T+A Solitaire T Wireless Headphone
Jan 19, 2024 at 2:47 AM Post #1,681 of 1,912
I have only ever heard pops if I overload my Solitaire T at high volume in passive balanced mode with my FiiO M17 (with this DAP set to DC input and Enhanced Over Ear Mode); that's when I know I'm listening far too loud. Blame the effortless scaling of the cans' addictive naturalness ha ha!

However, I have never had skipping or pops when using any audio apps, wireless or wired, to the Solitaire T.
Unless you can troubleshoot your source device (updates, delete cache, etc), perhaps consider contacting your dealer and request a swap to another pair.
Of course, please troubleshoot as much as you can first, maybe use another device to be on the safe side.

That's interesting. And somewhat concerning. Also of note is I had what appeared to be mold/mildew in my box when I opened it up. It wiped right off, but super weird. I've had it happen with both my phone and my mac book, so not sure about sources. One thing w/ the Bose was that they mainly did it when you were connected to more than one device. Do you have multipoint/multiple devices connected? I'll see if I can figure out if that's connected to my issue.


This is a mindfield; we have an overflooded market of high quality amps and DAC's everywhere.

@WDitters is 100% correct, JDS Labs are king for sonic quality, objective measurements, and exceptional value. They are not the last word in sonic quality, but objectively, what any JDS Labs Atom amp version offers is astounding. It will be more than sufficient to power the Solitaire T.
Ditto your own consideration of Hel+ or Moda 2.
Topping A50s is another powerful and affordable option too.
Or consider the recent Astell & Kern PA10, a portable amp (Class A) but no DAC.

Another recommendation is Chord Mojo 2 (single-ended, and wireless with Poly 2). This should also suffice.

If you want to use your phone as source, the FiiO BTR7 dongle is great too, with almost latest Bluetooth spec and SE + balanced outputs.

DAP's is crazy complicated to get into, but FiiO M15s is a great start imo.

There are a lot of options, so demo where you can, and consider features, benefits, lifestyle needs, and sonic quality to pair with your Solitaire T.

Hope this helps!

Thank you for the suggestions. I actually meant Chord Mojo 2, not sure why I said Moda. I've heard quite good things about the Mojo 2. I wonder how it compares to the JDS. I like the look of the Element... and that it's one box. It looks like the Atom are two separate boxes for amp/dac. I don't really have many places to demo around here, so I'll probably end up just picking something and hoping that goes well :) Thanks agian.
Jan 19, 2024 at 2:58 AM Post #1,682 of 1,912
That's interesting. And somewhat concerning. Also of note is I had what appeared to be mold/mildew in my box when I opened it up. It wiped right off, but super weird. I've had it happen with both my phone and my mac book, so not sure about sources. One thing w/ the Bose was that they mainly did it when you were connected to more than one device. Do you have multipoint/multiple devices connected? I'll see if I can figure out if that's connected to my issue.

Thank you for the suggestions. I actually meant Chord Mojo 2, not sure why I said Moda. I've heard quite good things about the Mojo 2. I wonder how it compares to the JDS. I like the look of the Element... and that it's one box. It looks like the Atom are two separate boxes for amp/dac. I don't really have many places to demo around here, so I'll probably end up just picking something and hoping that goes well :) Thanks agian.

The Mojo2 is an excellent DAC/amp and a great pairing to the ST. The EQ and crossfeed work nicely to tweak the sound when you want. But it doesn't meet the mic criteria you mentioned. The ST don't need much amplification so a two box solution is not necessary unless you want to add some tube flavor. I like the Woo WA8 and Folkvangr personally.

The Hel was designed for what you mentioned previously. It has a mic input, measures objectively well, sounds good, and is a single box solution.
Jan 19, 2024 at 3:01 AM Post #1,684 of 1,912
That's interesting. And somewhat concerning. Also of note is I had what appeared to be mold/mildew in my box when I opened it up. It wiped right off, but super weird. I've had it happen with both my phone and my mac book, so not sure about sources. One thing w/ the Bose was that they mainly did it when you were connected to more than one device. Do you have multipoint/multiple devices connected? I'll see if I can figure out if that's connected to my issue.

That's not good, not good at all.

Obviously the variables as to source of your mildew is many, and could be either external or internal.
As you said that other devices also had this, and just assuming and considering that this is in your home, I strongly suggest to find the root cause of the mould and get this fixed, for your health (I would not ignore this, your health and respiratory are important!).

There's a chance that the drivers have moisture or other issues too, but now I'm just guessing.
Please update us if you find another cause and/or solution, but if all else fails, try to get a replacement set of cans. (Bear in mind that the mildew on the box might make a swap a tad more difficult though...).

As for multipoint, my issue is whenever my laptop is on and my phone is on, my Solitaire T in wireless Bluetooth continues to state connected regardless to whichever device I use. No other issues except this annoyance.
The root cause is Microsoft Windows 11 unfortunately 😒
Otherwise, no pops or crackle.

