Shure SE846 Impressions Thread
Jun 20, 2014 at 11:32 PM Post #3,511 of 22,960
A song by Lamb of God, Black Label Society and Johnnie Walker, all true.

A trip to Perth's International Beer Shop a few years back saw me pick up several wonderous beers, and a can of UK-brewed Carling Black Label. It was so unspeakably bad I tipped it down the sink; for wasting beer goes against my ever moral fibre. Thankfully this was not "beer".

I wonder if the Canadian version tastes better. But then when I think of Canadian beer, I think Dieu de Ciei.

I like a touch of ambiguity in my chosen usernames.

As someone who aspires to live by independent means by way of food & beverage writing, such metaphorical comparisons make infinitely more sense to me than graphs ever could.

LOL you got me with a red wine tonight. It's not beer, but I was in the mood for a little class and it was too late to hit up the beer store (where I'll go tomorrow).
Speaking of metal, let me tell you something. If you can get your hands on Lowgazers by Plebeian Grandstand, or Asylum by Abest, you will be in Hog Heaven. They make the 846's go to their full extent.
EDIT: also, unfortunately, I had to go back to the uncomfortable Westone TRUE-FIT because they really do sound better to me. Maybe it's in my head, but the sound just seems so much fuller and complete. Maybe the increased isolation does it. I just know that coming out of my tablet (my laptop's output died :C ) it made a significant difference psychologically.
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:14 AM Post #3,512 of 22,960
A song by Lamb of God, Black Label Society and Johnnie Walker, all true.

A trip to Perth's International Beer Shop a few years back saw me pick up several wonderous beers, and a can of UK-brewed Carling Black Label. It was so unspeakably bad I tipped it down the sink; for wasting beer goes against my ever moral fibre. Thankfully this was not "beer".

I wonder if the Canadian version tastes better. But then when I think of Canadian beer, I think Dieu de Ciei.

I like a touch of ambiguity in my chosen usernames.

As someone who aspires to live by independent means by way of food & beverage writing, such metaphorical comparisons make infinitely more sense to me than graphs ever could.

That makes sense. Carling Black Label was/is mainstream swill going way back.I don't think very popular any more (Its all craft and micro brewery's today. Our laws in Ontario have the Beer sold through a quasi Government store OWNED by the Major Beer cos which today are ALL multinational. (oh the irony). I am pretty sure it was not as bad as some others. Which is not saying much.
I just thought I'd ask (tongue in cheek ) as I was reasonably certain a man of your tastes and mind would only reference that beer ironically. Now wash down that bad taste with something delicious and dark handcrafted by a Belgian Monk (Don't forget the mussels)

PS Keep up those metaphorical comparisons Love em / Cheers

Jun 21, 2014 at 2:01 PM Post #3,513 of 22,960
Oh lord no...

Australia's liquor licensing is just as bad. Imperialist, oppressive convict settlement, you see. Beer (and rum) were once currencies. Now the sweet nectar of the common (ie. thou with integrity, dignity & morality still intact) man is subjected to the most bizarre legislature. Craft beer was for a time unfairly targeted; most probably because of industry lobbyists fearful of losing market share. Bear in mind government is a for profit, albeit statutory in nature, organisation first and policy maker... 393rd. Lobbyists and industry kingpins wield infinitely greater power than any politician, hence I imagine that convenience stores in Colorado are now allowed to sell beer over and above 3.5% in spite of outcry from local craft brewers.

Apparently Carling Black Label is the soccer hooligan's brew of choice in the UK. Even though I was born there, football to me nowadays means something entirely different. Played on an oval with a similarly shaped ball and with only one or two clubs left who have lingering, if any, socioreligious ties.

While listening to Global Underground 013: Ibiza - Mixed by Sasha I am enjoying a (rather prolonged) nightcap of a brown ale (Belgian Trappist style) that would scare the pants off of both Kirin and Bose' parent company (assuming they have one) CEOs. Come to think of it..... If they both learned of what real sensory indulgence was all about, it might very well find itself in the wrong hands. Seems everything can be weaponised nowadays. They wouldn't be scared at all. :p /4am tangential nonsense

SomeGuyDude: Abest..... I remember this name, but from whence, and what capacity? I must investigate forthwith, lest my mind becomes even more warped than that of the typical Murdoch press reading Mr. or Mrs. Goggins.

