Teclast T51
Oct 3, 2009 at 7:59 AM Post #76 of 1,468

Originally Posted by a_tumiwa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
but your chinese language is very... bagus dan hebat

Thank you, but, not that 'bagus(good) and hebat(great)'. I ony 'decodes' the chinese characters based on my limited Japanese language knowledge + with the small help from Google Translate.

My brother in-law is planned to go to China this month, and I hope can get something.
T51 or T56 or Ramo's T11TE 1080På€å—çž©ç›® 音悦汇T11TE全高清MP4æ*秘 æ–°é—»ä¸*心 深圳市è“é*”æ•°ç*科技有é™å…¬å¸

But, no promises.
or just wait for DAP with SPDIF out...

Thank you.
Oct 3, 2009 at 11:23 AM Post #80 of 1,468
Oct 3, 2009 at 11:31 AM Post #82 of 1,468
They made up some of the specifications as battery life - 50 hours ?!?!?! I think something more like 14...as I know there is also no FM radio and no recorder...And the video max res is 720*1280 etc...

It also seems to be huuuuuuuge from the dimensions they wrote.
Oct 3, 2009 at 11:32 AM Post #83 of 1,468

Originally Posted by ztsen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
waiting for your full review.. Hee Hee

I very interested to know if can be better than ipod line out.

Most likely yes. It uses much better DAC.
Oct 3, 2009 at 12:31 PM Post #84 of 1,468
I found another user review, trying my best to translate

下午4点入手的t51,淘宝拍的,应该是第一批,没被掌柜的期货,下班后一直abc听到9点,说下3个小时 的感受,毕竟拿到手不久,不会特别深入和正确,仅是为了满足大家迫切等待的第一听感。要知道我晚上本来就准 备加班到12点,现在为了写这个应该要加3点了,所以大家砖下留情。(这么卖力能不能申请个+1???)( got it 4pm from taobao should be 1st batch, would like to share the impression of 3 hours of listerning but wont be very detail and accurate, when I wrote this almost 3am, so please have mercy on me)
拿到手第一感觉,好大,宽度接近4指,整个来说比一个巴掌小不了多少。样子有点像iphone,拿在手里很 有充实感,很cool很有fell(我就不改)。当然,也许有人会觉得山寨
(feel on hand is big til 4 fingers, not smaller than a palm. Look a bit like iphone, quite solid when hold on hand, cool.)
用的耳机/塞:是塞子w3,耳机稍微试了下k514 (heaphone/iem:w3, K514)
接口:po口,lo暂无,因为晚上找我买了3个月没开苞的mad-t4,没找到,难道被老婆扔掉??5555 [he only try headphone out not trying line out]
ab对象:用得最多的t39,电脑集成声卡(我一直坚持认为集成声卡素质超越大多mp3),记忆中的ipc (好前一段时间送人了,所以少说ipc),没听过的我不忽悠,跟神器比自然有后来的朋友干 [compare with T39, IPC]
(music: pop, yani, kitaro)

声音第一感觉:个人感觉中性,又可以叫“正”,让人听了觉得这歌就该这样的,甚至给人耳塞消失掉了的错觉, 有点点大耳机或者说箱子的感觉
(1st impression:neutral, just the way the song should sound like, give you impression the iem no longer there, a bit of full size headphone feel or feeling of a box)
声场:比较大,比t39、ipc、声卡都要大一些,定位较准,各种乐器都在自己的位置哼哼•• •
(soundstage: compare with t39, ipc, sound card is bigger, separation is good)
高频:个人觉得是强项,具体怎么强我水平有限忽悠不出,但是听钢琴、吉他、弦乐、什么铁之类的乐器很是有感 觉。T39本来觉得高频还行的,但还是一下子比下去了
(HF: personal opinion feels it is the strong point, T39 HF is consider good but T51 even better)
(MF: Good, not more not less, wont cover by background music, wont ignore how brilliance is the instrument)
低频:量比t39多,比集成声卡更多一点,跟记忆中的ipc差不多,但绝不会说过头,好像只是结像大一点给 人低频多了的错觉?下潜不错,很有力道。低频可能相对是弱项。
(LF: more than T39, similar to ipc, not over. not sure high imaging give this LF over feeling, deep and have power. May be a relatively weak in low-frequency)
器乐:个人认为是强项,听ipc我从不摇头晃脑,听t39和集成声卡器乐有时会摇摇跟着哼,听t51我屁股 都忍不住要扭扭。特别二胡小提琴之流的,拉得那叫一个销魂啊,好像是拿我的筋当弦拉的,整个人 都酥软了
(instrumental: Is strong point, never shake my head on ipc. listen to t39 and sound card sometime will shake and humming. listen to t51 cant help myself to shake the bum.especially erhu or violin type, feel like pulling my soul away, whole body melted)
人声:同样不弱,真的是很“正”的fell(屡教不改•••••),特别拿t51听 不得不爱 和 一辈子的孤单 ,居然演绎得非常好,t39和ipc以前没办法放出味道的,虽然不会给人以特别妖、让人起鸡皮疙瘩的味道, 但仿佛让人心里都软了一块。恩,放出了我的集成声卡一般的意境。(别扭吗?哈哈,我就是喜欢我 的集成声卡)
(Vocal: Not weak at all, good feel, good presentation, not enough to lift my Goosebumps but my heart still soften down)
乐感:不说了,我还在扭呢••• (not talking about it)
推力:泪牛满面的推力啊,w3要开到最小声,k514终于推好能听了(终于可以摆脱当电脑音箱用的宿命了) ••••••接lo口的话,耳朵直接震聋•••••••
(thrust: w3 need to turn the lowest volume, finally no need rely on sound card for K514)

