Shure E500/E530 Cable Poll
Feb 9, 2008 at 3:07 AM Post #316 of 391

Originally Posted by headfone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The bad news: my E530's cables are getting stiff after only a few months of use -- just like my E500 and E2C.


The "good" news: The 2-year warranty resets with replacement. So Shure will prob. keep replacing, ad infinitum, as long as the issue continues and you're willing to put up w/the fuss noted above.

That's totally lame that the 530's are doing it. Is it only newer 530's that are "fixed" ? ... Are the "fixed" ones completely absent of the issue or only more resistant?

As for your good news, the rep also told me that the warranty was only good for two years from the original purchase date. I suppose that's not quite the same thing as saying they definitely wouldn't oblige you after the warranty period is over, though.
Feb 9, 2008 at 11:28 AM Post #317 of 391

Originally Posted by headfone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"deteriorating service" and product reliability (the Shure cable problem) are not the same thing.

First of all I never claimed that the problems with Shure where identical to those at Dell, nor did I suggest that individuals would get satisfaction. I claimed that poor business practices cannot be swept under the rug for long in today's environment and catch up with companies very quickly. To quibble about the nature of the poor business practice and whether it's a "service" issue or a "product" issue simply indicates you can't follow a simple line of reasoning and have missed the point completely. And ... for your information, hiding behind a 2 year warranty when a full product recall is really in order is NOT good service. As for the length and age of this thread, how many people do you think will ever consider spending hundreds on a Shure product again after such a negative experience? Not only will they loose a large percentage of the customers who have posted here, they will loose an even greater number of people who hear or read about the problem. The fact that the companies long term bottom line will eventually suffer does not mean the individuals who have been "ripped off" will ever get anything more the satisfaction of this knowledge. Man, some people need everything spelled out for them.
Mar 9, 2008 at 7:20 PM Post #318 of 391
I also ran into this issue and received replacement from Shure. I love Shure's warranty program too. Just mail in your unit with some paperwork and they just mail you a replacement. No need to even talk with a person about it.

I've had wonderfully good service from Shure since I bought my first pair of E1 IEMs back in 2000. Keep it up!
Apr 3, 2008 at 12:59 PM Post #319 of 391

Originally Posted by Febs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mine as well, also replaced in October 2007 with an SE530. The cable has not cracked--yet--but it has definitely stiffened and I am concerned. Time will tell.

The cable on the SE530 I received in October 2007 has now cracked. This pair was supposed to be one with the newer formulation (date code 0227) and while it lasted a bit over six months compared to the last two defective pairs that I had to return, each of which cracked in three months, it nevertheless failed in an unreasonably short time.
Apr 6, 2008 at 7:56 AM Post #320 of 391

Originally Posted by headfone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The "good" news: The 2-year warranty resets with replacement. So Shure will prob. keep replacing, ad infinitum, as long as the issue continues and you're willing to put up w/the fuss noted above.

Where do you get "The 2-year warranty resets with replacement" from ? The warranty doesn't seem to say so!

Apr 6, 2008 at 3:12 PM Post #321 of 391

Originally Posted by dvluong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Where do you get "The 2-year warranty resets with replacement" from ? The warranty doesn't seem to say so!

In a phone conversation with Shure, they said so.
When Shure sent the new replacements, they also included a receipt which stated new 530s shipped from Shure to me (by name) and to my address. There was no menton of in-warranty repair/replacement.

Botom line: They shipped a brand new pair of IEMs which has its own 2-year warranty -- as expected, I suppose. If in doubt, call Shure to confirm.
Apr 24, 2008 at 10:33 AM Post #322 of 391
I posted in November 2007 to say that my SE530 cable had split after 5 months of use. Shure UK did a warranty replacement on them and I got a (brand new, sealed and unused) pair of SE530s, but which were stamped with E500 and an *older* serial no. than my original pair.

At the time I spoke to Shure UK and they basically said that they were not aware of the cable splitting problem and to simply return the replacement phones if it recurred. Guess what? I sent in that pair for another warranty replacement yesterday, after the cable split again.

