Shure SRH1540 Review
Jun 20, 2014 at 1:05 PM Post #556 of 2,683
Do you think the Valhalla 2 will be ok? Reason I'm asking is that I've been offered one locally for a very good price that's only a couple of weeks old (buyer remorse) by a colleague (I've looked at invoices etc)?

Won't be the greatest match.  Low gain might be acceptable, but the Asgard, Magni, or Vali would be better, and those are cheaper than a fair used price of Valhalla. 

So...update my fellow headfiers...

I brought home a Valhalla 2 and tried it out. It was fairly new with under 10 hours of use. First impressions, compared to coming off straight from a MacBook were good. Clearer sound, more power, bigger soundstage. Listened to with the Shures a bit, but unfortunately the pair did not work well. Bass was bloated, mids were weird (can't describe them any other way) and highs were just a bit brittle. Tried the HD650s as well and these really sang with the Valhalla 2 but as I'm not keeping them, there was no point so I returned this Schiit. It seems that the way to go would be with something else (I'm very new to headphone listening) and the Bifrost/Asgard 2 combo is looking increasingly tempting.

Jun 20, 2014 at 2:39 PM Post #557 of 2,683
  I'm looking for a pair of Shure SRH1540 ear pads.
If you want to sell them to me, please send a PM.
Jun 20, 2014 at 3:18 PM Post #558 of 2,683

Thanks, I know.
But I live in the Netherlands. With shippingcosts and tax, they'll cost me $ 57,-. That's a bit too much.
They are not for sale in Europe.
Jun 20, 2014 at 3:51 PM Post #559 of 2,683
It seems that the way to go would be with something else (I'm very new to headphone listening) and the Bifrost/Asgard 2 combo is looking increasingly tempting.

It's a wonderful combo just make sure to get the Bifrost with the Uber mod (that's the same advice I was given when I purchased the Bifrost).
Jun 25, 2014 at 11:21 PM Post #562 of 2,683
What exactly is this?  How does it enhance the audio experience? TIA

I read that it sounds a tad grainy without it.  Check out the Bifrost thread and you will get more detail there.
**UPDATE**Here's the link for the thread I was referring to:
Jun 26, 2014 at 6:59 AM Post #563 of 2,683
Couple of words about metal music + 1540.
(Summary on impressions on metal + 37 cans is here
Headpnones left a mixed impression. On the one hand it is very flat, accurate cans with a good bass and large soundstage (for closed cans), pleasant mids and rather comfortable highs (sounds delicious, does not it?). 1540 received were highly rated on innerfidelity. Retail price on 1540 is rock solid and does not drop down day by day. But… Cans (for me personally) do not have the "highlight" that could make them a champion and this is the main complaint.
For example, what do we have on Doom. I expected 1540 are the good old 840, but better in every way possible. Technically that’s very close to the truth. But it turns out that in his weight class 840 - prominent ears, and 1540 - just good ... It's easy unbalance (compared with 1540), that adds 840 some pepper. And we don’t have “spice” in 1540. All good, but there is no spark in them. OK, but no more.
Where headphones did show their best:
Progressive: This is where the combination of the formally high performance with mild highs rise, appropriate soundstage and prominent bass is more than welcome. Their finest hour.
Alternative: Modesty and precision give 200% hit.
Smooth, balanced, accurate and calm headphones. No obvious problems. Do not jump through the head.
Jun 26, 2014 at 5:47 PM Post #564 of 2,683
Yeah, for any type of metal harder than, say, prog or djent I turn to other headphones.
Jun 28, 2014 at 1:49 PM Post #565 of 2,683
I've been eyeing these off for a while as an upgrade from Momentum over-ears at my work setup. Finally got a chance to audition them, and first and lasting impressions were the bass was thunderous! I feel the momentum's bass can be a bit muddy at times, a little uncontrolled, but overall enjoy the sound signature...the 1540 was tight, deep, but almost overwhelming...
That said, all the detail was there, but I felt I had to listen for it.
All in all, the comfort might just push me over the edge....these are glorious on the head. Light and cozy.

Jun 28, 2014 at 5:39 PM Post #567 of 2,683
The Geek Out 1k sounds FABULOUS with the a Shures...just sayin
Jul 10, 2014 at 7:57 PM Post #569 of 2,683
Now I've spent a little time with these, I don't feel the bass is as bloated as my first impression led me to believe. I auditioned them on a violectric stack, and I was hearing other cans at the time, so maybe the comparison tricked me.
Anyway, now I have them paired with Grant Fidelity tubedac, and it is fantastic. The bass is tight and deep with great soundstage. I feel these are a great complement to LCD-X -- different class of course, but I will be happy with these for a long time!
Jul 10, 2014 at 10:38 PM Post #570 of 2,683
  Now I've spent a little time with these, I don't feel the bass is as bloated as my first impression led me to believe. I auditioned them on a violectric stack, and I was hearing other cans at the time, so maybe the comparison tricked me.
Anyway, now I have them paired with Grant Fidelity tubedac, and it is fantastic. The bass is tight and deep with great soundstage. I feel these are a great complement to LCD-X -- different class of course, but I will be happy with these for a long time!

Agreed, the more I listen the better they become it seems. I too found the bass a bit much at the start, but now I kinda miss it when I swap headphones.
Comfort is also the best I've tried, only the slightest pressure on the top of the head, but the pads are dreamy, and the fit is almost perfect. No movement or struggling to get them to sit right. Set and forget. No fatigue for me at all with these, worn for hours on end.

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