声音综合素质实力:还是哪句话:我敢说比t39好,比ipod强,强多少不敢说,也许仅是一线。但我觉得t 51已经有了超过集成声卡的实力,不要小看,这是我少有的高评价
(sound quality: better than t39, better than ipod, but how much i dont dare to comment, i feel like t51 quality is better than 集成 sound card, this is my rare high evaluation)

关于操作:马马虎虎,这不是台电的强项。可以锁键盘,解锁时按红点后在屏幕上滑动,这个还比较 好操作
关于eq:小试了一下,大家还是不保指望的好 (EQ: test a little, please dont have high hope on it)
关于ui:一如既往的丑陋••••• (UI: still as ugly as usual)
关于续航:具体当然无法还知道,我才拿到多久?不过听拿到工程机的某朋友说是15个小时无损(t39是变态 的25小时啊),看t51这个块头和充电要求,应该不会续航太弱

说下缺点:体型偏大,比手机大,有点不方便。特别特别要注意的是,发热量无比的巨大,特别是打开屏幕的时候 ,5分钟后放兜里大腿都热热的••••••,冬天暖气费又省了•••••••••••••反正我是死猪不怕 开水烫
(Weakness: bulky, bigger than handphone, need to pay attention to the heat, after turn on for 5min, you can feel it at your lap. winter can save heater cost. )

顺便,大家帮我想个借口这么跟老婆糊弄过去吧,··又买个大东西·········被发现要跪cpu啊!! ! (please help me out in excuse, if not able to explain to wife, need to kneel cpu again)
Oct 3, 2009 at 5:36 PM Post #86 of 1,468
Indeed...What a shame...It might be VERY problematic if you live in hot country such as Israel.....

I hoped for something perfect.
Oct 3, 2009 at 7:17 PM Post #87 of 1,468
Oct 4, 2009 at 2:17 AM Post #89 of 1,468

Originally Posted by ztsen /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I found another user review, trying my best to translate

下午4点入手的t51,淘宝拍的,应该是第一批,没被掌柜的期货,下班后一直abc听到9点,说下3个小时 的感受,毕竟拿到手不久,不会特别深入和正确,仅是为了满足大家迫切等待的第一听感。要知道我晚上本来就准 备加班到12点,现在为了写这个应该要加3点了,所以大家砖下留情。(这么卖力能不能申请个+1???)( got it 4pm from taobao should be 1st batch, would like to share the impression of 3 hours of listerning but wont be very detail and accurate, when I wrote this almost 3am, so please have mercy on me)
拿到手第一感觉,好大,宽度接近4指,整个来说比一个巴掌小不了多少。样子有点像iphone,拿在手里很 有充实感,很cool很有fell(我就不改)。当然,也许有人会觉得山寨
(feel on hand is big til 4 fingers, not smaller than a palm. Look a bit like iphone, quite solid when hold on hand, cool.)
用的耳机/塞:是塞子w3,耳机稍微试了下k514 (heaphone/iem:w3, K514)
接口:po口,lo暂无,因为晚上找我买了3个月没开苞的mad-t4,没找到,难道被老婆扔掉??5555 [he only try headphone out not trying line out]
ab对象:用得最多的t39,电脑集成声卡(我一直坚持认为集成声卡素质超越大多mp3),记忆中的ipc (好前一段时间送人了,所以少说ipc),没听过的我不忽悠,跟神器比自然有后来的朋友干 [compare with T39, IPC]
(music: pop, yani, kitaro)

