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Jun 29, 2018 at 12:51 PM Post #21,316 of 45,723
What is the problem ? Intermittently sound ? Or just very low volume on one side. If it is the later, the correct procedure is to replace you a new mainboard. In which case it is faster if they replace you an refurbished Player or...New
Yeah left side is quieter than the right. Just happened outnof nowhere and i spent about 2 months making sure it was going on. Once I tried the atlas with them switching ears and even a new unit it was obvious. Theyre going to send a replacement about a 10 day process. Not bad honestly.
Jun 29, 2018 at 1:03 PM Post #21,318 of 45,723
Hi Everybody,
I’m new to the forum and just wanted to tap into the knowledge and experience of other members.
I’ve e just purchased the Sony WM1a it’s about 180 hours in. I was initially using a pair of Shure SE846 IEM I’d only had them for 4 weeks when the left hand channel/ear piece Stoped working...!! looking at some of the reviews and comments on here l decided to try the Sony XBA Z5 as you can pick these up for a good price new at the moment which arrived today.
My Wm1a is the European version firmware v.2. (Volume capped) and rather irritatingly keeps giving me a volume warning....
My first question is the shures were driven reasonably by the Sony but only at about 100-115 on the volume level.
The Sony Z5s are harder to drive and the volume is now flat out for everything pretty much and it’s still not loud enough.
This is all using the balanced output with Sony’s balance Kimber Kable.

So my Question is: does the rockbox Sound pressure tool remedy this completely and increase the volume noticeably...? and is it easy to apply. (Another member on here said it was)
Also do the Z5 Require breaking in before they come on song...? as they initially sound small compaired to the shures SE846 and not spacious or as 3 Dimensional or big sounding. (I’m sure the volume cap has something to do with this and them needing more Volume to drive them properly.
Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

You’ll love the Z5 with the 1A, though best to get an aftermarket cable for the Sony Z5.....also like mentioned before try to get MMCX to 4.4mm TRRRS Pentaconn, so you can go balanced with them. They respond really well to balanced. Also after you uncap your player you may find you simply leave the volume on the low gain setting. It may sound a little less grainy than high gain. Of course everyone has a different take on the subject.

I used to think you needed high gain setting for the Z5, but you really don’t unless your one of those listeners that need INSANE volume. Lol

You may also want to upgrade to FW 2.0 from the original 1.2 FW. It seems the new firmware lets you play APE lossless codec as well as gets you more power. Though some members here like the sound of FW 1.2 better. It’s a personal thing. Lucky it’s easy to change back and forth.

Here is the aftermarket cable that I use with the Z5, though there are a ton of choices now.

It’s best to change the MMCX cables around as little as possible as the mechanics can weaken with continued changing. But many have issues with the original Z5 cables being an uncontrollable rubber over ear that would twist out of place. They also don’t come as 4.4mm balanced terminated.
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Jun 29, 2018 at 1:24 PM Post #21,319 of 45,723
You’ll love the Z5 with the 1A, though best to get an aftermarket cable for then Z5.....also like mentioned before try to get MMCX to 4.4mm TRRRS Pentaconn, so you can to balanced with them. They respond really well to balanced. Also after you uncap your player you may find you simply leave the volume on the low gain setting. It may sound a little less grainy that high gain. Of course everyone has a different take on the subject. You may also want to upgrade to FW 2.0 from the original 1.2 FW. It seems the new firmware lets you play APE lossless codec as well as gets you more power. Though some members here like the sound of FW 1.2 better. It’s a personal thing. Lucky it’s easy to change back and forth.

Hi Redcarmoose,
Yes thanks mine actually come pre installed with the FW 2 and I managed to get the Sony Kimber Balanced lead 4.4mm
So am already running Balanced. I’ve just had another listen as the Z5 (they only arrived today) and felt it was somewhat underwhelming and sounding shut in with a Processed treble quality and woolly bass, However after 8hours there appears to be a marked improvement as it’s starting too sound more spacious and has gained a soundstage certainly a lot more than when the Z5 were pugged in straight out the box it’s gettin interesting.

Another member mentioned that the Uncapping process was straightforward....... have you or anybody else had first hand experience doing this I think he said it was just a matter of following two prompts and then done.. I really need to do this as I’m running the volume at maximum just to get a half decent sound anyway.
Jun 29, 2018 at 1:33 PM Post #21,320 of 45,723
What comply tips you recommend for XNA-Z5? I solation, comfort? i hate the itchy included sony tips
Jun 29, 2018 at 1:39 PM Post #21,321 of 45,723
Do you listen to your headphones and DAPs in the safe just to be on the safe side....?

I have quadruplet teenagers in the house, so I just worry about leaving stuff out because all their friends are over and such.
Jun 29, 2018 at 1:49 PM Post #21,322 of 45,723
Man cave... with no teenagers allowed on the door, but I hear your anxiety regarding teenagers and breaking things. I had a pair of Koss portable headphones whist staying at a friends house only to find that his cat had chewed through my headphone cable don’t know how old it was though...? but I do remember not being happy about it....!!.
Jun 29, 2018 at 1:51 PM Post #21,323 of 45,723
Hi Redcarmoose,
Yes thanks mine actually come pre installed with the FW 2 and I managed to get the Sony Kimber Balanced lead 4.4mm
So am already running Balanced. I’ve just had another listen as the Z5 (they only arrived today) and felt it was somewhat underwhelming and sounding shut in with a Processed treble quality and woolly bass, However after 8hours there appears to be a marked improvement as it’s starting too sound more spacious and has gained a soundstage certainly a lot more than when the Z5 were pugged in straight out the box it’s gettin interesting.

