May 20, 2022 at 1:01 PM Post #4,426 of 15,815
Using it with my Meze Empyrean with the silver cable, it’s glorious!!
i, too, have the empy with the silver upgrade cable... i am coming soon my friend to enjoy the party :)
May 20, 2022 at 1:41 PM Post #4,427 of 15,815
I guess you are so right on this.
Same as you have issue with other DAP's. Companies producing DAP's live or die by the SQ, especially the smaller more focused providers. Sony plays a clever game to satiate the local market hence the walls of text, nor do I blame them as Sony indeed produces a very good product (DAP) and know how to play the game.

There's absolutely no need to cast shade on other providers of DAP's to reinforce your individual purchasing decision. Audio beyond the technicalities of the individuals hearing ability is all subjective always has been, always will be. I own and use multiple DAP's they all have their own strength & weakness from $$ to $$$$ including Sony's...

May 20, 2022 at 1:48 PM Post #4,428 of 15,815
and the best in class DAP OS one can get in this world.
Sony should have worked on it's own OS, similar to other providers. Sadly Sony folded to Google. Kind of a bad joke when even the most fervent of fans advocate debloating Google's needless garbage. TBH if Sony was serous about SQ this conversation would not exist...

May 20, 2022 at 3:38 PM Post #4,429 of 15,815

There is ピエール中野 on the Drums an e-earphone ambassador and big Sony Fan as as the Sony Team are fans of him.

He was one of the first who tested and, of course, owned/owns an WM1ZM2

Wonder if he got it for free :p i can't imagine he payed for it

May 20, 2022 at 4:47 PM Post #4,430 of 15,815
Even with bloatware on top, the M2 walkman already performs at a level that exceeds whatever the previous models does.

I guess it's not ok to throw shade at other dap but perfectly fine to throw shade at Sony for android OS.
May 20, 2022 at 7:02 PM Post #4,431 of 15,815
Even with bloatware on top, the M2 walkman already performs at a level that exceeds whatever the previous models does.

I guess it's not ok to throw shade at other dap but perfectly fine to throw shade at Sony for android OS.
Remember your the guy advocating to debloat the WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2 to improve performance & SQ, you cant have it both ways. Personally I don't care for any player with Google Android as the OS is obviously designed to capture user data not present the very best SQ possible. TBH painting other providers as not being serous regarding audio quality, while Sony has clearly folded to Google is laughable...

If Sony was so very concerned about SQ it would have opted for Open Android with zero bloatware which does not automatically equate to a locked down approach such as A&K takes or further develop it's own Walkman OS to allow for streaming. Sony didn't and opted to compromise SQ for it's own reasons. Then there would be no need for the walls of Sony speak text or users advocating the need to debloat the DAP's. I appreciate it's not a such a simplistic situation for Sony and there maybe some financial incentive or other internal pressure. While I'm confident the new NW players are an advancement, lets not ignore or gloss over the facts and pretend the other providers are rank amateur's as they are very far from it...

May 20, 2022 at 8:17 PM Post #4,433 of 15,815
I will continue to throw my opinion and posts as I please, laugh all you like, I seriously don't give a damn.
I fully support you in such premise, seriously so. Same as other members and myself if your going to put it out publicly you have to live with commentary be it positive or negative that's just how it is. FWIW we're closer than we are further apart, simply differing opinions, I like Sony HW a lot, however I don't buy into all it's sales & marketing spiel verbatim...

I'd need to see both the WM1Z M2 / WM1A M2 boards, equally I strongly suspect similar to WM1Z / WM1A the bulk of the difference in sound signature will be in software as has been proven in the past. Sony has learned, moved on and locked out the users from flipping the SW and poised it's higher margin model as the only signature portable player. Sony's product, Sony's rules and to some extents Sony's loss...

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May 20, 2022 at 8:46 PM Post #4,434 of 15,815
Holy battery... After completing burn in, I decided to do a basic battery test. For consistency, I usually charge the dap up to 100% (all the battery saver stuff disabled in this case), play hi-res flac in a loop, wifi off, display off, just periodically checking the battery status. Here, I'm using Aroma Jewel IEM, 4.4mm balanced, high gain, volume set to 43 (normal listening level), wifi/BT off, display off, and playing 24bit FLAC in a loop using native Walkman app. The effects are ON, with DSEE Ultimate enabled, DC Phase Linerarizer set, and Vinyl effect enabled as well. As you can see, this is not exactly bare minimum, but rather a fully loaded local playback setup. Of course, display is mostly off, but that's how I do it in all of my DAP testing for consistency.

