Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:59 PM Post #3,526 of 22,960
  You ware going to end up with a multi-ba custom anyway... why not assemble $700 and try for a V6-Stage? - If I read you correctly, that could be the only (well, maybe you will get hot for a 1plus2 or Ref1) way to surpass the SE846....
It is as close as you can get to being hard-wired to your music. 

I would get custom but I am still a growing boy. Plus I feel like its easier to sell Universals If I need to suddenly. 
Well in that case you have to go all in. First off is it worth it, yes. But cough 500 more and go th900 over ear and get as close to the sun without losing your vision or burning up. Fostex will blow the shure away, but iem wise, its close to nirvana without doing anything synthetic.

I appreciate the advice - i just have an IEM obsession in particular. I also think the SE846 sub-woofer filter is pretty cool. Plus 1300 is really really stretching it for me :p
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:59 PM Post #3,527 of 22,960
  Help me head-fi:
I have recently purchased some SM3s and UM3x's and loved them for a short bit but then I start to crave more. It seems every headphone that I touch is no-longer good enough and I crave better. My next obsession is the SE846 despite how desperately out of my price range it is. 
I am afraid that im chasing an unreachable goal - that I will end up unloading my UM3x and SM3s to buy the SE846 and love them for a short time only to crave even more. Essentially what I am asking is would you say its worth it. I already feel I have lovely headphones but the uncontrollable craving inside of me craves more and I feel like the SE846 is the answer despite my lack of funds. 
Should i just cut out the middle man and remove my ear drums only to find a way to have analog signals routed directly into my brain? Why stop there? I could just evolve to a higher state of being and convert my consciousness into a 100% digtal being where I could explore the world of lossless audio without ever having to have an analog, colored signal between me and the music. But wait - that wont work, music is recorded to lossless from analog and sound itself, I must cut out the other middle man. Ill convert all the musicians in the world into my higher state of digital being and hold them captive. Music and sound itself will be produced in the digital world and listened to the very same. I will be free to frolic in an unlimited digital loss-less world. There will be no hearing music - only feeling. 

2 words. sm64 are the i would still be listening to them now if didn't break them they are fragile tho less than 1/2 the price for same level of enjoyment both are end game headphones, also they much better than the sm3 - heaps more ballanced
Jun 21, 2014 at 9:01 PM Post #3,528 of 22,960
Go for it!

Question is, specifically what is it that you craving but not getting from your current IEMs? It might help in identifying what you could find yourself craving more of from the 846, should you decide to take the plunge.

Only a handful of people seem left in want after their experience with the 846. As far as I am concerned, I am loving them more and more with every passing day.

Im looking for a really well developed sound stage. And separation of instruments/sounds. I really enjoy bass in particular - but fast and refined bass. 
While I feel my UM3x and SM3s do this well (the SM3s a little better than the UM3x) I feel like it could still be better maybe. 
Jun 21, 2014 at 9:05 PM Post #3,529 of 22,960
Yeah dude. I keep volume WAY lower than I ever did with other products. I think what's great about it is that it works. On lower quality headphones there's sort of a "minimum volume" needed to get the full sonic experience. Turn it down and you'll lose this or that. Not so here.

The IE800s were so bad for this.

The awesome isolation means that volume can be kept down as well. The other day I had been listening for a few hours while on the go, oblivious to the volume being set at below 50%. It is easy to forget that anything above 50% may seem just off hot, when in fact it is approaching a potentially harmful volume due to the reasons that you explained.
Jun 21, 2014 at 9:10 PM Post #3,530 of 22,960
  Im looking for a really well developed sound stage. And separation of instruments/sounds. I really enjoy bass in particular - but fast and refined bass. 
While I feel my UM3x and SM3s do this well (the SM3s a little better than the UM3x) I feel like it could still be better maybe. 

why did u buy the sm3 when sm64 has been out and very highly rated for a long time bro!? sm3 are good for nothing but liquid mids and quirky if not confusing sound stage
seriously if u want top of the line for mid level chek them out go read the threads . i only say this coz if i had the choice now to buy again and i had no earphones and 1000 dollars considering i have tried them both i would buy the 400 dollar pair of sm64 and maybe some dope amp from rsa .i was happier with the sm64 knowing i paid less for them . i am jaded to the 846 coz i read what people say and im like meh not getting it they are awesome sounding i love how they look the technology and the rest but u are paying for the name the packaging the silly gimmick filters
any body here heard the sm64 let know im sure u will agree
unless u find a cheap pair i wouldn't bother if i was you
Jun 21, 2014 at 9:24 PM Post #3,532 of 22,960
Im looking for a really well developed sound stage. And separation of instruments/sounds. I really enjoy bass in particular - but fast and refined bass.

