Symphonium Titan - Impressions and reviews
Apr 11, 2024 at 2:28 AM Post #181 of 577
Given the location of the vent in the Titan, is there a chance of aftermarket cables blocking the vent and causing issues with the IEM?
Not possible. It's placed offset to the industry standard socket and most 2 pins are built to the dimensions of the socket.
Symphonium Audio Proudly Designed and Manufactured in Singapore. Stay updated on Symphonium Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Apr 11, 2024 at 5:50 AM Post #182 of 577
I wish other brands/manufacturers (won’t name who but 1 of them is also in Singapore) did the same thing as Symphonium, rather than take as many preorders as possible and make customers wait months for their order to ship because they don’t have the ability to produce those orders in a timely manner, shipping the few units they do have to retailers instead.

Sorry for the mini rant. Hope the launch goes smoothly. 😄
exactly .. I got caught up in the 4 months wait for my order and was wanting to cancel .. which they wouldn't do.. this set definitely has my antenna up and it's definitely on my to purchase list.. still waiting for the big boy reviewers to give their opinions on it and how it compares to the Meistro SE and other sets that are similar ..I'm a big fan of bass but it must be presented the right way without drowning out the treble and mids and at the expense of losing the technicalities .. it's hard to pull off but as of now the ThieAudio Prestige LTD seems to be my clear winner.. Those EST drivers just bring it..
Apr 11, 2024 at 5:59 PM Post #183 of 577
I got my Titan today after reading all the impressions and can say it's a winner. I wasn't in the market for a new IEM but got caught up in the hype. It may be classed as a bass head set but that bass never drowns the other frequencies out, it just gives it just gives the sound a great foundation.

It's just super exciting to listen to and makes everything sound incredibly engaging. It's just a lovely non-fatiguing listen and fits well, you could have these in for hours and get lost in the music. I don't know how Symphinium got this big a sound out of only 3 drivers, it's really impressive!

All this from my phone and an iBasso DC04 dongle. If it can sound this good from a small dongle, god knows what a great DAP will sound like, as I've read it scales really well.
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Apr 11, 2024 at 6:22 PM Post #184 of 577
I got my Titan today after reading all the impressions and can say it's a winner. I wasn't in the market for a new IEM but got caught up in the hype. It may be classed as a bass head set but that bass never drowns the other frequencies out, it just gives it just gives the sound a great foundation.

It's just super exciting to listen to and makes everything sound incredibly engaging. It's just a lovely non-fatiguing listen and fits well, you could have these in for hours and get lost in the music. I don't know how Symphinium got this big a sound out of only 3 drivers, it's really impressive!

All this from my phone and an iBasso DC04 dongle. If it can sound this from a small dongle, god knows what a great DAP will sound like, as I've read it scales really well.
Any comparisons?
Apr 11, 2024 at 6:58 PM Post #185 of 577
Seem like Titan + Crimson + a strong dongle like LP W4 or a decent DAP and one can retire from audio hobby for good.

Until the upgrade of these IEMs appear in a few years.
Apr 11, 2024 at 9:10 PM Post #186 of 577
Congratulations to everyone who’s received their pairs of Titans, what a fantastic IEM.
Apr 12, 2024 at 6:07 AM Post #188 of 577
The only other IEM I own is Custom Art F7U, which is all BA. I can do a comparison later.

I'd be keen to hear your opinion on this. I've got the F7U and temepted by the Titan
Apr 12, 2024 at 6:09 AM Post #189 of 577

Now i'm confused by you'r review hah :D

I own scarlet mini for about 5 months (setup in my signature) and earlier maestro mini for 1 year. For now i wanna change the dac to fiio k9 AKM or questyle cma 18 or if im crazy fiio k19 (still don't know what diffrience it will make)

For a basshead like me scarlet sounds fantastic, for that amount of bass u get very nice mids nad treeble as well as soundstage, for me the bass is well controlled esspecially with gear i have. (for personal taste i take 100-170 hz down -3 db, i am sub bass guy an this make sound a little more fresh)

BUT as we all know audio sickness is progressing :) still wondering what IEM would possibly be the absolute TOP endgame for bass head with both bass quality , quantity and rest of the sound.

If there is something like that is for sure out of my price range xDD
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Apr 12, 2024 at 7:41 AM Post #190 of 577

Now i'm confused by you'r review hah :D

I own scarlet mini for about 5 months (setup in my signature) and earlier maestro mini for 1 year. For now i wanna change the dac to fiio k9 AKM or questyle cma 18 or if im crazy fiio k19 (still don't know what diffrience it will make)

For a basshead like me scarlet sounds fantastic, for that amount of bass u get very nice mids nad treeble as well as soundstage, for me the bass is well controlled esspecially with gear i have. (for personal taste i take 100-170 hz down -3 db, i am sub bass guy an this make sound a little more fresh)

BUT as we all know audio sickness is progressing :) still wondering what IEM would possibly be the absolute TOP endgame for bass head with both bass quality , quantity and rest of the sound.

If there is something like that is for sure out of my price range xDD
First off, I don't do reviews. I give opinions and impressions.

Not sure what you're confused about and not sure what you're even asking here.

If you enjoy your Scarlet Mini, then enjoy it. "Endgame" is whatever your wallet can handle. There are a lot of great basshead IEMs these days. I consider Titan one of, if not the best. Custom FATfreq Grand Maestro would be my personal "endgame" IEM but it's really expensive and FF's lack of customer service and inability to fulfill orders in a timely fashion has me shy away from them.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 8:03 AM Post #191 of 577
still wondering what IEM would possibly be the absolute TOP endgame for bass head with both bass quality , quantity and rest of the sound.
Nightjar Duality (yet to be released) is in contention for "top" endgame sets for bassheads IMO.

If your budget is capped at $1k USD, Titan is a top endgame basshead set too.
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Apr 12, 2024 at 10:14 AM Post #192 of 577
Well, here we go- had to pull the trigger. Titan Gang! Hopefully it arrives in time for my birthday :)


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Apr 12, 2024 at 12:50 PM Post #193 of 577
Custom FATfreq Grand Maestro would be my personal "endgame" IEM but it's really expensive and FF's lack of customer service and inability to fulfill orders in a timely fashion has me shy away from them.
Yeah i can agree to some degree, out of my price especcialy custom plus i live in Poland so tax would kill me.

But I bet sound and bass would be out of this world.

So im guessing that titan got less but better bass than scarlet and better mids and treble?
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Apr 12, 2024 at 2:45 PM Post #194 of 577
So im guessing that titan got less but better bass than scarlet and better mids and treble?
In my opinion, yes. Not sure what you consider as "better" bass, but the Titans have a lot more texture and detail when it comes to the bass response. Maybe the Scarlets slam more? But I was not a fan of the lack of texture in the sub-bass. Not one bit. The Titan has some of the best Sub bass I've ever heard, full stop. The mids and treble were also good on the Titan, but not the stars of the show. The Crimons would be your set if you're looking for a Symphonium set with stellar Mids and Treble

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