Thank you for the suggestions. I actually meant Chord Mojo 2, not sure why I said Moda. I've heard quite good things about the Mojo 2. I wonder how it compares to the JDS. I like the look of the Element... and that it's one box. It looks like the Atom are two separate boxes for amp/dac. I don't really have many places to demo around here, so I'll probably end up just picking something and hoping that goes well :) Thanks agian.
Lol, I thought you when you said Moda that you were referring to the just over ten years old V-Moda Vamp Verza amp, hence my suggestion that that would work 😂!

Yes, Mojo 2 is terrific, though for me I'd go full DAP for that similar size and get more benefits, and not sap the battery of my phone as source.
Otherwise, FiiO BTR7 (or BTR5) are cheaper powerful alternatives.

One recommendation I completely forgot to offer is significantly better than all the others, though it is around £700:
FiiO FiiO K9 Pro ESS desktop DAC/amp.
This is, essentially, a version between the FiiO Q7 transportable DAC/amp and the Android and suped up FiiO M17.
In fact, only the recently introduced flagship FiiO R9 is closest to the K9 Pro spec wise, but latter is not a streamer and has no Android.
K9 Pro (and the rarer AKM edition) are just perfect mid-affordable endgame devices, especially as an all in one.
Essential, this is overkill for the Solitaire T, but a great investment for now and future headphones for many years!

If you have cash to splash, consider either the T+A HA-200, or dCS Lina system 😜
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Jan 19, 2024 at 3:07 AM Post #1,685 of 1,912
That's not good, not good at all.

Obviously the variables as to source of your mildew is many, and could be either external or internal.
As you said that other devices also had this, and just assuming and considering that this is in your home, I strongly suggest to find the root cause of the mould and get this fixed, for your health (I would not ignore this, your health and respiratory are important!).

There's a chance that the drivers have moisture or other issues too, but now I'm just guessing.
Please update us if you find another cause and/or solution, but if all else fails, try to get a replacement set of cans. (Bear in mind that the mildew on the box might make a swap a tad more difficult though...).
The box arrived today with the mold in it. I didn't film the unboxing, but I took a picture an hour after it was delivered.

I hear similar crackle/pops when switching modes (anc on/off, hq). They are more quiet, but they are there.

Lol, I thought you when you said Moda that you were referring to the just over ten years old V-Moda Vamp Verza amp, hence my suggestion that that would work 😂!

Yes, Mojo 2 is terrific, though for me I'd go full DAP for that similar size and get more benefits, and not sap the battery of my phone as source.
Otherwise, FiiO BTR7 (or BTR5) are cheaper powerful alternatives.

One recommendation I completely forgot to offer is significantly better than all the others, though it is around £700:
FiiO FiiO K9 Pro ESS desktop DAC/amp.
This is, essentially, a version between the FiiO Q7 transportable DAC/amp and the Android and suped up FiiO M17.
In fact, only the recently introduced flagship FiiO R9 is closest to the K9 Pro spec wise, but latter is not a streamer and has no Android.
K9 Pro (and the rarer AKM edition) are just perfect mid-affordable endgame devices, especially as an all in one.

If you have cash to splash, consider either the T+A HA-200, or dCS Lina system 😜
Hah, I don't, spent it all on headphones :) Why does the headphone reddit/discord hate on FiiO so much?
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Jan 19, 2024 at 7:23 AM Post #1,686 of 1,912
This is an example of the pops I hear when I pause/switch tracks.

I have pops with all bluetooth headphones that I own .. (To me) they invariably occur when switching/pausing/resuming tracks. My gut feeling is that this has more to do with the chosen technology (Bluetooth wireless transmission starts and stops) than the devices themselves. I have learned to live with this :)
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Jan 19, 2024 at 9:19 AM Post #1,688 of 1,912
Ok, just got the Solitaire T. @angelom I'd say they sound pretty good to me out of the box. Not the same soundstage as the IO-12 at all, but they sound quite nice. Comfort wise, they seem to work for me, but I'll know more after I spend the day with them.

I'm happy hearing that you like the sound of the ST from the first moment and that comfort is good too. My previous comment about some people maybe not being impressed initially, or my description of "boring" is referring more specifically if you're coming from certain headphones (with more bass, treble, or both, and/or more big soundstage). If you already value a more reference sound, you will recognising this in the ST and like the sound immediately/very soon.

I think the ST and iO-12 are, without any doubts at all for me, the very best 2 ANC headphones in the market today. And the differences are there, each one is have some strong points than the other, but both at the very top in sound quality.

@angelom has fantastic insight to sonic qualities, and the IO-12 do have their own addictive sonic signature according to his experience.

I think you're giving me very more credit than I deserving, @TheOneInYellow -- but thank you for your kind comment.

I have pops with all bluetooth headphones that I own .. (To me) they invariably occur when switching/pausing/resuming tracks. My gut feeling is that this has more to do with the chosen technology (Bluetooth wireless transmission starts and stops) than the devices themselves. I have learned to live with this :)

I don't have "pops" with the iO-12 AT ALL, and I think I don't, either, with the ML 5909 (but I'm not 100% sure of this because I don't using this headphone anymore). This is always using iPhones and 2 different MacBook Pros.

BUT, with the ST I remember well that sometimes I having this "pops" with both iPhone and MBP but only when changing tracks, BUT never when the music is actually playing, but, thankfully, this pops are very quiet.

