Sony MDR-1A - Sony's latest update on the 1R
Feb 23, 2016 at 11:48 PM Post #1,756 of 2,667
Believe it or not, i actually agree. The KEF M500´s are better cans in terms of high fidelity. More linear, more realistic sound, because of the less bass boom you mentioned. More "honest". what you have on your recordigs, you will hear. This is positive. Or not? I remember, when Mark Levinson created his passive equaliser, the Cello, in the 80´s or 90´s, sorry it was ages ago, he did it on a purpose. He said he knows some hifi freaks with mega expensive systems, and they listen to only 5 cd´s... I felt the same with the KEF´s. I´ve got about 120 albums on my Fiio X3 II´s, and i noticed, when i use the KEF´s, i listen to about 10 albums, the ten best recordings (not necesseraly the 10 best in terms of music!), cuz in case of the others the KEF brings out all the flaws, For example, the album, Blind Melon, sounds really flat. As it is originally, basically. Realistic, but not enjoyable. But when i change to the Sony´s, i can listen to all of my albums, even i can enjoy the worst ones. So, basically i sacrifice the real high fidelity, just to listen to more music. But, as the KEF´s are really good, I´ll keep them anyway, won´t sell them for sure. But i still think that the Sony´s are more versatile.

I like your thinking and agree, its like the HD-650 and HD-800, the HD-650 will sound good with mediocre recording and sound great with great recording while the HD-800 is not very forgiving of sub par recording.  The MDR-1A is pretty forgiving of sub par recording but still try stay away from bass heavy stuff when using the MDR-1A.
Feb 23, 2016 at 11:49 PM Post #1,757 of 2,667
Believe it or not, i actually agree. The KEF M500´s are better cans in terms of high fidelity. More linear, more realistic sound, because of the less bass boom you mentioned. More "honest". what you have on your recordigs, you will hear. This is positive. Or not? I remember, when Mark Levinson created his passive equaliser, the Cello, in the 80´s or 90´s, sorry it was ages ago, he did it on a purpose. He said he knows some hifi freaks with mega expensive systems, and they listen to only 5 cd´s... I felt the same with the KEF´s. I´ve got about 120 albums on my Fiio X3 II´s, and i noticed, when i use the KEF´s, i listen to about 10 albums, the ten best recordings (not necesseraly the 10 best in terms of music!), cuz in case of the others the KEF brings out all the flaws, For example, the album, Blind Melon, sounds really flat. As it is originally, basically. Realistic, but not enjoyable. But when i change to the Sony´s, i can listen to all of my albums, even i can enjoy the worst ones. So, basically i sacrifice the real high fidelity, just to listen to more music. But, as the KEF´s are really good, I´ll keep them anyway, won´t sell them for sure. But i still think that the Sony´s are more versatile.

Good point, and well taken, but I found with bass heavy music the 1A was too much of a good thing. I do agree that with more revealing headphones (although I still consider the m500 a warmish somewhat forgiving signature) only better recordings are enjoyable. I have actually become that way now, I just don't find any music so good that if it is poorly recorded I will listen to it. Particularly if the music is older and I have heard it quite a bit. It is a shame, but I have almost zero tolerance for poor recordings now. Oddly, I find electronica actually sounds quite good. I love A Perfect Circle. Played 13 Steps the other day  which I used to play through speakers but with headphones it was unboreable now to me.
Feb 24, 2016 at 9:09 AM Post #1,758 of 2,667
I tried the MDR-1A's back in tokyo in december and im heading back to the land of sushi once again in march! 220 seems like a steal for these! were they on some special discount? 
Feb 24, 2016 at 9:22 AM Post #1,759 of 2,667
  I tried the MDR-1A's back in tokyo in december and im heading back to the land of sushi once again in march! 220 seems like a steal for these! were they on some special discount? 

You can find them used for good prices often. I tried to sell my mint 1As here for a few months at $145US with no takers. Used people ask at most $150 so keep that in mind.
Feb 24, 2016 at 9:29 AM Post #1,760 of 2,667
THAT IS A STEAL. missed out on that. shall be on the lookout! i listen to a wide genre of songs, mostly house, some sam smith, pop songs mostly, been using a grado sr80e but the cups just aint for me. Do you think the 1A's would suit me?
Feb 24, 2016 at 9:33 AM Post #1,761 of 2,667
  THAT IS A STEAL. missed out on that. shall be on the lookout! i listen to a wide genre of songs, mostly house, some sam smith, pop songs mostly, been using a grado sr80e but the cups just aint for me. Do you think the 1A's would suit me?