There are a couple of excellent metal stores around Melbourne and perhaps even better, I have only recently joined the written contributors clan over at Metal Obsession. They might prove a very handy resource in tracking down material by the artists you have mentioned.

A review is currently in the works is for an EP by Norse, an Australian independent artist. Naturally Pest sounds as raw as salmonella in terms of mastering but there is so much going on besides. The 846 really brings out the gangrenous texture of it all. Seriously worth checking out!
Jun 21, 2014 at 2:19 PM Post #3,514 of 22,960
just my l8test impressions ,and this can only be a good thing, out of all my previous iems the 8's are the only that i enjoy listening to at low levels, evn more so than higher. Its like i have a big ear for a brain and 2  smaller ones that serve only one purpose, that is to just hold the iems still in place while i syringe in 432 hz brain melting audio - you tube "cymatics and 432 hz audio if u dont believe its true you brain actually melts . On the other hand, palm or knuckles, when i turn them up they are quite forceful to my orifices and i realize that my ears are being harassed somewhat, quite is my new loud . I do not want to get deaf from my hobby
Jun 21, 2014 at 2:34 PM Post #3,516 of 22,960
Listening fatigue is most likely a sign of subtle hearing damage. I have comecaway from listening sessions with my body still in Melbourne but my head and ears were blown several hundred clicks in either direction of the Bass Strait.

The 8s definitely provide a"matured" listening experience on so many levels.
Jun 21, 2014 at 3:51 PM Post #3,519 of 22,960
IEMs are going to be inherently more "fatiguing", particularly at high volumes, because they're making effectively a little vacuum chamber. The waves aren't just vibrating against your ear like how a speaker or even full-sized headphone works, the air inside your ear canal is being pressurized. Realize what this means at high volume or when dealing with something like a powerful bass frequency (which causes much larger waveforms). 
TBH one reason I'm very happy with the SE846 is, even with my precious death metal, I can listen to it with the volume lower than on others thanks to the fuller, more complete sound. 
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:31 PM Post #3,520 of 22,960
Help me head-fi:
I have recently purchased some SM3s and UM3x's and loved them for a short bit but then I start to crave more. It seems every headphone that I touch is no-longer good enough and I crave better. My next obsession is the SE846 despite how desperately out of my price range it is. 
I am afraid that im chasing an unreachable goal - that I will end up unloading my UM3x and SM3s to buy the SE846 and love them for a short time only to crave even more. Essentially what I am asking is would you say its worth it. I already feel I have lovely headphones but the uncontrollable craving inside of me craves more and I feel like the SE846 is the answer despite my lack of funds. 
Should i just cut out the middle man and remove my ear drums only to find a way to have analog signals routed directly into my brain? Why stop there? I could just evolve to a higher state of being and convert my consciousness into a 100% digtal being where I could explore the world of lossless audio without ever having to have an analog, colored signal between me and the music. But wait - that wont work, music is recorded to lossless from analog and sound itself, I must cut out the other middle man. Ill convert all the musicians in the world into my higher state of digital being and hold them captive. Music and sound itself will be produced in the digital world and listened to the very same. I will be free to frolic in an unlimited digital loss-less world. There will be no hearing music - only feeling. 
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:44 PM Post #3,521 of 22,960
burtonr: lol!

Schtinkmeaner: You are selling your 846?

SomeGuyDude: What I had previously interpreted as moderate volume when listening to the iIE8s and IE800s is now a totally different animal . The Shures live and breathe much closer toward the ear, hence one reason among a few, I suppose, for needing to be mindful of volume, taking breaks etc.

It is mighty tempting at times to crank the iPhone volume up to 60-65% to really feel the power, however more often than mot, volume is kept between 40 and 55%.
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:51 PM Post #3,522 of 22,960
  Help me head-fi:
I have recently purchased some SM3s and UM3x's and loved them for a short bit but then I start to crave more. It seems every headphone that I touch is no-longer good enough and I crave better. My next obsession is the SE846 despite how desperately out of my price range it is. 
I am afraid that im chasing an unreachable goal - that I will end up unloading my UM3x and SM3s to buy the SE846 and love them for a short time only to crave even more. Essentially what I am asking is would you say its worth it. I already feel I have lovely headphones but the uncontrollable craving inside of me craves more and I feel like the SE846 is the answer despite my lack of funds. 
Should i just cut out the middle man and remove my ear drums only to find a way to have analog signals routed directly into my brain? Why stop there? I could just evolve to a higher state of being and convert my consciousness into a 100% digtal being where I could explore the world of lossless audio without ever having to have an analog, colored signal between me and the music. But wait - that wont work, music is recorded to lossless from analog and sound itself, I must cut out the other middle man. Ill convert all the musicians in the world into my higher state of digital being and hold them captive. Music and sound itself will be produced in the digital world and listened to the very same. I will be free to frolic in an unlimited digital loss-less world. There will be no hearing music - only feeling. 

