Shozy Zero IEMs
May 7, 2016 at 9:31 AM Post #601 of 1,545
Thanks guys, for the brief comparison to E80. I really like my e80 with SpinFit taming the 8k region. It's very hard to upgrade because I really like the signature. And e80 built is pretty though. From the review I can get the feeling it might right my alley but seems rather side upgrade. Maybe I should recommend it to friends.
May 7, 2016 at 9:52 AM Post #602 of 1,545
Thanks guys, for the brief comparison to E80. I really like my e80 with SpinFit taming the 8k region. It's very hard to upgrade because I really like the signature. And e80 built is pretty though. From the review I can get the feeling it might right my alley but seems rather side upgrade. Maybe I should recommend it to friends.

I agree that the Zero is more o a side grade than upgrade from the E80's. The Zero is more intimate, warmer and have more mid bass while the E80 has a wider soundstage, more airy presentation and considerable more air in the sound.

Good upgrades from the E80 imo is A-T CKR9 and Aurisonics Rockets depending on what you want more or less of.

That being said the Zero isn't that far away from the Rockets in its signature either.......
May 7, 2016 at 12:09 PM Post #603 of 1,545
I agree that the Zero is more o a side grade than upgrade from the E80's. The Zero is more intimate, warmer and have more mid bass while the E80 has a wider soundstage, more airy presentation and considerable more air in the sound.

Good upgrades from the E80 imo is A-T CKR9 and Aurisonics Rockets depending on what you want more or less of.

That being said the Zero isn't that far away from the Rockets in its signature either.......

Yeah, where is that new earphone for "those who thought the E80 wasn't quite high end enough". I knew by the end of the year was to soon but thought SM would have it out around this time. Those won't be $50 though. So, we need to start asking where that SM is and what Shozy will give us for a $99 earphone.
Not sure unamped if the Rockets aren't just too "n" shaped to say that. Amped and the bass and treble come to play more but unamped the Rockets are much more of a midrange focus vs. the Zero's warmth and slight bass focus. A bit farther away just out of a phone or player. With juice and the Zero bass tightening up further with amping and the Rockets ends in full force I agree not that far away just not in every situation IME :)
May 7, 2016 at 1:47 PM Post #604 of 1,545
Yeah, where is that new earphone for "those who thought the E80 wasn't quite high end enough". I knew by the end of the year was to soon but thought SM would have it out around this time. Those won't be $50 though. So, we need to start asking where that SM is and what Shozy will give us for a $99 earphone.

Not sure unamped if the Rockets aren't just too "n" shaped to say that. Amped and the bass and treble come to play more but unamped the Rockets are much more of a midrange focus vs. the Zero's warmth and slight bass focus. A bit farther away just out of a phone or player. With juice and the Zero bass tightening up further with amping and the Rockets ends in full force I agree not that far away just not in every situation IME :)

Yeah, bring it on SM :wink:

I'm not saying that the Rockets and Zero sound the same but after extensive comparison today as a part of my Zero review I can safely say that the Rockets are the IEM among the ones I own that sounds most similar to the Zero. Mid bass presence and impact is definitely the biggest difference to my ears.
May 8, 2016 at 12:50 AM Post #605 of 1,545
Haha E80 is high end for its price. What I seek Maybe a little more air and refinement in high and timbre? The truth is at can jam it's really hard for me to justify other's refinement offer. What I really like is ATH-IM02 / ATH-IM03. Maybe I should just get Zero for the fun of it. Hope the built is though. Although I tried to baby my iem sometimes accident occurs
May 8, 2016 at 1:05 AM Post #606 of 1,545
Tried this at the Portland, OR meet as did some other IEM fans. We were all pleasantly surprised at the sound it delivered at its price point. I'll be getting in a pair for evaluation soon and will comment further then. For now, let's just say I'm definitely looking forward to getting them in house 

May 8, 2016 at 1:06 AM Post #607 of 1,545
  Tried this at the Portland, OR meet as did some other IEM fans. We were all pleasantly surprised at the sound it delivered at its price point. I'll be getting in a pair for evaluation soon and will comment further then. For now, let's just say I'm definitely looking forward to getting them in house 

don't tease me. i am waiting for mine

May 8, 2016 at 1:36 AM Post #610 of 1,545
I hadn't used Zero for a few days, my mind had forgotten their performance level slightly.
Because you think, 'yeh' $50 etc. When I used them this afternoon (right now actually) it was like being wow'd all over again.
Spend the evening with them no problems.
May 8, 2016 at 1:42 AM Post #611 of 1,545
I hadn't used Zero for a few days, my mind had forgotten their performance level slightly.

Because you think, 'yeh' $50 etc. When I used them this afternoon (right now actually) it was like being wow'd all over again.

Spend the evening with them no problems.
akin to VE Monk haha
May 8, 2016 at 4:52 AM Post #615 of 1,545
I have an issue with these. If I just barely touch the outside circle of the earphones, I am talking very very lightly; not enough to move them, then I got more detail. Then  I took one finger and barely touched the earbuds side touching much more of the wood. The sound got even more detailed. I then took it further and pinched both sides lightly. More detail. Then I pinched them pretty damned hard and man the detail that came out was incredible.
Before the pinch method, in this one song there's a background piano that you can't really separate out much so you don't really hear it in any sort of detail. You know it's there but you just cant make it out. With the hard pinch method I could make out the background piano and hear the keys that were being played - I could tell what the piano was playing.  Albeit it was still low in volume, but the fact that I could "hear" it in some sort of detail was amazing. Another song had a synth that you can kinda hear but you just can't separate it well from the recording since it is in the background and not prominent. Using the hard pinch method I was able to hear what that synth was playing.
Why is this? Are these wood drivers vibrating? Is this a known issue where there is some sort of work around? Would wrapping them in electrical tape help? Is my pair defective? Also getting some driver flex when inserting these. Don't know if that had anything to do with it..
I have tried other tips. A few of them seemed like the pinch method didn't do as much. However none of these tip sounded as good as the stock tips so that may explain that. The Denon AH-C300 "white and blue soft tips" seemed to be nearly immune to the pinch, but only sounded maybe 85% of the stock tips losing a good deal of sub base. BTW these earphones are not burned in maybe have 2-3 hours on them

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