SPL Phonitor X / Phonitor E impressions and Discussion thread

Jun 25, 2022 at 6:19 PM Post #886 of 1,129
I like the look of the Phonitor. It's esthetically pleasing. It also has interesting features like crossfeed. And it probably performs well based on many reviews. I was even willing to put up with the issue of the label paint wearing off considering the overall good build quality. But given questionable and confusing measurements from the official sourses and lack of a clear, meaningful, and adequate response from the customer support, I am not sure I want to deal with this brand and this particular product anymore. I am now leaning toward another brand, probably Violectric. Some reviewers say they prefer its sound over the Phonitor.

I came to the conclusion that the Phonitor XE is designed more for mid or high impedance headphones and less suited for low impedance headphones.

I have amps from both companies. The Violectric has a better build, it feels more solid. But they have some operational quirks and are getting away from balanced inputs, and don't have one with two pairs of XLR inputs (AFAIK) so I bought a Phonitor. I don't know that you want a Violectric for low impedance planars any more than you want a Phonitor. If you have the space, I'd suggest an Audio-gd amp, which have more inputs and a better build and power suppies than anything I'm aware of from SPL or Violectric or most other companies. They're beautiful in a garage-fi sense. I love the industrial build but that might not be for everyone, and they're not desktop amps.
Jun 27, 2022 at 2:59 AM Post #887 of 1,129
I like the look of the Phonitor. It's esthetically pleasing. It also has interesting features like crossfeed. And it probably performs well based on many reviews. I was even willing to put up with the issue of the label paint wearing off considering the overall good build quality. But given questionable and confusing measurements from the official sourses and lack of a clear, meaningful, and adequate response from the customer support, I am not sure I want to deal with this brand and this particular product anymore. I am now leaning toward another brand, probably Violectric. Some reviewers say they prefer its sound over the Phonitor.

I came to the conclusion that the Phonitor XE is designed more for mid or high impedance headphones and less suited for low impedance headphones.

Low Impedance, If you mean like Hifiman HE1000SE or Audio Technica AD900x, Phonitor doesn't have any issue with it at all. Actually, it drives both of them beautifully using either balanced or unbalanced. However, if you were talking about IEM, wouldn't use Phonitor, I used to have Campfire Andromeda and I was able to hear hum from Phonitor. But the Androimeda is well known for its low impedance and picking up noise very easily...

I auditioned both Violetric V281 & Phonitor X when buying Phonitor and went with Phonitor for its Neural tonality. V281 is a bit warmer amp compared to Phonitor X for my liking.

I don't really read these spec, even if I read them, I don't really understand anyway, but would try out the amp myself if possible. My ears and yours and other people's has very different preference... :)
Jun 27, 2022 at 7:22 AM Post #888 of 1,129
Low Impedance, If you mean like Hifiman HE1000SE or Audio Technica AD900x, Phonitor doesn't have any issue with it at all. Actually, it drives both of them beautifully using either balanced or unbalanced. However, if you were talking about IEM, wouldn't use Phonitor, I used to have Campfire Andromeda and I was able to hear hum from Phonitor. But the Androimeda is well known for its low impedance and picking up noise very easily...

I auditioned both Violetric V281 & Phonitor X when buying Phonitor and went with Phonitor for its Neural tonality. V281 is a bit warmer amp compared to Phonitor X for my liking.

I don't really read these spec, even if I read them, I don't really understand anyway, but would try out the amp myself if possible. My ears and yours and other people's has very different preference... :)
Of course it's always good to try the amp. But I think specs are a good way to tell what an amplifier is capable of. I mean I think that's why they are provided.

I am just curious, if 0.7 W @ 32 Ohm is good enough to drive low impedance headphones, and everyone says it's not an issue, then why would it need so much more power (8 W @ 600 Ohm) for high impedance headphones? What people usually say is that more power means more headroom and less distortion at lower volume levels. If that's the case, then why would we want more power headroom for high impedance headphones and not for low impedance headphones? Why such imbalance here? Correct me if I am wrong. I just want to understand the logic behind these specs.
Jun 27, 2022 at 7:43 AM Post #890 of 1,129
Of course it's always good to try the amp. But I think specs are a good way to tell what an amplifier is capable of. I mean I think that's why they are provided.

