Sony MDR-Z7M2 Headphone Thread
May 7, 2020 at 3:31 PM Post #1,459 of 2,454
Well Head-Fiers, I've done a fair amount of research on the Z7M2s, to the point of feeling like I've already bought them, but I need some further convincing to pull the trigger. The retail $600 is a bit much for me, and I'm tempted just settle for the MDR-1AM2 which is $200 to $300.

I've got the HD6XXs, HE4XXs, Meze 99 Noirs, AKG K371s and K553s. I purchased the K371s and K553s through Guitar Center and I'm planning on returning them as soon as everything opens up again here in Arizona. They were good headphones, but I found that I picked up the other three way more and there's no sense in me keeping them to collect dust. Plus, then I can recoup about $350.

I'm taking a financial peace course (Dave Ramsey if any of you have heard of him) and he basically says don't spend money you don't have. I should be saving.... but I also graduate in a few days so I'm kind of the opinion of getting myself a little (big) gift.

So... point blank, are the Z7M2s worth it? I'd be running them on a FiiO M11, don't have a dedicated amp setup and really don't feel like getting one. Are the Z7M2s significantly better than the 1AM2s - enough to justify two to three times the price?

Would you guys recommend any other headphones in the $500 to $600 range that are closed back and have, at least, the same or better build quality, comfort, and sound quality of the Z7M2s?

I've got the HD650s and HE4XXs which I really like in my open-back category. I did consider getting the Focal Elex's from, but I'm leaning towards closed back. I'm not dying to get a new, high-end pair. The Meze 99 Noirs have been killing it for me, I just wish they we're slightly more comfortable (thicker pads and more clamping force would help with the seal) and maybe more durable (build quality is good, but both ear cups are secured by that one flexible joint which makes me nervous).
May 7, 2020 at 3:55 PM Post #1,460 of 2,454
I'm in the same boat. Wait for BH to have a sale again, they went on sale for $298! Waiting for another sale, which may come soon due to the virus and sell the z7m2 and paying in full for the z7m3 would be a cool option as well. I'm a sucker for new products and Sony should be much more involved in R&D due to their xm3 success. Personally I'm waiting for a z7m2 sale and then i'll sell it for the z7m2 comes out.

Also, where's the talk about the z7m3? The z7m2 came out 2 years after the z7, so it's time might be coming up soon. I'm not sure about this, but didn't the designer or lead of the z1r and z7m2 leave Sony to take a break for a few years?

I'll definitely be watching this thread for alerts for the next sale like the $298 BH sale, and I'll definitely post here if I find something similar. Look out for sales, everyone!
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May 7, 2020 at 3:55 PM Post #1,461 of 2,454
Well Head-Fiers, I've done a fair amount of research on the Z7M2s, to the point of feeling like I've already bought them, but I need some further convincing to pull the trigger. The retail $600 is a bit much for me, and I'm tempted just settle for the MDR-1AM2 which is $200 to $300.

I've got the HD6XXs, HE4XXs, Meze 99 Noirs, AKG K371s and K553s. I purchased the K371s and K553s through Guitar Center and I'm planning on returning them as soon as everything opens up again here in Arizona. They were good headphones, but I found that I picked up the other three way more and there's no sense in me keeping them to collect dust. Plus, then I can recoup about $350.

I'm taking a financial peace course (Dave Ramsey if any of you have heard of him) and he basically says don't spend money you don't have. I should be saving.... but I also graduate in a few days so I'm kind of the opinion of getting myself a little (big) gift.

So... point blank, are the Z7M2s worth it? I'd be running them on a FiiO M11, don't have a dedicated amp setup and really don't feel like getting one. Are the Z7M2s significantly better than the 1AM2s - enough to justify two to three times the price?

Would you guys recommend any other headphones in the $500 to $600 range that are closed back and have, at least, the same or better build quality, comfort, and sound quality of the Z7M2s?

I've got the HD650s and HE4XXs which I really like in my open-back category. I did consider getting the Focal Elex's from, but I'm leaning towards closed back. I'm not dying to get a new, high-end pair. The Meze 99 Noirs have been killing it for me, I just wish they we're slightly more comfortable (thicker pads and more clamping force would help with the seal) and maybe more durable (build quality is good, but both ear cups are secured by that one flexible joint which makes me nervous).
ever considered Denon or fostex?
May 7, 2020 at 5:45 PM Post #1,463 of 2,454
Which models would you would you be thinking of?
I have looked at the Fostex TH-610. They're gorgeous looking, but I wasn't sure about them. Any thoughts?
The only ones I liked from Denon were the AH-D5200, but those are just too far out of my price range.
I have owned tr-x00(the mass drop version of th610), th900, and now I own a pair of th909. Denon headphones actually use Fostex drivers- they buy these drivers from Fostex and retune them. So it is safe to say Denon and Fostex are essentially the samething. It is just that Fostex are generally more V shaped. If you like d5200 and the look if th610, go look for some used tr-x00. They usually cost no more than 400 second hand.
May 8, 2020 at 2:30 PM Post #1,467 of 2,454
Then I'm sold, thanks! Will be looking for z7m2 on sale or maybe z7m3 will be coming soon, thanks so much y'all :)
Sony took like 4 years to put out the M2, I wouldn't hold my breath on it. (Z7 is 2014 you know?).