When I spoke to Shure UK this time they did, however, confirm that they were aware of the cable issue and also confirmed that replacements will be issued from brand new SE530 stock, using the updated cable compound. So it sounds like some progress has been made.

Here's hoping that the new compound really has fixed the problem (several posts here suggest that it has not...). I love these phones but if they continue to fail in this way then I will be giving SERIOUS consideration to an alternative (maybe the fabled Westone 3 triple driver IEMs if they ever go on sale).
Apr 24, 2008 at 11:31 AM Post #323 of 391
Two things: Frist, the cable on my updated (via Shure USA warranty) E530s feels substancially stronger than that of the old E500s I had sent in for repair.

Second, I've come to the conclusion after listening to my E530s for well over a month now that they are very sonically neutral. By that I mean that they reproduce whatever music I'm listening to, via whatever amp, as the recording and the amp pass it on - little to no editorializing. This, to me anyway, is significant, as it demonstrates the E530s overall neutrality in reproducing whatever is being played - which is a good thing. I hate colored headphones/IEMS.
Apr 24, 2008 at 12:28 PM Post #324 of 391
Not seen this thread in a while.

While its here though..... I've just contacted Shure UK this week for a new Returns Authorisation Number as they call em. This is my second time returning a pair of SE530 to them. This time though i've got a pair of on the way to try out during the return process...
Apr 24, 2008 at 1:05 PM Post #325 of 391

Originally Posted by Febs /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The cable on the SE530 I received in October 2007 has now cracked. This pair was supposed to be one with the newer formulation (date code 0227) and while it lasted a bit over six months compared to the last two defective pairs that I had to return, each of which cracked in three months, it nevertheless failed in an unreasonably short time.

I had a pair date code 0227 cracked after 9mths - have received a new set 2007/12/11 - not sure whether to sell these
What alternatives are there for £200 that offer me what the se530's do?
Apr 24, 2008 at 1:13 PM Post #326 of 391
WOW. This is really awful!!! 40% of the users are reporting problems before 10 months of use. That seems to me like a major flaw. I am debating between the triple fis and the se530pth and this has definitely turned the balance towards the UEs.

Can somebody confirm if this problem with the cable is also related to the E500???

WOW...this is truly disappoingting because I was almost ordering the Shures. This problem makes it even worse to buy from non authorized dealers as it is so likely that I will have problems with them.

I think I am going to order the triple fis in the next few minutes.
Apr 30, 2008 at 8:06 AM Post #327 of 391
Just to give Shure UK some credit, I returned my faulty SE530s (as above) on Thursday 24 April and received the replacements on Monday 28 April. These were marked 03/2008 on the box and the serial stamp confirms this (0638).

The cable itself does not look or feel any different from the "old" type that has caused so much misery, but I guess that only time will tell!

Of course I now have two unused fit kits / carry cases with all accessories. Any sale value for these on ebay?
Apr 30, 2008 at 8:10 AM Post #328 of 391
My se530's were RMA'd and replacements received in 10 days.

Date Dec 2007.

There now
with the g/f she loves them!
Apr 30, 2008 at 10:16 AM Post #329 of 391
Does anyone know how shure deals with International purchases ? My E500 cable just cracked a week ago, but they were bought from the US (I'm from Australia).

Would shure send them back if I arranged to send them to the Australian service centre, WITHOUT telling them I bought them overseas ?

I bought them brand new and i have the paypal receipt.
Jun 11, 2008 at 9:59 AM Post #330 of 391
I had them for a year and they just broke last week. I've always been very cautious since I have a student budget and can't afford another pair of those. They always seen their home when not used witch is not often since they are nearly always on my ears. When the wire opened over my left ear I started searching for people with the same problem as me and found the marvelous universe of head-fi.

Unfortunately I'm not going to be home before 2 month and had to do some home made repair to hopefully have them working until I come back for the warranty replacement.

The Number on the Y connector tells 3056 so around the end of 2006 (October-November) Hope I'll get the new compound wires with the replacement!

Sadly my wire broke but thanks to that I've found you guys!

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