Seriously why so much hate on Bose?
Jun 4, 2010 at 8:43 PM Post #47 of 187
It is true that Bose does not offer much bang for the buck... but it's difficult to find headphones that are more comfortable than them. Bose headphones aren't suited for my needs, but let me tell you... there are many moments when I have wished that my MS1i were nearly half as accommodating. Many well-regarded headphones share this issue - the K81DJ, for example, known for its clamp factor, but many people are willing to ignore this in favor of what they view as a pleasing sound signature. There are not many who would do and sacrifice the opposite. It's all a matter of priority, I suppose.
Jun 4, 2010 at 8:51 PM Post #48 of 187

It is true that Bose does not offer much bang for the buck... but it's difficult to find headphones that are more comfortable than them. Bose headphones aren't suited for my needs, but let me tell you... there are many moments when I have wished that my MS1i were nearly half as accommodating. Many well-regarded headphones share this issue - the K81DJ, for example, known for its clamp factor, but many people are willing to ignore this in favor of what they view as a pleasing sound signature. There are not many who would do and sacrifice the opposite. It's all a matter of priority, I suppose.

Have you tried other headphones like the Sennheiser's HD800 or the denon's headphones?
Jun 4, 2010 at 9:27 PM Post #49 of 187 least I think so. I'm no fast food junkie but even I don't understand how someone can say it tastes bad. I like whole grains and veggies as much as the next guy, but I can also enjoy a fatty, salty burger.

No highs, no lows, it must be Bose. A salesman said that to me once. Funny stuff. At least you started off this hobby listening to some decent headphones. But no way in hell should you be happy with Bose for the rest of your life. Bose just advertises more then anyone else and that's why you probably bought their product. That's why a million people go to McDonalds for a burger. Does a big mac actually taste good? As you get older you will eventually discover the better things in life. Bose just isn't it.

Jun 4, 2010 at 9:30 PM Post #50 of 187

Quote: least I think so. I'm no fast food junkie but even I don't understand how someone can say it tastes bad. I like whole grains and veggies as much as the next guy, but I can also enjoy a fatty, salty burger.


And if BOSE made that fatty and salty burger, it would cost over $100.

Jun 4, 2010 at 10:24 PM Post #52 of 187
I explored head-fi from reading some other Bose dissing thread, so I have to thank my Bose OE, without it I'd never start my audiophile journey. I sold it right after registering my head-fi nickname tho 
 so much easier to sell some mainstream stuff like Bose or Beats...
Jun 4, 2010 at 10:25 PM Post #53 of 187

But it would be all rump steak, haha, do you get it!... ...maybe not. 

More like roadkill. (I'm only joking here BTW).
The QC15 have very impressive NC capabilities and don't sound too bad, just not $350 good.
Jun 5, 2010 at 12:03 AM Post #57 of 187
Have you tried other headphones like the Sennheiser's HD800 or the denon's headphones?

I truly I wish that I have had the opportunity to try the HD800.
I don't own the Denons, but I did briefly audition a friend's pair - yes, they are comfortable, and that's why I did say difficult - not impossible - to find. I do think it's a fair statement that the majority of headphones out there are less comfortable than what Bose offers.

Jun 5, 2010 at 12:36 AM Post #58 of 187
Nobody can blame Bose for advertising.  I am sure if other brands were to start to market their product at the same caliber as Bose, a change in purchases would follow quickly.  Not entirely sure, but seems logical enough.
Also, as I understand it, all the people who bash on Bose seem to have formed opinions of their own based off the supposedly poor quality for the money Bose delivers.  I hear from reviewers and other forums on Head-Fi the sound reproduction isn't very accurate.  It seems to me I could not know exactly whether or not this is true unless I am in the studio listening to what a musical piece is supposed to sound like, then taking the time to listen to many headphones to find the most accurate reproduction.  Even so, I thought all cans had a different sound signature to them.  So in some ways, Bose are like all the rest, they offer a different way to listen to a piece of music?  I've read some headphones are light and airy whereas some are warm and some are in your face sounding, why must Bose be bashed on for it's difference in sound?  Is there any one set of headphones that is completely correct in reproduction of the music?
I cannot say I record music and have many headphones to see which are the best, and I certainly am new to audiophile headphones.  But I am willing to learn.  I just don't think bashing on Bose is acceptable.  In fact, I am sure some people even enjoy the sound Bose offers them.  It is all a matter of opinion.  And saying that the masses are uneducated seems wrong.  Like I said, Bose is very good at advertising, but how often do you see marketing for the brands praised here on Head-Fi?  In fact, some might even choose to be rationally ignorant.  The value of the Bose phones to those that enjoy it is good enough so they stop searching and that should be good enough for you, if you don't like them, you don't have to listen to them.
Audiophiles make up a small niche in the larger part that is our community.  So those that so choose will go beyond the advertising and find hidden gems the public has no knowledge of.
Jun 5, 2010 at 12:58 AM Post #60 of 187

It is true that Bose does not offer much bang for the buck... but it's difficult to find headphones that are more comfortable than them.

Bose Around Ear $130:

JVC HA-S700 $25-30

Like I said before, not only do they look similar, but they FEEL and sound similar as well. This is why Bose gets hated on. They are overpriced to hell.  I actually LOVE the HA-S700 because they offer good sound, durability (built better than the Bose despite the similar looks), and portability for so cheap. If Bose priced their stuff like JVC does (RX700 and RX900 anyone?), they'd be better liked around here.

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