The 1A is quite nice sounding, really, really comfortable and great looking. For me I found the bass a little too boomy, but I do listen loud and to bass prominent music often. I opted to go with the KEF M500 as I found it had everything I liked, but with more controlled but still lots of bass. The Sony's just don't hold their value well so if you are patient you should find them for good prices used. I finally sold mine for around $180 Canadian, but not through here.
Feb 24, 2016 at 10:25 AM Post #1,762 of 2,667
ah the KEF are on-ears. though the cushion and the padding looks really plush and soft. i think they might not fare well in hot and humid conditions here in singapore. I think in crazy -40 temperatures in canada, they can be really nice ear warmers haha
Feb 24, 2016 at 10:36 AM Post #1,763 of 2,667
  ah the KEF are on-ears. though the cushion and the padding looks really plush and soft. i think they might not fare well in hot and humid conditions here in singapore. I think in crazy -40 temperatures in canada, they can be really nice ear warmers haha

So funny, but no, the Sony is the better ear warmer and much hotter. Summer here is very humid, and very hot, which was another reason I preferred the M500 over the 1A. I couldn't wear the 1A out in the heat for long as it is over the ear and gets hot and sweaty rather quickly. The KEF as on ear allows for more air flow to hit parts of the ear so cooler for sure.
It surprises people to know how hot and humid it gets here. Our climate shifts from one extreme to the other. In June. July and even August getting to 30 or even 34 is rather common and the humidity is rather high. I meet people from Texas who found it hotter here due to the humidity.
Feb 24, 2016 at 10:39 AM Post #1,764 of 2,667
  ah the KEF are on-ears. though the cushion and the padding looks really plush and soft. i think they might not fare well in hot and humid conditions here in singapore. I think in crazy -40 temperatures in canada, they can be really nice ear warmers haha

Living in Hawaii I'm not to far behind in temperature/humidity.  The MDR-1A while very comfortable get hot for me after an hour
Feb 24, 2016 at 10:45 AM Post #1,765 of 2,667
ah. well 30-34 is what i get usually. But do you guys take out the 1A's ? i think if i get them, they would probably be desk bound. Any of you guys had the chance to compare it with the m50x? 
Feb 24, 2016 at 10:51 AM Post #1,766 of 2,667
  ah. well 30-34 is what i get usually. But do you guys take out the 1A's ? i think if i get them, they would probably be desk bound. Any of you guys had the chance to compare it with the m50x? 

I have an M40X, but never compared them directly. The 1A has nice smooth treble, I liked it more than the Z7 treble believe it or not. If you are staying inside the 1A will be fine, but it is bloody hot for outdoor use for sure. The other quibble I had with the 1A is they start to sound strained and edgy at high volumes which I like to play music at. This was another thing the M500 was better at. Still, if you can get the 1A under $200 it is a solid value, more than that seems wasteful as used they will be more affordable. Still, if you can afford the $220 and don't mind warmer mid bass that does colour the frequencies around it somewhat, the 1A has lots great qualities as well and is worth considering.
Feb 24, 2016 at 11:03 AM Post #1,768 of 2,667
  ah. well 30-34 is what i get usually. But do you guys take out the 1A's ? i think if i get them, they would probably be desk bound. Any of you guys had the chance to compare it with the m50x? 

Had M50s and currently have M50x, while not bad the MDR-1A would get more head time due to the sound being a little more fun.  I got the MDR-1A for portable use but due to the getting hot issue they have only stayed in doors.  My M50x has Shure velour pads which make them fairly comfortable and don't get as hot has the 1A
Feb 24, 2016 at 12:40 PM Post #1,769 of 2,667
Has anyone tried the 1A's, balanced ?

Well hopefully everybody who has commented about their sound and other qualities, has done so from personal experience (demoed / owned them)... so yes, about a couple hundred unique opinions here?
They are tastefully unbalanced headphones, for enjoying music and film. They are as revealing of details as any other headphones in the price category, but the signature is intentionally coloured.
They do scale modestly, like most headphones. Volume is not an issue running from a mobile phone, however, it's advantageous to use an adequately powered DAC to get the most out of their sound-stage and increase clarity.
Feb 24, 2016 at 2:27 PM Post #1,770 of 2,667
Well hopefully everybody who has commented about their sound and other qualities, has done so from personal experience (demoed / owned them)... so yes, about a couple hundred unique opinions here?
They are tastefully unbalanced headphones, for enjoying music and film. They are as revealing of details as any other headphones in the price category, but the signature is intentionally coloured.
They do scale modestly, like most headphones. Volume is not an issue running from a mobile phone, however, it's advantageous to use an adequately powered DAC to get the most out of their sound-stage and increase clarity.

Sorry, I meant a balanced wired connection. ( With a balanced capable DAP )

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