I am just curious, if 0.7 W @ 32 Ohm is good enough to drive low impedance headphones, and everyone says it's not an issue, then why would it need so much more power (8 W @ 600 Ohm) for high impedance headphones? What people usually say is that more power means more headroom and less distortion at lower volume levels. If that's the case, then why would we want more power headroom for high impedance headphones and not for low impedance headphones? Why such imbalance here? Correct me if I am wrong. I just want to understand the logic behind these specs.
Sorry can't answer this.. only SPL can answer unfortunately...

I am currently listening to AD900, 35ohm I think?, I can't have the volume at 8 o'clock as it is already too loud, in unbalanced mode and around 7 using Balanced... which indicates there is plenty of headroom .... i think :)

I am looking at the Violectric V550 as an alternative

I am actually very interested.. I have heard they have made v550 to be more neutral compared to v281, I just can't find a local seller with a demo unit, either V550 or V590...
Jun 27, 2022 at 8:24 AM Post #891 of 1,129
If you have the space, I'd suggest an Audio-gd amp, which have more inputs and a better build and power suppies than anything I'm aware of from SPL or Violectric or most other companies.
I am also interested in Audio-GD but it is not a desktop which is a deal breaker.

This gentleman posted a comparison between Master 9 of Audio-GD & Phonitor XE; I barely remember that he said that both of them were head-to-head in terms of performance. In addition to this video, he also had stand-alone reviews of Mastre 9 & Phonitor XE

Jun 27, 2022 at 8:47 AM Post #892 of 1,129
I am also interested in Audio-GD but it is not a desktop which is a deal breaker.

This gentleman posted a comparison between Master 9 of Audio-GD & Phonitor XE; I barely remember that he said that both of them were head-to-head in terms of performance. In addition to this video, he also had stand-alone reviews of Mastre 9 & Phonitor XE


Audio-GD is massive :( I have tried R8 Mk2 but not Master 9 and the issue with the size is not width but the depth.. it is so deep that it protrudes out even on full sized HiFi rack... :(

If you really like the ruler flat neutral amp, Audio-Gd might be the go to amp I believe..
Jun 27, 2022 at 9:01 AM Post #893 of 1,129
Sorry can't answer this.. only SPL can answer unfortunately...
I wish they gave a good answer about this. I contacted them, and they said the specs on the web site are more accurate than what's specified in the manual which I was told only provides the output power measurements for the unbalanced output. The customer support rep just says the amp is not a problem for a range of headphones. Wether its best performance leans toward high impedance headphones was not clarified. But that's the conclusion I make based on these specs.

I am actually very interested.. I have heard they have made v550 to be more neutral compared to v281, I just can't find a local seller with a demo unit, either V550 or V590...
Yes, it would be interesting to audition and compare them. But take a look at the output power specs for both amps, Violectric V550 and Phonitor XE. You will find the following measurements.

Violectric V550
740mW @ 600 ohms
1450mW @ 300 ohms
4300mW @ 100 ohms
6400mW @ 50 ohms
4700mW @ 32 ohms
2000mW @ 16 ohms
1300mW @ 8 ohms
700mW @ 4 ohms

Phonitor XE
8000mW @ 600 ohms
3500mW @ 300 ohms
700mW @ 32 ohms

Based on these measurements, I have a few observations here.
  • The Phonitor XE provides only 3 measurements of the power output for 32, 300, and 600 ohms. This does not show a whole picture about the output power. For example, how does it perform at 50 or 16 ohms?
  • The V550 provides 8 measurements of the power output for 4, 8, 16, 32, 50, 100, 300, 600 ohms. This shows a much better picture about the output power. The V550 provides measurements for impedance below 32 ohms down to 4 ohms.
  • The V550 provides significantly less power for higher impedance and significantly more power for lower impedance.
  • The V550 performs best at 50 ohms.
  • The Phonitor XE performs best at 600 ohms.
Considering there aren't that many headphones with 600 ohm impedance, the V550 seems more practical based on the output power alone. And I understand it's not right to judge the amps only by these measurements.
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Jun 27, 2022 at 9:10 AM Post #894 of 1,129
I am also interested in Audio-GD but it is not a desktop which is a deal breaker.

