Sennheiser HD800 S Impressions Thread (read first post for summary)
Feb 26, 2016 at 6:58 PM Post #361 of 8,828
  Source material will be very important. 

I think I'm covered 
 I have tried HD800 plenty of times so I know all about it hehe. Thanks though.
So you are set for HD800S? Not thinking about Hifiman X?

HEX is out of the question, but I'm not 100% set on HD800S yet. I'd like to audition it before purchase if possible but if that can't happen I'm probably gonna buy it.
Feb 27, 2016 at 3:02 PM Post #362 of 8,828
To Dharma and Shabta :)
So I listened, I listened a lot to the point that now I'm in love with them!
I wake up and it's the first thing I want to do, listening to the HD800S and maybe I'm too extreme but now I just can't stand the Jh3A+Jj16, it feels like something is missing, oxygen, space, I dunno but something is really missing there for sure so I'm going to sell them if that's even possible.
In the end I'm very happy, I used to tell everyone that my JH13 were the best thing I ever bought but it's definitely the HD800S now.
P.s While I'm waiting for the HDVD820. I'm thinking of getting an Isol-8 MiniSub Axis. Please someone tell me it's a stupid and useless thing to buy :wink:
Feb 27, 2016 at 7:40 PM Post #363 of 8,828
  To Dharma and Shabta :)
So I listened, I listened a lot to the point that now I'm in love with them!
I wake up and it's the first thing I want to do, listening to the HD800S and maybe I'm too extreme but now I just can't stand the Jh3A+Jj16, it feels like something is missing, oxygen, space, I dunno but something is really missing there for sure so I'm going to sell them if that's even possible.
In the end I'm very happy, I used to tell everyone that my JH13 were the best thing I ever bought but it's definitely the HD800S now.
P.s While I'm waiting for the HDVD820. I'm thinking of getting an Isol-8 MiniSub Axis. Please someone tell me it's a stupid and useless thing to buy :wink:

Glad to hear, that You love now also full size hp-s... but I would definitely keep JH or other IEM-s also.
PS! Power conditioners like Isol-8 MiniSub Axis and others are important too if other audio components are 'high' class DAC-s and also electrostats amplifiers, etc. But then, some 'high' class devices already have good 'built-in' power-'conditioners' too...
Feb 28, 2016 at 1:10 AM Post #364 of 8,828
my favorite pick of the meet was Franks modded HE400 with Audeze vegan pads The bass Got a chance to meet w @Oregonian @nmatheis and @Vividcard today. Gotta say it was a bit relieving to see other people like headphones as much as I do and not feel silly about it. A few hours fly by really fast. I could imagine a real meet. IF ANYONE IN PORTLAND WANTS TO HAVE A MEET let's do it! Specially @KB
Franks HD800 vs my HD800S
Well I must admit that like him I wish that amps had hardware tone controls. I didn't have a chance to AB them both with eq and stupidly forgot to play with Franks tone controls on his vintage amp but I enjoyed my time. 
Throughout the FR they sounded very similar
I wasn't able to hear a bigger soundstage on the OG nor was I able to hear more bass on the Black Senn. However, others heard slightly more bass. So  I took them to some of my songs and while it seemed that the bass was easier to perceive sans the OG's treble spike when I really honed in on the bass to hear level's I actually could not hear a bass boost. After more and more testing I felt like hearing more bass could have been placebo or just less distracting treble. What I also felt was that the original had slightly better transient response than my S version. Just a fraction more dynamic and the S was slightly softer sounding overall. Otherwise the differences were negligible as voices etc didn't seem to gain more body just that there was a warmer and more natural feeling with the S that was welcomed. If these both came out at the same time I would say you could simply eq the treble spike out of the OG out and be fine. However if you don't like to eq the S was the definite winner in my book. Right now though the price difference between a used HD800 (specially lower since the S has been released) makes purchasing an excellent condition HD800 the no brainer. 
I was so caught up and time flew by so fast that I didn't compare the Dharma to the HD800S. From memory though I would still say that I like the treble textures on the Dharma more but I didn't have a chance to self check for any bias by a direct comparison. 
Taking my S back home, I tried some eq on the bass to get it to have a little more weight... NOPE not happening...either tone controls or amp pairing. The bass is to sharp in transient response and doesn't have enough density to be pushed up. As is though and on a lot of songs I use I am fine with it so long as it isn't bloated. This bass is never loose and is very tight. Tighter than any headphone at the meet (Dharma, LAmodded d7000, Omni, HE400((3pairs))). Also the soundstage opens up more at lower SPLs when you push the volume up its like the space fills up in the in the HD800S. To really enjoy the HD800S qualities you must listen at normal levels. I have yet to be fatigues with this HD800S... It sounds great... can't wait for my amp to arrive... HURRY UP Trafomatic!!! Plus if I keep it I can colorware it! 
my favorite pick of the meet was Franks modded HE400 with Audeze vegan pads:  The bass was richer and more weighty!!, the transient response was punchy though it slightly lost some control on drums and bass, also some of the details were slightly less etched out. The mids were not recessed, the sound stage was more open and actually bigger. The sibilance was practically gone!!! for that price every body and their mom on HF should have one of those. I will get one and be happy for a while, After I try the HE5le though in hopes of it being more open. This is what the HE400S should sound like. No offense but the 400S is crap to me... sorry. Atleast Sennheiser did the "S" right!!!
Feb 28, 2016 at 2:50 AM Post #365 of 8,828
  my favorite pick of the meet was Franks modded HE400 with Audeze vegan pads The bass Got a chance to meet w @Oregonian @nmatheis and @Vividcard today. Gotta say it was a bit relieving to see other people like headphones as much as I do and not feel silly about it. A few hours fly by really fast. I could imagine a real meet. IF ANYONE IN PORTLAND WANTS TO HAVE A MEET let's do it! Specially @KB
Franks HD800 vs my HD800S
Well I must admit that like him I wish that amps had hardware tone controls. I didn't have a chance to AB them both with eq and stupidly forgot to play with Franks tone controls on his vintage amp but I enjoyed my time. 
Throughout the FR they sounded very similar
I wasn't able to hear a bigger soundstage on the OG nor was I able to hear more bass on the Black Senn. However, others heard slightly more bass. So  I took them to some of my songs and while it seemed that the bass was easier to perceive sans the OG's treble spike when I really honed in on the bass to hear level's I actually could not hear a bass boost. After more and more testing I felt like hearing more bass could have been placebo or just less distracting treble. What I also felt was that the original had slightly better transient response than my S version. Just a fraction more dynamic and the S was slightly softer sounding overall. Otherwise the differences were negligible as voices etc didn't seem to gain more body just that there was a warmer and more natural feeling with the S that was welcomed. If these both came out at the same time I would say you could simply eq the treble spike out of the OG out and be fine. However if you don't like to eq the S was the definite winner in my book. Right now though the price difference between a used HD800 (specially lower since the S has been released) makes purchasing an excellent condition HD800 the no brainer. 
I was so caught up and time flew by so fast that I didn't compare the Dharma to the HD800S. From memory though I would still say that I like the treble textures on the Dharma more but I didn't have a chance to self check for any bias by a direct comparison. 
Taking my S back home, I tried some eq on the bass to get it to have a little more weight... NOPE not happening...either tone controls or amp pairing. The bass is to sharp in transient response and doesn't have enough density to be pushed up. As is though and on a lot of songs I use I am fine with it so long as it isn't bloated. This bass is never loose and is very tight. Tighter than any headphone at the meet (Dharma, LAmodded d7000, Omni, HE400((3pairs))). Also the soundstage opens up more at lower SPLs when you push the volume up its like the space fills up in the in the HD800S. To really enjoy the HD800S qualities you must listen at normal levels. I have yet to be fatigues with this HD800S... It sounds great... can't wait for my amp to arrive... HURRY UP Trafomatic!!! Plus if I keep it I can colorware it! 
my favorite pick of the meet was Franks modded HE400 with Audeze vegan pads:  The bass was richer and more weighty!!, the transient response was punchy though it slightly lost some control on drums and bass, also some of the details were slightly less etched out. The mids were not recessed, the sound stage was more open and actually bigger. The sibilance was practically gone!!! for that price every body and their mom on HF should have one of those. I will get one and be happy for a while, After I try the HE5le though in hopes of it being more open. This is what the HE400S should sound like. No offense but the 400S is crap to me... sorry. Atleast Sennheiser did the "S" right!!!

Thanks for the review, GB.
I fully understand that having bought the S you're happy with it, but as someone with the original and who has no problem with the treble spike (if mine has one), then your review confirms again that it really would be hard to justify spending the extra to get the S. Thanks again!
Feb 28, 2016 at 3:14 AM Post #366 of 8,828
^thanks! That's Def not a review but for sure if you don't have a problem with the treble then it's not an upgrade.

