Survey Says: Zune over iPod
Nov 7, 2006 at 5:17 PM Post #61 of 83

Originally Posted by Jokieman
The deal is those other companies have already lost. Apple holds an insane market share for the portable MP3 player market and it's companion software Itunes.

the Zune will probably not do well, this year, but Microsoft has proven (with the Xbox) that when it really wants to compete, it can (Xbox 360).

Honestly I know a lot of people hate Microsoft, and it's an old hatred, and a lot of people probably don't even know why, exactly, they dislike microsoft so much, especially now.

This goes way back to the PC/Mac wars between IBM & Apple, and is much like the Hatfields & McCoys, where so much time has passed that most involved in the "hatefest" can't remember the initial reason for all the bad feelings.

Bill Gates and Microsoft falls right in the middle of the PC/Mac war, and is seen as somewhat of a Benedict Arnold by the Apple-ites, only worse.

I've always said that until a DAP maker attempts to market their product in the US on the scale that Apple markets the iPod, it's pointless arguing about whether that DAP will compete with the iPod to any serious degree, much less "overthrow" the iPod. For the typical first-time buyer, if you see the iPod side-by-side in a store with another DAP, and you've heard a lot of nice things about the iPod, but haven't really heard too much about the other DAP, which one would you buy?

And don't talk about the extensive accessories for the iPod: that's a pyramid scheme. The third-party accessories do not come for a product unless that product sells, or is projected to sell heavily due to name recognition. And a product doesn't sell nor is recognized unless it's manufacturer finds a way to get the consumer's attention. Sure, all things being equal, there may be other DAP's out there that just sitting on a store shelf catches the store-shoppers eyes quicker than the iPod. But Apple doesn't play by those rules: they advertise. They get to the consumer before that consumer walks into the store, so that when they do, and they're looking to buy a DAP, they know about the iPod, and very little else.

The Microsoft Zune and the Creative Zen Vision:M are too very different animals. You can't tell by looking at them, but they are. The ZVM is made by someone who will steadfastly refuse to market it's product (at least in the US), no matter how well built that product is, or how much market potential it may have. The Zune will be marketed VERY heavily - once again, people who are familiar with the iPod's marketing have lived in a vacuum since 2001. Microsoft's marketing machine easily dwarfs anything Apple has ever done, and we'll probably witness the power of it very soon. Because of this, the Zune and the iPod are exactly the same type of animal.....

I just think that the Zune will impact the iPod more than it will the other players, because the Zune will target the consumer demographic that the iPod more identifies with. Other DAP-makers that feed on the market's underbelly will still find sustenance there: the Almighty Zune will pass right over them like a huge, black storm cloud as it marches toward the massive cyclopean entity known as iPod, and it won't even notice the little Zens, Clixes and Sansas scurrying about.

If the makers of these players ever chose to reach for the golden ring, and actually attempt to compete eye-to-eye with the iPod, and now the Zune, then they would be in trouble, because they would simply be overwhelmed. But they never had a dog in that fight to begin with, so they won't get bit.
Nov 7, 2006 at 5:30 PM Post #62 of 83
Lacene says:

The ZVM is made by someone who will steadfastly refuse to market

I never knew Creative was run by a bunch of Tibetan Monks.

Does a Zen dropped to the ground make a sound if no one is listening?
Nov 7, 2006 at 5:34 PM Post #63 of 83

Originally Posted by pds6
Lacene says:

I never knew Creative was run by a bunch of Tibetan Monks.

Does a Zen dropped to the ground make a sound if no one is listening? compatible speaker dock for it
Nov 7, 2006 at 6:05 PM Post #66 of 83
I've just read that the Zune and Zune Marketplace will not support PlaysForSure. That's like -1000 points for the Zune. Can anybody explain me what are these people at Microsoft thinking?
Nov 7, 2006 at 6:18 PM Post #67 of 83

Originally Posted by Sebastianbf
I've just read that the Zune and Zune Marketplace will not support PlaysForSure. That's like -1000 points for the Zune. Can anybody explain me what are these people at Microsoft thinking?

Microsoft is looking to create an entirely proprietary ecosystem with the Zune and the Zune marketplace, just like the iPod and it's iTunes.

Allowing the Zune to support P4S audio and video formats would make it an MTP device, and would then allow it to work with online subscription services that use the P4S formats, such as Napster, Yahoo!, etc. It would also mean that the Zune Marketplace would have to be a P4S environment, and would therefore allow other DAP's such as the Clix, the Gigabeat S, and the ZVM to obtain squatter's rights.

The subscription services are not owned by Microsoft.

The other DAP's are not owned by Microsoft.

therefore, Microsoft doesn't want it, no more than Apple wants the iPod to work with other media programs (how winAMP and ephPod gets away with it, I'll never know), or iTunes to work with other DAP's.....

Money talks, and Bulls**t walks...........
Nov 7, 2006 at 8:25 PM Post #69 of 83

Originally Posted by Lacene
The Microsoft Zune and the Creative Zen Vision:M are too very different animals. You can't tell by looking at them, but they are. The ZVM is made by someone who will steadfastly refuse to market it's product (at least in the US), no matter how well built that product is, or how much market potential it may have.

Last year Creative spent $100 million in global advertising. If the many billboards over the months in the Bay Area is any indication, some of that was in the U.S. Course who knows how much they lost on this campaign.
Nov 8, 2006 at 12:09 AM Post #70 of 83

Originally Posted by blessingx
Last year Creative spent $100 million in global advertising. If the many billboards over the months in the Bay Area is any indication, some of that was in the U.S. Course who knows how much they lost on this campaign.

The link in your other thread about the spending is dead, but I imagine the story was similar to this one. That story is 2 years old now.....did they ever actually spend the money?? Does roadside billboards cost $100 million on the west coast?? Must be issues with the environmentalists. The advertisements never reached the east coast, as far as I know, and that $100 million was supposed to be for WORLDWIDE advertising. And I also know about the magazine flyers and ads in Popular Mechanics, PC Magazine, and Maxxim. I'm wondering about the TV ads on MTV, ESPN, during Saturday mornings and other occasions where they attract the demographics that would be most inclined to go out and purchase the things, if they knew about them.......
Nov 8, 2006 at 9:41 AM Post #72 of 83

Originally Posted by Lacene
Microsoft's marketing machine easily dwarfs anything Apple has ever done, and we'll probably witness the power of it very soon. Because of this, the Zune and the iPod are exactly the same type of animal.....

It's already happening. I went to downtown disney tonight to see a movie, stopped off at virgin records to browse and there was a huge zune display with all the different models up for perusal.

I go to the movie, and during the previews, Low and behold, a great big giant advertisement for... the Zune.
Nov 8, 2006 at 4:57 PM Post #73 of 83
At this point, I hate the sound of my iPod enough to make a switch... provided that the Zune sounds a bit better.

You know there's a problem when you're using your PSP as your primary portable listening device.
Nov 8, 2006 at 5:19 PM Post #74 of 83
As much advertising as MS does, I can imagine hearing this from somebody, at some point: " Hey, did you see that new iPod ? No, I wan't aware that there was a new one out ?... Yeah, it's called the Zune !"

Betcha it'll happen.
Nov 8, 2006 at 10:30 PM Post #75 of 83
Mercuttio says:

At this point, I hate the sound of my iPod enough to make a switch.

It is my understanding that the Cowon and Creative (and others) have a great deal of equalizer support. I could be wrong, but I don't think the Zune has much as to graphic equalization. There is a video review of the Zune on this site. I believe the Zune has a "mode" equalizer (Jazz, Rock, etc ....).

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