Another member mentioned that the Uncapping process was straightforward....... have you or anybody else had first hand experience doing this I think he said it was just a matter of following two prompts and then done.. I really need to do this as I’m running the volume at maximum just to get a half decent sound anyway.

What comply tips you recommend for XNA-Z5? I solation, comfort? i hate the itchy included sony tips

I actually like the Sony Hydrid Tips, but everyone is different. I am now using the rare Sony Triple Comfort Tips. They are super thick and seem to hold the Z5 in place better. Still the Z5 is never going to be perfect at blocking outside noise. That’s why the Z5s are best for home use.

I guess getting used to the Z5 is different for eveybody. For me, I only had an iPod when I got em. I was waiting for my family outside of Universal Studios Singapore and after about three hours they started to open a little. I thought..... wow this actually is the sound I have always liked. I mainly listen to EDM and Metal, so they work for me.

From then on they just became better after using them with the Signature DAPs and getting different 4.4mm cables. I think they showcase the new Sony house sound well. They are both polite and still exciting. Though it all depends where your coming from and what your taste is. And you may read folks perceive the Z5s very different, with some reporting in really big soundstage, others normal?

For me they seem to hold a nice fast bass response, holding detail and just the correct amount of V signature. The treble is not the most detailed as compared to something like the Noble Encore IEM, but the Z5 always seems incredibly coherent. They just seem natural. Also this depends on how much time you have used your 1A too. The 1A and 1Z will sound a little woolly in the first 50 hours, then will get clear and soundstage will expand. You need 200 hours per amp. There is a 4.4mm balanced amp and a 3.5mm single-ended amp. So that’s 400 hours!

I do remember the bass being blurry, but because I was using only my IPod, I thought it was due to a lack of power.

The Z5 gets better and better with burn-in. Also they will sound off if underamped.

I have never seen or heard a capped 1A, though you will need Windows to uncap it. The program does not work with Apple products. But if your volume is maxed out, your most likely it’s a combination of things going on. Hold tight, you’ll soon really like them, if you’ve ever liked the new Sony house sound.
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Jun 29, 2018 at 1:53 PM Post #21,324 of 45,723
Hi Redcarmoose,
Yes thanks mine actually come pre installed with the FW 2 and I managed to get the Sony Kimber Balanced lead 4.4mm
So am already running Balanced. I’ve just had another listen as the Z5 (they only arrived today) and felt it was somewhat underwhelming and sounding shut in with a Processed treble quality and woolly bass, However after 8hours there appears to be a marked improvement as it’s starting too sound more spacious and has gained a soundstage certainly a lot more than when the Z5 were pugged in straight out the box it’s gettin interesting.

Another member mentioned that the Uncapping process was straightforward....... have you or anybody else had first hand experience doing this I think he said it was just a matter of following two prompts and then done.. I really need to do this as I’m running the volume at maximum just to get a half decent sound anyway.

If you are moderately computer proficient on Windows uncapping is a simple procesd
Jun 29, 2018 at 2:01 PM Post #21,326 of 45,723
I ordered a 3-set of comply comfort TS200 and got a free pack wiht he 4th July promo. Even so they are shipped to mexiko :D
Jun 29, 2018 at 2:03 PM Post #21,327 of 45,723
I try to use the Sony Hybrid Tips for almost everything else but the Z5s.

It’s a strange coincidence that I like Sony gear......and those tips also seem to just work for me. I use them with the Encore IEM too.

Go figure?
Jun 29, 2018 at 2:05 PM Post #21,328 of 45,723
If you are moderately computer proficient on Windows uncapping is a simple procesd

Hi nc8000,
I’ve tried with a friends Mac who had it partitioned so it also ran windows. I had to partially disable his defender app as it wouldn’t let me run the rockbox app after that no problem but when I ran it it started and then just disappeared very frustrating so I think I need a computer with just windows which I do have, but have had to order anther power cord as I seem to have lost the one that came with it.
Jun 29, 2018 at 2:15 PM Post #21,329 of 45,723
I try to use the Sony Hybrid Tips for almost everything else but the Z5s.

It’s a strange coincidence that I like Sony gear......and those tips also seem to just work for me. I use them with the Encore IEM too.

Go figure?
I also had no problem with the sony tips. all this itching and redness of my ear canal started with the XBA-A3 tips and now the Z5 tips too, more redness with the foam-filled than the ones without.

I get this unbearable itching and my ear gets red, my friend from germany (when i was there) he noted my canal was red and felt unusually warm
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Jun 29, 2018 at 4:54 PM Post #21,330 of 45,723
Hi everybody,
Is there anybody about who knows how to install the rockbox app to remove the volume cap from wm1a I’ve actually got to the stage where I’ve downloaded it but every time I press run it disappears.
I’m not a windows user.
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