You ware going to end up with a multi-ba custom anyway... why not assemble $700 and try for a V6-Stage? - If I read you correctly, that could be the only (well, maybe you will get hot for a 1plus2 or Ref1) way to surpass the SE846....
It is as close as you can get to being hard-wired to your music. 

Jun 21, 2014 at 8:52 PM Post #3,523 of 22,960
Help me head-fi:

I have recently purchased some SM3s and UM3x's and loved them for a short bit but then I start to crave more. It seems every headphone that I touch is no-longer good enough and I crave better. My next obsession is the SE846 despite how desperately out of my price range it is. 

I am afraid that im chasing an unreachable goal - that I will end up unloading my UM3x and SM3s to buy the SE846 and love them for a short time only to crave even more. Essentially what I am asking is would you say its worth it. I already feel I have lovely headphones but the uncontrollable craving inside of me craves more and I feel like the SE846 is the answer despite my lack of funds. 

Should i just cut out the middle man and remove my ear drums only to find a way to have analog signals routed directly into my brain? Why stop there? I could just evolve to a higher state of being and convert my consciousness into a 100% digtal being where I could explore the world of lossless audio without ever having to have an analog, colored signal between me and the music. But wait - that wont work, music is recorded to lossless from analog and sound itself, I must cut out the other middle man. Ill convert all the musicians in the world into my higher state of digital being and hold them captive. Music and sound itself will be produced in the digital world and listened to the very same. I will be free to frolic in an unlimited digital loss-less world. There will be no hearing music - only feeling. 

Well in that case you have to go all in. First off is it worth it, yes. But cough 500 more and go th900 over ear and get as close to the sun without losing your vision or burning up. Fostex will blow the shure away, but iem wise, its close to nirvana without doing anything synthetic.
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:53 PM Post #3,524 of 22,960
SomeGuyDude: What I had previously interpreted as moderate volume when listening to the iIE8s and IE800s is now a totally different animal . The Shures live and breathe much closer toward the ear, hence one reason among a few, I suppose, for needing to be mindful of volume, taking breaks etc.

It is mighty tempting at times to crank the iPhone volume up to 60-65% to really feel the power, however more often than mot, volume is kept between 40 and 55%.

Yeah dude. I keep volume WAY lower than I ever did with other products. I think what's great about it is that it works. On lower quality headphones there's sort of a "minimum volume" needed to get the full sonic experience. Turn it down and you'll lose this or that. Not so here. 
Jun 21, 2014 at 8:56 PM Post #3,525 of 22,960
Help me head-fi:

I have recently purchased some SM3s and UM3x's and loved them for a short bit but then I start to crave more. It seems every headphone that I touch is no-longer good enough and I crave better. My next obsession is the SE846 despite how desperately out of my price range it is.

I am afraid that im chasing an unreachable goal - that I will end up unloading my UM3x and SM3s to buy the SE846 and love them for a short time only to crave even more. Essentially what I am asking is would you say its worth it. I already feel I have lovely headphones but the uncontrollable craving inside of me craves more and I feel like the SE846 is the answer despite my lack of funds.

Should i just cut out the middle man and remove my ear drums only to find a way to have analog signals routed directly into my brain? Why stop there? I could just evolve to a higher state of being and convert my consciousness into a 100% digtal being where I could explore the world of lossless audio without ever having to have an analog, colored signal between me and the music. But wait - that wont work, music is recorded to lossless from analog and sound itself, I must cut out the other middle man. Ill convert all the musicians in the world into my higher state of digital being and hold them captive. Music and sound itself will be produced in the digital world and listened to the very same. I will be free to frolic in an unlimited digital loss-less world. There will be no hearing music - only feeling.

Go for it!

Question is, specifically what is it that you craving but not getting from your current IEMs? It might help in identifying what you could find yourself craving more of from the 846, should you decide to take the plunge.

Only a handful of people seem left in want after their experience with the 846. As far as I am concerned, I am loving them more and more with every passing day.

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