are not just keeping track of time anymore. Mids or bigger and the bass is in a completely different class than before. More seperation down there at the bottom and much tighter. Almost a dry (like dry wine,) sound. Really nice for me because I listen to accoustic jazz most of the time although for this review I was listening to Sting in the 15 minutes I've listened to the Nite stuff so far. See, it doesn't take long to hear these differences.

Anyhow, I'm off for some further listening. Maybe you guys will have something to say while I'm offline.

Overall I am going to have to say that the Nite Series is much better than I expected. Truthfully in my wildest dreams I would have never thought that there could be such an improvement over the other VD cable I was using.

Talk soon.


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