Symphonium Crimson - Impressions and Reviews (The Next Standard)
Sep 29, 2023 at 10:13 PM Post #226 of 458
Sep 29, 2023 at 10:47 PM Post #227 of 458
Great review Ant! I’m excited to hear these at some point.

If you're at CanJam, you can hear the same set that I wrote about, but I think I saw you weren't able to attend it for family reasons. Same for me as well (nephew's birthday party) which is why I was happy to get to demo it before I had to send it to the team for canjam.

Anyway, I try to not get too involved in some of the drama on headfi, but it's interesting hearing about the marketing campaigns about not releasing driver config for pre-set notions. I totally believe this is true. You always hear things like BA BASS BAD, or DD has no extension, etc. I think those times are changing. BA bass can be good. Symphonium has a few IEMs to show that, and so does the amazing Subtonic Storm. (I also want to shill my Hidition Viento as a fantastically tuned 4-BA IEM as well).

It's nice to see some of these new products and manufacturers come up with ways to optimize and drive the best performance out of what was perceived as driver limitations before with clever new design concepts or modifications.
Sep 29, 2023 at 11:14 PM Post #228 of 458
I think those times are changing.
I hope so, because I’ve always liked BA bass and DD bass for different reasons. I guess I’ve never judged an iem due to its drivers but my curiosity is what gets the best of me. For me it’s not about the drivers but I just love to learn and know all about the iem in question. I don’t think their needs to be such a stink about it but I don’t like getting involved in the drama either. Thank you for your wonderful reply. I unfortunately won’t make it to canjam but do you know if I can get on that tour and how? I would love to hear this iem. It sounds up my alley especially from your review. I have yet to hear any Symphonium iems, the storm or the Viento although they are all on my want to Demo list.

Have a great weekend Anthony!
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Sep 30, 2023 at 12:06 AM Post #229 of 458
After some shipping delays, Crimson #30 has finally made it. I want to spend some time with them before giving my full thoughts. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet, and I admittedly have heard only a small number of iems, but these might be exactly what I've been looking for in an iem.

The only question I have is, how the heck do you put on the Velvet tips??
Sep 30, 2023 at 12:12 AM Post #230 of 458
After some shipping delays, Crimson #30 has finally made it. I want to spend some time with them before giving my full thoughts. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet, and I admittedly have heard only a small number of iems, but these might be exactly what I've been looking for in an iem.

The only question I have is, how the heck do you put on the Velvet tips??
Determination. They're difficult to put on the first time.
Sep 30, 2023 at 12:17 AM Post #231 of 458
After some shipping delays, Crimson #30 has finally made it. I want to spend some time with them before giving my full thoughts. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet, and I admittedly have heard only a small number of iems, but these might be exactly what I've been looking for in an iem.

The only question I have is, how the heck do you put on the Velvet tips??
It's pretty challenging at first but there is a technique for it. Find an angle to slot one part of it in, then you twist it (try finding a youtube video on this, pretty abstract to describe it in words). Enjoy your new iem, it's awesome.
Sep 30, 2023 at 12:23 AM Post #232 of 458
It's pretty challenging at first but there is a technique for it. Find an angle to slot one part of it in, then you twist it (try finding a youtube video on this, pretty abstract to describe it in words). Enjoy your new iem, it's awesome.

Thank you! I think that is the method I'm using but I'm worried about pushing the grill in. I'll keep trying. Hopefully I like them enough to never take them off again. Lol.
Sep 30, 2023 at 12:33 AM Post #233 of 458
Honestly, I barely know the configuration of any of the IEMs I review nowadays. I only look them up right before I start writing articles and its generally used just to introduce an IEM. However, I do understand the desire to want to connect the intangible perception of sound to a tangible physical cause, especially if there's something particularly interesting about their sound. I'm certainly no stranger to that. But I think we have to remember the right order of putting the horse before the cart.

So it makes sense to me that Symphonium has chosen to release the specs after SoCal once there's a broader group of opinions on the Crimson. I mean, it's not like anyone has to buy them before all the information is revealed. If driver configuration is paramount to someone's experience, they still have time to change their mind even after hearing it if they now feel like they aren't getting the value for their money. That is their right as a customer. And I would hope no one would begrudge anyone else for making that choice even if they disagree.
Sep 30, 2023 at 12:34 AM Post #234 of 458
After some shipping delays, Crimson #30 has finally made it. I want to spend some time with them before giving my full thoughts. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet, and I admittedly have heard only a small number of iems, but these might be exactly what I've been looking for in an iem.

