So what's the word on the new Ultrasone HFI-780????
Mar 16, 2008 at 9:48 PM Post #1,261 of 2,328
Someone's tryina get brownie points!
Mar 16, 2008 at 10:25 PM Post #1,263 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just got back from the meet and I'm really tired so the impressions will be kept somewhat short but I listened to the 780's today and....I don't like them at all. I don't understand the hype about them after listening to them.
The bass is simply toooooo much. The highs feel more pronounced (didn't think that was possible after hearing many people complaining about the Proline-highs, but it is) and at times they even hurt my ears. The headphones were fully burned in, like had 500hrs on them so that's not the problem. I listened to them via the Larocco and Ipod.

The music I listened to was Talkie Walkie from Air, some stuff from Pleymo to check out how they handle the metal-part and to see how they would cope with more 'busy' music. I also listened to Pink Floyd.

With Air, the song was Alone in Kyoto for example, it sounded not too bad except for the bass. Compared to the Proline 750's they are less transparant, have more pronounced mids and highs and because of that I think it's more difficult to listen to each part in the music seperately which is something I really like about the 750's. (I don't know if it's because of that, I'm not knowlegable enough to describe it properly I guess).

I decided to feed them Pleymo which is really heavy stuff, with lots of different things in it to see how they would handle it. Disgusting. The bass went real low but it sounded muddy and absolutely awfull. Way too much there. You have a certain string in one song which was so piercing they hurt my ears. They have absolutely no control when it gets heavier in the music. The 750's are much calmer to listen to and you can focus on everything seperately without losing harmony. Their bass is not bloated and stays very controlled whatever you throw at them. Yes, I am a 750 fangirl, simply because I like them. If you find the 750's to bright or not like fun and because of that you wanna hear/have the 780's please look into the Proline 650's. Much more pleasant to the ears. I also enjoyed the 680's more because they had less bass. They did sounded a little flat to me but much much more pleasant than the 780's.

I also don't understand why they are being compared with the ED9's, they are totally different animals. Qua presentation of sound, control and transparancy the Prolines resemble them way more.

Oh, one good thing about them, they were quite comfy!
They isolated better than the 750 probably because of the pleather.

P.S. please forgive my noobish way of descibing my impressions, but I hope they make sense and you can catch my drift.

I definitely can see why people hate this headphone so much. It's definitely not for everybody. These are not the end-all-be-all headphones as some critics of the "hype" have believed that we 780 lovers are seeing these as. I love the 780's because I love the way it presents my rock music. I love up front and in my face. My roommate just got his pair of 750's and I got a few hours of headtime with them today after he came back from home. From what I remember of my incoming 780's, the 750 is TOO LAID BACK for me. I took them off my head because I was getting a bit bored with my rock music. Call me unexcitable
. However, they were SO much more comfortable with the velour pads. My thoughts are the exact opposite of what Contrastique thinks. They are still fun to listen to, but I prefer the energy that the 780's provide. Maybe it's because I've listened to so much metal and rock, that I'm used to this kind of presentation of music. I also like the 780's because they are the best closed headphones I have owned at this price point. The D2000's failed to satisfy me in every single way possible, while they are loved by MANY members of the forum here. I'll put it out there. I would not listen to the 780's with my classical music or jazz music. These would SUCK with those kinds of music. I don't think anybody can go into the 780's expecting anything, and the people that recommend the 780's need to realize that the 780's are something that need to be heard first before people will know if they like them or not. I expect lots of buyer's remorse on these headphones.


Originally Posted by Andrew_WOT /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Contrastique, your review was like ...

Very refreshing.

