SR-80 beats HD-650
Nov 6, 2005 at 3:21 AM Post #61 of 103
Yikes, I think you need to realize the sarcasm doesn't carry through text as well as you'd like. "Welcom to school: Sennheiser HD-6xx's are overrated (Dull) You are now a member in an ever growing group of people who feel the same way" sounds like you are stating the general consensus, which you aren't. And your signature just seems like an excuse to talk crap.

Kirosia, I don't think he was being "elitist" because he doesn't like senns. I did find it a little harsh because of his tone, but people are entitled to their opinions, IMO it is better to leave a post like that alone as the general knowledge and opinions of everyone else on the forum will always override the extremists/exaggerators.

I am not a senn or a grado guy, I am a beyer guy, but let me tell you all that contrary to popular belief/practice, it is possible to enjoy your headphones seperating yourself off into teams and hurling insults at the "others."

Geez... head-fi... never ceases to amaze the petty things that people will argue about, who'll be the first to compare somebody to hitler for not agreeing with their headphone preference?
Nov 6, 2005 at 3:27 AM Post #62 of 103

Originally Posted by YngwieJMalmsteen
Kirosia, I don't think he was being "elitist" because he doesn't like senns. I did find it a little harsh because of his tone, but people are entitled to their opinions, IMO it is better to leave a post like that alone as the general knowledge and opinions of everyone else on the forum will always override the extremists/exaggerators

You're right. I should've left things alone. Hunger does things to a guy (but now I have my noodles, so wheeeee!).
I've no problem with someone who dislikes something or other; but If I went around needlessly crudding on a specific item or two, I'm positive someone would try to hang my arse out to dry. (which has occurred . . cough*ihp*cough) And as I said before, this isn't the first time this has happened. But yeah, I need to shut up now . . .
Nov 6, 2005 at 4:32 AM Post #63 of 103
In the beggining I tought that Grado would beat anything in the planet earth, then I realized that they were brighter than any other headphone, additionally, the "in your face" sound and the discomfort would not let me enjoy them for more than one hour.... . Later on, I had the chance to try the Sennheiser 600, and yes, they weren's as bright as the Grados, but you just get used to their sound, plus they had much better soundstage, imaging, 3D sound, better mids and superior bass.

Comparing the Grados 80 to the Senns 600, is like comparing a Minicooper to a Rolls Royce. Is the Cooper better because is faster and lighter?
Nov 6, 2005 at 4:34 AM Post #65 of 103
Since this thread has obviously gone, AGRO (ie: nuts) I'll post my 2.8 cents:

The senn's (600 and 650) too me, have the most potential out of ANY phone I have EVER heard in my ENTIRE LIFE (read: far better than Orpheus, far better than R10, L3K, Stax Omega II (never heard Omega), Grado PS/HP/RS/HF/SR...) etc... etc... etc...

This of course comes from the fact that I have heard these phones out of an almost fully Maxxed SDS-XLR. WOW.


Comparing an unamped 650 to the former amp/headphone combo is like ... i dunno what it's like... it's like the difference in intellect between a fig newton and Emerson.
Nov 6, 2005 at 4:55 AM Post #66 of 103
This thread was not started as a Sennheiser appreciation thread. The starter was basically voicing his surprise and dismay that he liked his affordable SR-80’s over the much more expensive Senns. I’m sorry but there are those who agree (and those who disagree with his findings). It’s OK for the Senn fanboys to go and blame everything from his source to his lack of an amp but it’s not OK for me to basically agree with his findings?

Once again it's the Senns Fanboy double standard. My first post was a tongue in cheek post letting him know that he was not alone. He was already getting bombarded with posts blaming his source and lack of an amp. I decided to chime in. I am the first to admit that the Senns take well to amping, but the basic character of the headphones does not change.

I speak from experience here. I have owned both the 600’s and the 650’s. I used some good amps with them, both tubed and solid state and I still found them a bit un-involving. Don’t get me wrong, they don’t suck and I have never said that they do. I just expect more from my $400+ headphones.

In the past I have usually chimed in when the thread was anti-HD-6xx. There was one HD-600 appreciation thread that I crapped on (On 3/13/05) and in that thread I believe that I defended my reasons for posting a negative opinion. I have been making a deliberate effort at not crapping on any appreciation thread. Did I misread this thread? Was this a Sennheiser appreciation thread in disguise?
Nov 6, 2005 at 5:45 AM Post #67 of 103
My question to you, kind sir, is "why do you care?" You seem to be taking this very seriously when in fact posting in this forum is a means of enjoyment, relaxation, and entertainment (Edit: for me). Maybe your first post was in this manner, but for your health (not for mine, I'm quite healthy thank you), relax a little, and take it all with a grain of salt!

... actually not salt, its been shown to be bad for the heart. Take it all with a sliver of tofu!

... wait, tofu has been shown to increase levels of estrogen in men (harmful for us)...

... with a shot of tequila! Now no one will complain!
.... or will they?

Nov 6, 2005 at 6:14 AM Post #69 of 103
I wouldnt consider myself a fanboy.

I just prefer the senns because I find the sr-80s overbearing in the top end and the senns have far superior sonic imaging, in which the grados had zero imaging, just hard left and hard right, one felt like it was pumping searing forced sound into my ears, a left signal and a right signal in an overly piercing manner, the other sounded like I was right there watching a live performance. complete with center stage imaging, rear imaging left and right imaging, bass, and outside of headphone sound stage. The Grados didnt have any of this.