I think with the H95 maybe I having some but definitely never so frequent like with the ST. Maybe AAC in Apple devices is better?? I don't know. Or maybe this is one effect of the unique tech that T+A using in the implementation of "High Quality" mode in the ST. But the ST is a superb (ANC) headphone still.
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Jan 19, 2024 at 10:54 AM Post #1,689 of 1,912
In my experience, recent BT headphones have much less cracks & pops. And when it happens, it's mostly related to HD codecs, e.g. aptX HD and LDAC. With aptX Adaptive (dongle) this goes away completely, i.e. I can go from the attic to first floor and still have acceptable connection if I'm more stationary, single floor case aka "toilet test" is no issue at all :)
Jan 19, 2024 at 11:09 AM Post #1,690 of 1,912
I've found that the cracks/pops happen much more with HQ mode. If I try to take a call with HQ mode it cracks during the conversation and it's unbearable.

I'm also having super flaky Bluetooth multipoint behavior. If I ah on a call on one device, the second device repeatedly disconnects and reconnects, so I get "Connected" in my ear every minute or so.
Jan 19, 2024 at 12:55 PM Post #1,691 of 1,912
I'm also having super flaky Bluetooth multipoint behavior. If I ah on a call on one device, the second device repeatedly disconnects and reconnects, so I get "Connected" in my ear every minute or so.
Yeah, multipoint is another pain point, which I try to avoid at all costs. I don't find it comfortable to listen from dumb smartphone apps, so that is of great help with that regard :)
Jan 19, 2024 at 1:36 PM Post #1,692 of 1,912
I've found that the cracks/pops happen much more with HQ mode. If I try to take a call with HQ mode it cracks during the conversation and it's unbearable.

I'm also having super flaky Bluetooth multipoint behavior. If I ah on a call on one device, the second device repeatedly disconnects and reconnects, so I get "Connected" in my ear every minute or so.
That's similar to my issue, except neither my phone or laptop actual disconnect to the Solitaire T.
It's Windows 11 causing the issue, and I only get "connected" ad nauseum if I'm using multipoint.

However, I do not get many of the (Bluetooth) issues some of you have, though there are so many factors to consider, from environment to general vicinity of electronic equipment, to the actual Bluetooth devices and their many quirks.

Remember that the top Bluetooth codecs only work at their very best in perfect conditions. Otherwise, the codec will either jump up or down in ladder steps, or scale, depending on the codec.
Even the latest Bluetooth AptX Lossless codec is not true loss, just very close to Redbook CD quality spec. This codec scales down in noisy Bluetooth rich environments too (eg. commutes, office, etc).

It might be as @streetbeat stated, the pops and crackles maybe related to Bluetooth codecs and how they change depending on your specific situation:

In my experience, recent BT headphones have much less cracks & pops. And when it happens, it's mostly related to HD codecs, e.g. aptX HD and LDAC. With aptX Adaptive (dongle) this goes away completely, i.e. I can go from the attic to first floor and still have acceptable connection if I'm more stationary, single floor case aka "toilet test" is no issue at all :)
Jan 19, 2024 at 11:14 PM Post #1,693 of 1,912
I've found that the cracks/pops happen much more with HQ mode. If I try to take a call with HQ mode it cracks during the conversation and it's unbearable.

I'm also having super flaky Bluetooth multipoint behavior. If I ah on a call on one device, the second device repeatedly disconnects and reconnects, so I get "Connected" in my ear every minute or so.

I have the exact same experience, cracks/pops are extremely noticeable, and pretty frequent, in calls (I also listen almost exclusively in HQ mode). They are minimal to non-existent while listening to music. I have just come to accept that it's "by design" and tune it out/ignore it even though it is noticeable in calls. It's my only complaint at this point with an otherwise extremely solid pair of headphones.

Also, another software/firmware update would be truly appreciated. Come on T+A!
Jan 19, 2024 at 11:20 PM Post #1,694 of 1,912
I have the exact same experience, cracks/pops are extremely noticeable, and pretty frequent, in calls (I also listen almost exclusively in HQ mode). They are minimal to non-existent while listening to music. I have just come to accept that it's "by design" and tune it out/ignore it even though it is noticeable in calls. It's my only complaint at this point with an otherwise extremely solid pair of headphones.

Also, another software/firmware update would be truly appreciated. Come on T+A!
That’s unacceptable, really. I wonder if the pops could be fixed with firmware or if it’s a hardware issue. Almost every bt headset I’ve tried has near showstopper issues for me. The only one I haven’t tried yet is the ML. I don’t really want to try that one… ugh.
Jan 19, 2024 at 11:31 PM Post #1,695 of 1,912
Yeah that's a fair perspective, I cut them some slack because they excel at their primary function. I think the overall offering is more competitive than the 5909, even if marginally, and the 5909 aren't without their share of issues as evidenced by posts on its thread. The bluetooth headphone space is just an imperfect beast regardless of the brand name, price point, etc.

I do imagine it's fixable via firmware, but who knows about the resources available the Sol T team as well as the prevalence of this issue across users/devices.

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