There have been a few people who've already expressed the same impression of the 780's as Contrastique has. Just not to that degree, so IMO, it's not that refreshing at all. Unless, of course, you're trying to earn some brownie points
. Of course, I may take your comment a bit to personally because you are indirectly insulting what I like
! It seems like you really have it out for the 780's. That's fine with me. I've had it out for the HD595's forever, and I feel the same way about the HD595's as you probably feel about the 780's. I urge you to try them out first, though. You may find that you actually like them. Or probably hate them, as it seems like you have already made up your mind about them. Regardless, these are the best closed headphones for me at this price point.
Mar 16, 2008 at 10:44 PM Post #1,264 of 2,328
I almost find it hard to believe people think these cans have overpowering bass. My 780's have 72 hours on them and the bass is still a bit too weak for me. It has tightened up over time, but is still FAR from strong or overpowering. Must be just a difference of opinion over what constitutes strong bass. it could be that i'm used to listening to my home theater which packs a huge kick (dual definitive supercube II's). That it, unless the bass on these becomes significantly stronger in the next 30 hours. I don't really hear the shrill highs either. Perhaps a bit harsh and aggressive with some songs, but nothing "shrill". Listening to Dark Side of the Moon, the only word that came to mind was "smooth". Comparing these to Shure's entire line and home theaters since i've never listened to anything else really.
Mar 16, 2008 at 10:51 PM Post #1,265 of 2,328
Funny how people can have different opinions about the same stuff. Keeps it interesting. It's not that I hate them, it's maybe I expected too much after reading all these mostly raving comments.
It was actually the metal stuff (pleymo) that really turned me down as the flaws in the bass became dead-obvious to me.
They are more funsounding and up front than the 750s. The latter are more calm yet get you into the music while still being able to hear everything. It's all a matter of preferences in the end, everyone has different ears. I'm wondering now how the ALO-version sounds though and how much they improve them.
Mar 16, 2008 at 10:54 PM Post #1,266 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Insanity /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I almost find it hard to believe people think these cans have overpowering bass. My 780's have 72 hours on them and the bass is still a bit too weak for me. It has tightened up over time, but is still FAR from strong or overpowering.

It's not just the overpowering part but it doesn't sound like a clean and controlled bass.
Mar 16, 2008 at 10:55 PM Post #1,267 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Funny how people can have different opinions about the same stuff. Keeps it interesting. It's not that I hate them, it's maybe I expected too much after reading all these mostly raving comments.
It was actually the metal stuff (pleymo) that really turned me down as the flaws in the bass became dead-obvious to me.
They are more funsounding and up front than the 750s. The latter are more calm yet get you into the music while still being able to hear everything. It's all a matter of preferences in the end, everyone has different ears. I'm wondering now how the ALO-version sounds though and how much they improve them.

you said you also listened to the 680. could you give your impressions on them?
Mar 16, 2008 at 10:57 PM Post #1,268 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It's not just the overpowering part but it doesn't sound like a clean and controlled bass.

Like you said, everybody is different, likes different things, and prefers different things. I just hope everybody realizes that every headphone has its supporters and its un-supporters
. You may like something while hating something else. It's all preference and that's what this forum is about. People just need to be cautious about raving comments. If they have similar tastes, then that will add to the raving. If the tastes differ, it always leads to buyer's remorse, and somebody going around talking a headphone down because they didn't get what they wanted
Mar 16, 2008 at 11:00 PM Post #1,269 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Funny how people can have different opinions about the same stuff. Keeps it interesting. It's not that I hate them, it's maybe I expected too much after reading all these mostly raving comments.
It was actually the metal stuff (pleymo) that really turned me down as the flaws in the bass became dead-obvious to me.
They are more funsounding and up front than the 750s. The latter are more calm yet get you into the music while still being able to hear everything. It's all a matter of preferences in the end, everyone has different ears. I'm wondering now how the ALO-version sounds though and how much they improve them.

I didn't get mine ALO-recabled, but I had warrior05 recable them for me for much less than $100 as opposed to $300 for the ALO. I'll post my impressions about how it changes the sound. Hopefully it doesn't make it too laid-back
Mar 16, 2008 at 11:02 PM Post #1,270 of 2,328

Originally Posted by skip2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
you said you also listened to the 680 also. could you give your impressions on them?

I didn't listen to them as long as I did to the 780's so I can't go into extreme depth. Dex will provide you all with a more subtle review in the future.

The first thing I noticed was that the amount of bass was a lot less. Still there but not as overwhelming. Had a more upfront midrange as the 750's and were quite nice. Highs were also less pearcing. Again lacked in transparancy and detail but were much nicer to my ears. They did sound a little flat, maybe because of the bass-reducement.
That's about it though. The listening was too short to make a profound statement on this one. You'll have to hold your horses and wait for Dex his review
Mar 16, 2008 at 11:15 PM Post #1,271 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I didn't listen to them as long as I did to the 780's so I can't go into extreme depth. Dex will provide you all with a more subtle review in the future.