The only question I have is, how the heck do you put on the Velvet tips??
I find if you flip the top so you're only working with the stem it helps you get a better grip to angle them unto the nozzle.
Sep 30, 2023 at 1:58 PM Post #235 of 458
I hope so, because I’ve always liked BA bass and DD bass for different reasons. I guess I’ve never judged an iem due to its drivers but my curiosity is what gets the best of me. For me it’s not about the drivers but I just love to learn and know all about the iem in question. I don’t think their needs to be such a stink about it but I don’t like getting involved in the drama either. Thank you for your wonderful reply. I unfortunately won’t make it to canjam but do you know if I can get on that tour and how? I would love to hear this iem. It sounds up my alley especially from your review. I have yet to hear any Symphonium iems, the storm or the Viento although they are all on my want to Demo list.

Have a great weekend Anthony!
This was exactly the point I was making before all hell broke loose. I believe that my post was very clear but I also know that people often flock to message boards to react instead of to read. I bought a Crimson weeks ago. I would have bought one if it had 1 BA driver. As an engineer and builder of things in my studio, if I use a piece of gear that I like, I am usually curious about what is going on under the hood just as I am curious about ingredients or preparation of food that I have enjoyed (as I like to cook as well). I come to message boards like this to share these curiosities and to learn about the tech used to make these amazing monitors. The issue that I took with this thread was how terse and defensive responses to such inquiries were becoming and then a bunch of people jumped in to, sadly, make my observation an even more unpleasant reality.
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Sep 30, 2023 at 2:05 PM Post #236 of 458
This was exactly the point I was making before all hell broke loose. I believe that my post was very clear but I also know that people often flock to message boards to react instead of to read. I bought a Crimson weeks ago. I would have bought one if it had 1 BA driver. As an engineer and builder of things in my studio, if I use a piece of gear that I like, I am usually curious about what is going on under the hood just as I am curious about ingredients or preparation of food that I have enjoyed (as I like to cook as well). I come to message boards like this to share these curiosities and to learn about the tech used to make these amazing monitors. The issue that I took with this thread was how terse and defensive responses to such inquiries were becoming and then a bunch of people jumped in to, sadly, make my observation an even more unpleasant reality.
Unfortunately the trend keeps going. I was not like this before but now I tend to skip a video if I couldn't grasp the point in 5 seconds...

Edit: In line with my comment, I think I misunderstood your point...
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Sep 30, 2023 at 2:41 PM Post #237 of 458
Posted my impressions of the Crimson here! It's a very nice and unique IEM and the staging sets it apart from other IEMs. (oh, and I have no idea what the driver types or driver count is in this product)

"It's an unexpected sound. That said, he thought it was a great set overall and one that would require some acclimation due to its different style of presentation."
After spending some hours with the Crimsons, I found this comment very accurate. The sound presentation of these headphones is indeed unique. Many songs became different from what I'm used to. The differences are bigger than switching from headphones to IEMs or vice versa. However, nothing feels wrong in the same time, just different.

To be specific, the vocal has a tall imaging which feels enveloping and free-flowing from the singer in a near distance. Meanwhile, instruments tend to separate a bit far in the background with their distinctive spaces. Some instruments get placed even further to the sides. I would say the "acclimation" to such a presentation is required if you go with these IEMs. But it is an exciting new experience, at least to my ears.
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Oct 1, 2023 at 4:50 PM Post #238 of 458
After some shipping delays, Crimson #30 has finally made it. I want to spend some time with them before giving my full thoughts. I don't want to jump to conclusions yet, and I admittedly have heard only a small number of iems, but these might be exactly what I've been looking for in an iem.

The only question I have is, how the heck do you put on the Velvet tips??
The same way you take a woman to dinner. With class and finesse :D
Oct 1, 2023 at 5:39 PM Post #239 of 458
I personally have no issue with them doing this experiment about not announcing the specs. I think our society in general, has latched onto specification marketing as a symbol of quality way way way too much. And I think IEMs are definitely very subject to that.

More drivers doesn't mean better quality In and of itself.

Personally I could see a very very well-tuned four driver setup making me end game happy. A DD for bass, A very well tuned BA for low mids and a very well-tuned BA for upper mids and a nicely tuned BA or electrostatic for the highs.

With good comfort and ergonomics that would be all I need. I think.

If it sounds that good why question the driver count?
Oct 6, 2023 at 2:04 AM Post #240 of 458
Going through the discussions here, I am quite intrigued by the impressions of Crimson. The secret sauce is still not revealed which is really amusing. But I really don’t care about what those drivers are and how many of them. I mean, Ragnar has 2 DD drivers and a bass lover would simply put it away, so that’s that.

Can someone please help me with a Crimson and Singularity comparison? I know both of them have their own strength and people who own really enjoying them a lot. Just need two cents before I pull the trigger on any of them.

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