So I guess Im not a grado fan. Im sure there are merits Grados have such as a superior for listening to classical music over the Senns. and if you like sharp forward sound and like it loud, Grados are good with hard loud music I suppose. These are my experiences however, so others may hear something different.

but Yikes, with all due respect, witha thread title like this one, and a comment about senns sound dull, well I saw it coming a mile away

BTW, what equipment did you use with the Senns? excuse or not, Senns have a lot of potential, you just have to make sure the gear is up to snuff to reveal them.
Nov 6, 2005 at 6:17 AM Post #70 of 103

Originally Posted by RnB180
I wouldnt consider myself a fanboy.

I just prefer the senns because I find the sr-80s overbearing in the top end and the senns have far superior sonic imaging, in which the grados had zero imaging, just hard left and hard right, one felt like it was pumping searing forced sound into my ears, a left signal and a right signal in an overly piercing manner, the other sounded like I was right there watching a live performance. complete with center stage imaging, rear imaging left and right imaging, bass, and outside of headphone sound stage. The Grados didnt have this.

You and I care a lot about soundstage/headstage, but I think it can be safely assumed that Grado fans rank this way, way down the list of what they're looking for in audio (hard for me to imagine personally, but there's no other explanation).
Nov 6, 2005 at 6:23 AM Post #71 of 103
I sure do appreciate sound stage
, on really good material, I hear the sounds outside far away from my head, even when I place my hands and fingers on the grill, it sounds like its outside of my hands. Its also a trip to hear sound coming from the side "rear" of you and pin point which pieces of the drum set, the drumer is hitting upstage or piano notes fading away moving up in the air as the note dissipates, Now thats good stuff.
Nov 6, 2005 at 6:25 AM Post #72 of 103

Originally Posted by YngwieJMalmsteen
I am not a senn or a grado guy, I am a beyer guy, but let me tell you all that contrary to popular belief/practice, it is possible to enjoy your headphones seperating yourself off into teams and hurling insults at the "others."

Geez... head-fi... never ceases to amaze the petty things that people will argue about, who'll be the first to compare somebody to hitler for not agreeing with their headphone preference?

You're a Beyer guy? Well, we all know that Beyerdynamic were founded in Berlin in 1924 and did business in Germany through the Nazi years. hmmm....

Note: the above post is intended only for ironic purposes.
Nov 6, 2005 at 6:59 AM Post #73 of 103

Originally Posted by mariowar
This is a thread, and everyone is welcome to post their views. The title wasn't, I like the Grados 80 the most......, it was the Grado 80s beat the Sennheiser 650s...

Is there a difference?

Unless the creator is posting here under an alias then any post regarding sound is opinion. To HIS ears, on HIS system the sr-80 BEAT the HD-650.

Perhaps he needs some time to fully adjust to the senn sound, perhaps he should upgrade his source, perhaps he should buy an amp. Maybe then he would then enjoy the 650 more, then again maybe not.

Those are worthwhile suggestions, but he is in no way wrong about expressing his opinion. It is HIS OPINION. And if he doesn't want to go through the typical 'head-fi initiation' of emptying his wallet perhaps it isn't such a bad thing that he prefers the 80's to the much more expensive 650's that in his case could possibly require him to spend an even more money to notice the improvement.
Nov 6, 2005 at 7:49 AM Post #74 of 103
I don't think it is an issue of the first guy's post anymore, or the fact that the thread title is what it is. It is simply that some people cannot get over other people's opinions! The Grado guys find this as an opportunity to derail the senn's, finding especialy potent firepower in the thread title. The Senn guys cannot believe the blasphemy being spoken, and seek out a reason for this (source, amp, ears???, etc...).

I find it hilarious that some of us have gotten so 'caught up' in it all, and forgotten to keep it all in good humour... in other words, nobody comes here with a 'elitist my team against yours' perspective. But I think some of us, unsurprisingly, human nature being what it is, have become far too polarized for their own health!

Jeez.. it's all about the f'-ing music guys! Enjoy! I own Grado's, I own Senn's, I like 'em both! They both bring me joy! If you wanna listen to one more than the other, go for it! If you can sit in absolute RAPTURE with your IPOD earbuds, more power to you! (I can't!)

I came to headfi because in the 'real' world, finding like minded folks who have delved deep into the world of personal audio reproduction is exceedingly rare. Seldom do I see someone wearing a 'Grado' or someone wearing an upper tier 'Sennheiser' let alone an AKG, UE, AT, Sensaphonics, Beyer, Stax, Shure, Ety, Ultrasone, or JVC phone. And if I were to see someone on the street wearing some SR80's, or chilling at a party rocking out, I would be overjoyed! I say, let's get some perspective and Chill Out a Little.
... having said that, reading this thread I too was shocked when I heard mention of the Senn's sounding 'dull'
But I've come to understand that not only do we hear differently from each other, but we perceive the sonics differently too... that is to say, not only is the design of our ears physically different in many ways between each other, our brains our totally different in their perception of the incoming signal. There is this other thread talking about the B&O headphones. I personally do not care one bit for the sound, and I think they even make the Bose's seem like a good deal! But, hell they look really cool, and some people actually like the sound! Amazing to me how this could be, but not surprising or anything to argue over!

Nov 6, 2005 at 8:09 AM Post #75 of 103
Nice post neilvg. I agree both sides have been a 'little' antagonistic. I just people would loosen up and not take things so seriously on these boards.

There are rules about religious debates on these boards. The way phones are canonized by some I am beginning to wonder if this should mean no grado/senn debates.

My post was in response to the fact that EVERY post like this should be assumed to be taken in the context of 'in my opinion, on my system, to my ears' whether it is written in the sig or not. And if a poster doesn't actually feel this way and thinks there opinion should be imposed on others, well then they are an idiot and we can all ignore them and not get all hot and bothered by it.

"It's a fact, the world is full of idiots"

best to learn to live with it.

just a little kith reference for all you comedy fans out there.

Oh yeah, and enjoy the music, and stop worrying about how other people enjoy theirs.



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