The first thing I noticed was that the amount of bass was a lot less. Still there but not as overwhelming. Had a more upfront midrange as the 750's and were quite nice. Highs were also less pearcing. Again lacked in transparancy and detail but were much nicer to my ears. They did sound a little flat, maybe because of the bass-reducement.
That's about it though. The listening was too short to make a profound statement on this one. You'll have to hold your horses and wait for Dex his review

thanks for that. i want to get as many impressions as possible, even if they're not very detailed. and i'll hold my horses, it's just that they're going wild!
i don't want to rush Dexdexter in any way though as making a proper comparison is much better than a hastily done.
Mar 16, 2008 at 11:20 PM Post #1,272 of 2,328
I sent my 780's off to S2 Audio to be recabled (including all the internal wiring and removal of the diode board). I considered selling them since I wasn't fully digging them stock, but there were lots of things I did like, so I decided to take a flier on a recable. Will report back when I receive them.
Mar 16, 2008 at 11:23 PM Post #1,273 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Skylab /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I sent my 780's off to S2 Audio to be recabled (including all the internal wiring and removal of the diode board). I considered selling them since I wasn't fully digging them stock, but there were lots of things I did like, so I decided to take a flier on a recable. Will report back when I receive them.

So you are getting a double sided cable instead of single-entry then?
Mar 16, 2008 at 11:27 PM Post #1,274 of 2,328

Originally Posted by Insanity /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I almost find it hard to believe people think these cans have overpowering bass. My 780's have 72 hours on them and the bass is still a bit too weak for me. It has tightened up over time, but is still FAR from strong or overpowering. Must be just a difference of opinion over what constitutes strong bass. it could be that i'm used to listening to my home theater which packs a huge kick (dual definitive supercube II's). That it, unless the bass on these becomes significantly stronger in the next 30 hours. I don't really hear the shrill highs either. Perhaps a bit harsh and aggressive with some songs, but nothing "shrill". Listening to Dark Side of the Moon, the only word that came to mind was "smooth". Comparing these to Shure's entire line and home theaters since i've never listened to anything else really.

When I listen to the 780s through the Gilmore Lite, the bass presentation is radically different than when I listen to them on my Yamaha 6090 receiver. With the Gilmore, the bass is subdued, but focused...through the receiver, the bass is heavy. Either way, I like them. With my Denon D5000s, the Gilmore Lite brings out the bass and the Yamaha kills them - the exact opposite. Maybe you science types can answer that.
Mar 17, 2008 at 12:45 AM Post #1,275 of 2,328
Contrastique, that is a really attention grabbing and very shocking review of the 780 compared to the 750. I had a hunch that the 780 may not be everything that the raving complements were saying, but I did not know that it would be that bad....

I know that it is never easy to say something contradictory to what most others are saying, but the courageously contradicting views such as yours offer a more balanced analysis of a new product such as the 780. I have read many postings from you and I have always found your views to be very objective and fair. Hence, I am quite surprised at the level of disappointment you felt towards the 780 compared to the 750.

Kudos for your refreshingly different view!


Originally Posted by Contrastique /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just got back from the meet and I'm really tired so the impressions will be kept somewhat short but I listened to the 780's today and....I don't like them at all. I don't understand the hype about them after listening to them.
The bass is simply toooooo much. The highs feel more pronounced (didn't think that was possible after hearing many people complaining about the Proline-highs, but it is) and at times they even hurt my ears. The headphones were fully burned in, like had 500hrs on them so that's not the problem. I listened to them via the Larocco and Ipod.

The music I listened to was Talkie Walkie from Air, some stuff from Pleymo to check out how they handle the metal-part and to see how they would cope with more 'busy' music. I also listened to Pink Floyd.

With Air, the song was Alone in Kyoto for example, it sounded not too bad except for the bass. Compared to the Proline 750's they are less transparant, have more pronounced mids and highs and because of that I think it's more difficult to listen to each part in the music seperately which is something I really like about the 750's. (I don't know if it's because of that, I'm not knowlegable enough to describe it properly I guess).

I decided to feed them Pleymo which is really heavy stuff, with lots of different things in it to see how they would handle it. Disgusting. The bass went real low but it sounded muddy and absolutely awfull. Way too much there. You have a certain string in one song which was so piercing they hurt my ears. They have absolutely no control when it gets heavier in the music. The 750's are much calmer to listen to and you can focus on everything seperately without losing harmony. Their bass is not bloated and stays very controlled whatever you throw at them. Yes, I am a 750 fangirl, simply because I like them. If you find the 750's to bright or not like fun and because of that you wanna hear/have the 780's please look into the Proline 650's. Much more pleasant to the ears. I also enjoyed the 680's more because they had less bass. They did sounded a little flat to me but much much more pleasant than the 780's.

I also don't understand why they are being compared with the ED9's, they are totally different animals. Qua presentation of sound, control and transparancy the Prolines resemble them way more.

Oh, one good thing about them, they were quite comfy!
They isolated better than the 750 probably because of the pleather.

P.S. please forgive my noobish way of descibing my impressions, but I hope they make sense and you can catch my drift.


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