Mar 9, 2010 at 8:40 AM Post #16 of 65

Originally Posted by userlander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Don't those come in 32ohm? I would go as low with the impedance as possible with the Shanling. My 250ohm DT880s sound like crud with this amp, as I mentioned before. Maybe 80 ohm would be okay, not sure (edit: what's the output impedance of the shanling? can't find that info anywhere).

Yeah I remember you said that. It's a shame that entire thread got deleted
Had some very useful information, probably also the detailed specs you are looking for. I have the manual but unfortunately it just so happens I can't read Chinese :s

Anyway, the impedance of the V6 is 63Ω, so I would think that the PH100 will have no problem driving a phone with an impedance of 17Ω more (right?). I'm assuming this, considering the fact that a lot of people even use their V6 unamped through portable music players. And the sensitivity is almost the same, 105 dB/mW for the DT770, and 106 dB/mW for the V6.


Originally Posted by angle_sh00ter /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I have the 32 ohm DT880 and the PH100 drives it really well. But if you are looking for a bassy phone then I'd really suggest the Ultrasone Pro 550. It's 64 ohms and it is an absoluter bass monster, however the bass is well controlled and surprisingly it doesn't drown out vocals at all.

That's cool, but I really want to go for a Beyer this time. The different versions are very confusing btw, but apparently there is indeed a 32Ω of the DT770 but it is harder to find and quite more expensive than the 80Ω.
Mar 9, 2010 at 4:53 PM Post #17 of 65
sorry to detract from the op's can search but i know its been said the k701 pairs fairly well with this amp, anybody heard the combo and can recommend it? Id be using it with my 702s.
Mar 11, 2010 at 4:40 PM Post #18 of 65
anybody able to comment on the k701/2 with the ph100?
Mar 12, 2010 at 4:28 AM Post #20 of 65
^ this amp should be pretty good with the 80 ohm beyer's, its meant for loads 120 ohm and under. i cant comment on how it would sound as i havent heard it and wish someone could shed some useful info on this amp
Mar 14, 2010 at 4:30 AM Post #21 of 65

Originally Posted by RazorJack /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And what I'm most concerned about:
- Sometimes, during bass-heavy music (which I listen to alot), the left side of my headphone (Sony MDR-V6) makes a very slight crackling sound. I don't really know how to describe this, it's a weird scratching sound and it's awful. I read somewhere that this might be caused by a hair in the earcup, but I checked and cleaned it out completely but the problem persists. When I hook my gaming headset (Razer Carcharias) to the amp, the bass sounds a lot less deep and powerful, but there is no crackling sound. Is the PH100 not driving my MDR-V6 correctly?? The really weird thing is that this doesn't happen always, but it's more noticable at higher volume levels.

Check again for some foreign material on the surface of the driver. Hair or flaked off foam dust/chunks can cause havoc with the Sony V6 driver. Take off the ear pads and try to clean off the surface of the driver. The driver is behind a metal screen with paper punch size holes in it. Carefully blow to try to dislodge anything. I also use a cotton ball that's been pulled out and formed into a Q-tip shape (but it's all cotton, no q-tip stick) then poke the cotton in through the holes of the driver cover and try to clean off the driver. I have to do that rather frequently with my V6. My V6 are old, the foam is deteriorating. Foam and other foreign material on the driver makes the driver distort.

Also make sure the four screws around each driver are reasonably snug. A loose screw might allow some vibration at certain bass frequencies and loudness.
Mar 19, 2010 at 9:03 PM Post #23 of 65
Thanks for the advice HamSandwich, I tried that, but it didn't help. There was no noticable dirt or dust beneath the metal screen, but I tried cleaning it with a self-made cotton stick like you said anyway, no luck

I received my DT770pro/80 yesterday, it's really fantastic, and the PH100 drives it perfectly (the amp in the cd player however, doesn't). The quality is (as expected) better than the V6, the bass is deeper and more detailed, and it has a nearly completely silent background, whereas with the V6 some faint but definitely noticable static could be heard when nothing was playing. As you can probably tell I'm not really a good reviewer but I'll just go ahead and say I'm very satisfied because I've never been able to hear my favorite music like this. The bass, is just.. incredible, for me as a basshead that's of course a good thing but I can definitely understand why some people wouldn't like this headphone cause it might be too overwhelming.

