Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Nov 30, 2020 at 10:12 PM Post #21,151 of 23,307
Wow, that’s a mighty solid list. Some information that would be helpful include your preferred music genres, your tastes in bass quantity, and any sensitivities to particular frequencies. Three of the four are all-BA IEMs, so I gather that is your preferred driver setup?

I think you may get some helpful comparisons on this all-purpose high-end IEM thread:

Since it’s not a brand specific thread, you may get a bit less biased recommendations.
I actually prefer hybrid with DD for bass, such as Nio which I have, but that is about the most expensive one that I will pay for.
Under 1k, I don't see anyone that will surpass Nio on bass with its tuning capability, so wandering about all BAs setup.

I will surely check the thread you refer.

Dec 1, 2020 at 3:51 AM Post #21,152 of 23,307
Thanks, I am thinking to get one of these: shure se846, ier-m9, Maze Rai Penta, Andromeda 2020, any suggestion which one to get.

Out of reflex I'd answer "SE846" of course :wink:
But @IEMusic is right, a bit more information about your preferences might help tailor any suggestions. I've tested the original Andromeda several times, and while sound is OK, ergonomics is not (for me that is). The SE846 fits my ears much better, plus I like its sound signature better (being a fan of EDM/electronica myself).
Dec 1, 2020 at 7:31 AM Post #21,153 of 23,307
I actually prefer hybrid with DD for bass, such as Nio which I have, but that is about the most expensive one that I will pay for.
Under 1k, I don't see anyone that will surpass Nio on bass with its tuning capability, so wandering about all BAs setup.

I will surely check the thread you refer.


Hybrid is my preference as well, though the SE846 does bass really well, with about the same performance in bass as a DD driver. I happen to own a custom N8 btw, due to that preference for DD bass...
There's a new hybrid model from Shure, the Aonic 4. Might be worth a listen, and it's not that expensive.
Dec 1, 2020 at 12:29 PM Post #21,154 of 23,307
Hybrid is my preference as well, though the SE846 does bass really well, with about the same performance in bass as a DD driver.
I agree. The se846 has the most DD-like bass from BAs that I’ve heard thus far, due to the bass conduit design, causing more natural bass decay. The mids are very full sounding, but not warm, nor recessed. It makes a superb stage monitor (which it was designed for) with excellent vocals IMO. The treble has been the controversial part. It helps to not have bright treble in a stage monitor, but I think that the treble has plenty of clarity and sparkle, and it doesn’t sound dark at all. Only the upper treble air, above 10KHz, is missing compares to some other IEMs.
Dec 1, 2020 at 12:57 PM Post #21,155 of 23,307
After 7 years, is this still a competent iem among all multi-drivers iem today?

I'd say it's as enjoyable to listen to as it ever was, even though in time it's more and more difficult to impress us hobbyists :wink:
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Dec 1, 2020 at 1:33 PM Post #21,156 of 23,307
I agree. The se846 has the most DD-like bass from BAs that I’ve heard thus far, due to the bass conduit design, causing more natural bass decay. The mids are very full sounding, but not warm, nor recessed. It makes a superb stage monitor (which it was designed for) with excellent vocals IMO. The treble has been the controversial part. It helps to not have bright treble in a stage monitor, but I think that the treble has plenty of clarity and sparkle, and it doesn’t sound dark at all. Only the upper treble air, above 10KHz, is missing compares to some other IEMs.

That describes the SE846 very well. I used to like rather bright headphones, but over the last few years came to like a more warm signature. If its well done, one won't miss the details, while overall it sounds more natural, not trying to impress with an unnatural amount of details I'd say. The SE846 plays exactly to this: its all there, but if directly compared to a bright headphone it may seem to miss treble. But as with most signatures, giving the brain some time to get accustomed to it helps a lot. To me the SE846 still sounds nice after more than 5 years, which is quite an accomplishment.

And yes, that bass :)
Dec 2, 2020 at 4:03 AM Post #21,157 of 23,307
Thanks, I am thinking to get one of these: shure se846, ier-m9, Maze Rai Penta, Andromeda 2020, any suggestion which one to get.

M9 and Andro are safer choices, if you're buying blind.

The bass of 846 doesn't agree with me. The extension is phenomenal coming from balanced armature, but imo the texture/decay/attack of DD bass still wins. Sound texture is something that isn't shown on graphs.

But speaking of graphs. It is kind of weird that the difference between M9 and Shure 846 only begins at 3k+ onwards. There is a noticeable treble roll off in the 10k area which maybe the reason why I felt the 846 was so tilted towards the sub-bass. Hence why people may call 846 as a "dark" iem. To my ears the sub-bass is kind of audibly invasive without the sparkles to balance it, and I perceive it as being unnaturally loud in every soundtrack.

The 535s were much better balanced, and was a staple in its time. Nowadays, I think now many companies have come up with better crossovers that allowed iems to have coherent sound even up to 6-18 BAs per side. Technology really is amazing.

Red = M9, Green = Shure 846
Dec 2, 2020 at 4:19 AM Post #21,159 of 23,307
M9 and Andro are safer choices, if you're buying blind.

The bass of 846 doesn't agree with me. The extension is phenomenal coming from balanced armature, but imo the texture/decay/attack of DD bass still wins. Sound texture is something that isn't shown on graphs.

But speaking of graphs. It is kind of weird that the difference between M9 and Shure 846 only begins at 3k+ onwards. There is a noticeable treble roll off in the 10k area which maybe the reason why I felt the 846 was so tilted towards the sub-bass. Hence why people may call 846 as a "dark" iem. To my ears the sub-bass is kind of audibly invasive without the sparkles to balance it, and I perceive it as being unnaturally loud in every soundtrack.

The 535s were much better balanced, and was a staple in its time. Nowadays, I think now many companies have come up with better crossovers that allowed iems to have coherent sound even up to 6-18 BAs per side. Technology really is amazing.

Red = M9, Green = Shure 8461606898790440.png
I consider the 535 to be way too bass light.
The 846 Was the first worthy step up from the 215 IF you value a full bodied sound.

I don't know about the other mentioned IEM models since I am perfectly happy with the 846 even after 5 years.
Dec 2, 2020 at 5:15 AM Post #21,160 of 23,307
@etlouis correct, the SE846 is quite picky about amp output impedance and can show large variations on bad match. Yet I don’t miss treble — I think this mainly occurs in direct comparison with a bright iem
Dec 2, 2020 at 5:17 AM Post #21,161 of 23,307
Dec 2, 2020 at 5:27 AM Post #21,162 of 23,307
I'm Shure it was! And as much as I'd like to hit that like button for you again, I'm afraid for so long as you're on the magic number I won't let myself be the one to spoil it.
Dec 2, 2020 at 5:32 AM Post #21,163 of 23,307
I'm Shure it was! And as much as I'd like to hit that like button for you again, I'm afraid for so long as you're on the magic number I won't let myself be the one to spoil it.

I guess I have to target 9200 next — for my new over-ear toy D9200 :wink:
Dec 2, 2020 at 6:00 AM Post #21,165 of 23,307
Hm, a dilemma! I could help you on your way to 9200, but... that is a loft target indeed. It might be better for to give me your 9200s and thus remove said dilemma entirely :stuck_out_tongue:
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