声音第一感觉:个人感觉中性,又可以叫“正”,让人听了觉得这歌就该这样的,甚至给人耳塞消失掉了的错觉, 有点点大耳机或者说箱子的感觉
(1st impression:neutral, just the way the song should sound like, give you impression the iem no longer there, a bit of full size headphone feel or feeling of a box)
声场:比较大,比t39、ipc、声卡都要大一些,定位较准,各种乐器都在自己的位置哼哼•• •
(soundstage: compare with t39, ipc, sound card is bigger, separation is good)
高频:个人觉得是强项,具体怎么强我水平有限忽悠不出,但是听钢琴、吉他、弦乐、什么铁之类的乐器很是有感 觉。T39本来觉得高频还行的,但还是一下子比下去了
(HF: personal opinion feels it is the strong point, T39 HF is consider good but T51 even better)
(MF: Good, not more not less, wont cover by background music, wont ignore how brilliance is the instrument)
低频:量比t39多,比集成声卡更多一点,跟记忆中的ipc差不多,但绝不会说过头,好像只是结像大一点给 人低频多了的错觉?下潜不错,很有力道。低频可能相对是弱项。
(LF: more than T39, similar to ipc, not over. not sure high imaging give this LF over feeling, deep and have power. May be a relatively weak in low-frequency)
器乐:个人认为是强项,听ipc我从不摇头晃脑,听t39和集成声卡器乐有时会摇摇跟着哼,听t51我屁股 都忍不住要扭扭。特别二胡小提琴之流的,拉得那叫一个销魂啊,好像是拿我的筋当弦拉的,整个人 都酥软了
(instrumental: Is strong point, never shake my head on ipc. listen to t39 and sound card sometime will shake and humming. listen to t51 cant help myself to shake the bum.especially erhu or violin type, feel like pulling my soul away, whole body melted)
人声:同样不弱,真的是很“正”的fell(屡教不改•••••),特别拿t51听 不得不爱 和 一辈子的孤单 ,居然演绎得非常好,t39和ipc以前没办法放出味道的,虽然不会给人以特别妖、让人起鸡皮疙瘩的味道, 但仿佛让人心里都软了一块。恩,放出了我的集成声卡一般的意境。(别扭吗?哈哈,我就是喜欢我 的集成声卡)
(Vocal: Not weak at all, good feel, good presentation, not enough to lift my Goosebumps but my heart still soften down)
乐感:不说了,我还在扭呢••• (not talking about it)
推力:泪牛满面的推力啊,w3要开到最小声,k514终于推好能听了(终于可以摆脱当电脑音箱用的宿命了) ••••••接lo口的话,耳朵直接震聋•••••••
(thrust: w3 need to turn the lowest volume, finally no need rely on sound card for K514)

声音综合素质实力:还是哪句话:我敢说比t39好,比ipod强,强多少不敢说,也许仅是一线。但我觉得t 51已经有了超过集成声卡的实力,不要小看,这是我少有的高评价
(sound quality: better than t39, better than ipod, but how much i dont dare to comment, i feel like t51 quality is better than 集成 sound card, this is my rare high evaluation)

关于操作:马马虎虎,这不是台电的强项。可以锁键盘,解锁时按红点后在屏幕上滑动,这个还比较 好操作
关于eq:小试了一下,大家还是不保指望的好 (EQ: test a little, please dont have high hope on it)
关于ui:一如既往的丑陋••••• (UI: still as ugly as usual)
关于续航:具体当然无法还知道,我才拿到多久?不过听拿到工程机的某朋友说是15个小时无损(t39是变态 的25小时啊),看t51这个块头和充电要求,应该不会续航太弱

说下缺点:体型偏大,比手机大,有点不方便。特别特别要注意的是,发热量无比的巨大,特别是打开屏幕的时候 ,5分钟后放兜里大腿都热热的••••••,冬天暖气费又省了•••••••••••••反正我是死猪不怕 开水烫
(Weakness: bulky, bigger than handphone, need to pay attention to the heat, after turn on for 5min, you can feel it at your lap. winter can save heater cost. )

顺便,大家帮我想个借口这么跟老婆糊弄过去吧,··又买个大东西·········被发现要跪cpu啊!! ! (please help me out in excuse, if not able to explain to wife, need to kneel cpu again)

My friend have just got his T51 and I have few minutes with it. It is a black one looks roughness from the side to back. The face of it looks very simple, have no extra design except a power switch (too small to press), even no logo printed on the face. It is really bulky and heavy. About 100Gram. The back cover is made up of paint coating aluminum.

The stock earbud is very inferior. it is no a problem for audiophiles, for they have lot of rest other phones.

The sound quality is very personal subjective. So above review is worth to respect. To my ear. I don't want to give too much conclusion, for I am not an audiophile. all in a word, with the designning of 5 "cores" and with two wolfson DACs, i expect the sound could be much better.

There are still have no veteran core audiophiles full reviews. I also want to read it as soon as possible. I hope my first impression was wrong.(too brief to listening to it). For I really can't resist the temptation of the low price and can get a line out function.
Oct 4, 2009 at 3:47 AM Post #90 of 1,468
If you heard it, don't be afraid to post your impressions here, I am not an audiophile, so no problem with me. Just write honest impressions, that's it. Any small details will help.
Now, get the T51, put your favorite songs and start writing the impressions.

Good luck.

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