Of note: Also At 1699 Vs 1499 the cable and better paint may be worth it to a first time buyer like me. Colorware removed the option to send in your hps but now allows the HD800S to be sent in because it's paint doesn't chip as easily. So it's esthetic value is higher as well.
Feb 28, 2016 at 4:05 AM Post #368 of 8,828
Im not going to call it full, nor does it slam hard ie the Omni bass is harder fuller, and slams harder, the lcd2.1 is fuller slams harder but is not as tight. I am hoping that when my trafomatic head 2 arrives it gives it some impact and body.

Trust me, you will be pleasantly surprised!

Thanks for the reassurance!
Feb 28, 2016 at 7:30 AM Post #369 of 8,828
  To Dharma and Shabta :)
So I listened, I listened a lot to the point that now I'm in love with them!
I wake up and it's the first thing I want to do, listening to the HD800S and maybe I'm too extreme but now I just can't stand the Jh3A+Jj16, it feels like something is missing, oxygen, space, I dunno but something is really missing there for sure so I'm going to sell them if that's even possible.
In the end I'm very happy, I used to tell everyone that my JH13 were the best thing I ever bought but it's definitely the HD800S now.
P.s While I'm waiting for the HDVD820. I'm thinking of getting an Isol-8 MiniSub Axis. Please someone tell me it's a stupid and useless thing to buy :wink:

Do you have any news on the HDVD820? I'm waiting for the same thing and asked several local/not so local hifi shops for any info about that and all have said that no news currently :frowning2: 
Feb 28, 2016 at 7:59 AM Post #371 of 8,828
My impressions of S are getting better by the day. Tight bass slam, everything in its place, mid detail excellent for the magic, warm and smooth. Instrument and vocal inflections and a sound stage that gives the notes room. Balance. It may not be fun as th900 but heck its "real" and to my ears, that can be funner. There isnt a genre that it seems not to measure up to, from ludovico einaudi to super flu. Th900 is a drummers dream HP. HD800S is for the score itself.
Feb 28, 2016 at 8:06 AM Post #372 of 8,828
  My impressions of S are getting better by the day. Tight bass slam, everything in its place, mid detail excellent for the magic, warm and smooth. Instrument and vocal inflections and a sound stage that gives the notes room. Balance. It may not be fun as th900 but heck its "real" and to my ears, that can be funner. There isnt a genre that it seems nt to measure up to, from ludovico einaudi to super flu. Th900 is a drummers dream HP. HD800S is for the score itself.

Just out of interest are you using the S in balanced or SE mode please?
Feb 28, 2016 at 8:09 AM Post #373 of 8,828
  My impressions of S are getting better by the day. Tight bass slam, everything in its place, mid detail excellent for the magic, warm and smooth. Instrument and vocal inflections and a sound stage that gives the notes room. Balance. It may not be fun as th900 but heck its "real" and to my ears, that can be funner. There isnt a genre that it seems nt to measure up to, from ludovico einaudi to super flu. Th900 is a drummers dream HP. HD800S is for the score itself.

Just out of interest are you using the S in balanced or SE mode please?

Direct to chord hugo TT which only gives SE output. ( rob watts designer belief ) I have not received my DHC cable yet, give picks and thoughts after i get them.
Feb 28, 2016 at 8:17 AM Post #374 of 8,828
Thanks Sir. I had a long hard listen to them this past week at my dealer and compared them to my own (non modified) HD800s and found it difficult to hear a great deal of difference. I am now going to borrow a pair to listen to them at home and where I can compare more directly and with balanced cable and see if I can hear the differences which most people are mentioning.  
Feb 28, 2016 at 8:22 AM Post #375 of 8,828
  Thanks Sir. I had a long hard listen to them this past week at my dealer and compared them to my own (non modified) HD800s and found it difficult to hear a great deal of difference. I am now going to borrow a pair to listen to them at home and where I can compare more directly and with balanced cable and see if I can hear the differences which most people are mentioning.  

As my sig suggests Im coming from the no senn history market, just th900. so i have no comment on the issue of upgrade. I did in fact pull the trigger as a pre order when the S was launched. I had been researching for a compliment to fostex and picked up TT as a dac amp to run the 800S. 

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