Southeastern Michigan Spring Meet 03.14.2015 - Hosted by Overture Audio - Ann Arbor, MI
Feb 26, 2015 at 9:14 AM Post #166 of 259
I'll bring a Pono. Bring a micro-SD card with music on it you like, or send me a couple of tracks you'd like to see on it, and I'll see what I can do.

Great, @jude , and Thanks! Thanks for coming!
Feb 26, 2015 at 10:01 AM Post #167 of 259
while we're on the subject of tracks.. I only wanna lug one or two crates..
if there's something that catches your ear, PM me and ill bring it
Feb 26, 2015 at 10:24 PM Post #169 of 259
Wow.... how did you get the free publicity on the Michigan Theater marquee?

Feb 26, 2015 at 10:36 PM Post #171 of 259
This one was a little bittersweet as it is the second to last promo piece for the meet (bitter part). However, it does mean that the meet is close (that's the sweet part!).
Feb 28, 2015 at 6:10 AM Post #172 of 259
Hey @zach915m, will any of your phones be for sale at the meet if we like what we here? Just wondering.

Feb 28, 2015 at 2:43 PM Post #173 of 259
So, I've been thinking of selling my Meier Corda Rock.

It's on Innerfidelity's amplifier wall of fame:

I just don't use it since I got the NFB-11. If anyone has a serious interest in purchasing it, I'd let it go for $135 cash or $140 PayPal. If I put in the website, I'll charge a bit more to cover shipping.

But I don't want to bring it just for demos. I have enough stuff to haul already.

In other news, I ordered the Soundmagic HP200 today. If I decide to keep them, I'll bring them with me.
Mar 2, 2015 at 6:59 PM Post #174 of 259
Just heard back from AKG today and......they are sending a K812 loaner to me for the meet! 
Mar 3, 2015 at 2:33 PM Post #176 of 259
I might bring some airmotiv 6s speakers to sell if anyone is interested in buying them. I have some herbies audio sticky feet on the bottom that unfortunately cannot be removed without damaging the padding on the bottom. (my mistake) Good isolation however.
Mar 3, 2015 at 2:41 PM Post #177 of 259
  Just heard back from AKG today and......they are sending a K812 loaner to me for the meet! 

Really looking forward to hearing those and meeting you. I'm flying home right now from a trip to the Harman research center in Northridge - and I am more impressed than ever with all of their brands/products after seeing what goes on there!
Mar 5, 2015 at 12:02 PM Post #178 of 259
Those attending, could you please pm me your proper name, mailing address, and email?   If you can get me that by 7:00 pm tomorrow (Friday March 6), then I can send reminders by PM to those who haven't yet provided contact information.
As indicated in the first posts, we are compiling a list of names, etc.  With this, we can dispense of the drivers license check that was also indicated in that first post. This will also allow you to participate in the drawing (see below) and for Overture Audio to add you to their mailing list (but let me know if you prefer not).   We will also have a sign-in book and pre-printed name tags that include your screen name and avatar, thanks to zabzaf!
Here is a map, with route from I-94, a picture of Overture Audio as seen from the street, and nearby restaurants within walking distance for you to use when you get hungry (no food among the audio equipment, please!).

A drawing will be held between 2:30 and 3:00 pm.  You need NOT be present to win (but you need to have signed in!).  Thanks to the efforts of Keith Moorman of Overture Audio, manufacturers have made donations for the drawing, including:
  1. Travis Huff from NAD & PSB  are going to be giving us a $400 pair of M4U2 headphones to give away during the event!
  2. Summer Yin from HiFiMAN will be sending us a $500 pair of HE-400i headphones to give away!  The folks at HiFiMAN are pretty awesome
  3. And, last but not least, Jude Mansilla his own bad self will be here to keep us all in line!
We will have several 18" x 8 foot tables, and those showing items can be assured of at least half of a table.  For folks that have a lot of amps in rack-sized boxes, we can assign a few full tables.  If you have headphone stands or racks that mount things vertically and save table space, that would be appreciated.
Please bring an electrical plug strip (or two) if you can.  Overture Audio has plugs and internet connections (and Ethernet), but plug strips would help distribute power.
Finally... Please cancel by sending me a PM if you find you cannot come.  We are very full and have a waiting list, and someone can then come in your place.  Besides, your nametag will be sitting on the sign-in table accusng you of absence if you don't let us know 
regular_smile .gif
Again, please pm me your mailing address and email by 7:00 pm Friday March 5... thanks!
Mar 6, 2015 at 11:16 AM Post #180 of 259
Wow!! I've been MIA for a bit. This thing is shaping up to be a great meet! I had knee surgery so it's been all physical therapy and pain pills lately but I'm back to music and looking forward to coming to the meet, seeing all the gear, seeing familiar faces and new ones. Please let me know if I can help in any way. I have several power strips I can bring if needed. Thanks guys. Looking forward and excited!

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