The design of the beyer is awesome, it fits snugly on my big head with small ears and I can't believe how light it is, despite being partly made of metal.

Mar 20, 2010 at 8:09 PM Post #24 of 65

Originally Posted by mmayer167 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
anybody able to comment on the k701/2 with the ph100?

It drives my 300 hour+ 701s better than
- Slee Solo/PSU1 (2006)
- Consonance Cyber 30 (tho' this is a superb amp - esp. for RS-1)
- Consonance Cyber 20 (only good w/high imp).

Still can't love 701s except when in the mood or light/female vox... & sting ;-)

Also excellent w/dt770/80, HD250, HD25-I. IE8 &, after warming up, HD650

Still not convincing w/RS-1 for me.

If you can still get one, highly recommended for the price.
Mar 31, 2010 at 5:50 AM Post #26 of 65
Currently running my DT880/600 off it. Doesn't sound too bad, although highs feel a bit rolled off, which is probably one of the driving forces of the "narrow soundstage". I got it when i had my K701 since it was said by a couple of members to be a decent pairing.

No idea how it stacks up against much else but.. Doesn't seem too bad really.

65mW eh? probably want something that can drive these easier then, although i've never noticed any clipping or signs that the amps near max capacity
Mar 31, 2010 at 1:34 PM Post #27 of 65

Originally Posted by Ninkul /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Currently running my DT880/600 off it. Doesn't sound too bad, although highs feel a bit rolled off, which is probably one of the driving forces of the "narrow soundstage". I got it when i had my K701 since it was said by a couple of members to be a decent pairing.

No idea how it stacks up against much else but.. Doesn't seem too bad really.

65mW eh? probably want something that can drive these easier then, although i've never noticed any clipping or signs that the amps near max capacity

If the way my DT880/250s sounded with the PH100 are any indication, all I can say is that you are not driving those phones anywhere near to optimally. Maybe even the opposite. If you like the sound I guess that's up to you, but relatively speaking I can't imagine it sounds all that great compared to pairing them with a decently matched amp. But to each his or her own.
Mar 31, 2010 at 2:44 PM Post #28 of 65

Originally Posted by userlander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
If the way my DT880/250s sounded with the PH100 are any indication, all I can say is that you are not driving those phones anywhere near to optimally. Maybe even the opposite. If you like the sound I guess that's up to you, but relatively speaking I can't imagine it sounds all that great compared to pairing them with a decently matched amp. But to each his or her own.

Eh, tight budget. Nothing really to compare to either. If you haven't heard better, the best is still the best
. Planning on upgrading once money is flowing (unemployed <_<. The usual.. fresh out of uni and nobody will take me because of my lack of experience, i lack experience because nobody will take me thing lol)
Mar 31, 2010 at 2:50 PM Post #29 of 65

Originally Posted by Ninkul /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Eh, tight budget. Nothing really to compare to either. If you haven't heard better, the best is still the best
. Planning on upgrading once money is flowing (unemployed <_<. The usual.. fresh out of uni and nobody will take me because of my lack of experience, i lack experience because nobody will take me thing lol)

You could probably trade/sell on the forum for either a more suitable amp, or more suitable phones for the amp. Not saying you should do that if you're happy with the sound, but if you wanted to experiment a little, the buy/sell/trade forum might be a good resource.
Apr 1, 2010 at 1:48 AM Post #30 of 65

Originally Posted by userlander /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You could probably trade/sell on the forum for either a more suitable amp, or more suitable phones for the amp. Not saying you should do that if you're happy with the sound, but if you wanted to experiment a little, the buy/sell/trade forum might be a good resource.

Yeah, thought about that. Dont think i could get anything spectacular for trading in the PH100, its not exactly a piece of equipment with a price tag. I was planning on building/getting someone to build me a M^3 (or perhaps i'll go tubes..) when i get the $$. Eh, decision will happen when i get the money.

DT880 still trumps the K701 in this setup.

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