Well, so far been playing for 20.5 hrs and the battery is still at 32%. At this rate, I'm sure it will make it to 30hrs without a problem. Will also do another test run while streaming, curious how that will turn out to be. But so far, this is very impressive for WM1ZM2.
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May 20, 2022 at 8:50 PM Post #4,435 of 15,815
Holy battery... After completing burn in, I decided to do a basic battery test. For consistency, I usually charge the dap up to 100% (all the battery saver stuff disabled in this case), play hi-res flac in a loop, wifi off, display off, just periodically checking the battery status. Here, I'm using Aroma Jewel IEM, 4.4mm balanced, high gain, volume set to 43 (normal listening level), wifi/BT off, display off, and playing 24bit FLAC in a loop using native Walkman app. The effects are ON, with DSEE Ultimate enabled, DC Phase Linerarizer set, and Vinyl effect enabled as well. As you can see, this is not exactly bare minimum, but rather a fully loaded local playback setup. Of course, display is mostly off, but that's how I do it in all of my DAP testing for consistency.

Well, so far been playing for 20.5 hrs and the battery is still at 32%. At this rate, I'm sure it will make it to 30hrs without a problem. Will also do another test run while streaming, curious how that will turn out to be. But so far, this is very impressive for WM1ZM2.
Looks like this time Sony can stick to their promise. Unlike the ZX507 which it can’t never seem to meet their battery number.

But all in all, I think my original 1Z battery life still beat my new 1Z to the curb. Probably Android is the cause.
May 20, 2022 at 8:50 PM Post #4,436 of 15,815
Holy battery... After completing burn in, I decided to do a basic battery test. For consistency, I usually charge the dap up to 100% (all the battery saver stuff disabled in this case), play hi-res flac in a loop, wifi off, display off, just periodically checking the battery status. Here, I'm using Aroma Jewel IEM, 4.4mm balanced, high gain, volume set to 43 (normal listening level), wifi/BT off, display off, and playing 24bit FLAC in a loop using native Walkman app. The effects are ON, with DSEE Ultimate enabled, DC Phase Linerarizer set, and Vinyl effect enabled as well. As you can see, this is not exactly bare minimum, but rather a fully loaded local playback setup. Of course, display is mostly off, but that's how I do it in all of my DAP testing for consistency.

Well, so far been playing for 20.5 hrs and the battery is still at 32%. At this rate, I'm sure it will make it to 30hrs without a problem. Will also do another test run while streaming, curious how that will turn out to be. But so far, this is very impressive for WM1ZM2.
Nice :)

May 20, 2022 at 9:21 PM Post #4,437 of 15,815
Holy battery... After completing burn in, I decided to do a basic battery test. For consistency, I usually charge the dap up to 100% (all the battery saver stuff disabled in this case), play hi-res flac in a loop, wifi off, display off, just periodically checking the battery status. Here, I'm using Aroma Jewel IEM, 4.4mm balanced, high gain, volume set to 43 (normal listening level), wifi/BT off, display off, and playing 24bit FLAC in a loop using native Walkman app. The effects are ON, with DSEE Ultimate enabled, DC Phase Linerarizer set, and Vinyl effect enabled as well. As you can see, this is not exactly bare minimum, but rather a fully loaded local playback setup. Of course, display is mostly off, but that's how I do it in all of my DAP testing for consistency.

Well, so far been playing for 20.5 hrs and the battery is still at 32%. At this rate, I'm sure it will make it to 30hrs without a problem. Will also do another test run while streaming, curious how that will turn out to be. But so far, this is very impressive for WM1ZM2.
Very nice! Wonder what the burn rate will be for the battery with offline play for Apple Music (or one of the other music apps).
May 20, 2022 at 9:22 PM Post #4,438 of 15,815
WM1ZM2 has seriously taken upon DMP territory. After 457 hours I hear micro details that were barely noticeable at 200hrs. It cannot compete in the bass "land" with DMP, it simply doesn't have the same width, dynamics and slam in that register. However, to my ears, the 1ZM2 makes you feel the sound is wider in dimension (the feeling of 3D presentation), but overall less refined than on DMP
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May 20, 2022 at 11:44 PM Post #4,439 of 15,815
Sony recently released a new headphone app, version bumped up to 9.0 with changelog stating support for new models.(without stating any other changes)

And from what I am hearing from my ier-m9, it sounds like they could have made changes to the spatial sound virtualizer algorithms this time round. The sense of surround feels changed.
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May 20, 2022 at 11:49 PM Post #4,440 of 15,815
And if you are wondering if Sony has the technology of real time upmixing stereo 2 channel music source into 360RA-like sound?

Here’s your answer:



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