Especially when they have nothing new to update it with, the Z7M2 already incorporates a lot of Z1R's feature, the only thing they haven't done is going bigger and using less permeable material like the Washi paper Z1R goes with.

IMO, the next challenge on sony is an open back series. My MA900 is feeling lonely, its closest sibling is a 7 year older SA5000 and the even older (by 15 years) MDR F1.
Sony like to take their time in releasing new series, it's about 8 years since MA900, please release a new open back model, Sony.

I always wonder why some people think badly of the 3.5.... I mean, it's a standard connector just with a screw on lock on the stock cable.
if anything, it's a good thing to have them, it makes the jack feel more secure, way less chance of breaking. WITHOUT the need to make use of a deep insertion that limit the jack size and shape instead.

Its really nothing complicated, but it seems people are wired to think of "it looks different" to be "that ain't standard, that's bad~!" without trying to understand it first:sweat:

This is exactly my experience with these cans.

I`ll try to buy the alternate pads because it seems to solve the exact issues I have with it.
The AliExpress link he give points to generic pleather affair just with multiple option for sizes. no image of the clip on ring at all.
either the people that send him the headphone cannibalise a good pad to get the ring or they just taped it on.
kinda weird to send a non stock headphone to a reviewer, one that viewer can't easily copy either :frowning:
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May 8, 2020 at 2:46 PM Post #1,468 of 2,454
completely agree. I now even prefer 3.5 over many other jacks because of its simple structure and durability. In comparison, more and more manufactures use multiple types of jacks even for there own products. (yes I am talking about you, Focal)
May 9, 2020 at 12:23 AM Post #1,469 of 2,454
So, i spent the last year deciding between the Audeze LCD-X and Hifiman Arya... in the end i bought the Sony Z7m2 and i dont regret it. they're fantastic! I know many people here and on audio discord discussion threads will say the sonys are rubbish but honestly, they're really not.I really do love these headphones.
Are they perfect? no.
do they have faults? sure.
have i formed a bond with them? yes.
will i keep them forever? yes.
This purchase (i've had them for 2 months now), just goes to show HOW SUBJECTIVE this hobby can be. and that you should absolutely take what people say when it comes to sound signature as a guide and less so as law.
These headphones really do have a bad wrap and its not justified.

Things i've noticed so far while using them.
A) they're very song dependant, and when i say this, i mean by how the song/album is mastered. If its done poorly, these headphones wont sound as great as they should. so be aware, and get good sources.
B) Cables are way way way too long lol and 8/10 times i wont screw them into the secure them when im just sitting at my desk.
C) I have medium length hair and wear glasses, the seal can be hard to get right for a second or two but after that adjustment, its good.
D) Comfort is FANTASTIC! the most comfortable headphones i've worn since trying the Hifiman Susvara or B&O H6(gen2)+H9(gen3).
E) I use the box they came in (Black one) as their case, and its fine. but wish sony included a slimmer case at this price point at least.
F) They're fantastic for Film Soundtracks and Orchestral music, and great for normal billboard songs. They seem to struggle a tiny bit with Heavy Metal/Black Metal/80's hair metal. still sounds great but I dont think they were tuned for that kind of music per say.
G) The thump from the 70mm drivers are perfect. just the right amount for me for most my music. clean and controlled.

To whoever reads this and doesnt have a pair, trust me, ive been doing research on these headphones for a year, in threads/discord/forums/stores/shows/meets... just get them. i'm happy i did in the end and dont regret the purchase at all. they're not that "expensive" when you think about it if you really enjoy them and use them.

For thoes that own the z7m2 like myself and have read what i've written, tell me about your journey with them :) i'd love to share music/experiences that made you say "wow, these are great for this song/album".
May 9, 2020 at 12:57 AM Post #1,470 of 2,454
@Tsukuyomi I'm really on the fence about these! I'm so bummed I didn't get them during the B&H sale for $298 in December 2019 and can't really justify paying $600 for them now. I think I'll wait to see Sony release their other headphones, while I wait for a sale for the Z7M2. Maybe the XM4 will be a better bang for buck since they'll be more future proof. A ton of places are out of stock of the Z7M2 like moon audio, B&H, adorama, and the sony recommended Crutchfield, so I don't have a choice but wait either.

XM4 will probably have usb c input, hands free smart assistant integration, personalized 360 audio via ear scan, best in class noise canceling, a better microphone, built in EQ, airplane pressure equalization, S-Master built in amp, DSEE-HX upscaling, and multi-device bluetooth. Heck those are a lot of useful things packed in for half the price. Sony probably paid way more attention to the xm4 since the xm3 were such a hit. I'd say Sony probably sold less than 1000 Z7M2s, while the xm3 series are on the scale of hundreds of thousands. Don't get me wrong, I'll always adore the z7m2, but being conscious of money, especially during these times, it's hard to justify the 2 year old z7m2 over xm4 when I don't plan on getting a dedicated amp / dac.

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