Simgot IEM discussion thread.
Jan 15, 2024 at 2:42 PM Post #151 of 526
Seems to me like the EA500LM is the better choice if you find yourself preferring a warmer sound or want to save money. EA500LM's dynamic driver may be a bit better than the EA1000's but EA1000 has the passive radiator which gives the EA1000's bass a fairly unique feel that some people may value and the EA500LM isn't able to replicate.
Why would you think the EA500LM has a better driver? The EA1000 is their flagship product which most likely has a higher quality driver. It would be strange to put a higher-end driver in their much lower-priced product.
Jan 15, 2024 at 3:24 PM Post #153 of 526
Why would you think the EA500LM has a better driver? The EA1000 is their flagship product which most likely has a higher quality driver. It would be strange to put a higher-end driver in their much lower-priced product.
It is a new driver that they just developed. EA1000 still has a more advanced driver configuration overall but the dynamic driver itself I don't think it is too crazy to say that they could have improved a bit on it. Also, Simgot has several more IEMs they are planning to release including the EM10 which seems like it is going to be their actual flagship.
Jan 15, 2024 at 3:52 PM Post #154 of 526
It is a new driver that they just developed. EA1000 still has a more advanced driver configuration overall but the dynamic driver itself I don't think it is too crazy to say that they could have improved a bit on it. Also, Simgot has several more IEMs they are planning to release including the EM10 which seems like it is going to be their actual flagship.
We're all aware, but just a gentle reminder...

All (EA500/LM, EA1000) of those removable sound nozzles/tubes are interchangeable😉.

And if you get the Simgot diy tuning kit ($6-8usd), you have even more personalization options (extra foams, mesh filters, replacement sound nozzles/tubes, etc) to tweak your preferred signature, just sayin 😎
Jan 16, 2024 at 2:24 PM Post #156 of 526
They choo-choo hype train reviewers are wrong.
Do you really think Simgot's flagship $220 IEM is now obsolete and bettered by the EA500 successor at $60-$70?
Yeah, i have to agree here. I've heard most reviewers who have compared the ea500LM and EA1000 conclude that the LM might be the 'better value of the two'. Some replies seem to have taken that as 'better sounding'. As you say, Simgot aren't going to keep it at 70 dollars if it was an upgrade to ea1000 sonically.

Each to their own tho, paying 70 dollars and getting sound that's closer to the ea1000 than the extra 100 dollars might suggest... that's useful to know.
Jan 16, 2024 at 2:36 PM Post #157 of 526
Yeah, i have to agree here. I've heard most reviewers who have compared the ea500LM and EA1000 conclude that the LM might be the 'better value of the two'. Some replies seem to have taken that as 'better sounding'. As you say, Simgot aren't going to keep it at 70 dollars if it was an upgrade to ea1000 sonically.

Each to their own tho, paying 70 dollars and getting sound that's closer to the ea1000 than the extra 100 dollars might suggest... that's useful to know.
Not to call them out but if my memory isn't failing me, HBB and ToneDeafMonk both said that the EA500LM were straight up better than the EA1000. HBB even said that he never liked the EA1000 to begin with. I do think that has a lot more to do with their preferred sound signatures though rather than the EA500LM being objectively better.
Jan 16, 2024 at 2:47 PM Post #158 of 526
Not to call them out but if my memory isn't failing me, HBB and ToneDeafMonk both said that the EA500LM were straight up better than the EA1000. HBB even said that he never liked the EA1000 to begin with. I do think that has a lot more to do with their preferred sound signatures though rather than the EA500LM being objectively better.
With ToneDeafMonk you have to subtract 75 enthusiasm points from each initial review. :)
He does provide excellent reviews otherwise!
Jan 17, 2024 at 4:56 AM Post #159 of 526
The 2nd Generation Of Dual-Magnet & Dual-Cavity Lithium-Magnesium Diaphragm Dynamic Driver In-Ear Earphones

$89.99 USD
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Jan 17, 2024 at 8:07 AM Post #160 of 526
I am relatively new to the Simgot sound but last month I gifted the EW200 as a Christmas present but of course I gave it a listen and I was blown away but the sound and its construction at just US$40. After that I already started thinking about getting a set for myself and of course I was eyeing the highly praised EA500 but now that everything is praising the EA500 LM to the moon and back I know where my sights are at!

For the ones here who are more used to the Simgots, about the nozzles (with tunning), do you have a general impression of what each does? And what are your favorites?
Jan 17, 2024 at 10:17 AM Post #161 of 526
With ToneDeafMonk you have to subtract 75 enthusiasm points from each initial review. :)
He does provide excellent reviews otherwise!

No apologies for my excitement on this set.
Jan 17, 2024 at 11:48 AM Post #163 of 526
I watched your review this morning and I have to say, I'm impressed.
When you compared it to the Softears Twilight, was it because they're both single DDs or do they sound that similar?
Softears Twilight is my reference DD they don't sound close. Both are differentially tuned.
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Jan 17, 2024 at 12:07 PM Post #164 of 526

No apologies for my excitement on this set.

I think this is a trick to force me to buy the EA500LM.
I don't believe I'll like it better than the EA1000, but now I feel I need to compare them myself to satisfy my curiosity.
At the very least, I'll have a different flavor of Simgot to enjoy as I like their house sound.

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