South Florida Headphone Faithful
Nov 13, 2003 at 5:52 AM Post #31 of 126
New to Head-Fi and Personal Audio as such...

Tampa Florida here!!

Stuff :-

Senn HD580
Sony D-EJ 1000
Apple iPod

Actively searching for a suitable amplifier...

Nov 13, 2003 at 2:23 PM Post #32 of 126
Ok boys and girls ... seems like we are approaching critical mass here in Florida, with perhaps a skewing towards the Tampa - Orlanda metro areas.

What say we try to nail down a time and place for a December or January meet?

Matt, your generous offer of your place in Clearwater certainly works for me (I am in Sarasota). Many have mentioned Orlando, but no potential hosts have stepped forward. We could always rent a hotel/motel meeting room there if we all share the cost.

So, how about all interested chiming in with answers to:

When - Dec 13th or 14th?, january?

Where - Clearwater (if still ok with Matt)?, Orlando?

What can you bring (so we can all drool)?

I'll start:

Dec 14th in Clearwater

I have: ATH W100, ATH W1000, Senn hd600, ety 4s, Headroom MAX, Corda Prehead, 2 diy mints.
Nov 13, 2003 at 2:32 PM Post #33 of 126
Oh, I almost forgot ... in correspondence with other Head-Fi'ers, it appears we may be able to get some vendor equipment for our meet.

Amps, cables, etc have been mentioned, so as soon as we get something scheduled, I will follow up to see how real this is. Don't want to mention any names, as it is premature, and there is nothing "signed on the dotted line" yet - just generous offers from folks in the Head-Fi community.

Just wanted to pass on as further inducement to action ...
Nov 13, 2003 at 4:48 PM Post #34 of 126 still on. Just keep in touch and I'll be happy to oblige. Two weeks lead time is ideal.

Nov 13, 2003 at 5:24 PM Post #36 of 126
Im a n00b...nothing much to bring...a nice laptop, HD 580's, 20GB iPod, Sony PCDP and moi

Anywhere within a 100 miles of Tampa is good for me...

I'd love to see and try out your equipment just to know what I am missing.

BTW - can ANYONE lemme know if they have an amp for sale? something for an iPod and HD580 ??

Or can you suggest a nice amp? PM me so that we dont hijack this thread!!
Nov 14, 2003 at 11:55 PM Post #37 of 126
Hi again folks,

If someone can make the arrangements, I'd like to attend and have a big pile of gear to bring along with me. I'm just back from the NYC meet and had a blast. Tampa/Clearwater would work for me as well and since it's just one round trip flight, I'd be more inclined to pack it all up. In my toybox are the following:


Sony R-10, CD-3000
Stax Omega II
AKG K-1000
Grado HP-2
AT W100, W1000
Beyer DT-770, 880, 990
Senn HD600 w/Cardas
Etymotic ER-4S


SinglePower SDS
RKV with Impedanzer
Sugden Headmaster
Berning MicroZotl
Stax 007t
Emmeline XP-7
Creek OBH-11 SE

I could bring some cables and sources too.
Nov 15, 2003 at 1:09 AM Post #38 of 126
Wow, Wmcmanus! That is some impressive list of equipment.

If that's not enough to spur some responses, I don't know what would be.

Heck, if no one else is in, and if Matt is still game, we could just meet up the 14th at Matt's place in Clearwater, and have a grand old time.

Would be fun comparing my AT woodies (W100 and W1000) vs the fabled R10, and solid state MAX and Prehead next to your tube gear.

I'm salivating just thinking about it ...
Nov 15, 2003 at 2:14 AM Post #39 of 126
I'd be willing to pick you up from Tampa International Airport (or Clearwater/St. Pete airport, for that matter) and drop you back off, so long as you give me a week or so lead time. Just to save a car rental or whatever.

If it's not practical for you, that's fine, but let me know either way.

The 14th (of December?) is fine with me. That's a Sunday, which is more than perfect.

Nov 15, 2003 at 2:48 AM Post #40 of 126
How about a carpool if someone can arrange it?

I dont have a car and I dont have $$$ and I study at the University Of South Florida (Tampa)...

If there is anyone here from Tampa who has an Amp that they are willing to lemme borrow temporarily for an audition and for breaking in my new Senn HD580 Please pm or email me...

Nov 15, 2003 at 4:42 AM Post #41 of 126
Thanks, agile_one, I thought my list of goodies might get you guys going...

I've been thinking about hosting a Cayman Islands meet for some time, but as far as I know my doctor and I are the only audiophiles to be found on this rock!

Matt, that would be great if you could pick me up at the airport. My Tampa connection has faded over the years - I used to have some pals at Eckerd College, but they've all moved on, so I would otherwise be renting a car. I may need to ship some of the gear to you in advance, especially if we'll be needing amps and sources. The SinglePower SDS is a big monster.

We need to make the date certain fairly quickly. I'll be spending the holidays in my native Illinois (leaving here on the 21st), and I already have several 'Santa gigs' lined up here in Cayman. At the moment, the 14th is open. The problem is that I don't do my own bookings (among other things, I'm a professional Santa for office parties and the like).

How are we set for sources? I have the following:

Shanling T100
Audio Areo Prima
Phillips 963SA
Sony 9000ES

The Shanling and AA are excellent for redbook; the Phillips and Sony players could be used for SACD setups, if needed.

Nov 15, 2003 at 2:41 PM Post #42 of 126
The 14th of December is perfect for me (is it for everyone else?), and yes, I will pick you up and accept your gear at my house. PM me for info on that.

As far as sources go, I have a Music Hall MMF-5 turntable...we also have a Rotel CDP/DAC combo available here for use. I could also bring an MMF-1 if anyone's curious...

Nov 15, 2003 at 2:55 PM Post #43 of 126
Im gold!!!

By December 14th I should have all the equipment I am looking at right now...

Emmeline XP-7
Headsave PIMETA Classic Maxxed Out

Senn HD580 with Equinox Cables

Apple iPod
My primary source...cant wait to hear the music through a turntable or a dedicated CD deck!!

Matt :

I live near the University Of South Florida (42nd Street, Fletcher Avenue) and if someone can pick me up it will be AWESOME!!!

Nov 15, 2003 at 4:09 PM Post #44 of 126
...what if I get you first, then pick up wmcmanus at the aiport on the way back? That would be best. In any event, you'll have to be ready on my terms (or, rather, his flight schedule).

Any more taxi ride-needers?

Wmcmanus, any shot of arriving earlier in the morning? I assume you're going to make this a contained-in-one-day excursion, no?

- Matt
Nov 15, 2003 at 4:19 PM Post #45 of 126
Im ready anytime...I switch to India time once in a while (Yes I am Indian) and back to EST for a while so whatever his schedule, no matter what time - I will be ready.

This is a BIG deal for me because its a chance for me to look, touch and listen to equipment that I can only dream of...

I wouldnt pass this chance for ANYTHING!!

You tell me date and time and i'll be waiting...

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