While I feel my UM3x and SM3s do this well (the SM3s a little better than the UM3x) I feel like it could still be better maybe.

Soundstage; it kind of envelopes the mind. Kick drums thump just to the back of your head, while other bass can resonates from down below to right above.

It is.not easy to explain. Soundstage is not artificially wide like the IE& (a previous IEM of mine). It depends heavily on the music. Listen to Metallica Live **** Binge & Purge[, then listen to something recorded in a (much) smaller venue. The 846s do very well in creating sonic imagery of actually being there. You get that sense of just what the venue is like.
That kind of covers imaging as well, which for mine is as strong a suit as bass.

Instrument separation: as I have stated countless times, these puppies are the best in group, short listed for the best in show line-up. You will not be disappointed. Some very clever engineering makes all this possible.

Bass: Natural, visceral, impactful. It plunges lows beyond those of imperialist Russia. Put on Earth Rocker by Clutch and enjoy! Conversely the 846 will not put you in a rave if you want to feed the ducks. Bass response does not show up when uninvited, and bass bleed is a total non-issue.

You will hear the rhythm, pulse, heart amd soul of music as you never have before.

Will they be your endgame? I would like to think so. I say doolo eeeett. :)
Jun 21, 2014 at 9:32 PM Post #3,534 of 22,960
Schtinkmeaner: Methinks you are in need of a superior source.

Sennheiser, yes, you are paying for the name. Shure meanwhile is serious about its game; they also specialise in mics and hearing protection. Hardly a big name big department store brand.

Perhaps they are genuinely not to your liking but I would not jump to that conclusion before investigating other sources and solutions first, even if it means investing further in an already large investment.
Jun 21, 2014 at 9:48 PM Post #3,537 of 22,960
Schtinkmeaner: Methinks you are in need of a superior source.

Sennheiser, yes, you are paying fot the name. Shure meanwhile is serious about its game; they also specialise in mics and hearing protection. Hardly a big name big department store brand.

Perhaps they are genuinely not to your liking but I would not jump to that conclusion before investigating other sources and solutions first, even if it means investing further in an already large investment.

surly my rockboxed dx50 beats ure youphone not myphone 5 to paste. i do like them! iIm just saying there no better than sm64 for the money return  which is fair enough,
no gimmicks no brand name no fancy packaging just quality sound that would satisfy anybody best stock cable on the market 2,
Sure is a big name in a big industry you will pay too much rather these earphones have 500/600 $ premium sound, the other 600 (they are 1200 $ Australian ) the other 600 is paying for build quality , new product using revolution technology -sub-woofer bass should stay in your lounge or in your car if ask me. you're only gunna damage your hearing if you want it loud and as good as it is it its no body rumble   . spruced up packaging . and last but not least the BRAND NAME you cant argue that they would use there name and reputation to sell the product just as Sony or any of the others do (exuding Beats because they are for stupid people and they don't count).
What small name companies do not do is stretch limitations on costing there products based on a flashy badge, I imagine in fact that, it would work the other way round as too try and and work towards being one of the best of the best in the long run by aiming towards  quality lowest possible price - ya feel me ?!
anybody that reads this thread will be so biased towards this product, people who cant necessarily afford 1000 dollars will spend it any way because you guys are sooo in love and rightly so i'm just saying you can get the same level of enjoyment much cheaper
Jun 21, 2014 at 9:53 PM Post #3,539 of 22,960
Well, considering what and how much I am getting out of the experience when plugged into my iPhone or MacBook versus your waning enjoyment, I think the unequivocal evidence is just that.

A Sansa Clip, FiiO X5, Samsung Galaxy Note or similar will probably do you good. I have made the executive decision to stear clear of iBasso products, especially after how disappointing that amp of theirs was with my IE8s.

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