This gentleman posted a comparison between Master 9 of Audio-GD & Phonitor XE; I barely remember that he said that both of them were head-to-head in terms of performance. In addition to this video, he also had stand-alone reviews of Mastre 9 & Phonitor XE


The big Audio-gd amps are much stronger, have much better power supplies, better connectivity, and are better built in every way compared to the Phonitor and Violectrics.
Jun 27, 2022 at 12:49 PM Post #895 of 1,129
Matching headphones with amp is as important as matching amp and speakers.
If matching importance principle applies all the same then perhaps getting the best dedicated amp you can afford for your headphones should be prioritized a little more. More then flexibility or ability to drive various impedances//loads/sensitivity. Just like with speakers, there are certain amplifier types that work best with certain type of speakers. I'm not aware of universally great all around amp that works well with every headphone or speakers. Once that's sort out, looks, ergonomics and budget is something to consider. Imho oc.
Jun 27, 2022 at 1:18 PM Post #896 of 1,129
Matching headphones with amp is as important as matching amp and speakers.
If matching importance principle applies all the same then perhaps getting the best dedicated amp you can afford for your headphones should be prioritized a little more. More then flexibility or ability to drive various impedances//loads/sensitivity. Just like with speakers, there are certain amplifier types that work best with certain type of speakers. I'm not aware of universally great all around amp that works well with every headphone or speakers. Once that's sort out, looks, ergonomics and budget is something to consider. Imho oc.
Well said. To that I would add matching headphones to your musical preference might be even more important than the rest of the chain. Which is kinda why we have usually only a pair of speakers per room and dozens of headphones in the closet! :)
Jun 27, 2022 at 1:28 PM Post #897 of 1,129
Well said. To that I would add matching headphones to your musical preference might be even more important than the rest of the chain. Which is kinda why we have usually only a pair of speakers per room and dozens of headphones in the closet! :)

Not getting phones that lend themselves to what you want to listen to most is the biggest mistake you can make in this hobby.
Jun 27, 2022 at 1:38 PM Post #898 of 1,129
Not getting phones that lend themselves to what you want to listen to most is the biggest mistake you can make in this hobby.
Yep. But when people get started they often don't know what to buy. So only the rich or committed make it to the top :D
Jun 27, 2022 at 1:41 PM Post #899 of 1,129
Yep. But when people get started they often don't know what to buy. So only the rich or committed make it to the top :D
Or the persistent. Buy used, audition in comfort of own home, resell for almost no loss if not happy ;)
Jun 27, 2022 at 7:54 PM Post #900 of 1,129
Well said. To that I would add matching headphones to your musical preference might be even more important than the rest of the chain. Which is kinda why we have usually only a pair of speakers per room and dozens of headphones in the closet! :)
To be honest, I sort of went deep into that multiple headphones rabbit hole path and it was a fun trip (for a while). However, just like with speakers, I found what seems to me like sensible compromise of performance and qualities I am comfortable living with long term.

But yes, personal preferences, music type and what you personally value in headphones is very important.
For some it’s the latest hype or newest revision of SOTA offering from top dogs in the industry. For others, its comfort or specific presentation that suits their taste and music. And then there are budget minded consumers that simply want to get the best bang for their buck.
And there’s nothing wrong with any of those approaches. It all comes down to what one likes and what fits within reasonable budget.
It’s that simple IMO.
Any each way one can enjoy the music, sounds like the right path in my book.

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